Wednesday 12
I Bloc Party, The Cribs and Foals SI'.('(‘. I'Inmcxlnn Qua}. UV" “40 JIM“ (L3Ilpnl {I850 I’ml punk PHIIIIL'I\I\ l'rmn London hack ullh II; c lull] III [In (In. lhclr \ccond alhlnn ml urhan .lllf..'\I Support Il'Hlll \VakclIl-Id lndlc punkx 'I Ilc (‘rlhx and lhc Illll umllur-xchuml angular punk lunk ml I-malx
I Job for a Cowboy 'l lu- (ialach. slim Sauchrchall Slrccl. 333 I13” "prn LII! ()xcr- I-Ix \Ilmu i)llllIIl nlclal HllIIII lroln (iIClllIaIL'. All/Ulla
I M.I.A. 'I Ilc .'\I\ Ilc'x. 35 i :\l_:_\ Ic \llccl. 5(r5 Illllll, 7pm {H in (arm cullural. nlulllr‘ucnrc yurng \nuIm-l-Mlan rappcr Scc lcalurc. pauc I3
I Porcupine Tree and Anathema Iiarrmuland. 31-1 (iallnugalc. 553 .lhlll 7pm {ITSH ()xcl I»i\ \Inm (‘ull [)\)L‘Ill'lIL'IIL‘ plug: hand \kIlH dmdgc t‘illL'lell'l\;lIlllll and lrcndx.
I A Band Called Quinn SImlll\. (‘3 .»\rg_'_\|c Alcadc. 33I SUIT. 7. 3llpln L5 ;\ hcalllllul dmc ml cIccllnApop lrmln .-\Il( I). \\ hm prmrdc lIlc Inc llllhlt' clclncnl ol lIlI\ ('Iuh 'I ronloln (‘Ilrlxlnlax c\lra\ag_'an/a.
\\ Inch \HII alm lcalulc an} nurnhcl ol .l-wnc IIlNlI\II(l\\ aclx \uch ax .Ia//hadg_'cl and Malcolm lhc 'I'Ilc\plan (inrrlla Ill lIlc \ullahl} dccadcnl \'lclmrlan \urroundlngx nl Sloanx. Sanla nnghl cwn pul Ill an appcarancc. lI )ou arc all good Imp and gll'Ix.
I The Bootleg Beatles Rlnal (‘unccrl Hall. 3 SauchlchaIl Slrccl. 353 XIIIIII 7.30pm. U850 £33.50. Scc Sun I),
I El Dog, Old Solar and Commander Keen ()ran \Ior. (ircal \chlcrn Road. 357 (i3llll. ".3llpnl, £5. I’lN-pn\l-luckcr\ prcparc dchul alhuln I‘llr' lulu/n n/ 'Il'rm/n'ml lol' l‘clc';l\c'. [‘Ilh allnmphcric \llppnl'l l'roln ()Id Solar and ('onnnalnIcr chn.
I lnspectbr Tapehead, Tom Snowball and Ally Kerr ('ulucr'x.
93 05 II_\ndIand Slrccl. 357 5835. 8pm. I‘rcc. Acouxlic mundx al lhc \xcckl} \'l\alnclmlica nighl
I John Power Barll}. loll (lulu Sn'ccl. 0870 007 090‘). 8pm. £1“. l.l\crplnldlian cx l.a\ haxxixl and ('axl l‘ronllnan \xhoxc Ialcxl \oln ollcrln; III/lull .S‘ln’ ll'u'px 'lpparcnll} wume ‘Iikc a Inounlain'.
h Kurai Kotoro, Eight Page Pullout and Track 9 Ilm. 431 Sauchlchall Slrccl. 333 5431. 8pm. I‘rcc. Bll'l'yllkc all.rockcr\ l'rorn (iIi|\:_'(l\\ Ilcadlinc [Ill\ Sll‘llL‘k I)lllll Rt‘cul'dx \Illm caxc.
I Diamond Sea, The Apples of Energy, Nacional and Roscoe Vacant Nicc'n'SIca/_\. J3I Sauclnchall Slrccl. 333 (MIN). .\’.3llpnl. .-\Il.rock hill.
fl? Minus the Bear and l was a Cub Scout King 'I‘ul'x \\'ah \Vah IIul. 373a Sl Vinccnl Slrccl. 33I 537‘). .\'.3llpnl. L'Ill. Driving. lnlricalc. nchodlc nlalhcorc l'roln Scalllc Ilcadlincrx.
