Thursday 20
()1;15)(J() .‘J
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l<1~;..11( 111111-11 11.111. 2 \.11111111‘11.111\111‘1‘1. 353 5111111 fl 31111111 1111 1.111 11'1111111-11111111-1<\\11|11: 11.111111 111111111.1»l’.1111 .111111|.1// 111121‘1 1.1111111 1).1111 11.111111 .11111 1111‘ 1111112111: 1<\\1ll’111'11.111111111.111‘11111‘11‘11‘111.1111111 111111.1111111‘11‘1111‘
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Vive La France! 1.1111-1-11'1 11.111. x" \‘l ( 11‘11.\111‘1-1.1111X 2111‘) 3 11111111 LN 135 11111‘111 1111111‘1111111111111[)1‘1111xx1'1 I’ll/111.11 11 111/1111 [1111/1 111111 11111111; \111/.111\ /.’11/1 ("u/1111111111“. 1‘111111‘31 lawn/111. 1<.111‘|\ P11111111 [mm 11111' llI/1llll1' 1/1/111111 .11111 141/111 \1Ill/lllllIH III 1' \\1111 1.111111.111111‘| 1’1111111111111111‘ 111111'
I Bothwell Philharmonic Choir Charity Christmas Concert R\.-\\ll). 11111111‘11111-11 8111‘1‘1. 33: R1157 ' 11111111 1_l.‘. 11‘11111 \111111‘111 |)11'1‘1'1111 \1.1111 |)1111111‘111
I Cappella Nova: Carols by Candlelight 111111111} 111111. ('11xll1‘ 3111‘1'1. 1i1x111111fi<1111111 L'x [1111111511 1131. 1111‘ 1111111 111111111 111111111111111111;11 ("1111\1111.1\ 1'11111'1‘11x. 1111x _11‘111 .111‘1‘x11 111113.31111111111‘ 111 11‘1111111111 11111111; 1111111 1111‘1111‘1.1l 1.111111 1111'111x1‘ 11.111111111} (‘11111111111x 111111111‘111‘1. 1111‘111111‘x .8’1111/11111/ 11! \111/11111 '111111(‘111111111g1111111. 11 \1'111113; 111 11111111111 111'1111‘11 p111‘111x111 .\|1‘\11111l1‘1‘ \111'1111 81111111 \\'1111 \[11‘1‘1111 3:111‘11x 1111‘ SI 1’1‘11‘11111113: 11.111111111‘ 111‘11111‘11111111‘1.
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Christmas Carol Singalong 11111.11 (111111-11 111111. 3 S11111‘1111‘111111 811111. 153 3111111. 7_ 11111111, [111 138.511.\\'.11'11111p111111'1111111111'11g111 111111111111111‘1y1‘111111'11‘11 111 1111‘ (‘111'11111111x \111111.111|111 1‘11‘111113: 11111411111113: 111111 1211111111l)111l1|.1|11‘ 11111111111141 11111111 ('11111111 11111111. 11’11'11111‘11 111111'11111111‘ 111111 1111‘ 81‘11111xl1 (‘11111‘1‘1'1 ()1'1‘111‘111‘11. 1'11111111‘1‘1‘11 111 1'111111‘1111111(‘1'1113_' 11111.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Vive La France! (‘111 1111111. (11111111111311. 353 3111111. 731111111.
(111 1'3 3, 81‘1‘ 11111211.
I Viva la Diva 8111': (‘11111‘ \111111111'111111. 1‘1111111‘111111 011.11. 11871111411 1111111 3. 11111111. [37.511 {55.1111111‘1‘11111 l).111'1‘_1 1111111‘11 (111‘. 111111 111l1‘1‘11.111111111| 11111‘1‘11 111111111111. K111111‘1'1111‘ 11‘11111111111111 l111'1'1‘x 1111 .1 11134111 111 11111111' 1111111111111‘1‘.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 11111.11 (‘11111‘1‘1‘1 11.111. 2 S11111'1111‘l111ll 811'1‘1‘1. 353 8111111. 3111111& 73311111111111 [111..1111111111‘ RS\()1111' 1111‘11 11111111111 ('111‘1x1111111 1'1‘11‘111'11111111111' ('l11111111.1\ 1'1;1\\11‘\. 11113111111111; 1'111‘111x 111111 [111‘ Snuumun 1111 1111‘ 1113: \1‘1'1‘1‘11. 1111111‘11 111 ('111’1111111111‘1' 111‘”. 1111‘ .111111111' ('11111‘ux 11111 111‘ 111.1111113: 1111 1111111‘111‘11111‘1‘ .11 1111‘ 3pm 111‘1‘1111‘111.1111'1‘ 111(1111xg1111.
