(2” Jun l. .‘\ng's 2MB l/ii/A
ll;t\ lllg‘ \Illl'etl sti I‘thll} All the cinemas that Hull} \UNKI \xants a seenntl shut. ('hristian Bale is hack in The Dark Knight ( 25 .lllll \\ itlt e\ entities l'a\iiurite ps_\ ehutie super\ illiaii The Joker ( I leatli I.e(lgerl making his debut in ('hristupher \nlan's \ isiiiii (it the l)(' (‘iimies lamurite. .\lean\\ hile. .\Iike .\II1_'IIUIII.\ (le\ il ehiltl makes a good return liit' Hellboy 2: The Golden Army ( 22 .-\ug i (lireetetl again h) (iuillermti (lel 'Iiirii.
I’rtihahl} the must interesting adaptation (it the )c‘tii‘. IIU\\ ex er.
\\ ill he the I‘reneh/Ameriean animatetl l‘eature (it Marianne Satrapi's stunning Iranian ehiltlhiititl graphic nmel memiiir Persepolis ( l l .-\pr). (lii'eeteil Ii} Satrapi and eult l‘reneh eiimies artist Vincent I’ariinnauil.
The ell‘eets (it. the \\;it' in Iraq at home and abroad is a theme that returns again and again in such lilms as Paul ('rm/t Ilaggis‘ In the Valley of Elah (25 .Ian ). Brian De I’alma’s Redacted (2] Mar) and \Ic‘k Bl'tltlllll-IL‘I(I.\ Battle of Haditha (2‘) liehl.
Paul Dale previews the celluloid delights and turkeys coming to a cinema near you in 2008
\ ' ’i _ ;_ Wanted
(lantls returns eiiurtes) (it I\\U tilms. I'll'\I tip is the lug seteen \ersiiin iil I-xel} n \\attgh's n(i\el Brideshead Revisited i l2 Sepi (lireetetl h} .Itilian .Iariiiltl and starring lien I’i'r/tmii' \\ lttslt.i\\ as Sebastian I'l_\le antl \Ialtlteu (itiiitle as ('ltttl‘les I\’_\tletl I'llts ls l'iillimetl h} How To Lose Friends and Alienate People (3 ()et l. an atlaptatiiin (it 'I'iili} Young's hilarious memiiir (it his
lost count (it the numher HI
times the death knell rang liit‘
the tratlititinal lItilI_\\\(i(i(l lilmmaking miitlel last )t‘;it'. 'l'he (ingiiing \xriters' strike. the etillapse (ii the star s} stem (due to extirhitant aetiir salariesl and increasingl} lim
lime at lit/1m lit/r. \xhete lte \\ent lteatl to head \\ ith .\e\\ \iirk‘s tniist egiitistieal pulilishmg peaeiieks inelutling the maga/me's ethtiii (ira_\(liin (‘arteit 'I'he lilm stars Simon I’egg as Young and .lell
.-\s e\ er the lilm calentlar thrim s up a le\\ antimalies this _\ear. ['8 cinema linalls grapples \\ ith the ahiirtiiin issue h} making a etimetl} about it in Juno (.\’ I‘L‘IH anil .liihnn} I)epp prm es he's got the
hm (illiee returns means l'eu er lilms getting the green light. But miintilithie organisations (Iiin‘t l‘all mernight and the (la) (il' reckoning is priihahl} not eiiming iti 2008.
This coming year (liies. h(i\\e\ er. Bridges as an assimilation (it (‘arter. \\hile Kirsten |)unst plass the lii\ e interest. l’egg ptips tip again as Scott} as part til. the all new east piirtra} mg the (iriginal Star Trek eharaeters in Star Trek XI: The Menagerie. .'\IltI \\ e can Hill} ;t\\;til he“ s til. IIIL' release (late or the liC\\ Sex and the City lilm \\ ith hatetl hreath.
musical range (it a strangletl eat in Tim Burton and l)ann_\ Iillman's misshapen hut inspired musieal Sweeney Todd (25 .Iatt l. Iilseuhere. \ienle Kitlman's star \lLlIlls Intiks Itetttletl lot the stllis heneh \\ ith the \er} lukewarm l'amilial etimetl) Margot at the Wedding (2‘) l~'ehi.
(’(ime Septemher the cult til. the
tiller tip some \er} good reasons to ‘thrim out the HM thanks to the geriatric return (it tun momentous aetiiin lilm eharaeters. S} l\ ester Stallone and Harrison Iiiirtl step out IUI' a liiurth time in John Rambo (22 I"ehl and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (22 Ma) l respecti\el_\. Whether either lilm prm es a regrettahle return or a liintl liareu ell remains It) be .seen.
(‘iimie hook and graphie nmel adaptations lill out the slate again this _\ear with the imminent release UI. interpretations (il‘ .\Iark .\Iillai”s Wanted (4 Apr). starring .Iames Men-Mo). .laek Kirby‘s Iron Man (2 May) and The Incredible Hulk
Sweeney Todd
Alex Frost
Kate Nash
Gritty pop perfection from the lady who soared to di22ying heights of success in 2007 With debut
album Made of Bricks.
Barrow/and. Glasgow. 3 Mar.
12 THE LIST - s
Cabbages and Kings
New dance, theatre Show for kids from Tabula Rasa set in a garden where time doesn't always run right and a woman grows ideas instead of flowers. Various venues. Scot/and, Mar.
Glasgow Comedy Festival This year's heaying
line-up includes Dame
Edna Everage. Oinid Dialili, Russell Howard and Jimmy Carr plus many more mirthmaking types. Various venues. Glasgow, 6-23 Mar.
Edinburgh International Scrence Festival The men in the White
coats {resent an array Cf fur: exerts ihCluding
ineetar‘g a robot that mimics nii'na'i
em tons. ‘./52r,ici:.'s venues. Edi/ioargh. 22 Mar—5 Aor.
Glasgow Art Fair Shatter)“; Fair/1a. (Lrit‘te"‘:/xar, a". ‘ar “MK/{:8 050' '3’;
3?; 0' es 51'”) arts o'itar‘i»s;e,i'./i'is “arm across Exam-s.
atX/"j‘: Samara:
p7ltf5)./}Qu'a, {/-vv/l(1’.
80:0 ‘f/ll‘l/ilifl" (1719.7 .‘x'i'k Ly Glut/)0 l)€1‘i‘:’l 91"}5? [MCI FlO’ul Curated L,’ Serena Dallas and Jerri-y Crowe. CO/liri', Gal/51y, G/{j 3 go w.
’3 Apr- 72 May.