I Mr Manana Bar Bloc. l I? Bath Slrccl. 57-1 (ullhh. 0pm. I"rcc. 'I'hrcc gullar hard rock axxaull l'rmn lhc norlh nl Iingland.
I Popular Workshop, Untitled Musical Project, Fight Like Apes and I Say Marvin (‘aharcl \ollairc.
3h 38 Blair Slrccl. 33H hl7h. 7pm. £0. sham-kw lour \\ llh a lll;l\Il up ul‘ lndrc- punk rock and Icl‘ll'lcld pop.
I Unknown Hagana, Bo Deadly and Super Adventure Club IIcnr} '\ (‘cllar Bar, 8 lha Morrlwn Slrccl. 33\‘ 0303. 8pm. £4. Indic mgm l'caluring lhc quirk} rock nl‘ l‘nknmxn IIagana.
I The Dealeoys 'l‘hc Rmclcal'. 23 24 Sandpurl I’Iacc. 53X 303‘). 0pm. Iircc. MCIOLIIL‘ L‘L'IL‘CIIC \L‘I.
73! 735
‘ onpaqe6
74 THE LIST 39 No.w l 3 Dec 303"
I Plastic Adults, Muppet, The
Dead Beat Club and Amy Duncan
'I Ilc Iimllgm ('Iuh. \Imla_\ Ilmlhc. 3"
Iil'I}l'(NtlI RHdlI. <35 _()I|.i \I‘III L3 1; l
ralxc lnmnc} lmr .IuhlIcc \cmlIand
Thursday 13
I Gogol Bordello \ll(‘. NH Sauchlchall \llccl. 333 33 33 ~pln S( )I I) ()l I ()\L'l I~1\ \Illl\\ (ink) punk hand uhmc lrmnlnlan I nucnc IIul/ \\.l\ nnc ml lIlc \l.ll\ ml lhc lcccnl I lc'\ Schlclhcl dlrcclcd IlIlll la: nl/mxu n Mum/null l/ and aim llucccd \\ lIIl \Iadmnna al I n c I'dlIIl
I Orson and The Electric City ()uccn \Iaruarcl I'lnmn. 33 I lll\c'l\lI} (ial‘dcllx. 33‘) IVXJ "pm L I 5 (’onnnclclal [NMCI pup\lcl\ llmnl I \_ dclcrllnncd lo ckc mul lhcn I5 llllllllItN nl lalnc lll lIlc l'Ix'
I Pelican, High on Fire and Priestbird ()ran \illl. "<l ‘ *5 (ilcal \\'c\lcrn Road. 35“ h3INI “pm L Ill ()\cr I~Ix \IlH\\ Inxllulncnlal pml lmk loul plccc llmln (‘hlcagm \uppmll lmrncx lrlun lllt‘lllIICh High on I’lll'
I U840 SH ‘( '. I'llllllc\loll Qua). “VII (Mu Jllllll. 7. mme L" *3 so chgac lourncyncn \IIII \Inccrng round lhc lHlll'lllf.‘ cnclnl.
I Elvis is in The House \IacSnlIc} \ \Illxlc Bar. 43 Jamaica Sllccl. 3-18 .\5.\ I, Xpnl £3. :\llnlIlcl' lrihulc lnghl lo lhc Ilurgcr King.
I One Night Only, lsosceles and The Dunderheids Km; 'l ul‘x \\all \\'all IIul. 373a Sl Vlnccnl ~Sll'ccl. 33l 537‘). Xpln. U). ()\cr~ IJ\ \Inm. \‘mlkxlnrc lndlc \calnpx Ilcadllnc. Scc prc\ IL'\\. pacc h3
I The Shambolic Wardrobe 'l cIlal ()\na. 43 ()lagm |.anc. 35" »153~I.Xpln. £3. l.l\c lllll\lk‘. prcxcnlcd h} 'Imln
Snlm hall.
I Tempercalm, Already Naked and The Kenny Leckies Hm. HI Sauchlchall Slrccl. 333 5-13I. anl. I‘lcc_ (iullar-“chdlng llUl\L‘lllL'I\\ 'I'cnlpcrcalnl Ilcadllllc lIll\ local hand hlII
I Zoey Van Goey, Endor and The Poems BrcI. .30 -l3 .‘\\Illllll I.anc. H3 MIN». 8pm. I-rcc. \Varnnng pop \\llIl upcrirncnlal l‘qur'lxIlm lnnn /.\'('. al lIllx 8a} I)lrl_\ Rccordx (‘hrlxlnlm parl}.
