Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay® Listings are compiled by Cate Simpson.
Thursday 29
I Kylie: The Exhibition Kclungmc \ii (i.IIIk'I\ .\ \lll\t'lllll. \i).‘}It' \Iit't'l. _‘"(i*)<‘)‘) I “III I‘ Ian \Iuii 'Ihii
Illaiii 5pm Iii .\ \iiii lIaiii 5pm l'lk't' \t't' \iuiiiid IH\\II
I Robopop GHQ. 4 I’itaid} Plate. 551! I‘M) IN illpin Idlll l'lL'k‘ hclnit- lipiii. H it in .thi Iit'iith “with and lllt'lltl\ lIl|\ t'Iaxxit imp lllllt‘\ and claim ht-alx
I Audioaerobics ( Hit) 4 I’lt‘illtl} Plan: 55“ I’Ni Ill illpiii iaiii, I'iu' lenit' I Ipiii. £5 It-Ii iillci‘. Scc t'Iiihx.
I World AIDS Day Service Si Mai} \ Izl‘lxt'HP-il ('.illictIi;iI. illil (ii‘t'iil \\ t'xtci'ii Road. ii“ INC. 7pm. I-i'cc. I'Ul iiiiirc iiilniiiialiuii t'niilat‘l 'It‘i‘it'iit't' Iligggiiix Iiiixl \tullaiid «in Ill-II 553 ‘5 *3.
I Brother for a Day (‘arnixal \rix ('t'iilit'. 3th Hour. 3-1 -\|hiuii Sli'ccl. 553 NH". ‘lpiii 3am. I” it'5i I‘HI lllillk‘ iiilniiiialinii t‘iiiilat'l It'i'i't'iit‘t' Iliggiiix 'I'i‘iixl StiilIaiid on ill-II “I {N W.
I Club Noir: Smoke and Mirrors (liiliiij: \t‘adciii} (ilaxgim. III l'.“._‘IlIIltIll Siiu‘l. “5'44 4” Illllll. ‘Ipiii ittlll. LIZ it‘ll \Iagit'. t'hai‘iiix and gIaiiioiii‘ IUI' lhc \\ll\'ll|llf_‘ IIUllI'x. Scc L‘Iiihx.
I World AIDS Day Fundraiser \Valcthm Iidl‘. .-\I':_'_\ It' ~S'II‘CCI. 343 '73“). lpiii iiiidnighl I'icc. I2\ll'tl\;l:_‘.llll pt'ilnriiiaiit‘cx h} lhc tIL‘IIL‘Ii‘Ih ('hcri Iit'illt'l \\IIII ral'llc pi‘i/t'x and .i hiixl til other xiii‘pi‘ixt‘x. (hint and I'.II\L‘ liindx liii‘ 'Iciit‘iiu‘ lliggiiix Il'll\l Scotland. I'iii' IIIUI'L‘ IIIIUI'IlIdIIHlI t‘nniat'l 'I't'i'i'ciit'c Iligginx Il'll\l Scotland HII “MI 353 3838.
I World AIDS Day Service Si .Inlnik ('hiiit‘h. I’iiiit‘t'x Slit'cl. 23‘) "505.
4 5. illpiii, I’lk‘t‘, Sm- l‘tIlIL‘Ii
I Champagne et Chocolat - The Ball I’It‘xIUIIIIL‘IiI. I’l'lt‘xllIL‘ItI RUdtI. :25 "Still. "pin laiii. L'Illll. Scc paiicI.
I Boutique (Hit). 4 Pit-aid) Plat-c. 55H I“.\'ll. III..5IIPIII 3am I'it'c hclui'c llpiii; t5 (UH .il'lt'i I'Ict‘lru and hoiixc li‘iiiii luck} l.llk'l.tlI\‘ \xiih I)t-i;i.\hii‘d iiixlitiiling .l xIl'lt‘l IIU CllL‘L‘\k' [‘UIlt'}.
