
La Baie des Anges l< oooo ‘JilLtlllL'\ Deni}. l LillkC, I‘ll» * Jeanne \lmreali. ('laude \lann. l’aiil (illL'l\ “min A hanl. LlL‘ll. i~ l‘t'lfillellt‘ll h} .i ;'.illil‘llll‘.' addiel healilj. .il a taxinm. llieii hlivwiiiiiii: l‘lllllllltk' eiillL'lll up 'ailh lheii Incl. .il lhe lmulelle lalile\ l’ail ml lhe Jaeqiitw lleiiij. \('.l\Hll (I/ileH-z ll/I'I/l.1li'i'li (Iiiii'm'tn'. Balls of Fury l: \ 000 ~Riilwl'l lien (iaranll \. liiii". l).in l melei ("hiixlmphei \\.ill.eii. (iemige l mpeI. Rmheil l’aliiel. ‘Nlniin \ee ie'. ieu. page ‘I

(ii III ml n /i (l\l lImH: Hi i/ .‘h I)“

The Band’s Visit i 13%.... «l lall Kmliiin. l\'l I l.lll\L'. .‘lNFi \aleh llakir Rmnil l.|kahel/. \awin ( iahai \“iiiiii \ lll.l\\ hand made up ml iiieiiihei~ ml lhe l'j:}pli.iii pmlite lmite hax e heeii hi imled lm

pla} al lhe mpeiiiii: ml .iii \iah elllllllt' \k'llllk'

neai Iel r\‘. l\. hul iim miie hax \(‘lllk' lm nieel llieiii .il lhe .iiipmil .iiid lhe} ll.l\ e |ll\l tauehl lhe vamne l‘lh l)iietlmi Kmlnin l.l\ll|llll\ .i healililull} atleil lllt'ldllLlll'lk \Hlllt'll} limiii llll\ laitieal pieniixe. \lt't'llllfJ \lL'dl ml Pilllll\\ and lmt min: inxlead mn lhe eelieimxil} and llllllk'hlalt'lllk'lll ml lll\ ellalatlelx (i/iixeim /i/ni l/ii lmi. (l/l£\'\'llll, III/ri/imuu. [dill/lurch

Bee Movie ll iooo mil-w llieknei/Siinmii J Siiiilhd S.31ili“i.lei‘i_\ St'llllt'lll. RL'IIL‘C /.L'll\\t‘j.'t‘l. \lalllleu lii'mdein k ‘Hliiiiii \‘ee ie\ ieu. page 5| (ii'Iii'Iii/ I: /i in:

Beowulf l l."\ i .... lRHl‘Cl'l /.k‘lllt‘t'l\l\_ l‘S. Ilill"i Ra} \Vinxlmne. .-\nlhmii_\ llmpkinx. .lmhn \lalkm ieh. lHniin /.eineeki\' l‘lhh llll\L'(l up In e .ielimn \Hlll \‘illliiillh e\peiiinenl iexulled iii lllim l'Hl/Nl'l/ Knew I li’ii/l/H! Here he \llll\\ \ hm“ inueh lhe leeliiiiqiie hax e\m|\ed Ill lxxm detailex. bringing: lhe aneienl .-\iig;|m Sa\mn pmeiii lm lile. \lueh ml lhe iiiilial \xmu laelmi l\ ilmmi lm \pet ial elleelx. hul a eiaekiiig: \eieeiipla} h} .\'eil (iaiinaii and ngei' :\\ai} lll.ll\L'\ lmi' .iii all imuiid \upeiimi' hlmtkhuxlei. (rl'lll'l’il/ I'c'li'ilu'

Billa l l5i i\‘ixhninai'llhan. liidia. .‘HlVi .'\|llll Kiiiiiai. \a_\.inl|iai'a. l’i'ahliu (iaiiexaii..-\elimii paeked lhi’illei ahmiil \Iiad} ding: dealx and iindeiemx er emp\ ('im ii iii/ll Ri'll/Il'li .Vlli'i I. (illl\‘\'l‘l\.