I Cappella Nova: Carols by Candlelight ()111‘1‘11'1 111111. 87 h“) ('11‘1‘11 51161111118 3111”, 731111111. {H [111 1111.511 £131.81‘1‘1‘1‘121.
I Jubilo Christmas Carol Concert (11‘1‘1 1'1‘1111'x K1111. (111‘) 1111111 1’1111'1‘. 235 1111111. 731111111. {311.111. .-\111111;1|1‘111'11| 1‘11111‘1‘1'1 1111111 1111‘ 121111111111'gl1-111111‘1l 1111\1‘11 11111‘1‘ 1‘111111’. 1‘111111111'11‘11 11} \V11111‘1‘ 1111111111111. '1'11‘111‘11 111.111.11111‘ 11'11111.'\|1\1111 (1111111. 43 11111111111111 1’111'11 ('1‘1‘1. 111111111111111‘11121101i1’.
I Christmas Cracker 2007 R11111| ('11111'1‘1'1 111111. I 811111‘1111‘111111 811‘1‘1‘1. 353 81111113311111111‘15 {35.1111‘ ('11) 111' (1111xg1111 ('11111‘111 11r1‘ ‘1111111‘11 111 11‘11111‘
88 THE LIST '3 L‘:\‘ Q1311" -1 .13."
11113161521111 AT THE CAMEO
Cameo. Edinburgh. Sat 15 Dec
Usually, a visit to a cinema is for film and a trip to an opera house is for, well, opera. Ripping apart the straitjacket of all of that is a relatively new venture that brings live opera direct from stage to the big screen. The stage is the New York Met, no less, and the cinema is right on Edinburgh's central doorstep, the Cameo at Tollcross. It is. however. not only the Cameo that people will be flocking to for the Met‘s 2007/08 season. The New Yorkers‘ experiment of merging high definition film with live performance. a new artform in itself possibly. has enjoyed extremely successful beginnings at other Picturehouse cinemas around the UK, and screenings are now happening across the US and Europe. Altogether, globally. it saved 325,000 people a trip to New York last season, not to mention the saving of money when the cost is £25 top ticket price plus a bus fare.
Last season, there were six operas. while this time there are eight, with Gounod‘s Romeo and Juliet being the first. The names attached to the French composer's reworking of Shakespeare's greatest love-story are sensational. Placido Domingo is conducting, star soprano is Anna Netrebko. the young Russian from the Kirov Opera. with her lover played by the delicious French tenor, Roberto Alagna. While it may be matinee time in New York, it is evening here, so no worries that it's all happening at some ridiculous hour of the morning, and according to one enthusiast, Frank Hitchman, ‘lt’s almost as good as being there in person.’
Of the other operas coming up. there are several new productions. including Hansel and Gretel on New Year‘s Day and. in March, Benjamin Britten’s Peter Grimes, conducted by Edinburgh born Donald Runnicles, recently announced as BBC SSO Chief Conductor from September 2009.
(Carol Main)
1 1‘1.
\11‘111 8111‘111‘1‘ 1111‘ 1111‘11'11111111111 1'1‘11111‘ L‘UllL‘L‘l'l.
I Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus and Orchestra presents Emmanuel Sli(‘(‘: (31.1111‘ .-\u111111r1unl. 1"1111111‘111111 Q1111}. 1137111141) 4111111. “131111111. 1' 111. (111111111111 11111111‘ pr1‘x1‘1111‘1l 111 l111‘g1‘ 1111111. 11111 111'1‘111‘x11‘11 111111 gucxl 1111;1‘1'1. 11111111; 13111111\ 1'111‘('11:\S.
