1’11;1,1"1' I Lau Live Album Recording and Christmas Party 13,. 111123111 11:11

1111111111-111’w-f " "111'. 111'311'111' 11.11111 1 21111 1 .1 1. 171.1' .1' .f 11.1w; .1 11' 11.1'1'1'flv11 ‘1 Ifn 113.1 11111-1 ‘r' " w.'1.'1'1 1; 1:..1j. 111' “1111’ ~11‘1;11 1'11.1

111‘. 1111 1' '1'? ..11‘1'.1.‘.'..:‘ '12_'1‘.' .11111

11-11111'. .-.111'..:' 111111 .139. 71.."11 '. '11. 111“ 1 -1 '11.

Tuesday 18

(1111111113. I Courage Scotland Carol Evening 1111' (11.1\.'11'.1. 111111 l1111111111'1.1111\11.-.'1. 331 .3111 .‘111111111'.' 111.'


.1\\ .11111

1t'\1‘11111\ 11‘1‘1‘111.111‘\11|.' 11'\11'.1' \k'.l\1'11


I Chris Stone and Frank Burkitt 11'111111111111111 1111' \111.1:'1'_ \1111111 11111 \111'1'1 1"\ \1'1 11111111 15 11.111'111111 11111111'11111111 \11~~1.' (1.111111 11.111111111'.111 \1111.1111111'11111. 11111111111111111.1x1'11x1111'1'1 x1111;r\11111'1 111111.111

Wednesday 1 9


I Michael Simons 1111.11 11111.1. 1)1'.111\111111111\1'.l11‘1"3*\ \11111 1.3 (11.1\L‘11\'. :‘llll.111\l [1141\11111. 111111'\


I Dunfermline Folk Club Christmas Party 1111x111' |.1\1'111.11.111111111'1'1111111. 111151 "3‘111'1 .\ 11111111 111111 \1_\\11'11 \1111111x1'1'111'\1\\111111'1'.111'}111111111111111xl1 .11111\1111;'111;'1'1111111111111'11'\11\1'\111111

Thursday 20

1 211111111

I Falkirk Folk Club Session 1.1111111 111111111111. 1111' 1’1111x11 ('11111. \111111\111'1'1 1111_‘1(1111‘H N11111111 L3 \111111111111.11 1113:11111111111\11 .11111 \11111' \11 \11'11'111111'

1 11111111111111

I Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook 1.1111-1-11k 11.111. (‘11-111 \‘111'1-1. 1111x3111” \11111 1.311 1111' .111’11111111111xl .11111 1\'1111'\1'1111'1 1\1111111'11111 x111131'1\1'1|111 11’1'.11|1'1 .111111\.111'11\11111111'x1111.11111111'1 1111111 \11‘( '11x111'1 .11111 1111111 1111 .1 \1111\\1'.1\1'111 11111 .11111 111'\\ (‘1111xl111.1\11111\11'

. Dance \1 1111111“\(I1‘11111'. (l1\11'11 11'11.11'1'. i“ «(1115 a 11111111 Lb 11151 11.1 11111111'1 ('1'1111111 11.11111 111.1}\ 1111 .1111'\1'11111_1:111 \111111x1111111\11’.1111111.1111‘1'

I Ceilidh Dance 1’111111111 11.1111 11111111111111’11111(11.111_ 11111111 F151 \111x11' 1111111 11'.11111.11111


I The Proclaimers (‘11111 1 “11.11121: \1'\\ _\1.11111'1 1\’11.111.-1M ‘51"! M )1 1) (ll 1

a 11111111,


I Family Christmas Ceilidh Dance 1111111111111..l.111 \\11111.11|"1\11 371111111

1 5111111\ .\' 1111111 {(1.1111'111111111. {b 1'\1'11111;_‘, 1111' \11\('1'11111'111111|1'} g1'11111'111 1111' .1111'111111111. 11'“ \11 .11 111;;111.


I The Proclaimers 11.11111111.11111. (1111111\\;_'.111'. 553 411111 ". :1111111. ,\'()1 1) ()l'l..\'1'1'.\'.1133.

I From Russia with Lev (1111' ('11\\.11‘111111. R11\\1.111 (1111111111 (‘1'1111'11 ‘8 \111111118111'1'1. 553117131 “11111, (11. R11\~1.111.1‘1.1\\11‘.11 .11111;}11~} 11111~11' 1111111 \11111111~1|1'\ \11.1\

Edinburgh I Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook ()111'1'11\ 11.111. ('11'111 \111'1'1.