Blade Runner: The Final Cuti lSi .... lRidle} Semll. l'S. I‘lxli llai‘i‘ixmn l'mid. Sean Ymung. Ringer llauei'. llliniii. l'illeen wan mn li'min lhe I‘Nl Hire-i lurk (Vii. Semll ll;l\ had alimlllel‘ haxh .il ll|\ \eI li mpux \xhieh pilled Heekaill ll'mnli agaiiixl a \le\\ ml i'eplieaiilx. _\'m\\ a mine liiieai‘. \mieeim-idi‘ee lilin iimii'. lUl‘ miiee a gi’eal lilin ha\ been made hellei' lliankx lm il\l\;lll(C\ Ill \I‘L't‘lal Cllt‘t‘h lCCllllUlUg) llllll llimughllul lelhinking, (ilmeuii I'l/HI Hiram: (ii'iiwmii ,' ('imnm. Iti/lll/llll'u/l. Born and Bred (Nacido y Criado)

l l5i .... il’ahlm 'l‘i'apei'm. .»\i‘g_'enlina/llal_\ ’lii'ilain. lellm ( iiiillei'iiim l’leiiiiig. l-ellei'ieem l'.\t|llL‘l'l‘U. \lai'lina (ilhlllilll. 'l‘minax l.lp.lll, lll‘lniin .-\ pmignanl \lud} ml a lllltltllt‘-Cl.l\\ iiiaii emiNiined h_\ guill and gi’iel l'mllm\\ in; a li‘agie aeeidenl immlnng hiiiixell. lll\ “He and men )miiiig daughter. \ueeevlul lilieiimx .'\II‘L'\ iniei'imi' dexignei‘ Sanliagm il’leningl \\ lll\l\ up Illllllkin a\\a_\ in li‘ee/iiig; l’alagmnia. hunting. hum/in; and \xmi‘king ax .i iiianual Iahmurei'. 'l‘hix elliplieal and ahxmi‘hing liliii hm CH inli'igiiingl} wine“ here lwlueen i'ealil} and di'eaiii. i‘ighl dmun ll‘ ll\

in} \lerimux ending. (i/memii I'IINI I‘lii (UN. (I-/(I\k’('H.

Brick Lane l l5i ... iSai'ah (ia\ l‘Ull. l'K. lell“i 'I‘aniiixhlha (‘halleiietx Salixh Kalixliik. (‘hi‘hlmphei‘ Siinpxmn. llllinin. (immd. |m\\ k6) atlaplalimn ml' .\lmniea .-\|i\ he~lwlhng nm\ el “hieh emntenli'alm mn lhe lm e \lmi'} axpeel ml lhe hmmk i'alhei' lhan lhe emininunil} pmliliex dexpile heiiig ~el in |.mndun al lhe liine ml lhe lli’adlmid l'lUl\ in lelll. li\eellenl pei'l'mi'iiianeex and \limiig direction from llr\l liinei~ (i;|\l‘0ll make IN a superior Bl‘llhll drama. I)(’"H’lll in. I-[i/iIi/iiujeli.

Brigadoon il'i .. i\'ineenle Minnelli. ['8. I054! (iene Kell}. (3d (‘harisxe Van .lmhnxmn. lein. TM» }.llll\\ on \aealimn in Semlland dixemei' a deep} Village lhal eminex ;i|i\ e mnee exei'} hundred }e;ir.\. Rallier flat and unimmlx in; Minnelli iiiUsieal. especiall) iii euinparixmn \\ ilh llh other 50.x work. \\ ilh lhe unemm ineiiig land

