I Booty at Medina l lpiii 3;nii L3 Weekly Annual ('hrntnitix ltnic} ter\\ part) llfi Dcci thcn it's it 'ltirttni limit} in thc run up in NH: 1 ill l)L'Ll

I Elemental lhc Lititnd Rimni

llpiii 3am 1.4 it. 3i If» “CL lilL'Ler .nitl hrcziks tit lhc launch «it thn ncu cluh night.

I Hobo til thc Hiingii (‘luh ||pni 3tnn £3. chkl}. lndic hlL'h\ hinting thc .innuul SI. Rcciirdx (‘hrislinrn \pccitil i If» |)cc i. lipic 36 i3.3 |)cci illltl ('iinllict l)l;tllllllltl\ l3” Dcci. Scc Nitlslc. page 7H.

I Neon/Bang All lilt.’ an. I lpiii .‘~.iiii. l‘rcc. \VCCH}. (.iil\\|L' lllcltil gilltl illlrd lock through in Hlls gltllll Lilltl goth

I Playgirl Mansion tit l.lllll. Hpni 3;nii. £5. chkl} Lind—hack liiiingc iiitnic and guilt} plC£I\lllL‘\ “lill l)J 'lrcntl} \Vcnd} tilltl gucxts.

I Supa Sundays ill litisc. | lpiii 3;iiii. £3 hcl'iirc niitlnight; £5 illlL'r. \Vcckl}. ('ltih htingcrx tinil lll'llilll ptirt} riickci's.

I Taste ill (‘iiliin‘ct \"iilttiirc. l lpiii 3;nii. £8 l£(i nicnihcrx; £5 hcliirc l |.3|lpnii. chkl}. With thc hcxt undcrgi'riund iltincc. lltllht‘ and gairtigc illltl rcxidcntx l'ishcr a; l’ricc. l‘cxtnc inn llL‘t‘th’ on 33 Du: Slcic l’iirtcr gllcslx 31) |)cc.

I Tipsy tit Mgixxti. | Ipni 3tnii. ii If) |)cc. Rik” illltl hip hop.

Edinburgh Mondays

I Anblick 30 ill thc (SRV. Illpni 3tini. L'll). 3| Dcc. Slci‘cii \isutils “ith hluc illltl l‘ctl itctlh its (iRV li()\i\ Its lll‘xl lliignitniu}.

I Assembly Beats :it :\\\L‘lllhl} Bur. ‘)pni 3;nn. |-'rcc hut tickctctl. 3| |)cc. lltllll‘L'\ l'li'iiuhlci ;ini| .\l1ll|l\t'_\ Ho} (l‘tllll' (‘iirncrsi ini\ up thc licxl in soul. lunk. hip hop. hrctikx. Alinlk‘ill illltl mum in thn li‘cc lliiggcrs pant}.

I Boombox ill ligii. lllpni inn. U5. 3| I)cc. Hognizinti} \pcciail til Iiiin cncrg) tcchnii. clccti‘ii. trnncc. llllll\t' illltl liciiiiitl. I CC’s Hogmanay .ii ('(‘ liltitillh. lllpni inn. l‘rcc. 3| l)cc. With its lcxtn c liliL‘ Iiccinc gind \lll'pl’|\L'\ pi‘iiinixcd ill midnight. (‘('s is mm to hc ll pilplliill' plzicc to \lill'i thc ncn _\c;n'.

iI- Colours Hogmanay ill (‘in Nightclub. 0.30pm inn. £40 [51). 3| |)cc. litlinbiirgh's llllglllilllil) ()l'l'icigil .’\llL‘l‘\litl\\ ptn't)’ “llll 3 Mun} I)J\. liric Prydl. |);irrcn linicrxiin and |)ukc l)ll|ilt)lll.

I Departure Lounge Hogmanay

3| |)cc “Li/I grnmcx. |..ilin rlnthnn .liltl tunk} global hc.it\‘ \Hlil lnc .lch i()rkc\tr.i dc] Sol .ind [ztlinhurgh \niilm Schniili and [Us IJiiiiciicl. -\~trii|\ti}. Mungii'x Hi l'l. 'Iriiuhlc .intl (Lnniini

I GHQ Hogmanay Bash .ii (in‘) Illpin .inn '3“ 3| l)L'\ 'lihc \llllllL'\| c.niipc\t llilglllililil} purl} around

I Hogmanay at Po Ha Ha .ii l’u \.i .\';i. lllpni inn. {Ill US 31 |)cc I’ipcrx. .i L'lltllilpilg'iit‘ rcccpliiin .nitl lhc l|\ll.ll qugilil} lllllNlc‘.