\1'1 -1

Thursday 27

8‘ (‘1 I‘IK;

I Stirling Folk Club Annual Ceilidh and Dance \T:r.:1;;(.1..:.1:. |\’.._"1}.( 1;.‘1 ( .111\1".'..:‘..’:1'.1111111.111 ‘11:: K111. \111.;‘ .11‘1 11““1 \l.1\:1 “11' \111.11. \l\ l\1'1".‘-i!


Saturday 29

1 111'111111‘1’1'1 I Ceilidh Club 111.- 1111,111.1\\11..11'11'1

33* 33"” \1'111 2.111 1).:1111'111


Sunday 30


I Night Afore Monster Ceilidh (11‘1111'1' \111'1'1. \11111 1111111110111 111'1' \111'11.11111.11 \111'1'1 .111\ 1.11111'..11\1.111: 11.1111111111.11.111111111111'11111111.111 \.11111\11 11111x11 .1111111.1111.'

I Ceilidh Club 1111'1111.(11.1\\111.11k1'1.

3.3"" MW] L111 \1‘1'\.1l3"


I Hogmanay Ceilidh | .111111-\ 11.11. Km? \111'1'1. <33 "13‘ 11.1111111111.11 \1'11111x1111.11111'11111x11 .11111\1111;'111x1'1'11111 111111311118


I l-logmanay Family Ceilidh \.1111111.11 \111\1'11111111 \1‘1111111111. (’11.1111111'1\ \111'1'1. 31" 1133 3 :11111111 111'1' 1111' (1111111111411-('.11111'1\('1'1111111 11.11111111.111' 11111x11 1111 .111.1111'1111111111'1'1111111

I Hoog Royale1‘1111-1-11‘x 11.111. (1111 \111'1'1.11(1.\ 3111‘) 11111111 1 111.1111 U111 \ 1111331111111) 1111\11 111111 \111111xl1 11111x11 1111111 111.1/1' 1111111' 11111111..111111111111(1111.111111111 |11\11\1'1111'1'1'|.11111\111 1)1\11'1.11111 1111111; 11.11 .11111 111111;: 1111111 11111 1.\\11111_\ 111'111'lx .1\.11|.11111' 1111111

111'111'1111111 \1'1‘1 1‘11 111. 1'11

I The Hoog \\\1'11111|\ 1(1111111x. (11'111511' \111-1-111V1111111111111 ' 111111511111111111113.11111111111111;111.111.1} 1'1111'11111111111'111 .11111\\11111'1' \1.1;'1'\ 1111111 ‘111111 (‘1'111111111.1111‘1'. 1)_|\. 1111111. .1 111‘1'11\1'11 11.111111111'111111111111111111x ()\1~1 IN 11111} 111'111'1\.1\.111.11111' 1111111

1111111111111 \1'1‘1'1'111111'1'11

I The Ceilidh in the Gardens 1’11111'1'\ 8111'1'1(1.11111'11\.-1“1 3111111

‘111111 1.1111 1;“ 11111'1' \1.1;_'1'\111 11\1'11111\11' 1111111'1'1111111 11111111\.111111111111111; 1.1'.111111g_' 1111' 1135111111 1111 \1111 111'81'11lx'1.111111 1‘1'11\\11\1'1 5.11m (11111.1. 111‘.11\ .11111 11.1g111111'\ 1111111 \11111. 811111111111l1'.1111111111.1| S111l\ 11.1111'1'11111x11' 111111111111111'111'111'11 111'1111 .\1.11'\.111'\ ('1'1111111 11.111111111111111' .11‘1‘1111111111 11'11 ()1‘1'.1\11111.11\ 111111 5111111} 1111111111 11.11111. '111‘111'1 1111‘111111'x 511'1'1'1 1’111l_\ 11.1“. \111 11'1'111111111'11111'11 1111 1111111'1 1m \11 1'1111'} .1111'1 1111111.