58 THE LIST ‘3 De; DAV-J Jan 2335

iiiiiiilenlimnail} i'llialiwlh \mh happen ..::.i lhe iiiain pimhleii. liwn i'.i ' I The Brothers l'l'. oooo l).:'. :d \laellmnald l l\_ l‘ll~ l).:'.lle‘..'. Rm. \laxukcli Reed, l)'illle.ii". \laelae \\ :ii l file ‘lliiiii. \\ hen .lll miphaii :iii altnex ii: .i \l.}e ll\lllll_‘ x iii.l_'t', \lle hegzth .: ?.i.':.i‘.f. leud llll\ daikl} lmld \lmu mil/cw \lll‘t‘hlllliill ‘Allllt‘ heiieliliii: limii. _'mmd a~e ml miildmml likdlli‘lh lmllm'.i.ed hj. ll, lime/Zuni". a \lli'll dmeiiiiienlai} .zl‘l‘lli llie l.i\l da_\ \ ml lhe \leain liaiii lhal lmllm'a \ ll\ palh .lll'llL' \tmllaiidk iiim~l \L'lllt iailxxa} lhe \\e\l Highland line l’ail ml Highland Reel\ \ee llm:iiiaiia_\ leallne. page 1 1 lifNi/imziu Iii’ililur .ki:

=§< Les Chansons d’amouri 1V .... i('hii\lmphe llmnmie. I iante. 3"!“ l Huh ( iaiiel. l win we \.i}_‘lllt'l_ (hiaia \l.l\lli'l.llllll ‘l‘iiiin \ee iexiexx, page ‘1 and “Hen iexx. page ‘1 lifniiimiiu /.(/[H/".'(I‘\‘;I

The Cheviot, The Stag and The Black, Black Oil il’( ii iJmhn \l\( ildlll.

l K. I‘V‘i Jmhii llell. v\le\ \milmn. Hill l’aleiwii. I'll/.ihelh \lael eiinan. I).i\ id \l.l\l.t'llll.lll. l)mliiia \lllkl ennaii. \laii Rm“ llllliiiin l'lllll ietmid ml \ld iialh\ lllllt'\li‘ll\' ‘eeilidh pl.i_\‘ lmi "\»1\\illl.lllll. .ihmul \emllhh llhlill} limiii lhe Highland (ilt'dldlletN lm lhe \milh Sea mil hmmni ll \xax lhe lll\l lhealie thu e\ei lm lmlii \emll.iiid\ lliyhlandx and l\l.illil\. and pim\ ided a nimllel ml iailieal pmlilieal lhealie \xliieh \lel iialh .iiid illllt'h aie \llll eniplm) in; and dexelmping 3H )ean lalei l’ail ml Highland Reelx See Hmeniana) leallne. page I l li/ni/imiixi. I l/i/i/iiue/i

Closing the Ring l I: v\ i o

iRlehaid .-\llenhmi'mug_'|i. l K (‘anada l \I lellW Shiile) \laelaine. (‘hiixlmphei l’luiniiiei. \ll\\'ll.l llailmii laniiii See

iex ie\\. page 5-1 (ii-m nil I(/(l1\( limiii Iii .‘\ l)( (.

Code Name: The Cleaner I I’m

.. ll.t'\ \l.l}llt'lll. l8. :llll—‘l (.C\lll\ lhe lznlei'lainei'. |.ue_\ l.iu. .\'iemllelle Slieiidan Xliiiin lhe dil'eelml ml l/ll/lllil plunihx neu emiiiedie deplhx Ill llll\ painlull} unliinn} \pmml mii lhe .l.l\i\ll limiiine lllli\ l\'\ ()lii hei'm \\.ll\t‘\ up \\ ilh a dead l‘lll .\§:eiil. a \liileaxe lull ml nimne} and nm inenimi} ml him he gill lllt'l't'. l\ llt‘ .‘l \llpt‘l' \p) ill |ll\l .l huinhle laiiilmi' \\ hm happened lm \ninthe in mn a plml lll\l)l\ mg: a \lmlen iniei'mehip’ llllllk‘\ll}. lll\ lldl‘kl [Utill'fl .\i/('(li¢/I't'/l'i1\i Control i l5! .... l.'\lllllll ('mihiln. l'lx'. lellhi Sain Rile). Sainaiilha \lmi'lmn. .-\le\aiiili'a Maria l.;ii’a. Illinin. llimpie ml


l l (l \ ll‘\ \ _ l. x l\ axl \‘ l“\ l).~l\.i'.. .‘.:~L\li‘fi il‘t ".\‘_Y.‘.I‘.".\ .\Z.'.'.‘t.. 3‘ 3». I H.“ .. i\.o . 1),.l\ V ‘3‘ l ,. ,.. I. n. .. l).\...'..l (mrdat. \ ..e\.\.m.i

