The List,

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD email editor©

ousoow AND EDINBURGH evms ourofie



THAT’S NOT 9 st?" But i" a .na' r if Publisher & General Editor ENTERTAINMENT sis " f'Ul'th» '. I 7:- SOUNDS GOOD "sz‘r'at .z T . EDITORIAL

Re: Film (591)

. . "' ll“ r- am: a feat r'r; the 'rr/i'lt, l‘.'.~:<;"'. 'i as »'- :7 Elm“

JLA.A: C) ..r .n H \.. z's

w" "r ' Marat/Mia w";t‘vtw:r,";ir'i:.v:“r;‘t"xt,a"rt. (Roy/wit .'."rer"f"‘ar‘. rx. :.:~-‘. r". '. "1" '.: ".rr " ' " err ’l‘:tt;r‘/l ‘mw. 'l‘zli’,l‘ ’l‘:.‘;(3".€:’2 "‘»’-':a affrc'”. " V'w' l7: Lest sweet tam f'ir’ tat” Subeditor .I" 4",? '. " Ir’ z’w" : ' 'V: " r" w int; rt arrluatr, the altrurri at W”;- ,i:a'. ll'n‘J'Jé' t’ r’xlit‘r'ee ate tl?¢l"(i§;€?r Research "mace, v rt 2 :r in 1" l r « w "w: rur I>',.'.'r.-' w‘ tlvt, rat/r .wu "aw: f" .'.t‘."r,~;v '1» t ' .tal lan F r - w wrv v ' r '\ r' r‘, attack that N; the luv f§l‘.()‘.‘.". Altar: grth set; a of of Gasri “9593"” f‘ 3;“ =" " "‘ “,wr’ .H' Jr w" l'm: w 4w ml”; Scottish Ilélll'l‘) rrrofrlerl as; ha". of the arttr, r; If I “:oulrl HIM

r r r r or? w" r' l l‘ ' Hurt/lust three that .‘.'t;"(: llllfififrfl r" Glasgow wean“, troopers; MORE QUESTIONS {Siioyiai inien

r t " :rr- "w ‘w .' l .I’r ‘9, Van Grier. Allrerrltrni's noisy upstarts lhr; ,Iérrrtf; ar‘rt THAN ANSWERS rm.

it v .' r .rri,» .r r: r I trawl/r3. pout Wicker“, l‘.'.’lll Atlarltir; al’ rimer‘w tw: rr'rgitit Once again Alll(?I|(;ti." "I. SALES & tr‘ll‘. tw A: .w-r-wmrrr rr future“, I predict. bosses have t‘lt? e'lragtrrt MARKETING

tllgrt Mzr'l .r' ’Jllll‘r .'.”~i'rrl Mlll‘,

tut ’ll."." ° .r- atar‘, Iv, arr :l'rrt

(I I‘ll tf‘rwlrrrmlatrrrr‘

l'.rl'lrn Yth: HIIH ,(llN 't-'.’~".‘.~-"‘». larrtlr 'Ililll, Kéllf‘hlll Altai ‘. 'r‘alr'ml that fiirrl a llrtr’llrllll .',lllf’ll fii‘r‘.r.‘f3 tr. .-r‘.twt.rrrr an .‘ml? at; rrlégillrrr’f’

f3llozllrl Illlf; f‘llillllrlll, (trim: to gram. / rut marlin“, .'.'r|l lrtlall\, I)(:l Illr' rrevrr thm rlr:5;(:r‘.r:. rather than those from <:rrtirit; \‘Jllt alloultl get out of the

Peter Harris



The Famous Grouse, Scotland's favourite whisky

the llllll B/arl'e Runner; re released this: '.veek_ is l)\.’ the stripper who says 'Do you


Heroes series; one finale Irl.6:<l rile vvrtl‘. false hope that all loose ends \.'.()lll.’l be fatal up before Lllllf:élf$l‘lll() unity unanswered 'iuestrorls; Still, at least it's not long ll'lIll February when Lost returns; to gut: nit,- my weekly reason for anger rnanagr—znlent.


