eounterparts. With this in mind.

l‘,j_'f_' ha\e tlL'\L‘ltipetl a \ariet} oi programmes and treatments tor

rrten. so. while |)i p|a_\\ her holistie eards in (ilaxgou. m} aim \xas to lind uhat the )otingtishl mart about trmn \\ rth troublesome pores eould aeltie\ e ill a one-hour session.

.r\lter an in-depth consultation almut m} eurrent slightl} \\;t}\\.’tl‘tl. it enthusiastie eleansing i’L'jJilllL' .ioanne. one oi the treatment speeialists at ligg. arranges me on a long: plati'or'm hed and plaees some hot stones on either side (ii in} spine and l ieel hitherto unnotieed tension in m} haek seep anti}. She studies the l4 areas oi dil'i'erent skin on m} lace. assessing: their pat'tieulat' eharaeteristies.

'l’he ke} here is lluihility uttering eaeh elient a eustomised progranune. designed to lit in \xith their hits} li\es. 'l‘he ltK‘lix l'or me is on repairing: damage li‘om numerous rough \haxes arid minimising turther ahuse. .-\ tahle lull ol' l)er'rnalngiea produets are gentl} applied to in} l'aee and neek and i am \eruhhed. hulled. eleansed. exioliated. toned. ill;t\\;t:_'L‘tl and tnoisturised for what eould lta\ e heen minutes or hours. ()n top ol‘ that I am treated to a hot stone shoulder massage. The H arm. \ttlntillt lumps oi haxalt stone apply a less oh\ ious. more men pressure than traditional massage and loosen the shoulders \xhile a lame mask \l(i\\ l) sets.

I am rinsed and moistur'ised and paeked oil \\ ith a list ol' reeommendations l'or usel'ul produets. l l'eel lit enough to handle a lirst date. or more realistieall} ~ the rest oi the alternoon at the ol‘liee. \\ ith rene\\ ed \‘igottt'. :\ ltrmp ol' enal tar map doesn't really eut it tor most people an} more and the eleansitig and relaxing nature of these treatments eertainly make thetn a more l'ullilling way to spend _\nur luneh hour than a trip to


SALON ROUND UP Wherever you are, you can find your way to the best ‘super salons' with The List's handy hitlist

Glasgow & beyond

I Julie Ross Beauty

Hair Holistic

At Julie Ross. the empire an, is : :n old school excellence and innoxatlon. .‘.|l'l e‘.'er‘,'thrnr_; from (fllf3l()l‘.il.‘;“(l ‘ar'ra's t’r prescriptitw pwiicuref‘, on otter Charming treatment rooms. sptxtral product events and long (il)(}l‘.lllti hours. Best For Launches. events and hard to get heaut‘,’ exclusives. Next ment is en Wednesday 21 Noxeniher.

1 iii West Regent Street

lei: (ll-ll 23-18 {3-1.18

I Good Vibrations

A one stop shop for hair. ttealth and beauty. the salon is the first to offer Vihra Therapy. a fat lighting. cellulite hosting; regime. they also do souuht alter non surgical tacelrtts and sptxaalrst skin packages

Best for All over transtomrations.

11 Watson Street, (ll-11 5:52 0200

I Rainbow Rooms

Synonymous wrth colour expertise and ext)errmentatron, this hrrght and heautrlul salon in Royal Exchange Square covers the spectrum of hair and heauty's latest SCllSIlllOllS. Expect tanning. teeth whitening; and luxury haircare as well as their own hrand heauty products callrxl ‘Must'.

Best for Cool and luxurious hair centred packages.

21 Royal Exchange Square. ()t-tt 204 4.160

I Rita Rusk

More cyher than super this is a 21st centum salon wrth a l‘.'.’lESl. Etemhrng from hridal to hotox can happen here An amalgamation of heauty. art and commerce. clients can choose to relax and urn-and in the gourmet cafe netx-xrxzn treatments. unratch tele‘asron or suit the net. Your'e ex'er‘ :lt\.llO{l to hrzngi ‘:.our' laptop tor that deadline that just :an't ‘.‘.'a:t. Plug in and mill out.

Best for l\‘l;iltt-taskrng.

2'3 Bethuneil Read. Hamilton. @1698


A u: tamper st... .a “rice

3' Lrlbali (itlltLrelt‘ bet,“ '7 '3. 't arty"; (I more trttsrrrtaton

Best for Mtstrca 't‘.dl<8;‘.€r8 and a host of oeaun Surprises. 12-1 Krrkentrllocn Road. 0141 782 331 1


I Cheynes Hair & Bea Th"i'1"i""i~i"rii' " "»"

, ,v ‘t r I'r r Ir rr r in" ' r"r»~:'\i t‘::w: til“ " in

Best for lien ' Elia} l'~t.{‘n ~ w

'Yt “7\vr‘v,]1‘".,y.n\.