\Eimm! 1.”. F‘Iaei‘ arid uhil; t.:;‘1llle'\ the ‘f‘IeaI-t \ mt 1"“i'x \l.-.H'1e\lield.a:id Kile} "erfeellj. :iiiilatexl lirlix' drilling ‘.:\e l‘t'ili‘llf‘i.illtt‘\ \ haiirilin: ;‘i‘fll.ll'i ml a ttiarz \llageliii; :m “.zlazite :iiaizied lile. i".1\ xiiddei‘. xiiteew .iiid dehdilaliii; epilepm iiiade \kwlu‘ M ll‘i\ :mt'k ~lai l1l\‘\l\i\‘

(mm m LIEU/July:

The Darjeeling Limited 1" oooo i\\e\ \itdeiwnl \. 2‘ N I" ( l'aeii \\ ilwii. \diien lllikl}. Jawli \h\\.iil/iii.iii illliiiiii Ihiee eeteiiliit l‘imlheix \\ li\i‘ll. llimd} .iiid \hxxail/iiian \liN‘ India h.\ liaiii in an .illeiiipl lm deal xx ilh lhe lt‘et'lll dealh ml lheii lalhei (lii llll\ k'\l\lk'll\&' \\lllL'l \lllt'eli'l \llxlt'lvlll «li’aminrwu. liri lx’.

I! m n/uuwn l\ la\l heeminin; lhe .lmhii (‘heexei ml l \ \ ineiiia lhix liliii l\ pieeeded h} .l dimil h} -\iidei\mii Milled

Hmri .' ( 7:. ’.i.'."!i I. il l\ iiiipeialn e §mii \ee lllh liliii iii midei lm iindeixland \Kllal lmllmxu \ \lL‘llgjlll \i If i .'i (A; ll .'( i.'\i

Deck the Halls il’( ii 0 illilm

\\ hilexelld S. .‘Hmlm l).ilin_\ l)e\ ilm. \lalllieu llllNlt'llxk. thllll l).l\l\ ‘L‘iiiiii

I aine. unluiiin .iiid lmigellahle lainil} UllllL'll} ahmiil miie upxinanxhip. iealmu\_\_ \l.l\lllllf_' neiuhhmix. limine detmialimii and lhe lilie \Pllll ml lhe lli'llxl.l}\ lhe lead~ lllllhlk‘llxlx and l)e\ ilmi lmmk he“ ildeied h} lhe deplhx lm \\lll\ll lhe} ha\ e \unk

('iili mil/ll I'll/Hie iii]. (i/lixgmiu. (VI/H uni/l." Ia/Ill/liug/i. la/i/ihii/g/i

Dirty Dancing i l5i.... ll‘lllllL' -\idmlinm.l S. l‘l.\"i .lt'llllllt‘l (lie). l’ali‘iek Fina} le. Jen} ()i‘haeh lllllinin lhe plml

in lhe \llllllllL‘l ml I‘Hil had hm} .lmhnn} l.\\\.i_\/ei lllt‘t‘h emmd eiil llah} i( he} i and leaehex hel hip f._‘llllillllf._‘. e\enliiall} \\ inniiie lhe lexpeel ml liei paieiih Sine ll.\ lull ml \leieml} pine. had dialmeue and a pie leen \ugai emaled pi'uiieiiee. hiil 2H )L'dh mn /)ll'{\ [Milli/1e \llll ll.l\lllt';ll‘llll_\ lm \end a :Jt'llk‘ldllllll ml \xmineii all gmme} (i/iixemv. Ii/ni I/ii lmi. (i/iixemu.

