Brave ne
i‘nin time In time. niii' pnlitical ligiiies like In lecttii'e tlie Senttisli ptiblic abntit lllL'll' pai‘tialitx In the ‘Scnttisli (‘IIlttii'al ('i‘inge'. ('tiltiii‘al ci'inging is a i'ecngnisetl lll\ltll'lc' antl anllIi‘iipnlngical plIenniIIennn. antl llllllle' 'lai‘iIIac. telex l\lllll antl (iriilit/ '//ii'll .llilii. xx e can't claim In liax e inx entetl it that \\;I\ .-\ll\ll'itllitll xx I Met .'\.'\ l’lIillips. in NS“. describing lInxx s\ll\ll‘illlttll illltllL‘llk'L‘\ Ientletl In assume that xxni‘lxs bx lnc'al artists xx ere iiIlei‘ini‘ In tlInse iinpnt‘tetl li‘nin latii‘npe ni' :\lllL'l'lL‘;l. ltsseliliall}. it i'elei‘s In an inleiini'itx eninplex buried deep in the 1st clie iii a natinn ni‘ penple xx llti ll;I\L‘ L'\px‘l'lt‘llc'c‘tl x'tlltllll\ttlltllll in lacl. it‘s alninst an internalisetl cnlnnisatinn pI’neess ill ll\L‘lli. \Ve bnxx tltixx II [it [he bigger pnxxei‘ lznglantl. ni‘ increasinng Iliese Ila) \. .'\lilL‘l‘lx‘il at the same time putting ntn' nxx iI L'lllllll'L‘ tlnxx II. 'l‘lie lltl\L‘ll\l :\lan Spence nailed the Senttisli eqtiixalent xx lien lie xx i'nte iii ‘a xx ee l’i'esbxtei‘ian gi‘einlin sitting nn lll\ \IIntiltlei'. iIIIItIei‘ing ‘lIinI'.’ .-\ xx i'itei“.’ lle entiltlnae be. :\ll le‘lll lii\ l'aitlIei‘.‘ in Hip .lliieii' l’iliilt'. It's still the Senls IlIat iiinxe in l.nntlnn antl lliillxxxiiiitl IlIat xx e |Innntir lilt)\l t'exei‘entlx. Increasingly IlInnglI. tlIe ninst interesting artists are IlInse xx lIn elInnse In ski} in the ennnti'x. l‘i‘an/ l‘ei'tlinantl can still be spnttetl strutting abntII the streets nl‘(ila\gnxx nl'a Sattii‘tlax niglII; lllll\lc‘ x itlen prntltieei‘s lini'est nl‘ lllaelx iIIiglII xxni‘k xx iIlI iIIei'easingl) stai'rx names. but remain lii'nilx i‘nntetl in Sentlantl: aetni' Brian l‘ei'gtisnn itiinpetl till the li’ltii'A lliitt'li juggernaut beI‘ni'e it xx ent In l.nIItlnn antl .\'exx Yni‘lx. antl xx ent nn In turn in Ixxn nl tlIe Innst interesting pei'l'ni‘inances nl' 2007 in Ix’lipliil'i' antl I'liifix' .llii/xt' 'l‘lithxt’ .\'ni'xt'x. l-'c‘i‘gtI\tIiI siniplx tell that Sentlantl xxas IlIe iIInsl interesting place be entiltl be at the
l“ r -, E' - La i. I l/-‘, - - v — -— l \, A" l k a. I. . I
w E l- C 0 "LE fiF’WOWL
iIInnIenI. ‘RiglII nnxx. ennipanies like Vanishing l’nint. l’nni‘bnx and the .\"l‘.\‘ are iiizikiiig nexx. challenging \Hll'l’x. and it‘s ;t\\lll‘L‘tl.' llc‘ \Llltl in it l'c‘c‘c‘lll inIei'xiexx. 'lt's nnI inxxai‘tl- lnnking: xx e seein In lIax e gnt past that lIni'i'ible Senttisli tintlei'tlng inentalitx' that can \nnIeIiiIIes i‘nn tlIi’ntIglI all nl‘ ntti' aI'I. 'l'lIere‘s an exciting x ibe in llil\ enIIIIII'x' 'l‘lIat 'e\eiting x ibe' is nnI a direct result nl ntii' nexx natinnalist
LL, 1 '\ . ', I ‘3 yA< ._\ I}
Kirstin lnnes asks if 2008 will be the year in which we finally overcome the Scottish cringe?