I Departure Lounge Hogmanay Special 1111- ('.1\1'\. \111111‘} 811'1'1'1 81111111. 55" .WK‘) 11111111 511111. L33. '.l.1// 3:11111\1'\. 1.111111111111111\.111111111111} 311111.11111'.11\' 1.1111' 11\ 1'1 1111' ('11\1'\ 1111 1111' 111111111 1111;111.111.1_\ \111'1‘1111.\111111'11111111 l1\1' .11'1\ 1()1111'\11.1111'1 8111111111 1'1111111111';11 5.1111114 51'1111111141111111 x11111\ 1.111111'111‘l. .\\1l111\11_\. \111113_'11\1111'1. 11‘11111111' 111111 (11111111) 1,

Wednesday 2


I New Year Session l)111111-1'11111111- 11111 ('11111. 1‘111\111"1.1\1'1‘11. 11111111'111g1'11111‘11. 11133.1“3111FVN11111. 1’11‘11113111111‘1'1N 11'1'1. .11111g1'1.111 11111\1'11111\11'.1l 111x11‘111111'111\ 11111 1111' 1‘111‘1‘1‘11111. 1'1111. \111111‘\ 111111 1111\111

11111111 3.1111 1511

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 13

( 1

x (PM 11.. I North East Guitar Society Award 1\’\ \\11) 3"" 1(1'11111'11. \1:.'.'f 11.1711 111'1' \11.\11 \1.1111':11\11.11111'#1111?111



I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals 1\1'1'.1r1:111\1' \11(1.1111'1_\ .\ \111x1‘11111. \1;'\1.' \111'1'1. 3‘11‘5‘1" \11111 \1: 1111111 1111111 11111 1111' 3‘ .\ “1'11 311: 111111 1111' 111'1'11111111111111'1111'111111'111.1|\ 1".1'11 11.11 111111111‘11'1111111'.1111\l~

I BBC $50: The Romantic, The Revolutionary 81 The Rebel 4 ( 111 11.111\.(.1111111'111‘1f\, iii \1111” 1‘1 L31 ‘11 (1111111111111 |1.111\111111\ .11111 111.1111\1\1'1x1111111'111'.111'1111111'11111 1111‘ 1\‘\ \\1|l('11.1111111'1(1111111111 111'1'11'x l,'1,'1.111.'1111:1. \11111111.11111\ /’1.11.'11( 111:111I11 .1111111.1111111\ I111 1/11111 11:11:11 ll..'11..’..'111: [111/.11 \\1111.11111'1111111'11 1111'111111' .11

(1 1‘1111111} 1’11111'xx111 1’1'11'1 \1'1\1111.11111.1 1111\11111111'1111111.1\\1111111'111'

G {18(101’.’

I Swingin’ 81 Singin’ I1’\ \\11 1. 11111 1(1'11111'11. \111'1'1. 113 i114" 111111 U161 1111' 111'\1 1111\ 1111111 \\1'11111'\11.1} 1111'11l'x \111/11'111. 11 \1/13111‘ 1'11111‘1'11

I The Gliondar Wind Ensemble \11111;_‘.1111' 1111111 11.111.\1111111111{11.111. \11111p.1\11'.‘)*(1<\3‘1 1x111111'11lx L1..11'1‘1111111.11111'111‘11111111'11111-1'1 11\1' 1‘N.\ \1111.1§_'1'R\' \\1|) j:1.11111.111'\. \11111x1'(1.11'111' 11.11111'1111'.111\ '1111 ‘. 111.11 .1 \1'11'1'111111111 \11111.x 11} \1111111 1(1'11'11.1. \1111111'1 11.11111'1.1‘11_:1'111'1111//.1..11'.111 1'1.1111'.11\.1'1'11'111‘ 1.111.1\.111111111' 1'11\1‘1111111'\11\\11(111111111111I11111111 111'111'1\.1\.111.111|1'111111111111 ‘1-13 "11* 111 .ll 1111'1111111

» Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer(‘11_\ 11.1111(‘.11111|1-111';'\. 1‘4 3111111 3 11111111 L13 ()11\1'1 K1111xx1'11 1'111111111‘lx x11111.11111('1.1111'111111111111111x Inn (l113111111.11111[1’11/1111'111..111111111\\1'11\ 11111111 \1111: .11111 R.1\1'1\ \11111 Uni/111 1111'11'1\.11111'1‘11111'1'111.111. 111111 .|11111111\\1'11 .111111111111