Dracula i l2.-\i .... i'leieinee l‘l\llL'l. l'lx'. I‘l5M l’elei ('iixhing. ('hi‘ixlmphei lee. \liehael (imugh. Nlniin lhe lilin llial \el lhe llaiiiiiiei' \lallildlll and MW ll.lll\L'tl lhe \ainpiie emunl. l eek l)iaeula l\ \ei) lllllkll lhe \eduelix e .iii\lmei‘al. \thxe lllllUL'lk e

m\ Cl\llilllil\\ \ lhe enlii'e llllll l.iiiid emlmui. \e\ual \}llll‘\|ll\lll and all in a pi'inl llial haxn'l heeii \qll;l\llL'\l inlm a lele\ l\lHll li'aine l'l/Ill/lilllu', Ia/iIi/iure/i.

Those deviant cineastes from Psychotronic Cinema sift

through the archives to deliver some very unseasonal perversion with two American films from the Jet Age. Joe Sarno’s 1964 suburban ‘swinging’ sex drama Sin in the Suburbs (pictured) is a ‘nudie cutie’ with bongs, booze and bells on. Howard Koch’s even weirder The Girl in Black Stockings, starring a young Anne Bancroft, is a perplexing and positively unhinged film noir, whose absurdist, almost psychedelic agenda was totally out of step with its time. Both films are lost gems of a

kind and deserve to be rediscovered. 7.15017‘ 8. Sw‘ 30 Dec. 25m: Film/louse.

I GFT Sat 29 Dec.

EL7/I7bxl rKl‘i'Y. ‘xl \3 \JC i, . 0'7}-


Drawing Restraint 9 \l.;tt?iex\ Hair:

\ ....

e\ l \ l.:;‘.i:‘. :'““-‘\ll1:\‘112

\.-..;?:m:: \.;m".:: \‘.:x‘. .;‘-?Iilfi \liiiiri:ii:' . n .\ ‘\i‘l"‘\i'.’.‘.\i\ tfmzi: llll‘le

i‘ \Y ,i ~.'...'.:~e\ “:Iimrlmflhex‘ll ::::;‘m~ed '.:::::'..-.".m:‘\ mt 1'er \hiiilm ie'iigzmn (' . _ _ “.z' tM'iT“; (I x. . l -'

lul i i ..l\ DDS Kahaniyaan i‘ \.illi‘ll\. Iiidia. 1"" lll;‘.:\ll.: [lava \laiidiia liedi. lull: (l1.‘.'-\ la 'i_“':i:iii leii iizlez‘amxei‘. \ltmzl llif‘.‘\ diieeled “\ \\".\'l‘. m! limilxummd“ l‘ieg'wl dtleelmzx i’.:i \’ lei i_l....~. Earth -l ... ""llllll lealiiie lenz‘lh \ei\imi‘. ml lhe lllll K l' ..m f I

dm. liilieiitaix \eiiex limiii lhe \anie leani “hm l‘li‘llL‘lll Rim 3* N 1\ IN ( li'fl'u l.‘.~:i:l 'giu /.J.'I:i".i';r:

The Edge of the World M .i 0000 ‘\lltll.l\‘l l‘mxe‘il l l\. l"; 3 Mali

\lad illllll\, lmhii I aim; lielle ( "hm \lal \liiiiii l’mxxell \ llf\l iiiaimi lealiiie \\.l\ \hml mii lhe xxild ienimle l.lll\l\ .ipe ml lmiila iii lhe \hellalld leex Implied lu lhe C\.l\ll.llli‘ll ml \l l\ll\l.l, lhe ll.lll.lll\\‘ \ ll.lll\ llm\\ lhe \lilieele lm \lll\ l\e hieal» dmxxn exeii lhe

\ lmxexl ml lilt'll\l\llll‘\ l‘mu ell ieliiiiied lm lhe pimied in l“ '\ lm add lieu lmmlaee lmi .l lilll \eiximii. hiil lhe eiileipiixe mill} pimxed llial lll\ mii;' iiialeiial and iin.i;'iii.ilimii had \lmmd lhe le\l ml linie l’ail ml Highland Reelx \ee\ le.iluie_ paee l i lifnziil n‘lu Iiiiirlnilei;

