1’11;1,1"1' I Lau Live Album Recording and Christmas Party 13,. 111123111 11:11
1111111111-111’w-f " "111'. “ 111'311'111' 11.11111 1 21111 1 .1 1. 171.1' .1' .f 11.1w; .1 11' 11.1'1'1'flv11 ‘1 Ifn 113.1 11111-1 ‘r' " w.'1.'1'1 1; 1:..1j. 111' “1111’ ~11‘1;11 1'11.1
111‘. 1111 1' '1'? ..11‘1'.1.‘.'..:‘ '12_'1‘.' .11111
11-11111'. .-.111'..:' 111111 .139. 71.."11 '. '11. 111“ 1 -1 '11.
Tuesday 18
(1111111113. I Courage Scotland Carol Evening 1111' (11.1\.'11'.1. 111111 l1111111111'1.1111\11.-.'1. 331 .3111 .‘111111111'.' 111.'
.1\\ .11111
1t'\1‘11111\ 11‘1‘1‘111.111‘\11|.' 11'\11'.1' \k'.l\1'11
I Chris Stone and Frank Burkitt 11'111111111111111 1111' \111.1:'1'_ \1111111 11111 \111'1'1 1"\ \1'1 ‘ 11111111 15 11.111'111111 11111111'11111111 \11~~1.' (1.111111 11.111111111'.111 \1111.1111111'11111. 11111111111111111.1x1'11x1111'1'1 x1111;r\11111'1 111111.111
Wednesday 1 9
I Michael Simons 1111.11 11111.1. 1)1'.111\111111111\1'.l11‘1"3*\ \11111 1.3 (11.1\L‘11\'. :‘llll.111\l [1141\11111. 111111'\
I Dunfermline Folk Club Christmas Party 1111x111' |.1\1'111.11.111111111'1'1111111. 111151 "3‘111'1 .\ 11111111 111111 \1_\\11'11 \1111111x1'1'111'\1\\111111'1'.111'}111111111111111xl1 .11111\1111;'111;'1'1111111111111'11'\11\1'\111111
Thursday 20
1 211111111
I Falkirk Folk Club Session 1.1111111 111111111111. 1111' 1’1111x11 ('11111. \111111\111'1'1 1111_‘1(1111‘H N11111111 L3 \111111111111.11 1113:11111111111\11 .11111 \11111' \11 \11'11'111111'
1 11111111111111
I Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook 1.1111-1-11k 11.111. (‘11-111 \‘111'1-1. 1111x3111” \11111 1.311 1111' .111’11111111111xl .11111 1\'1111'\1'1111'1 1\1111111'11111 x111131'1\1'1|111 11’1'.11|1'1 .111111\.111'11\11111111'x1111.11111111'1 1111111 \11‘( '11x111'1 .11111 1111111 1111 .1 \1111\\1'.1\1'111 11111 .11111 111'\\ (‘1111xl111.1\11111\11'
. Dance \1 1111111“\(I1‘11111'. (l1\11'11 11'11.11'1'. i“ «(1115 a 11111111 Lb 11151 11.1 11111111'1 ('1'1111111 11.11111 111.1}\ 1111 .1111'\1'11111_1:111 \111111x1111111\11’.1111111.1111‘1'
I Ceilidh Dance 1’111111111 11.1111 11111111111111’11111(11.111_ ‘ 11111111 F151 \111x11' 1111111 11'.11111.11111
I The Proclaimers (‘11111 1 “11.11121: \1'\\ _\1.11111'1 1\’11.111.-1M ‘51"! M )1 1) (ll 1
a 11111111,
I Family Christmas Ceilidh Dance 1111111111111..l.111 \\11111.11|"1\11 371111111
1 5111111\ .\' 1111111 {(1.1111'111111111. {b 1'\1'11111;_‘, 1111' \11\('1'11111'111111|1'} g1'11111'111 1111' .1111'111111111. 11'“ \11 .11 111;;111.
I The Proclaimers 11.11111111.11111. (1111111\\;_'.111'. 553 411111 ". :1111111. ,\'()1 1) ()l'l..\'1'1'.\'.1133.
I From Russia with Lev (1111' ('11\\.11‘111111. R11\\1.111 (1111111111 (‘1'1111'11 ‘8 \111111118111'1'1. 553117131 “11111, (11. R11\~1.111.1‘1.1\\11‘.11 .11111;}11~} 11111~11' 1111111 \11111111~1|1'\ \11.1\
Edinburgh I Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook ()111'1'11\ 11.111. ('11'111 \111'1'1.