I University of Strathclyde Christmas Concert RS \.\11 1, 11111 1(1'11111'11 8111'1'1. 1135115“ 3 11111111 LN 1U1; £11\111111'111\1 1.1;:1111’1.1~\11.11.11111 111111111.” \1'.1\1111.1| .11‘1.111§_'1'1111'111\ .111111'.1111l\. 111111x111111'11111111'111’1'11.111111114111111

' {1111111

"11111111 L"



Ludus Baroque ( '.1111111j_'.1l1' K1111. 15‘ (3111111131111: (1 111111111\ ‘111111 11131111 111111. {3111111 1111111 11.11'11'x 111.1_1_'1xl1'1'1.11 111111121111|11'('1111\1111.1\ \1111‘} 1111111\1\111 1111'1’11111.1l.1\ 111.11 111.1111'1111111\(111111111111 ()1111111111.111'111111111'1111} 1‘11111111'11;_'11l '1'11'111'lx .1\1111111111' 1111 1'11111'1 111 1111111111 1111' 11x11 11.11\1'\ 1111111 ()111'1'11x 11.111 1111\ ()1111'1' 111:1(1(1.\:111‘)

I The Chapter House Singers (i1‘1'_\11'1.11~ 1\'111.(11'1'.\111.11\1’1111'1'.33< 191111. ". z1111111. £1111 -\ (‘1111\1111.1\ 1.11111 1'11111'1'1'11'111111111'11'1111} 1).1\111 (11111111'1111111'11 11'.11111‘111:_' \1111)_'11.111\\1111.1111\‘ [11'/111111111111 (111/11111111('11/11/1.1111111111111.111.11'111\. 1'1111g11'g11111111.1111111111\.1111111'.111111g\

- Scottish Ensemble: Darkness and Light ()111'1'11'x 111111. N” W (.11-1'11 \111'1'1. (1115 3111‘), "4411111, :13 L11 <11. \111x11' x11.11111111;_' 111111 1‘1'111111‘11'x. 111111111111 \11111 1111111'11K1111111111 \1111/1/1 Sum/11111111 .1111111111111; '11 1111 \1’1111111'1‘1k/)1'111/111111/1/11 1I11'111’1 11

(316159017 I YouthWorks Music Christmas Concert 1151\11). 11111 111-1111111. \111'1'1.

V“ .\ 1';‘t'.‘ 171‘ ‘11 \ ~11x1 11 '1 .:1‘1 1? 01111.1: 11111 “1\ (\i \ 1 iiik-1\i '3' \1' ‘\ 1\‘\\ I“! I 1 1111\1111K111'\\1 \

.1:111 \1.111111'11 \1"11l.'.\ ("lyl'tvl /_‘71'(l \1:Hi""‘1,"‘ ‘3

I Glasgow Chamber Choir 11. :~.1'1.1:1.1 1'.111\?1( 1117.11 i" ‘2 11\r1111.11111 1\'11.1.1

1111111: 1:11 711111113111111‘1111111 \11

1'111".'1~1:1111\11 .1:1.11.'.1111'11'\111

11'11'1‘1.111'(3111\1111.1\ I Milngavie Choir: Christmas Concert \11111;'.1\11' 111\\r111.111 \1.1111111 1\'-1.111 \11111;‘.1\11‘."‘11 *\3" ‘J1' \ \1'.1\1111.11 ;11'1l111111.11111'111 11.111111'1'x U1 I1. 11% :\.1\.111.11111' 1111111111111: 1111-111111'1\ \1:111.'.1\11'111111kx1111111111'111

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 11’1111; 11111.11: 11.111 \.11111111'1:.1'1\111'1'1. 1“ \1" 111

11111111 L\

' 11111111 1.111 2.111 111.1111".1'11111.'11111111x11 11111'11 '1111'1111'.11 1'1.11111('111111'1111\'1.11\ \111'1 111'11111111\ (1111';'\ 11'11'111.111'11 /':..1'1 (1117.11f1y 11\1'l.l1.'\ \'1/1:,'11,',11:. \.1 [’1 1111\11/3111 1,1 111111111111'11111 \11'1111.1111'111'111'11' \11111111\1 \11111111'1.1111':‘1‘11'\.11111'1111111'111.1lk.11

l1 1‘11111

iii Scottish Ensemble: Darkness and Light('11'. 11.111\ ('.1111111'11:'1'\. 1“ \111111 ‘11111111 1_11<11111\11\1-1-11111