Hogmanay Headspin .ii lllc Bring“ ('Iuh. llpni inn. {II 3| Dec. 'l'lic i‘t'\| in hip hop. lunk. wul. l|l|l|\C .llltl hrculkik'dl ;l\ thc l't'\ltlt'|||\ \llm‘l} .niiilhci \pcctticultir liiiir tlcck llll\

I Jazz Bar Hogmanay Party ill lllc J;i// Btu". ‘lpiii inn {Ill 3| |)cc. Night oi |;i// lcnltiiing lnii |n c hands I'lihc J;i// But ()uintct anti \ttc.lll\| 'l'ci‘i'i Slitllllt‘l .llitl hci' lunk hand»

I Luvely Hogmanay Party .ii ilic liquid Ronni. 9pm inn. £31) 1.35. 3| |)cc. in |\lL‘Ll. cuphiiric linan illitl .\'c\\ chl‘K lriihcx. 'l'hcrc'x :i ‘(‘|;i\\ tit 3llll3' thcnic iiiincd h) gticst lii'ctt King.

I Motherfunk Hogmanay .ii tlic \iiiidim Riiiinn. ‘).3llpin 3tnn. 3| l)k'\ [ailinhurgh's puncym Ul «in lunk. lll\ ilc iinI}. PlC;l\C cnqtiirc ill thc but hit \lL‘iil|i\ I Opal Lounge Hogmanay Party .ii ()pgil |.iiungc. Illpin 3tini. L‘lll. 3| |)cc |);incc thc night anti} gnid Hill) 3008’ iii tlic \\\ ixh surrounds til lhc ()p;i| |.iiungc ihnnquct dinnci' \\ ith .\|iicl cl ('htintliiii «in tii‘i‘ntil :ilsii tngiillihlc. HM.

I Rock.Rave.Riot :n ilic lil\ c.

lllpiii inn. L'lll 3| |)cc. Hiinic-gi'iiuii night Ui indic. ruck. clccti'ii tind ill|}ll|ll|j_‘ clxc lillll gclx lllL' ptn'l} \llll‘lctl. l'llll tlt'l.l|l\ to hc ginniitincctl on

n \\ n.hchii.ciilii/c|tih|in c

I Seven Deadley Sins ill l.ulu.

llpiii inn. t‘lll. 3| |)cc. |i\trtn;ig;int part} to round till 3003’ ichniiiptignc illitl czintipcx tilxii tntiiltihlc l'i'iini Tpni l'iii‘ Ulli.

Stere07ype 8. TokyOBlu ill liL‘l’llll Hicrhtiiix. lll,3(lpni inn. £15 hcl‘in‘c l(i l)L'C'. t3” itilL‘l‘. 3| DCC. inn til lhc licsl ll(ll|\t‘ nights in Edinburgh iiiiti liii'ccx.

I Strictly Frisky ill \Vli} .\'ui‘.’.

Illpni inn. £31). 3| l)cc. (ilgiin llt)l|\L‘ night itll‘ lltlglllllllil}.

I Substance tit ||ciii'_\ '\ ('clltit' Bur. llpiii inn. L'thc. 3| |)cc. .\'ight til dzincctihlc Clt‘ClrUlllCil. tcchnii tintl clccti'ii. Hognizinan gucxt \llll thc.

I Tackno: The Glitter Ball zit Studio

\i.l\‘lt\ ili‘lll .i\|\‘\\ thc tlcc.itlc\ lli‘ll‘. liciitl} \\ciitl_\. l),| (itn (‘lnleiixis .nitl \|(‘ Siaiiiiiimlci Ilicic “I”. also hc inc cnlcit.iiniiiciil .nitl .i lc.iiii n1 llii\|t‘\\c\ I Tease Age and Planet Earth Hogmanay Party .ii (‘iiiux ('luli llpni .iiin Llll t|~1 3| |)cc liitlic \i.li\\.ll'| iiiining ll‘lkt'\ \\lil| |’|.nicl |-.nth liii' wiiic ictiii clawicx I Tipsy New Year’s Eve Glitterball .it \l.l\\.l " 3llpiii .iiiii {Ill Ll.< 3| |)cc RAH. t|.nitc|i.il|. hip hop and llli‘.tll clllx \\ ith j._'llk'\|\ \ciiilc\ lRJtllH | l)cl Linii .iiitl Rulilm R.in\ i|\ti.ii I Ultragroove Hogmanay Party .ii ('.i|\.iicl \iill.iiic Ill 3llpiii iiiii L35 3| llcc l lti.igiw\c t.ikc lhcit \cn \cni [\lll) lii lhc iic\l |c\cl \\l|ll .i lull ciiiiipliiiicnl iil l).|\ .llitl \Pt'k i.i| gticxl |)ciiick (\ntci’ \cc pici icn. p.igc ill Vegas! Grand Hogmanay Ball .ii ()cc.in lciniin.i| ‘lpiii L3H 3| l)cc ||.n c .i hit of .i tl.incc iii \c\.it|.i |.nii\‘ ('cilitlh Ronni. not liiigctling i‘lllik'Mlllk‘ liiiiii .\|i\\_\ \|.i|iiiic .nitl Killic KLnx .nitl Inc lllll\l\‘ liiiiii l|ic ('iiiiinclliii’s I’ltix llt‘t' l‘ll\t'\ hath lit lllL‘ (ll) ct'llllt‘