\1'1 -1
Thursday 27
8‘ (‘1 I‘IK;
I Stirling Folk Club Annual Ceilidh and Dance \T:r.:1;;(.1..:.1:. |\’.._"1}.( 1;.‘1 ( .111\1".'..:‘..’:1'.1111111.111 ‘11:: K111. \111.;‘ .11‘1 11““1 \l.1\:1 “11' \111.11. \l\ l\1'1".‘-i!
Saturday 29
1 111'111111‘1’1'1 I Ceilidh Club 111.- 1111,111.1\\11..11'11'1
33* 33"” \1'111 2.111 1).:1111'111
Sunday 30
I Night Afore Monster Ceilidh (11‘1111'1' \111'1'1. \11111 1111111110111 111'1' \111'11.11111.11 \111'1'1 .111\ 1.11111'..11\1.111: 11.1111111111.11.111111111111'11111111.111 \.11111\11 11111x11 .1111111.1111.'
I Ceilidh Club 1111'1111.(11.1\\111.11k1'1.
3.3"" MW] L111 \1‘1'\.1l3"
I Hogmanay Ceilidh | .111111-\ 11.11. Km? \111'1'1. <33 "13‘ 11.1111111111.11 \1'11111x1111.11111'11111x11 .11111\1111;'111x1'1'11111 111111311118
I l-logmanay Family Ceilidh \.1111111.11 \111\1'11111111 \1‘1111111111. (’11.1111111'1\ \111'1'1. 31" 1133 3 :11111111 111'1' 1111' (1111111111411-('.11111'1\('1'1111111 11.11111111.111' 11111x11 1111 .111.1111'1111111111'1'1111111
I Hoog Royale1‘1111-1-11‘x 11.111. (1111 \111'1'1.11(1.\ 3111‘) “ 11111111 1 111.1111 U111 \ 1111331111111) 1111\11 111111 \111111xl1 11111x11 1111111 111.1/1' 1111111' 11111111..111111111111(1111.111111111 |11\11\1'1111'1'1'|.11111\111 1)1\11'1.11111 1111111; 11.11 .11111 111111;: 1111111 11111 1.\\11111_\ 111'111'lx .1\.11|.11111' 1111111
111'111'1111111 \1'1‘1 1‘11 111. 1'11
I The Hoog \\\1'11111|\ 1(1111111x. (11'111511' \111-1-111V1111111111111 ' 111111511111111111113.11111111111111;111.111.1} 1'1111'11111111111'111 .11111\\11111'1' \1.1;'1'\ 1111111 ‘111111 (‘1'111111111.1111‘1'. 1)_|\. 1111111. .1 111‘1'11\1'11 11.111111111'111111111111111111x ()\1~1 IN 11111} 111'111'1\.1\.111.11111' 1111111
1111111111111 \1'1‘1'1'111111'1'11
I The Ceilidh in the Gardens 1’11111'1'\ 8111'1'1(1.11111'11\.-1“1 3111111
‘111111 1.1111 1;“ 11111'1' \1.1;_'1'\111 11\1'11111\11' 1111111'1'1111111 11111111\.111111111111111; 1.1'.111111g_' 1111' 1135111111 1111 \1111 111'81'11lx'1.111111 1‘1'11\\11\1'1 5.11m (11111.1. 111‘.11\ .11111 11.1g111111'\ 1111111 \11111. 811111111111l1'.1111111111.1| S111l\ 11.1111'1'11111x11' 111111111111111'111'111'11 111'1111 .\1.11'\.111'\ ('1'1111111 11.111111111111111' .11‘1‘1111111111 11'11 ()1‘1'.1\11111.11\ 111111 5111111} 1111111111 11.11111. '111‘111'1 1111‘111111'x 511'1'1'1 1’111l_\ 11.1“. \111 11'1'111111111'11111'11 1111 1111111'1 1m \11 1'1111'} .1111'1 1111111.