I Bronto Skylift, The Retrofrets and The Clicks \lc‘c"ll'SIc~;l/}. J3I ~\‘auchlchall Slrccl. 333 (Mill, 8. 3lell. 'I‘hrcc-nnnulc plmcr pop punk lrmln lIlc IlL‘dlIIlllL‘h.
I John Maus, Gowns and Held By Hands I3lh \nlc (are. .5“ (III King: Slrccl. 553 Ih3h'. ‘Ipnl. \lll\ & Sccdx nrghlx ol' l'uruard-lhinking mumh. including .-\rlc| I’ink ;l\\lk‘l;llc .Iulln Manx. Scc prc\ Ic\\. pagc ()3.
I lmprovisualisation 'l‘hc .Ia/l Bar. l (‘halnhcrx Slrccl. 330-1308. 7pm. I-‘rcc. .\Ii\ ol' nllmc and \ lxualx. arl. \ ldco and lnxlallalinnx lrorn \aoko IInr'lucIn. I)arlu\ .lohnx. Slcwn \I}klc‘l} n. .Ialncx III. .-\Ihcrla \Vhllllc and .-\pri| \lcllmt
I King Bear 'I'Ilc .'\rk. 3 .3 \Valcrloo I’Iacc. 333' 9393. 7.3(lpnl. M. King Bcar lakc lhclr cucx ll'Ulll dronc rock. cullnlr} and clcclrmnlca.
I Limbo 'I'Ilc \lmdlm RHUHH. I‘)a \\'c\l RL‘ghlL‘l‘ Sll'L‘L‘l. 55h WIN), 8pm Illlll L4. Scc Thu 3‘)
I Size Oueen, Sylvanus and Sara 8 the Snakes IIcnr) '\ ('cllar Bar.
.\’ Iha \Inrrlwn Sll‘ccl. 33.\’ 9303. 8.3llpln. £4. (‘Iaxklc rock lrunl Sl/c Quccn.
I The Nukes IIlC Ja/l Hal. I (‘hamhcrx Slrccl. 33” 4308. Ul3llpm. £3 1L3». Surl rock Illxlrlllllcnl‘alx lrm.
I The Freaky Family ‘l‘hc Ja/l Bar. 1 ('harnhcrx Slrccl. 33H 43% I Il3llpm. I'rcc. Scc Thu 0.
I The View Mono. 'I'hc l'nlon. I)undcc l'nncml). .-\ir|lc I’lacc. 01383 35mm” U5. Scc Sun 3.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry© Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 29
G ('18le v.2
I Brian Kellock Trio with Jacob Fischerl ll\ IIaII\ Ix’ccllal I\'m«‘lll\. (,llllIIt'IlfJL'5. 35‘ \llllll \pln LIH \lmllandk lmlclnmxl la// l‘l.llll\l_ IchIm k l\ lnlnsd h} Ilanlxll j.'lllI.lll\I I lchlc:
I rlairnlrgll
I Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra IIlc Ia// Ilal. I ('Ilalnhclx \nl-l-r. 12H L‘Ws \ me L 1 '13. Ia/x
\ lawn \ lluln lInx I” plccc hand pIa_\lll:' cmuI .lll.lllf_‘l'llll'llI\ ml 1a// and lllllk luncx I La Rumba Caliente .Ia// ('l-nnl: IIlc l ml. Ih ( il.l\\lll.llkl‘I. 3.‘I \Mlh
.\ 3llpln LIll I l\c pcrlurlnanlc Ill\lll‘.' lIlc \mundx ml \mth and ( 'cnllaI \llll‘llcd \kllIl unnpn'. lunk} and Inchll danccahlc \mund\
I Colin Steele Plays Miles Davis \pc\ ('ll_\ Ulla} IImch l\ \pa. I \\c\l \lclurla Ilmck Ix’mad. (an Qua}. III 353
I 3-1‘llll 5pm {III I L 3| ('mlln \lcclc ll'\|\ll\ \I.l\\I\ \IlI\'\ I).l\|\ lrmnl lIlc 5II\ and hllx. \KllIl \uppnll lluln I’InI Iianllmll on \a\. Hand \IlIIrcan mn plann. kl‘llln I‘Ile mll ham and \lllall I\)II\III\' mn \Illlllh