I Luvely 'I'hc liquid Ronni. ‘It‘ \it‘luria Slicct. 335 3504. Ill._‘llpiii 3am. (I: iiiiciiilwi'x t'llli. \ x.iiic_\ xtiii'cc til liillruii. dri\ in; huiixc iiiiixit‘. I'hix iiiniiih'x ihciiic ix ‘Ilcawii St‘cnt'. “I don )iiiii‘ \xhilcxl gaunt-nix and i‘ciiicnihci‘. mcr} lIlIIL‘ a hcll i'iiigx. ll iiicanx a lair} gclx iix \iingx.
I Pink Links Ihc Sii‘ccl. I I’icai‘d} I’lacc. 55h 42'2. \‘pin. £5 Spccd dating tor ga} mm and “union. \xhich mnxixlx til 15 thi'cc-niiiiiitc daicx. kicking nil \\IllI a di'iiikx i'cccpiiun and gamCx to break the ICC. Bunk llk'l'xk‘l\ \‘llllllL‘ 01‘ .ll IIIC SII‘L‘L‘I. or contact III/iv iii
cuulil/icw Iiuliii.iiI.coiii.
I Hifi (EIIQ. 4 I’icard} I’Iat‘c. 55H I‘M). III.5III‘lII 3am I-rcc hcl'nrc I ll‘ni; (4 lb."
60 THE LIST .‘t‘ Navy ‘3 0-3-3 -fo‘“
allu I iiiix'l; (ht- ‘M't'kcnd zit xI}Il\li tlt'haiitht'r}. mil: I)J \Iitht-Ilc I‘IUHtIlZI; a Ilil\ nl aniht'iiix and lining tIaxxitx
I Taste ( XiI‘arL‘I \HIIallLi 5" “ IiIall \lit‘t'l. 3:" (ii—(i I Ipiii z.iiii :5 ht'luic
I I 1llpiii. ‘A 'IIICIIII‘CH UH .iIIL'I \ct' tluhx
I Passionality Ii}I\qu. I II]! (J. \Icrthani Square. ‘1 :\II‘IUII Slit'cl. 55: ‘5‘)5 Il illpiii 1.iiii :1 113» like an ageing; pup xiai \ihuicliixcxIngi\ciii.1hc \wt'kciid I.tllII\IIL'\ .i Iaxl IIIIIIIIIC uiiiichatk at li}l‘IHx xiilh I).I Rnhcrtx [‘I.t}III:_' than hilx lni lIIL' ;_'a_\ III|\L'tI proud
I OUT ( ll“). ‘1 I’lt’dltl} l’IdkC. SS” I—MI Illpiii iaiii I IL‘k' ht'luic I lpiii. t4 it‘w .ilici \iari ihc tit-ck \HIII a hang. \HIII I).l .Iaiiit'x 'Icllci Hi] the dcckx
Tuesday 4
I Wicked Wenches 'l‘lit- Stand. 5 \Ul’Ix Plan: 553 7372. N, illpni. U» m4. iiiciiihcrx Ur '\ t'cIchi'alniii (ll IL'IIIJIC t'iiiiiit~ talcnt. \HIII it"§.‘iil.ii hnxl Siixaii ('aIiiian. Shc ma} nut ho a lad}. hiii xhc'x .iII \wiiiaii I'caliii'iiig Siixaii \Iiii'i‘a}. .-\I KL‘IIIIL'tI) and lllL' ImcI} Kt'i'i’} (indliiiiaii I Fab (iIIQ. 4 I’it'ai'd} I’Iat‘t'. 55H I‘M) Illillplll .‘aiii. I-i'cc hclni‘c llpiii; £4 iL'Si tlIlL'l'. I).l I)alc I.II\II xt'iM'x up 'I'iwxda} IIIjJIle (iII(‘)in.\lt\
I Vibe Iago. H I’it‘ai'd} I’Iiit‘c. 47X "454 Ill. illplll iaiii. L4 Ihc iniichxliinc iil Indiiihiii'gh’x qiicci’ t‘Iiih \L'L'IIL'i Iiniixliiig a \HIItI Illl\ oi daiiccahlc llIlIL‘\ and cheap drinkx lIlIlII lhc curl} IIUlIl'x (II \Vcdiwxdii} iiiuriiing. Vihc ix lhc IIIItI\\L'L‘I\ clubbing: cwci'icncc _\Hll can count on.