I Departure Lounge Hogmanay Special 1111- ('.1\1'\. \111111‘} 811'1'1'1 81111111. 55" .WK‘) 11111111 511111. L33. '.l.1// 3:11111\1'\. 1.111111111111111\.111111111111} 311111.11111'.11\' 1.1111' 11\ 1'1 1111' ('11\1'\ 1111 1111' 111111111 1111;111.111.1_\ \111'1‘1111.\111111'11111111 l1\1' .11'1\ 1()1111'\11.1111'1 8111111111 1'1111111111';11 5.1111114 51'1111111141111111 x11111\ 1.111111'111‘l. .\\1l111\11_\. \111113_'11\1111'1. 11‘11111111' 111111 (11111111) 1,
Wednesday 2
I New Year Session l)111111-1'11111111- 11111 ('11111. 1‘111\111"1.1\1'1‘11. 11111111'111g1'11111‘11. 11133.1“3111FVN11111. 1’11‘11113111111‘1'1N 11'1'1. .11111g1'1.111 11111\1'11111\11'.1l 111x11‘111111'111\ 11111 1111' 1‘111‘1‘1‘11111. 1'1111. \111111‘\ 111111 1111\111
“ 11111111 3.1111 1511
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.
Thursday 13
( 1
x (PM 11.. I North East Guitar Society Award 1\’\ \\11) 3"" 1(1'11111'11. \1:.'.'f 11.1711 111'1' \11.\11 \1.1111':11\11.11111'#1111?111
§11§ ‘
I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals 1\1'1'.1r1:111\1' \11(1.1111'1_\ .\ \111x1‘11111. \1;'\1.' \111'1'1. 3‘11‘5‘1" \11111 \1: 1111111 1111111 11111 1111' 3‘ .\ “1'11 311: 111111 1111' 111'1'11111111111111'1111'111111'111.1|\ 1".1'11 11.11 111111111‘11'1111111'.1111\l~
I BBC $50: The Romantic, The Revolutionary 81 The Rebel 4 ( 111 11.111\.(.1111111'111‘1f\, iii \1111” 1‘1 L31 ‘11 (1111111111111 |1.111\111111\ .11111 111.1111\1\1'1x1111111'111'.111'1111111'11111 1111‘ 1\‘\ \\1|l('11.1111111'1(1111111111 111'1'11'x l,'1,'1.111.'1111:1. \11111111.11111\ /’1.11.'11( 111:111I11 .1111111.1111111\ I111 1/11111 11:11:11 ll..'11..’..'111: [111/.11 \\1111.11111'1111111'11 1111'111111' .11
(1 1‘1111111} 1’11111'xx111 1’1'11'1 \1'1\1111.11111.1 1111\11111111'1111111.1\\1111111'111'
G {18(101’.’
I Swingin’ 81 Singin’ I1’\ \\11 1. 11111 1(1'11111'11. \111'1'1. 113 i114" 111111 U161 1111' 111'\1 1111\ 1111111 \\1'11111'\11.1} 1111'11l'x \111/11'111. 11 \1/13111‘ 1'11111‘1'11
I The Gliondar Wind Ensemble \11111;_‘.1111' 1111111 11.111.\1111111111{11.111. \11111p.1\11'.‘)*(1<\3‘1 1x111111'11lx L1..11'1‘1111111.11111'111‘11111111'11111-1'1 11\1' 1‘N.\ \1111.1§_'1'R\' \\1|) j:1.11111.111'\. \11111x1'(1.11'111' 11.11111'1111'.111\ '1111 ‘. 111.11 .1 \1'11'1'111111111 \11111.x 11} \1111111 1(1'11'11.1. \1111111'1 11.11111'1.1‘11_:1'111'1111//.1..11'.111 1'1.1111'.11\.1'1'11'111‘ 1.111.1\.111111111' 1'11\1‘1111111'\11\\11(111111111111I11111111 111'111'1\.1\.111.111|1'111111111111 ‘1-13 "11* 111 .ll 1111'1111111
‘ » Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer(‘11_\ 11.1111(‘.11111|1-111';'\. 1‘4 3111111 3 11111111 L13 ()11\1'1 K1111xx1'11 1'111111111‘lx x11111.11111('1.1111'111111111111111x Inn (l113111111.11111[1’11/1111'111..111111111\\1'11\ 11111111 \1111: .11111 R.1\1'1\ \11111 Uni/111 1111'11'1\.11111'1‘11111'1'111.111. 111111 .|11111111\\1'11 .111111111111