G asgow
I Swing Cats \Illcdmck (‘ounll'x I’alk. ('l;rlg_'.lII1an I\’H.ld. \ilIllf.‘.l\ rc. ‘l5h (\Illll ".-I5pnl LIX (Um r\II lclnalc hand pcrlmrnnng.‘ a clcal \l‘IL'L'IlHll ml x“ In;
I Leana Zaccarini 8. Jenny Clark Trio :\rl dc ('al. 'I’Ilc ( )ld ~\hcrlll ('mull Budding. Ilrunmrck \llc'l‘l. “HRH
H Ill 3llpln I'rcc Iilum. lunk} pup. I .lllll and xxxnlgnlc la//
I June Tabor ()uccn'x IIaII. 5" .W ('Icrk Sllccl. (who 3III‘). .\pln L'lhc \ llnc lnlcrplclcl ml lradlllmnal \mnyg. \\lIIl a conccrl ml Ian lnlIcclcd lolk Shck \un; \\lIIl I alrporl (‘mm cnllnn and lhc ( I} \Il‘l I’land. \xllll \kIllllll \Ilc lnclnmlahh cmcrcd lIlc \clxcl l'ndclurounlh “\II 'I‘olnmrrmx '\ I’alllcx' \‘Ilbx lmlncd h} ;\nd_\ (‘ulllncu \Iark lzlnclxmn and Inn IIdl'l'h
I Claire Daly New Directions featuring John Burgess and Paul Kirby Trio .Ia// (‘cnllcz Ha I ml. ~1h (iraxxrnarkcl. 4h" 53”” N 3Ilpln LN Ihc Il‘l\Il \lngcr l\ lmlncd h_\ \a\ \lal _ImIlll Hurgcxx and pldlllxl Ix'nh}
I Skunk Funk lhc _Ia// Hal. 1 (‘IIJIIIi‘L'I\ SIlc'L'l. 33H 3395
I I.3(lpnl 3am L5 \lghl ml lmp lunk lronl I).I \\ lIk/hnolh and Inc cucwh Including; "Imucr ml I’mucr' \II‘C\ IlHlll Soul \acallun I" I)ccl
I Jonie Keen Trio I)unhIallc ll_\dru. I’L‘l‘lIl RHdlI. III—Ml 3.335.; I, V II 3Ilplll I'rccv Soplnxllcalcd \lllliIli‘ lroln lIn\ puplI ml \ncaI |a// \clcl"all I'lHlllld Duncan
St Andrews
I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Tribute to Woody Herman lhrc 'l‘hcau-c. \hhc} \llccl. III 334 4—51”! (‘cIcIu'allmn nl .\lncrlcan |a// hr; hand and a lrlhulc lm mnc ol rlx llll‘\l oulxlandlng c'UllIl'lI‘lIIHh
Glasgow I The June Love Trio lrallcr luck. IIHPC SllL‘UI. 3iI SI‘II
3 3" 5 Mpm Ircc llId \cl‘an‘l l.l/'.' and
\rrla \llnmnc \\‘\\‘I\
I The Dias Quartet llzc-i in .:‘~ \\I‘.'.\'ll l anc. 31.3, Whh 3 “pm. Ilcc I’llletzzlc yrumxcw llmrn IIll\ ;a.'.' lunk dlzallcl llmnlc'd h_\ Illa/than tl‘alnpclc'l I\'C}Tlll.lIxIU Iil.l\
I The Glasgow Songbirds \: \ndzcxx K :r: lllc \dualc. \l \ndzcu \ \dllalc 55" 5""? \prll :\ IUH Ictllaic \I‘\.III\I\ ( Inhlmc IlmxlII I lIhIIl (Hart: \II\.1II\i\( alllIc\ anl‘. \ l\1cll \tHIM‘Il pcllmlln a Illl\ ml ran and lmlk
I Clan MCJathah' \ullm: l \: \IILiIki\\-\ \lplall: 51\ NW” ‘lpnl
:15 "5 tlllc l\\m culllxc llll‘dI‘ lnln \cullandk Ic‘dlIlll‘.‘ nnrmal nnndrl-I. \I.l\I.lll \ixiM‘IIJIlI‘ rnd Ill\ law I The Five Aces lln mc' «' \Ilmml ml \rl. Ih\ Ix‘cnllcn \llccl ‘53 I‘ll“ I Ipln L I I: 3' \llIIll‘llIh I‘lult'lc' and IIalnlnmnd i'll‘l“.\'\ llnn: lIlc I l\c \cm rplm lmlhl} knmxn ax lIlc lil‘ll‘L'JIl‘l‘ iII\\‘\II_‘.'.lIl‘I\