I Christmas Recital 111-111 .‘111~111111‘1;11 (11111111. \\'1‘\1 S111111‘ '1'1‘1‘1‘111'1‘. (1113 13113. 411111. R1‘111‘1113: 1‘11111‘1‘111111. 1"1‘11111‘ 1113:1111 lllll\l(‘ [11‘1‘11‘1111‘11 l1} J1‘1‘1‘1111 (‘1111
I St Giles’ at Six: St Giles’ Cathedral Choir 81 (1111-1‘ (‘111111-111'111. 11111111 \1111‘. 473 3111111. (111111. 1‘1'1‘1‘. 1.1‘1111111 111111 1'111'1111 1111‘ 111111‘111 111111 (111111111111.
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Tchaikovsky Spectacular R11111l ('11111‘1'1‘1 111111. 2 81111111101111“ Slrccl. 353 8111111. 7.3011111. £111 £3‘1’.51l..\l11r11n ('11111111 11111111111 111111 1111‘ 8111111111 ('11111'1‘r1 ()r1‘l11‘11r11 [11‘rl‘11r111 111111111111 \k) \ 1'11‘r) /.\‘/_‘ ()1-1-1‘1111‘1‘. 111111 11 thundering 11111111111 11111111‘.
Friday 28
I Barbie at the Symphony 11111.11 ('11111‘1‘1‘1 111111. 3 81111111111111” 811'1‘1‘1. 353 3111111, 3.3011111. £15. 1111‘ S1‘11111~11('11111‘1‘1‘1 ()1‘1‘111‘111'11 1111111 11111113; 1111111‘ 1111 1111‘ 111;: 11‘r1‘1‘11 B11r1111‘ 1‘111111‘1 111 1111‘ 111 1111‘ 11111'1111‘ 1’1‘1111‘1‘x1 11111111‘1. 111111111111“; [fur/111' 111 1/11' .\'lll1'l‘1l1/\1'I'. [fur/111‘ 1!] S111!!! [.1111 111111 [3111‘ /1/11n1/ I’rlm 111,
Saturday 29
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Opera Gala R111;11 ('11111'1-1-1 111111. 2 51111111111111” Slr1‘1‘1. 353 8111111. 7.3011111. {18.511 £39511.J11111111pr111111 J111111 K1‘ll1. 11‘11111‘ 1’1‘11‘1' :\111_1 111111 11111'1111111‘ 1).1111l K111111111? 1'11r1111x 1‘11‘11111g 111 11111‘r11 1'1111111r111‘1 [11‘11111‘11 11} 1111- 11111‘1 111 111/1‘1. B11r1111111. 1’111‘1‘1111 111111 \1‘r111.
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Silver Screen Classics R11111l ('11111‘1‘r1 111111. 3 51111111111111“ Slrccl. 353 8111111. 131111111. {13.51) {39511111111111 [31111111111111 pr1‘x1‘n1x 1111‘ gr1‘1111‘11 11111111‘ 11111
111.111111111‘.1‘1.111‘111‘1 1111'\1111'11\111111111‘11 (111111‘111.1.11111111111111111‘11 1‘1 1‘.1111 11.111‘1111111
I Live Music Now! Scotland End of Year Concert \.111111~..1'1 \11111‘11111111 \11111.11111 11.11111111111111‘111'111111. .‘ 1311.1111111‘11 \111‘1‘1. 11" -l.‘ ‘ " 3511111.
1 11511111.\ .3 1511111 111‘1‘ \111x11 1111‘1111111.‘ 11‘.” 111111111.1\\11.11.1111111.1111111~11.11 11111111‘ 1111111‘1111111.11111111111.111\ 111111.111‘11.1111111111‘ 111.1111.11111‘ 11111‘1111‘ 1111111111‘11111 \.‘1111111 \11‘11111111‘.