I University of Strathclyde Christmas Concert RS \.\11 1, 11111 1(1'11111'11 8111'1'1. 1135115“ 3 11111111 LN 1U1; £11\111111'111\1 1.1;:1111’1.1~\11.11.11111 111111111.” \1'.1\1111.1| .11‘1.111§_'1'1111'111\ .111111'.1111l\. 111111x111111'11111111'111’1'11.111111114111111
' {1111111
"11111111 L"
Ludus Baroque ( '.1111111j_'.1l1' K1111. 15‘ (3111111131111: (1 111111111\ ‘111111 11131111 111111. {3111111 1111111 11.11'11'x 111.1_1_'1xl1'1'1.11 111111121111|11'('1111\1111.1\ \1111‘} 1111111\1\111 1111'1’11111.1l.1\ 111.11 111.1111'1111111\(111111111111 ()1111111111.111'111111111'1111} 1‘11111111'11;_'11l '1'11'111'lx .1\1111111111' 1111 1'11111'1 111 1111111111 1111' 11x11 11.11\1'\ 1111111 ()111'1'11x 11.111 1111\ ()1111'1' 111:1(1(1.\:111‘)
I The Chapter House Singers (i1‘1'_\11'1.11~ 1\'111.(11'1'.\111.11\1’1111'1'.33< 191111. ". z1111111. £1111 -\ (‘1111\1111.1\ 1.11111 1'11111'1'1'11'111111111'11'1111} 1).1\111 (11111111'1111111'11 11'.11111‘111:_' \1111)_'11.111\\1111.1111\‘ [11'/111111111111 (111/11111111('11/11/1.1111111111111.111.11'111\. 1'1111g11'g11111111.1111111111\.1111111'.111111g\
- Scottish Ensemble: Darkness and Light ()111'1'11'x 111111. N” W (.11-1'11 \111'1'1. (1115 3111‘), "4411111, :13 L11 <11. \111x11' x11.11111111;_' 111111 1‘1'111111‘11'x. 111111111111 \11111 1111111'11K1111111111 \1111/1/1 Sum/11111111 .1111111111111; '11 1111 \1’1111111'1‘1k/)1'111/111111/1/11 1I11'111’1 11
(316159017 I YouthWorks Music Christmas Concert 1151\11). 11111 111-1111111. \111'1'1.
‘ V“ .\ 1';‘t'.‘ 171‘ ‘11 \ ~11x1 ‘ 11 '1 .:1‘1 1? 01111.1: 11111 “1\ (\i \ 1 iiik-1\i '3' \1' ‘\ 1\‘\\ ‘ I“! I 1 1111\1111K111'\\1 \
.1:111 \1.111111'11 \1"11l.'.\ ("lyl'tvl /_‘71'(l \1:Hi""‘1,"‘ ‘3
I Glasgow Chamber Choir 11. :~.1'1.1:1.1 1'.111\?1( 1117.11 i" ‘2 11\r1111.11111 1\'11.1.1
‘ 1111111: 1:11 711111113111111‘1111111 \11
1'111".'1~1:1111\11 .1:1.11.'.1111'11'\111
11'11'1‘1.111'(3111\1111.1\ I Milngavie Choir: Christmas Concert \11111;'.1\11' 111\\r111.111 \1.1111111 1\'-1.111 \11111;‘.1\11‘."‘11 *\3" ‘J1' \ \1'.1\1111.11 ;11'1l111111.11111'111 11.111111'1'x U1 I1. 11% :\.1\.111.11111' 1111111111111: 1111-111111'1\ \1:111.'.1\11'111111kx1111111111'111
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 11’1111; 11111.11: 11.111 \.11111111'1:.1'1\111'1'1. 1“ \1" 111
‘ 11111111 L\
' 11111111 1.111 2.111 111.1111".1'11111.'11111111x11 11111'11 '1111'1111'.11 1'1.11111('111111'1111\'1.11\ \111'1 111'11111111\ (1111';'\ 11'11'111.111'11 /':..1'1 (1117.11f1y 11\1'l.l1.'\ \'1/1:,'11,',11:. \.1 [’1 1111\11/3111 1,1 111111111111'11111 \11'1111.1111'111'111'11' \11111111\1 \11111111'1.1111':‘1‘11'\.11111'1111111'111.1lk.11
l1 1‘11111
iii Scottish Ensemble: Darkness and Light('11'. 11.111\ ('.1111111'11:'1'\. 1“ \111111 ‘11111111 1_11<11111\11\1-1-11111