\ .11111

.'\.11'.."1 \:1:.'1 11\ 1.11111'


I The Met at the Cameo 1 '.11111-11. is 11111111' \111'1'1.1l\fi1 "11131153 (111111 113* l1\1'11111'1.111111'1111111111111'\1'\1\1111\11'1 1111111'11111'11111111111.1111111111111'1111' x111'1'11 11111'1111".\\ 11.11111111'\1.11\.111'1111111111'11111 1111'11111 1x131" 111.11 \1'1\1111‘ \11'111' 1111 (11111111111'\ [1'11111111.1'I.11/ l;1.’111111'111x1111 1'1'3‘111 111‘1‘l.l\ 1111\1‘ \111'1'111‘11 1111\ \‘..1\ \1‘1‘ [1.11111 11.1131“

I Edinburgh Singers (111-1111.111 1\1111. (111'_\111.11\ 1’1.111'. (1(1\ 3111‘) " 11111111 1111 11M 111111111111 1’1'11111.1111 11'.111\ 1111' \1111'1'1x 1111111'11.1111111.11('1111\1111.1\ 1111111'11 11111'11 '()11111'11111'111'1111111\111 \ 111111.11 (‘111’1x111111x 1111111 111111“ 1111' 11'11111111'x'. 11 11'.111111'~11111\11 11\ 11111111 111111111111 1111111'11\.1111111.11111111111111.1111|\ 1111.1'1\ .11x11.1\.111.11111' 1111 1111' 1111111

iii Scottish Chamber Orchestra:

Adventurer (.1111'1-11'x 11.111. N" 1.11 111-11. 8111'1'1. (1113 3111‘) N 11111111 113115 1111 \1'1' 111 1 1

Sunday 16


I Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals k1'1\ 1111'111\1' \11 (1.111111 .\ \111x1'11111. \11'111'8111'1'1. 3"(1‘IR‘N \1111 1(1. 311\ 1111)1'1. 1 11‘11111 1'11'1' \111111.1} 1’1111111'11.1111'1‘111111'll\ 11.1111111111'11-111 111j_'.1111\l\

I BBC 850: Christmas at the Movies ( '11} 1111111 ( '11111111'11g;1\_ <14 $111111 111111. W L31 i11.111111111'11 1“ \11 1111' 11111111 1111' 1.1111.111' J111111\\11\1111 1111111111’l\ .11111 .1111‘1111' 111111 [111-\1'111\ .1 1'11111'1'11111 111.1}31111111111\11'\1111:\1111111 I111 11'/311,11“, (1‘. lltll‘. 1111111111111: 11111.1111.1\1l1\1'11111111('1<.111111 511111111111

I Jordanhill Community Choir 11111111111111 I’.111\11 (11111111. 311 111\\1111111'1111 U1 ‘5‘) 3W!» ,1\ \1'11.111'111 111111'11'xx1111x .111111'11111lx 111111111:.1111\11).1\11111.11111111111 11111111111111111111 :\1.111 1.111'111'1

I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Messiah by Candlelight R11\;l1(~111111'1‘l‘111111\111'1‘1. §§§ X11111) -' {1111111 L10 L33 <11 \ 111111111' 111 \11'11111111. 111111111'111111 \1'1' 11.111111'1‘x 1111111111111'1‘11111111'1111} 1111' NIH/.111 10111.11 ()r1'111'\11'.111111111 1H1111'1'111111'} 111\1111111'

I Symposia 1111' .\1‘1111'\. 3‘ * \L‘J} 11' Slr1'1'l. V1; 1111111. 811111 1'11'1' '1'11111‘.'.1111.\ 1111‘111111111111'111'11\1'1111111'.11111 x1111111111.111,\ If1'111111114/li/u1' 11} (11111-1 81'111'11' 111111 I'mm “111/1 11} J111111 [)1'8111111111:111111111111'1111} )111111; 1111111111\1'1 \1'.1r11'


I Children’s Classic Concerts: The Night Before Christmas ()111-1-11'1 11.111. \— H‘) (1111. 5111'1'1. (1(11‘1 3111‘) 111111 1\ ‘11111 L111 1'1'\111.1'1'111'1'r1111111 ('11111111'11K ('1.1\\11‘ (.111111'11\ '11. 1111 1111'

’11/1/11I1y V11! 1111/ \