B, ernarl

NAKED AMBITION Re: Around Town (591)

I walked around Glasgow all day on Friday, hoping to gm.-

Advertising Sales Manager

Media Sales Executive

«Vin. 97.6w v Media Sales Support

Aiivrrfx j‘ . mil

Business Development Manager

ar-‘rr‘tt' W...

S onsorship 8 Promotions anager

Sher. l'rt'” Circulation Executive

|[ .v'a :‘rrflh‘ r

PRODUCTION Art Director 'i'ratfi .'~“ I‘v'f’ "

Production Manager

ust ‘.‘."llll()(l to rlro ) you a . l l Designer. . .‘.‘.r“r'


lit. t‘lllflll think I'd work here if I had a note to say thanks; for your my opinion to Gok's ()Irl‘; a“. tr;

\“Jrsl‘. l rst. hate Christmas


My favourite (llltlliillflll from

tlrr- rtrtgatfi rl\,f;torilarl erfltl UT

real snake?" It gives; a whole new rileanirig to recycling. Gordon Crandles l:(lllll)tllt)ll

What did you think?

Winterfest George Square. Glasgow, Mon 3 Dec

Ryan and Lauren

It's a great idea to have the stalls and the ice rink together. It's better than the one back home in Belfast and the bar is an added bonus,

Jean and Stuart

It’s our first viSit to the square at Christmas and we're impressed wrth what we have found. There IS a lovely atmosphere with people of all ages here.

2 THE LIST '3 5-3-5 ' 7-1 J.

Symon and Lu

Although it IS wet there's more of a family friendly feel to this year's George SQuare Christmas event than in previous years.


l'm rust hoping that the ice rink doesn't flood this year like it did two years ago!

shopping. I always struggle for ideas; of what to buy especially for my girlfriend and my lrttle


It's alright. I stay in Edinburgh and l see it every year and it's one of those thrngs that's here every year. But I'm not too impressed with it really.

Curt It's really festive though I would prefer to have had some haggis or oats or something rather

than a steak in a bun though. The ice rink rs cool but I heard rt was really expensive to skate.

whether or not they did low good naked. No such luck' Helga

By email

Winter Wonderland Princes Street Gardens. Edinburgh, Wed 5 Dec


If you want me to be honest, it coold be seen as a lrttle tacky. There's not a whole lot of Scottish stuff, for a vrsnor it may seem a bit inauthentic. The German food IS cool though.


I think it's great, you know. and they're always trying to make it better. They're making improvements next year, putting a big net of lights over the top to light It better.

General Manager Ilsl’(‘..(!l" Bl’u'ul‘ Senior Developer twirl. [.rill'lIK"rrII'l Senior Designer 8W 0 final)“ Software Developer ia't‘r lv‘fELI’er

ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Rr-nmrl

Office 8 HR Manager Joanna filer/:4."

Glasgow Office Manager Sharon Steprrér‘. Reception

Katherine Arlen:

SECTION EDITORS Around Town irratm lllW"; Books 8r an [lormlrtcrm Clubs Herr .‘ ‘r‘ortrrrrro'e tenth Dan". pair/Iv Comedy tiff/1"LO."rdI’l',Qr’ Comics via-rt .' ‘iorf'roc'n Dance Kerr. l-ptrzr

Eat & Drink 39» 3 T~~= 1 Film Paul Dale

LGBT Suzarrrr: Blah;

Kids Ker, Later

Music Van Doberfscr

'r. t" “amen ’ra net: Ca", W. 'V RN; W.‘*~-’".’.' a, ,1: News era U: a' Play Herr; ‘mfrt'rre ’i‘ufll an La. OCCV Shopri'2tn "a: Television 5' a” 272. 1:9" Theatre Stae Cramer Travel “refit” tones Visual Art

lavender “9"9’1.