Edinburgh Tuesdays

I Antics til thc an llpiii illll l-icc \Vcckl} Rock. ciiiii. punk .intl lllL'lill thxpntchcx li'iini I'..|in|iuigh\ illl \ccnc I Christmas at Po Na Na .ii l’n ,\’.i .\';i. Ilpiii 3tiiii {lhc IN |)cc ()lldlli} lllllL‘\ liiiiii hip hop lic.il\ tii lltlll\L' gi‘iiincs .iiitl tll\t'1lL'l.l\\l(\.

I Lulu ill l.lllll. Spin 3;iiii. l'icc liclinc lllpiii; L31 .illci‘. IX l)cc t\ I .|.ni. Siiiilliil. cclcclic \clx. I’Ictisc niitc Illpiii iipcning ililtl £5 will} on \cn \ctn'x l);i}.

I Mothergroove ;ii lllc \tititlim Riiiiiiix. ‘lpiii 3inii. LN iUii. 35 |)cc .\|iithci'liiiik .nitl l‘lti'.igi'iiii\ c iiiicc .igtnii |lilll liii'cc\ running through thc licxl in ltink ;int| llllll\L'.

I NY Bent tit Studio 34. llpiii inn. U3 US it'll) iiiciiihci‘xi. | .ltlll. |)cc;ii|cnl ggn .\'c\\ \‘cnr'x I);i_\ cluh li‘iiiii 'lnxlc. ll'ihik‘kl. |‘c\ci‘ and Phi} (in‘lx' Mansion. |i\pcct illl Sin .\’\’(' lilil\lllll‘ lth‘cxx lU Nils c\cc\\i \\ ith it lltlll\t‘ :intl clccti‘ii \iiiintlli'nck tlimnxtgiii‘x. “llllL‘ i‘iiiiiii nm giicx tl|\L'Uiil\l|L'.

I Sene-Gambian Night til “it Bongo ('Iiih. lllpiti 3;nn. till. ltx‘ |)cc. .~\ Sciic


llJi‘Jt.” \t'xh til llic _l\‘l|‘l liniltl. \\l||| .i |z\c|’\tinii1\.il‘.ni .lllti lc\niiinch I Split .il (flilxzzcl \iilmizc lipii: illll licc |\ llct t\ T in. liiittitgtttix liiiiiii .\ in“. clctlin. {ct lino .intl hicaktxxit \|.nig.i\ [U |\iti giicxlx ii .|.ni. pigm- niilc. 1* t'llll} tut thn t|.ilc only

Taste: Escape Christmas Party .t'i (lilxncl \till.iiic lll‘lll iiiii till iiiicnihcix 1M .it|\.iiitc. t 'i.‘ t ||'i i‘ll lhc tlimi 3‘ l)\'\ |~1lh .iniiii.i| ‘| map.“ i‘.iit\ nl up |li\ll| housc tin (‘hiixtiiinx [in I Tuesday Heartbreak Funk Jam Session .il lhc |.i// li.ii l| 3|lpiii 3.iiii ltcc l\ l)k'\ luiliiig‘hll} \cc lhti I Unlock The House .ii llit' l lilllltl Riullll ‘lpiii iiii. 1th | Lil] Ihc capital's hcxl Ills lillll ll‘l\k'\ in MM )iiti thiiiiigh thc \xiiiltl tit ili‘ll\t‘ .iiitl hcxniitl

Edinburgh Wednesdays

I Black Spring Rocks .it llit‘ I.i// ltii || 3llpiii illll I icc l" llct Iniliiigiiilx \ Ill \ct liiiin \l‘lllllt'h illl lhc li|.it k \piing\ Rcciiitl | 4th

I Camp as Christmas .tl til Il‘)

lllpni inn licc l‘t‘lillt‘ llpiii. Ll It ii .iilt'l :0 l)cc ll }i‘tl'lt' l‘i‘lt'il til lilk' ('hiixtiiinx tclli gcl }iilll\t‘|| in thc ( illl) (‘hiixliiinx pain

