Andy Brogan .'."w"tt:a:“ mmv. .v ; - Martin Richmond ;.; : .,

. Title “.'.’tl’t lhz'wix r'.1t‘ t2" :t f' :-

I ' ' o O. i c Directorrirm:luau at, . 11' ' :-u-: .. Director-‘1' : : :'- r :.

Synopsis "twat run :, ,: .r « ,3», I. z .. , .,. .‘Jaxatntm‘ahmhaw' tiw‘.‘ r .

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outwardly respectable ltl (fl/(Th, (mm/titular ,‘,l»v.»l t, ,v ; ,,., u ;‘ ; ou enter again? t.‘

Couple that Wltil a [)(iSTlllltf ‘.'/it|t;ll Hitlltlttttit it «aft 4 wt" T ,1. ' :‘ " " . :- z .‘ : ' ' Would y llt‘/()|V(,‘f; (thatmylhq ?§()lll(:iil|tt(] Ill ()ltitfl that a .‘.h< ,li- ,{i"" ‘t‘r't .w': " ::-- .1, ° 4 . to purist:er Its; heatity. A2; for \.'.’h(:th(&t ah' rat that. ! .'.v:;t<i sf it. 2 How did you find the OMW What are you doing now?

the homes that Iitf? mah hears; art: mal wrharkahlw «ta; ft r 'htz'g, mu, experience? "it .-- g 1 ;~- _: . . (itImaginary.lwouldlikeptrhplwtm Hummus" Mira' :t . . z. t:::' ' :z" ' . make ill) the” own rhui(ls;.' Would you enter again? iii-571.31. a'tf : xiv: Iv ~ »- a ~v. ., ", t ' ' HowdidyoufindtheOMW Whatareyoudoingnow? a: t' 'v x w -: ' experience? ‘I (fltj()‘,/(?(i the whtiltr ‘E‘iillltiqill‘tii’zfll‘1lfiild'lli' wwitt‘ a r:‘ wig , : z t ' z z - '

mucosa, l mm the initial (I()lli3tlli£tllt)ttf, |t':; ah hrhah ghost mtwr‘. am}, .2": Memorable moments from the w -»-: . ' " vw ' : .:

()hthusmipt.throughthutilmlhgtmthtr ktl()‘.'.’f$. Iitt?l(:ll!|(;i‘.1(t‘.(‘llt:i'f;;l"1“ ShOOt'i"""’t1"“ " :'. fr'" 2 ti: ww.‘ ':

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Emily Munro Title : Director 2' ,t'

How did you find the OMW experience? it's-'1‘ °v

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Memorable moments from the

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Would you enter again? t‘ ;-’,-" .' '; '52"}~:’° :w‘ ~ ~ 11'," , ' : 1' 'i H “"‘ '1'“ ,“‘.'. ‘I' H. ‘7.‘f

What are you doing now? " °' .

I The One Minute Wonder films are now available to see at www.| The 2008 Metro Ecosse and List Short Film Competition, an all-new three minute film screenwriting competition, will be launched in our issue out on Friday 4 January.

20 THE LIST 3:3 No. '30;