I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Tribute to Woody Herman l\’\ \\ll). IHH I\’l‘lllll‘\\ \nl-cl. ‘ \l‘\‘ I II in
lllcndx (day-film
I The Mellotones I lg'Ill} (‘Iuccn \llccl Bar and Ix'lwlaulanl. 5“ ()llccn \IIL'CI. 33h MM" 3 in s lllplll lm- .Illlllll_\ I.l_\IHl and hand pla\ \Hll;‘\ hk \Icl Imlnlc and mllrcl g'lcal 1a// \mc.lIl\l\
I Trio Jazz IIlc Ia// Ilal. I ("Ilalnhclx \Ilk‘k'I..‘:II-1.“’\ i i‘llllll Ill‘x‘ i\it'I.I\k‘\I .lIIL'lllHUll \lml \klIIl lIlc IlHll\\‘ lllm mn planu ml pullal t. haxx and \Illllll\
I The Transatlantic Collective IIlc Ia// Ilal. I ('Ilanlhclx \llccl. _‘.‘ll I3‘I.\ N iIIl‘lll 9,1 uL‘l I)_\nalnn cmnlclnpmlal} la/l llmln IIll\I \ hawd lulll plclc ch h_\ I\,l\\l\l \Irkc Ianlxlll lcalul my I’alrn k (‘mlnl-Inlx ma\ n. |)an Icplcl II‘ldllHI. and I’alll \\ III;'\'ll 'lIllllll\l
I Fish Fry Illc |a// Ilal. I ('ll.nnhcr\ \llc'c'l. 33” I305 II 3Ilpnr *aln L5 Scmlllxh |a//. lunk. \mul and I alln handx |mln I)_I\ I'llk I)'\'lkln_:' and V\\IIUI\U-\ .\c\\ \ulk dllllnlncl \daln Smlcnxcn \upphm lIlc lunk \xrlh Inx \mlcnxnn \muI \\nlkmul l I i)t‘\ » \KIIiI \lrnhcal llmln I)|\\.lll l.\ I)k'\|
I June Tabor InlIHmlIl. .IalI \\_\nll. lllTNh 3".lllllll 5pm LI31LIIM \cc III
G asgow
I Joni Keen 8- the Euan Stevenson Trio Ill-cl ('alc. "5 ('andlcllgu» 553 ‘IRI5 3 5 3lell I-lcc
\lmllnng: la// \landardx
I Drummers Do 'I In- Ia/l liar. l ('Ilanlhclx Slrccl. 33H -13‘l.\ 3pm Inc
I Uillllllll}: \L‘\\lllll\ h} ImcaI (Illllllllll'h. (,)l\s\ \L'\\lllll\. dcnlm and lccllnlcal
ad\ lcc
I Lorna Reid and Paul Kirby ( 'alc (irandc. IH-I Ilrunlxlll-Id I’Iacc. 333
I I.\?\ " ‘lpnl I'lcc. I’lmrdlnj; lIlc Inc |.l// \llUIllI\ In \IIIIL' Im IIll\ \\ cck .llL’ UH'I and claw) \ncaIN Rcld and kc}hmaldhl Kllh}
I Sunday Singers Session 'I IlL‘ .Ia// Bar. I ('Ilanlhcrx Slrccl. 33114305
N 3llpnl L3 lt3 l \Vcckl} \pnl lcalurrn: c\chIclll \ncalrxlx. hackcd h_\ a lInc la/x lrlm. IIn~ lmrlnlggIHK \L'\\lllll\ lcalulc Imna .-\Ilan l3 I)ccl and I,mur\c I)mdd\ l‘I i)L'L' It
I Christmas with The Rat Pack RH\,lI(-UI1LCI'I Na”. 3 SllllcillL'IldII Sll'ccl. :si mun " sup”. L33 5” :2"er Iical lIlc \klnlcr thc\ \I. III] lhc ('hrlxlnlm \Cr\lllll ml ()IHIL'I auxal‘dalmllllnalcd l‘l'u’lll. Summ. (UNI Hum l/H‘ Ru! I’m! lam {mm [.11\ Ii um. '~‘-lIIl \cawnaI