I Egg Hair & Beauty /‘\ “1., rt : tt‘ lz"'t.a.,. l'bl. iftr..:i'l1 13.11"“ if.” ‘t

1‘ it‘. aturie‘; ‘tt‘t‘ l'ut" .1'?. it 73;? "*1;- Best for I am “ilirr‘uinto'tiStré-et.

I Ritz Hair 8 Beauty,

for f1lt“{ll‘;i.‘" luxun, (to anti e‘xper

ir‘.t<:rrr‘.atH tr‘

‘x; arnrr-rtnt;

the urtr'nate in gatoritl larnou‘; i 'r‘llt

facialsat i't1t.’liau 1-; l3r:£ttl‘.. lire

/ r\"~tt.i't'lt‘ir'.ttll,ttfwrwf l\l!'.‘l\t.“' L1,. "Wt-1,"

I“. 733'“ {xiii-1‘5,


innouse Inerapeit at tre :sal: r‘ haw an

excellent urderstandinu ot the.

prestqpous lieaat‘. line and .‘.u:

pamper to i)(:.’i~f¢<‘lrt>lt

Best for lace and txxt. treatrrterrtf,

Ill a relaxed setting. S) Dundas Street. Gt")? {>51

I Saks

Hair and heaut.

.' Hay? 'r‘a’ie eas, Ill a i.‘.‘ellestat lrshed, trend :efl salon

Hair and heaut‘. packades an or

custom l‘lllll around tile inrimrlrrat

at‘ you prepare to tie pampered in a

calm and refreshrnr; enurrcrtrtti-{lt Best for (Just ,nr t>1illt serivte. Glasdo‘c.’ Road. ("I‘ll 5:11.11. Hf; I Pride

A modern, rn.r:.r'iai upturn 3:1; ir‘

‘;r,r,~';.;t‘rsrr‘<; ;r‘. haircare naiir are and

heaut‘, .‘."()"'v\33. filth the errpnaw‘, urtalrty. wellness) ar ’: relayenatiw", tt-tr should l)€: .od “sf: air“ at Tr, rte Silky.“ 'tnrl rrvlui:;e Exit" sxtm treatments arr: a spe a ‘7‘ Mile f':-',-

salon also style; f'w'l 53’ to find Aeterr‘a 'zatr r mm 3.5,. Best for Hf-éii'.“ Lii‘S'fll fr'eat'r‘ent" ar‘ he.


.[j(1.‘{: S.":';..

PM "2

I Hayes

A tiny treasure tr, e ’2‘ pea,

rm 1'l", 'a ' .;°_ n: a” 11' / sro mused :1 3 ) :r r 1 ‘a ' 1’! 1' " r anna'e' f. Ear Car .11 " . . r“ (pr-Ox " :«.’r.a'

Best for Lhasa: T'i;?:’.r"e"f<; a max: t 5m. ‘u.

Brat! .‘C1 5V L147. 4 J


Get ready to groom with our pick of the take-home treats

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II o ' ' r. . ' o r ,

z t t': r eh ‘i'

' 1 ~ it t .1? MW :

Poetic Brow Shaping


Sugar Wax Kit t

it‘ ' imam)?


‘I. n"r 7V]:(‘..|‘

'tr imitatth at i1.ir.w,l\l»r‘trr>l‘;


Benefit Hollywood Glo 3" M'rr "'wlrt'tt ‘: lattif‘W‘ntVt'. ,us til lrr.‘. ., "l’ gm- ' --'te<t 'rir we r". ennui: lo- at

'hi‘w" anti twt '.t 'e'

MonScionco Microflno Paco Scrub 13 .va i'rr

ut'ltiV Lil llli' Y". lli'

ta'nrwr'r'rn-rrrne. ~

trart‘wi""r.o-' .riit'ieuntial tieaut. norr'”. Anulahleat

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Dormologica Daily Microtoiiant 1‘98 an,

'Na'l in! ..‘l’ll"‘, .-.hmlo.r-late "rint‘. lltli 'nm' WK)“ ratt. ‘riill, "m, t..' mi-ie rim:

Law,- 1 nklt. r,r-';r:terirrtr; r,r,.'rtpiex . “,iti"")l tie /-\.;1l.2il)l‘: {it

t ’t'; “tart ". bean,

1W; "are ‘1‘; range endorsed b;

1:41!)r ' ’: ,. ‘n‘t’ Cd": L”w‘:’)‘;|’/fldl’)

a”: new, ginger; a flux: mu can

cart ,mr flf/ {1 1‘1“ éz’Otirt’i at?

l']‘(/ Andante at G’JUFJ


/ Stockists

Space NK. 36-37 Princes Square, 48 Buchanan Street. Glasgow and 97 George Street. Edinburgh 0131 225 6371; Frasers. 21-45 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, 0141 221 3880; Harvey Nichols. 30—34 St Andrews Square. Edinburgh, 0131 524 8388

‘5—2': NC. 2’,',7 THE LIST 97