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Nogmanay Gala 11111.11 (311111'1‘1135.11111111'111111\111'1‘1. 333 5111111331111111 11‘1131511 111111111111‘ 1‘.111'11111'1 1111111 (1111. .11 1111‘11\111‘1\ 111 1111‘ \1‘11 11‘.” 11111111111 1'11111111‘1111111111111 111111111.” 1111111141111111111111;11.1111111111.1l 1.1111111111‘11111111111111' '\11111.111111111‘ 111.111". ',-\111.1/111_~: (11.111‘. 1 111111‘1 111 \11111.11111‘ .11111 ‘\111111 .1113; \"1111"
I Candlelit Concert in the Cathedral .\'1 (1111-1'1'.11111-111.11, 11111.11 \1111‘. 133 3111111 3‘ 311‘111111 113511 1111111111113: 1111111111133 11‘1‘ \1‘.1\1111.11111111.11 1'1'11‘111.1111111 111111 1111‘ (‘.11111‘111.11 ("111111. 11111‘1'11‘11 111 \111*11.11‘l 11.11111..111111111‘ \1 (1111‘\‘('111111‘1111.1.11‘11111 .\11_L'11\ 11’.1111x.11 \111\1111.11111'l111 11111111‘\ 111 11111111? 111111111‘11
Tuesday 1
I The Met at the Cameo (311111-11. 1.1 11111111‘ 811'1‘1‘1. 11871 “(l-131153 1111111 135 1111111111‘1‘111111'11'1 11-.1\1111.1| 11p1‘1.1 H1lll11/ urn/(111111.111111111111.11111.111111\111:111‘11 11111111111111”. 11111 111‘ 111111111.1\.1 111111.11 \1‘11 \1‘111'1 I)11_1 1‘11‘111 1111‘ 11111111111‘ Hut 111 \1‘11 111111. 511‘ [1.1111‘1. 11‘11
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Viennese New Year Concert (311111-111 111111.87 N) (‘11‘111 8111‘1‘1. (1118 2111‘) 711111 [111 L35, 1111' 5(1) [111‘11‘1111 1111\ 11‘11111111111111 \'11‘11111‘\1‘ 1'111111‘11 111111.1(i.11|11' 111111. 111111111113: 511111111 1111/1511 1111.! l’tl/A111 (.Ulldllk‘k'd \11'11111111 \11'(11';'.lll 111111Ina/11111111111111K1111‘111'.11p1ll 111 1111111‘ 111‘1134111111111 1‘1111‘1111111111j: 11111-11‘11.1 111111111111. 11111111111 \111111‘ (.11111‘ (3111111 (1111‘.
wednesday 2
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 11111111 (11111111 Hull. 2 8.1111'1111‘1111118111‘1'1. 3513111111 111111.
{111 {.31111‘11111‘1‘111111111111111111111» 81.1111111‘ \1‘11 Y1‘111'111111 1111‘ 11111111111 ("1111115111 [11‘1'1111‘11111111‘1‘ 111 111111111‘1'1 .1l1'11111/1. 1'111111111'11‘11 111 R111 (11111111111111 .11111 l1‘111111'111g 1111‘ RSV) (11111111
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 11111.11 (‘11111‘1‘r1 111111. 3 81111111111111” 511’1'1'1. 1.53 3111111 " 11111111 L111 L31l11'11111'1‘111111111111111111111‘1 .\ 14111111111‘11111 111111 1112111111 111111111'1‘11‘111.1111111 111 111111111121 111111111111} \11‘11111‘11‘ 11.111/1‘x. 1111111111. 11111/111'11111.1n1l.111 1'11111'11‘. 811111111 ('111111111'11‘11 l1} (‘111‘1111111111‘1‘ \1111‘1'1‘111- (11'1‘1'11.
I NYOS New Year Concert 11111.11 (‘111111‘r1 Hull. 3 81111111111111” 811'1‘1‘1. 353 3111111. 711111111. 1111 1311115 {111. \111111‘11lx/1‘h111lr1‘11 £31. (3111111111‘11‘11 h} \'1‘rn1111 11111111113 111111 111111111 Kurt N1kk11111‘11. 1‘1‘1111:r111g R111'111111111111111'1 MHz/#1111111 /)1m11'1 111111 1111‘ NYOS 1903 1'11111111111111111‘11 11111111 (1111111111 111 'I'h1111111x “11mm. 1111‘ 1‘1111111‘111 8111111111 1111111111111 111111111111111 111111-111‘1‘11 111111111 )L'ur