Wednesday 5
I Wicked Wenches 'l‘hc Stand. 33* \Viiiidlundx Rum], 087” (MI) (3055. Niilpm. U» ([4; iiicinhci'x U i Scc Inc 4.
I Allure 'I‘hc IUIIIIL‘I. 34 Mitchell Sliu'l. 304 lllllll. l|.3(lpin 3am. £3; xludcnlx [\w lur «inc. ('hccx} pup \HlIIItI\ II'UIII I)J Darrcn and thc gll}\ hchiiid I’Lixxiunulil}.
I Wanted (ill(). 4 I’iciii‘d) Plant. 55“ I780. III..5IIPIII 5am. I‘i'cc hcliirc Ilpiii; £4 it‘3i alicr. \Iidxicck cluhhing from D] \Iit'hcllc. Luck up )iiiir xludcnlx.
I Robopop (IIIQ. 4 l’icard} Maw. 55” I‘MI Ill..‘\llpni 3am. I-‘i'cc hcl'ui'c I 1pm; £4 it'5i tlIlCI‘. Scc Thu 3‘).
I Audioaerobics (illQ. 4 l’icard} Maw. 55” 1‘80. Illfillpiii 3am. I‘rcc I‘L‘IHI‘C I II‘IIIL [5 (IL-ll dI‘lCl'. SL‘L‘ I‘ri .5”.
Saturday 8
I Utter Gutter IIIL‘ (ilthguu SL‘IIUUI HI :\I'l. lb" chlrmx Strch 553 45%.
I lpiii 3am till i(iS.-\ xiiidcnix {Si ’I‘hc l‘itci' (iuiicr .-\iiii-.\niax party I‘i‘cc (ilIIlL‘l' (‘II lur lhc lirxi lllll I'L‘\L‘IIL‘l\.
I Loud & Proud Festive Concert Church Hill 'I‘hcati‘c. 53a \Iiiriiingxidc Road. 53‘) 4l4". Spin. L“ ii5i. 'I'hc Loud tk Proud ('huii'x toilw concert tcaiiirt'x an cclcciig IIII\ oi ('hriximax l‘amuriwx and xcaxunal IIIlI\lC from other CUUIIIFIL‘\. 'I‘ickcix a\.iil'.ih|c II'UIII ’l‘hc Huh.
I Boutique (EIIQ. 4 Picard} Plat-c. 55H I"i\ll Ill Fllpiii 5am. I'rcc hcltirc I Ipm; L... NJ“ .tIIL‘Ii SL‘C Sal I.
I Fever Iign. l4 l’icard} I’Iacc. 4‘.\ "45-1. Ill.5llpm 5am fill) lib». like 'I’axlc
woiiL‘o Aios on
Various events. Sat 1 Dec
Now in its 20th year, World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic and related issues. The event. which takes place annually on 1 December, is the culmination of a year-round programme run by the World AIDS Campaign. The WAC's theme this year is. “Leadership”. Across Scotland there will be various fundraising events and community gatherings reflecting on the lives of those affected by HIV and AIDS. including a Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland-organised event at St Mary's Cathedral. Great Western Road. Glasgow and HIV and Hepatitis C charity Waverley Care‘s World AIDS Day Service at St John's Church on Princes
The central belt will also play host to a number of fun. gay-friendly events to mark the occasion. Glasgow-based writer, director and performance artist Diane Torr presents Brother For a Day in aid of Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland at the city's Carnival Arts Centre. which features a roll call of performing talent, including comedian Viv Gee on MC duties. burlesque troupe Vixens in Silk, a manic Dusty Springfield act courtesy of Violet Tweets, and appearances from performance artist Adrian Howells and Death Disco DJ king DJ Hush Puppy. Also in Glasgow, the Waterloo‘s festive fundraiser features the delicious Cheri Treiffel (pictured). whipping the crowd into a fruity frenzy in aid of Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland.