I Christmas at P0 Na Na .ll l'n \.i \tl “PHI illll Lil‘t l" l)\‘\ \t't' lllt‘

I Compact Disco .ll | iilii \piii illll l-icc licliiic llpni. t3 .ittci \\cckl_\ |’.i\i .llltl liitiiic clcclioiiit t'|.i\\it\ iplc.i\c nutc lllpiii \llll‘l\ .nitl {3 cnti} tin Hmnig Ikni I DJ Sammy .it | go lllpiii t Ill tl.‘ 30 Du (hill «Lincc l‘t'.ll\ |lHlll thc inlciii.itiiiii.i| l).| liii limnig Hi}

I Madchester Boxing Day Bash .ii llic liiiiiitl Ronni Ill illpni inn Lilit 30 |)cc. (‘L'lL'i‘lJllHll HI .1” llllllgN thigg}

I The Pit .il lhc an |lpiii illll l'icc “cckli Ruck .llitl iiicl.i| night in iiitk .intl nicl.i| |.lll\ liii nick .llltl iiicl.i| |.lll\

I Random .ll lilt‘ liiillg'ii ('lllli

Ill3llpiii 3.ini t-l it3i l‘l l)k'\ |’\_\ ti;iiicc night.

I Robotales .il lhc (iR\ ‘lpiii |.nii l‘l't't'. ll) |)cc Stipllhllcnlcil inullx ciiiiihincd n ith Inc .nt pci'luiiiiniicc .nitl c\|iihiliiin\

I We Are . . . Electric .n (‘.ili.iici \iilltiii‘c Ill. zllpiii 3tnii l-icc licliiic iiiitlnighl‘. £3 illit‘l. \M't'kl) l’iink liiiik .lilll clccli'ii litllll (i.ii‘_\ .\|;it \\l|l| .|.ickc luck to back i I” |)cci. Mining tl.n h.i\h \iith ch \\ i'ighl I30 |)cc. nilh .i inn licciit'ci

Special :it thc (‘;nc\. lllpni Stun. £33.


Club venues

I El Barrio

119 Rose Street. 226 4311. Spanish fiesta every night of the week, now on Rose Street.

I Berlin

3 Queensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

I The Bongo Club Moray House, 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

I Cabaret Voltaire 36-38 Blair Street, 220 6176. Mixed bag from house and techno to drum & bass and indie. See listings for details. I The Caves

Niddry Street South. 225 5440. Great subterranean venue (as the name suggests) getting more and more popular due to its unique atmosphere. See listings for details. I CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place.

34. |().3()pn

i Stun. £30. 3| |)cc. thcll

(ininhiun night \xith litikginc illltl

.nitl liii.ill} '|.i|| l’;ni| i3 .l.l||l

556 9331. One of the city‘s most enduring gay clubs. with hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

I The Citrus Club Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk, new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. I Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night for free.

I Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434.

Home to some of the capital‘s best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I Espionage

4 India Buildings. Victoria Street. 477 7007. Five floors of

varied chart and dancey achon.


4 Picardy Place. 550 1780. New swish gay club. See listings for details.


7 Guthrie Street, 220 2987. Intimate club venue mixing art and beats. See listings for details.

I Henry’s Cellar Bar 8-16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. Eclectic and experimental night form surf rock to electro. See listings for details.

I Hive

15-1 7 Niddry Street, 556 0444. New home for most of the Subway Cowgate's nights of rock. indie and electronica. See listings for details.

I The Hudson Club Hope Street Lane. 247 7000. Quality eclectic nights from big house to student nights from some of Scotland's best DJs.

I Jam House

5 Queen Street. 226 4380. Primarily a live music and jazz venue open until 3am. but home to the odd club Special,

including Club Now. See listings for details.

I The Jazz Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. Cool beats from global $0unds to straight ahead Jazz. See listings for details.

I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564 One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live mu5ic. See listings for details.

I Lulu (under Tiger Lilyi 125b George Street. 561 2245. Cool funk. house and other grooves from the people who brought you the Opal L0unge.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday with Tipsy.

I Medina

45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back Vibes With cool hip hop and other SOundS. See listings for details.

I Le Monde

16 George Street. 270 3900. New slick and stylish venue in the heart of Edinburgh.

I Mood

Omni, Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street, 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal, no messing.

I Po Ha Ha

43b Frederick Street. 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats. house and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potterrovir

Teviot. Bristo Square. 650 9195. Student heaven.

I RED Vodka Club

73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details.

I Siglo

184 Cowgate. 240 2850. Charty. party. indie nights until 3am.

I Stereo

King Stables Road. 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758.

Down and dirty club nights. speCIalisnig in techno and rock. See listings lOr details.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd.

I Time

24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Mist

26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. Gay bar with a club space in the basement.

I The Voodoo Rooms 19a West Register Street. 556 7060. New venue promising sophisticated clubbing and entertainment. See listings for details.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set including dub and techno. See listings for details.

I Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

46 THE LIST 13 Dec 2007—4 Jan 20Gb