Elizabeth: The Golden Age l.‘ \i ... l\llt'l\ll.ll l\.l[‘lll. l l\ ll.lll\k'. .‘llH'i ( ‘ale lllanthell lmidi \lmlla. \Linianlha \lmilmii_ (iemlliex l\)ll\ll. ('lix e ()xxeii ll-liiiin \n e\plmi.ilimn ml lhe lmihiddeii Im‘. e hem eeii l Ii/ahelh l

illlain helli and \ii \\.illei l\'.ll\'l_‘.‘ll il )ueiii ax \he [‘lt‘l‘.llk‘\ lm gm lm \kal lm delend hei enipiie. \xhile HS in); lm halaiite hei im}.il llllllt'\ \xilh hel .illetlimn lmi Raleieh \lllkll ml lhe liliii'x hlmmd and lliliiidei |i\e|ine\\ emiiie\ limiii lhe \lieei ieli\h lllanthell l‘lll|}‘\ lm hei imle. \\Illl enelleiil \uppmil limiii

()\\ en lhe \ldl ml llll\ \lllllllllll‘lh ll.lllllllllllllk'. lli'\\ (\Cl. l\ \U\ll|lllL‘ \lk'\l}'llk'l \le\.iiidia ll}ine uhmxe \ldlllllli' \xmik “Ill lea\ e _\mu emhxinat ked llmirimimli. /.i/lIl/’llIL'/l

Enchanted l’( in .. iKex in l.iiii.i. l S. lllllfii \ni} \llallh. l’aliitlx l)eiiip\e_\. .l.llllL'\ \laixden l‘l—‘llllll \ee ie\ie\\. pave g-l (ii Ili Iii'l ll /( ii'u

Fred Clausil’(ii o iliamll l)mhkiii.l S. jllli"i \ lllk e \auehii. l’aul (iialnalli. Rathel \\Cl\/. Kalli} llaltN llliniin \aughn ll.lllc\ hea\ il} mn lllx \\l\t' 3:11} eliaiiii ax lhe \l}\lllll\llilll.ll l'ied. iii llll\ ii\ei'lmii;_' ('hiixlinax Ullt'llllf.‘ Reteiill} ie|ea\ed limiii [‘llMlH. I led _L'iit'\ lm \la} \xilh l‘.l\ hie himlhei \lklx i( iiaiiiallii \kllii llllll\ mul lm he imll) \aiiil \nk llllll\L'll llimlhei|_\ lending; t'll\llc\ unlil e\eii'.ii.i|l} lhe nnpmi'lante ml lialeinal hmiiding \lllllt'\ lhi‘mugh Real lile llll\llll\lt'l\li|H\l \ihliiiex ale limlled miil lm iinluiin} elleel. and \eein}: \aughn and (iianialli lahmuiine \kilh \ueh elude \l.l[‘\ll\l\ \el up I\ eiimugh lm make a Selmmge mlll ml .ili}mlle (ii ’1! ml ll /('(l\(' Future Shorts ll i\allmll\i Hen ml Jill)” ullllplldllllll ml eieal \llilll lllllh See [\lellllc hipllilll //Ii ‘I( In \. (Muslin. Hi: (i/\’\.' lai/iIi/liilijli

The Golden Compass i l:.\: 000 l('hii\ \\eil/.l \l K_ Elm". \iemle Kidnian. llalmla lilue l<lL'llillil\. laii

\lk Kellen. \aiii lulliml lll5iiiiii llawd mii lhe iim\el h} l’hil!ip l’ullinaii. llll\ lanlax) adxenline lmllm‘.\\ l.}ia ‘l<l\ll.ll\l\l. uhm llax heeii L'llllllxlt'il \Hlll lhe laxl ieniainin; '.i|elhimiiielei'. mi‘ j_'mlden Ullll[l.l\\. uhnh \he lllll\l keep limiii lhe PHU-L'l'kril/Cd \l.l_‘.'l\lL'l'llllll 'l he ‘J-Hllll \\eil/ lia\ eiealeil l\ heaulilull} «levelled .iiid lllmlllilllllji. hul ehmppil} \li‘uelured and laelanj: iii niueh ml uhal iiiaLex lhe hmmk w LlllllplL'\ and pl'mmalne ll'x l’aiadixe \liwed (iv/irrii/

I'i lulu