\ .11111
.'\.11'.."1 \:1:.'1 11\ 1.11111'
I The Met at the Cameo 1 '.11111-11. is 11111111' \111'1'1.1l\fi1 "11131153 (111111 113* l1\1'11111'1.111111'1111111111111'\1'\1\1111\11'1 1111111'11111'11111111111.1111111111111'1111' x111'1'11 11111'1111".\\ 11.11111111'\1.11\.111'1111111111'11111 1111'11111 1x131" 111.11 \1'1\1111‘ \11'111' 1111 (11111111111'\ [1'11111111.1'I.11/ l;1.’111111'111x1111 1'1'3‘111 111‘1‘l.l\ 1111\1‘ \111'1'111‘11 1111\ \‘..1\ \1‘1‘ [1.11111 11.1131“
I Edinburgh Singers (111-1111.111 1\1111. (111'_\111.11\ 1’1.111'. (1(1\ 3111‘) " 11111111 1111 11M 111111111111 1’1'11111.1111 11'.111\ 1111' \1111'1'1x 1111111'11.1111111.11('1111\1111.1\ 1111111'11 11111'11 '()11111'11111'111'1111111\111 \ 111111.11 (‘111’1x111111x 1111111 111111“ 1111' 11'11111111'x'. 11 11'.111111'~11111\11 11\ 11111111 111111111111 1111111'11\.1111111.11111111111111.1111|\ 1111.1'1\ .11x11.1\.111.11111' 1111 1111' 1111111
iii Scottish Chamber Orchestra:
Adventurer (.1111'1-11'x 11.111. N" 1.11 111-11. 8111'1'1. (1113 3111‘) N 11111111 113115 1111 \1'1' 111 1 1
Sunday 16
I Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals k1'1\ 1111'111\1' \11 (1.111111 .\ \111x1'11111. \11'111'8111'1'1. 3"(1‘IR‘N \1111 1(1. 311\ 1111)1'1. 1 11‘11111 1'11'1' \111111.1} 1’1111111'11.1111'1‘111111'll\ 11.1111111111'11-111 111j_'.1111\l\
I BBC 850: Christmas at the Movies ( '11} 1111111 ( '11111111'11g;1\_ <14 $111111 111111. W L31 i11.111111111'11 1“ \11 1111' 11111111 1111' 1.1111.111' J111111\\11\1111 1111111111’l\ .11111 .1111‘1111' 111111 [111-\1'111\ .1 1'11111'1'11111 111.1}31111111111\11'\1111:\1111111 I111 11'/311,11“, (1‘. lltll‘. 1111111111111: 11111.1111.1\1l1\1'11111111('1<.111111 511111111111
I Jordanhill Community Choir 11111111111111 I’.111\11 (11111111. 311 111\\1111111'1111 U1 ‘5‘) 3W!» ,1\ \1'11.111'111 111111'11'xx1111x .111111'11111lx 111111111:.1111\11).1\11111.11111111111 11111111111111111111 :\1.111 1.111'111'1
I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Messiah by Candlelight R11\;l1(~111111'1‘l‘111111\111'1‘1. §§§ X11111) -' {1111111 L10 L33 <11 \ 111111111' 111 \11'11111111. 111111111'111111 \1'1' 11.111111'1‘x 1111111111111'1‘11111111'1111} 1111' NIH/.111 10111.11 ()r1'111'\11'.111111111 1H1111'1'111111'} 111\1111111'
I Symposia 1111' .\1‘1111'\. 3‘ * \L‘J} 11' Slr1'1'l. V1; 1111111. 811111 1'11'1' '1'11111‘.'.1111.\ 1111‘111111111111'111'11\1'1111111'.11111 x1111111111.111,\ If1'111111114/li/u1' 11} (11111-1 81'111'11' 111111 I'mm “111/1 11} J111111 [)1'8111111111:111111111111'1111} )111111; 1111111111\1'1 \1'.1r11'
I Children’s Classic Concerts: The Night Before Christmas ()111-1-11'1 11.111. \— H‘) (1111. 5111'1'1. (1(11‘1 3111‘) 111111 1\ ‘11111 L111 1'1'\111.1'1'111'1'r1111111 ('11111111'11K ('1.1\\11‘ (.111111'11\ '11. 1111 1111'
’11/1/11I1y V11! 1111/ \