Contrary cowboy

Miles Fielder meets Andrew Dominik, the filmmaker behind The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, which stars Brad Pitt

t's taken .\'e\\ /.ealand-born. :\ll\ll'illlil-Dl't‘tl

lilmmaker Andre“ Dominik tpieturetll se\en _\ears

to tnake the follow-up to his mueh-pi’aisetl tlehut. ('lio/i/n'r. Like that lilm. 'Iillt’ .vlsstissi'litili'oli offllesst' James by I/It’ ('oii‘ttrt/ Robert l'ort/ is a \tiltll} tineomentional portrait ol' an outlaw and. like (’litll’lter. it’s been well l'L‘L‘L‘DL‘Ll on the l'esti\al eii‘etiit. So. \shy has it taken this long l‘or Dominik to get his aet together-1’

‘I \H'UIL‘ a buneh of things alter ('lio/i/it'r.‘ Dominik s;t_\'s with i_\pieal :\llllPULlL‘illl l‘oi'thriglitness. ‘btit this \\ as the onl_\ one I eoultl get made. Basieall}. the reason this lilm happened is beeause Bratl \santetl to do it. Brad saxx (‘liopper \\ hen it eame out and \\e \xent baek and torth on a few things bel'oi‘e making this liliii.'

.-\.\ its (I‘lltllllt'aa Him/t Ht Rt‘t'ort/a-eompeling llllL‘ suggests. lllUJJb’lt'Rl’ is neither eomentional tilin nor traditional \xestern. It‘s a beguiling. tlelirious. ieonoelastie portrait of the l'amous outlau and his friend and killer. It‘s long. slim mming. alternatel} realistie and dream-like. and it tloesn'i boast man} shootottts antl robberies.

'l aetuall} don‘t like \\Clel‘ns mueh.’ sa_\s Dominik. ‘I like good \\L‘.\IL‘I'I].\. bill it isn't in} pi'el'ei'retl genre. There are all kintls ot' westerns: aeid \\C\IL'l'll\. 7(ls \Vestei’ns‘. Nicholas Ray's neurotie \sesterns. The ones I

tend to like are nuiso “esterns. But I low a lot oi

western literature ['II-lt)././I)"l‘(‘Rl-' is basetl on Ron Hansen‘s l083 noii-tietioii book] about that rieh periotl ot~ .-\meriean histor}. tonartls the end ot‘ the \testxiai‘tl expansion.‘

He adds. “There's been about 75 mmies about Jesse

40 THE LIST 3:3 him—‘5 See

James. and he seen about lotii oi them. lle’s iisiialh poi‘tra_\etl as this pltiek} rebel \sho‘s got no elioiee bill to turn to erime. beeatise the iail\\a_\‘s hassling his mother. But he \xasn‘t like iliat. lle \\.ts iiisi .i batl git} \\ith a i'eal|_\ gootl piess agent. and lhats the was \te'\e portrasetl him in the blot lle's \ei_\ liiiman. btii at the same time insihologieal.’

l'nsurpi'isingl). /.l()././/i’/(‘/\’/ ilitln’t go tloun \‘.t'll \\llll the slutlio. 'lt's a \teiitl lilinf Dominik atlmils 'B} lloll}\\ootl stantlartl's it's iiol a v. ell behaer moxie. .‘\ll\l ati)thiiig that tle\iates liom a loimtilaie sti'tietui‘e is pereei\etl to be a mistake. It's not a lilm that lesletl \\ ell. l’eople \sei‘e etilletl li'om malls aiitl toltl the} uere going to see a \sesiein \\llli llratl I’m in ll. 'l'lie} \xei‘en't e\peetiiig this ii’uil_\ long llltl\lt'. so it tlltllbl seoi'e \\ell. lltit it \\as pi'oleeletl b} l))l.ttl. ll probabl} \\tlllltl li'a\e gone through the meal grintlei \\itliout him.’

Dominik is a stiekei‘ tor punishment llis iie\l pi‘oieel is another tineonxenlional \\L‘\le'lll. (ll/t s or l’ittti. the third part ol' ('oi‘mae \le('aitli_\\ lion/ii lit/ox. \tliieli takes plaee on the l S \le\iean iionliei ill l‘t‘.‘ 'll's got a lot ol strikes against it] Dominik laughs. 'lhe least being its a sequel to .‘m /’n ll!’/\t\ [.\le('artli) atlaplation tlii‘eetetl b} ’iill} Hob llioinlon in Ztlllll antl notoriotisl} sa\agetl b). the nov. tleltmet sttitlio .\lii‘ama\]. Hut l'xe got a big thing loi' .\le(‘arth_\. and it's a beautiitil stoi_\.‘

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is on general release from Fri 30 Nov. See Also Released, page 44.



A}? _ d" >l< Silent Light Minotaur tliniiiakoi tiailt‘s Battle) to Haiti": Hottiatiors t‘liaiititilt; {lllTilt‘lt‘ Danish iiitnmakoi tltiil llw ltltll lllt'ylft ill this lillT.)lt)(3liill)lt‘t atttilton, tiiama, Sta,- ir>‘\.'it:‘.*.t. limit: .1 t (if 7. Glasgow E (It'i/iitn‘ [dinning/i t/orii fn ,' {)t >i< Syndromes of the Century lhai tiliniiitilsoi Apichgitpong Wooiasothaktil's Detitiiliiitily lllySltflltltl‘S love stor\ l)£l8(3(l on his; parents oxpononer: at a total hospital. Set-3 lL?\./l(}\“.’. page ~13. li/riiliot/st). {dinning/i, In (90 Mon (l Dec. >l< I Don't Want To Sleep Alone Anothtt-i era/y tale of istEX and violence ll()tll master Malaysian lith'JLllICBSU tilmniaker isai Mingliang. Visa ".'.".‘."‘.V.ll8i.(j().tll</llllll to read oxrltisivc interwew Wllll Miang- lianti and see Also Refleascxl, page 414. Film/loose. [til/ltlt/l'tjtl. Fri (30— Hit/ (5 Dec. >l< The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford See inttziViWJ. left and rovrew. page UM. Gene/til le/ease from Fri 30 Nov.

All About Eve Digital re»- release of classic stage door bitch test starring the incomparable Bette Davrs. See Also Released. page 44. Film/rouse. Edinburgh from Fri 30 Nov.

* The Killing of John Lennon Compelling account of the lead—up to Lennon's death from the perspective of his killer Mark DaVid Chapman. See revrew. page 42. C/newor/C/ Renfrew Street. Glasgow; Cinewor/d Fountainpark, Edinburgh, Fri 7 Dec.

>l< The Darjeeling Limited Grieving brothers take India in Wes Anderson's delightful new film. Out now on general release.

>l< Beowulf A decent monster flick for once. but the IMAX format is best. Out now on general release.