gnxei‘ninent. Rather. it's pnssible In see the SNI’ x ietni'x as tapping iIIIn sniIIetlIing that's been building l'ni' _xear\. and is eei‘tainlx traceable in ntii‘ etilttii'al ntIIptII. l‘iliteen )L‘itl‘\ agn. ’l'riii'iix/mtlirie. the biggest intei'natinnallx - reaching Senttisli xxni'k nl' art nl its Ila}. Inltl sIni‘ies xx iIlI a junkie\ necessarilx inII'nspeeIix e x iexx pnint. 'l‘lIeatre xx ill nexei' reach its big an audience. bill the current ennIpai'able xxnrk in IL‘l'lll\ nl' international ptill and critical acclaim is lellhis li/(li'k llillt‘ll.
xx lIielI engages with international ex ents IlIi‘ntIglI a Scottish filter. thI entiltl nex'ei' be accused nl parneliialisni. 'l‘lIe Senttisli arts scene has been increasinng
npei‘ating as an autnnninntis entit}.
pi'ntltieing ennlitlent. aninIistie and Max e \HH'l'x.
Last numb. the nexx |_x l'L‘llitlllL‘Ll Senttisli (inxei‘ninent tinxeiletl ntii' nexx natinnal branding \lngan: '\\'elennie In SL‘UIlLlllLl.. .-\t lirst penple lilllllL‘l'L‘Ll abniit a lack nl‘ iiIIaginatinn. But Ilillllx‘ abntit it. Nn littlse pl'tilill\L‘\. tin apnlngies. certainlx nn cringing. \Velenine In Sc‘tllltttltl. llis a gnntl xx :1} In \le inIn IlIe nexx _xear.
Stuff you're gonna love in 2008
Hz'i t'T ‘tirtif'tv' Iii n,
.ilti tri iti’Iiut ll "'1 ‘1‘,» x‘i ,iixii "maxi." in, .mll. Irwin, ’vi I’l‘i i‘triiiiii iwzl .ifiil "it 'o' .li T‘Iw iii t “ail
Ntitii tinii l’i «trait I ~Lilli-r,
A ll'iltllli', ‘xltll‘ It? ‘I l’l llll- ‘illlIll'Tll‘ l ilw
.I'l fit“. Tittiw 'a-l l.'l illt‘ :li
till'tlitillt’ [lltt‘ui ltrtio-ti l .lll’l illt‘ i'lll.’l.'ltll i".»' llflllllxl l wllwl‘ tli'll'h l ll‘tl [)o-sika‘i'm l'i".‘.' liili liitili‘. .‘.'lli Iii-
a: ,I.ii lii iii if IIItli :llill I it it bl It man
i;: int I.ilil:%,_ lung iiiitiiiiillo,
A gallant ‘Sluli'llllllll tirlrri‘aiw by: ril llIi: ltllllxl‘fl itiniiil; l‘lril .ill limi )lll“ .IT llll' Sr» liftsli Ntllll iiitil (itilliei‘, ill ly’l’fllUHi
llIi: trust lllf‘.‘/ lllllllrltllllllllll ll(lll()l lli()‘.’lt."; ‘ill‘fillllllltl ()‘Jlfl lll‘,‘ llll‘li'llltl '.‘.’lll
finally l)‘_,' :I'xtiiltilili; lll llii: UK.
/\il(ll)‘,‘ili llllrlrlf, lllt'lllll’fll itilrirtt. film,
Part, Ii li(z‘-'.’.'i, Ygiliiiii, aiItl liif, ‘.'/.'i"‘.'./;Ir(l
l'ltl‘)|’, iiititliititil“. «ll‘: but 3i, ;,l:
lilll1l,i lll(:llll)‘,l lll'1l/ll‘7ll[llliil'llfiliilll‘:
Loo Evans Squishy-faced Evans. star of both screen and stage. pops into Glasgow for more of his trademark physical comedy. SECC, Glasgow. 24 Oct.
Glasgow Fireworks
Bonfire Night in Glasgow features a luntair. live music. lasershow and a fireworks show that rocks the Cities very
foundations. Glasgow
Green, 5 Nov.
Bond 22
Daniel C’tilg 'ettirns as super secret agent James Bond m galliat {‘KlllilSiZ‘S It) bit- LilKJIllO'. as get Lintitlegl. action- packed instaln‘ient in the long; mailing film series. General 'elease. 7 No
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Ham; and crew! mess around ‘.‘Jllll a book that Clearly doesn't belong to them. Oh. and Hermione and Ron: Wlll they. won't they? General release. 27 Nov.
Glasgow and Edinburgh Hogmanay Once again. both Cities Will be lhrowmg big old street parties With music. dancing and fireworks. Princes Street, Ed/nburgh; GeOrge Sguare, Glasgow. 31 Dec.
The Hoog
Head indoors to this masswe end of year party featuring three stages With mass ceilidh danCing. hot food, many bars. chill out zones and a disco. Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, 37 Dec.
.‘.-‘ 7 ,ia'i 7:71 THE LIST 21