Meanwhile. the capital welcomes Champagne and Chocolat. a fundraising ball with all profits going to Waverley Care. A ticket. priced £100, includes a champagne reception. three-course meal and entertainment from jazz vocalist Jess Abrams as well as entertainment group Graffiti Classics and ceilidh band Callanish. Surely a more worthwhile use of your cash than another round of mince pies and selection boxes. (Allan Radcliffe)
.fki/ li..\:ii7tlr'.1i 'tii ‘tlv‘ r'f
tor the I'rida} nigh! t‘i'mxd, I’i‘c-t'luh part} III IIIL' SII'L‘L‘I .thx IIIL’ I).lx IUI' illxt‘illllll Pit\\L‘\.
I Hifi (iIIl). 4 I’icai'd) l’IthL‘. 55H I‘M). Ill..‘~llpm 5am. I'i'cc hclni't' I lpiii; £4 itii allcr. Scc Sun I.
I Taste ('iihai'cl \iillaii'c. 5h 53 Illiiii' Sirccl. 334i (II-.(I, I Ipiii 3am. £5 hclui'c
l I5llpm; LN iiiiciiihci‘x UH allci'. Sec Sun
Monday 10
I Passionality Bihlnx. l'nii Q. Merchant Square. "I .'\II‘IHII Sircci. 553 5895 lI5llpm 3am £5 it'll Scc Mon 5
I Out (illQ. 4 l’igard} I’Iau'. 55“ I‘m. Illpin 5am. I'rcc hclurc llpiii; :4 it“. ttllL‘l‘. Sec Mon 5.
I Fab “HQ. 4 I’it‘ai'd} I’Iat'c. 55H I-\‘l
IIIAIIPIII *aiii. Iiu' I‘L'IHH' llpin. Li it ~‘~u .illt'i‘. Soc 'I lIL' 4
I Vibe lug“. I-I I’it'aiil} I’'c. -I"\ “I 4i Illillpiii 5.11” L4 \t-c Inc-I
Wednesday 1 2
I Allure ‘Iht' 'Iiiiiiit'l. \4 \Iiitht'll Slit-vi. 3H4 lllllll II illpiii 5am Li. \llliIt'lIl\ tun In! IIIIL'. SL‘L’ “MI 5
I Icebreakers ('(' liluuiiix. :1 34 (il‘t‘L‘lleLIC l’ItIkL'. 5W) ()5 5I H 5‘) ‘iplll I‘i'cc Sm'ial :Jlillll‘ IHI [‘L'lll‘lt' who want in lIIdeL‘ iicu lricndx in Milli winpaiij. 'I hix \wluiiiiiiig and iiimihrcalt'iiiii; group. iirgaiiixcd h} thc Imihiaii Ga} and chhian Switchboard. ix ltIL'dI il )nii'ic nun. In lllt' pit} or rcpt-nil} out
I Wanted (iIIQ. «I I’Italtl} Plant. ;“J I'xll Ill..‘~llpiii ,5dlll I‘icc I‘L'IHIL' Ilpiii. {-1 I“! .iIlL‘f. SL‘L‘ \\L'tl ;
I Robopop Hill). 4 l)lkillkl:\ Hats. 55” I'M) Ill ‘llpiii 5am I‘icc hclnrc IIpiii. 'tlllCr. \L’L‘ III! 2‘)