\\ L‘L‘lxx

l'nntll} itllL‘l'\\;tl'tl\. \xhit‘h ix \\llitl niakcx

icincnihci'i n}:

the :it‘t‘cxxihilit} Ullt‘l't'tl h} thc |)inc .'\l‘(ltllltl thc llighluntlx pintnntinn quite xo icingu'kahlc.

ch. )t'x. lhix ix lnxt‘i‘anx.

'l'hc nut inni‘ning. alter a i'ctl- liit't‘tl \uiitci' hux llltlL‘L‘tl hauled nui‘ tailor-in;th hi'cnklaxl up three l'lightx nl xtuil‘x tn the I‘nnin. \u‘ tlL‘L‘ltlL‘tl [n \L‘L‘ \\ll;tl L'l\L‘ lli\L‘l'llL‘\\ had in nll‘cr. ’l‘hc heautilul tt‘colinctl \\1tll\ tilting lllL‘ Rlu‘l' \L‘xx. \\llll ll\ hiin xpii‘t‘x. tlclit‘utc xnntlxtnnc t'i'nu *\lL‘[‘|lL‘tl huiltlingx .intl crunch} autumn cnlnui‘x. ix a good nu} to get acquainted \xith the length til the (it). .\l_\ niap x;iitl that litlcn ('nui‘t 'I‘hcutt‘c. \\ high t‘t‘npcncd tililL‘l‘ n t\\n~_\t‘;u'

rclui'hixlnncnt cui‘lici‘ thix ninnth ax Suntltnitl‘x largcxt niulti-ai‘tx ccntrc. tlll‘L‘t‘ll} lilk'kN :\l\\ll';tt'l. lilll. [TL‘l'll;t|l\

\llll [ltlgglt‘tl .tllL‘l‘ lllL‘ t‘\L‘L‘\\l\t‘ aninunt nl' ltltltl. \xc gnt Inxt and hail tn ;t\l\ gt x}nip;tthclit‘. :il‘tixtit' looking \\ttlll;lll l'ni' tlii'ct‘tinnx.

‘Ynu can‘t inixx it.‘ xht' xuitl. 'lt'x that great inuxturd ninnxti'nxit_\ H\L‘l' In thc i‘iwi'.‘

’l’hc runnipctl tht‘uti'c niiuhl Ilnl haw plt‘axt‘tl all the Intulx. but it lillllilll\ lilk' l’L‘lllllx (ll lllL‘ {ll} t'nunt'il‘x ongoing regeneration pi'nit‘t‘t cu‘iting ncu tlt'xign Illitl‘l‘lL‘tl In a l'ni'uai'tl thinking ai'lx pnllt‘} that \llll l'L‘\[M‘L'l\ lllL‘ t'xtahlixhul page nl lnwrncxx lilo There might he a nth hu// huiltling uhnut the (it). but lht‘l'c'x nn xcnxc

that thix ix cnipt} nintlci‘nixzitinn l'ni‘

llx n\\ll \illxt‘. lll lilk‘ \\k'L‘l'\\ \lllL‘L‘ ll UPL‘llL‘tl. the new thcati't' tlcwlnpincnt hax hclpctl lurc hi; nunicx lll\L' l.cnn) Hunt} and .‘\l‘tl;ll ()‘lliinlnn up north. hut \xhut'x ninxt

Clockwise from far left: along the River Ness; inside Eden Court; Leaky‘s bookshop; the townhouse; Abstract is one of a number of fine dining options in the city

cutting: about it are lllL‘ huggc an} xliulin xpat‘cx .llltl int‘rcnxt‘tl xuppni't nc\\l_\ uhnlahlu tn Intul ;il'tixtx. and an outreach pi’ngiununt‘ ihi'illiuntl) nanit'tl (hit of lztlt'ni engaging: tlii'ct‘tl} \\ith thc t'nniniunit}. It xt‘cnix tn thix nulxitlci'K ow tn he .i regent-ration ainicd at halting: tht‘ t‘\tltlll\ til _\nun_~_' talent titl\\ll xnuth rather than t‘nniplctcl} icinwntingg lllL‘ {ll}.

'l'hc ln\\n t‘t‘nti'c nn a Sutui'tla} \\;t\ lttlxllillg. lnwrncxian xhnpping tlncxn't hnuxt lllllL'll llltll'L‘ than the ninxt nni‘tht'i‘l} hmnchcx nl \ui‘inux \wll knnxxn chain xtni‘t‘x. although lllC Sl\ (‘lllL'\ l)t‘\l:_‘ll l't‘\ll\ill Citl‘llt‘l' llll\ )L‘dl‘ littx linnle‘tl lllC pi‘nl'ilcx nl local knituctn' and it‘ut'llcr} tlcxigncrx llle‘ Ila/cl l’axxnini't'. \\'c l'nllmwtl \xintling L'lll‘l‘lL‘tl xll‘L‘L‘lx \L‘l \\illl lut'gc hiunchL‘x nl 'lnpxhnp untl .\l;n‘l\x tk Spencer :nnnng nthci'x. until \w t't'ut‘ln‘tl l.t‘;il\}'x SL'UllLllltl.\ lurucxt iuntl uttci'l} magical) xt‘t‘nntlhuntl hnnkxhnp. all xpii'al

xlttil't‘axL‘x illltl [L‘L‘lcl'ing xlnl‘L‘}x nl

\llL‘l\L'\ \L‘l lllln lllL‘ \lillllL‘tl glttxx iii

a l'ni‘nici' church. .\'n huxhcdiup lizit'hut'u in} Int lli'utllni‘tlx lict't‘. cithci‘ thix hihlinphilc .\'ii‘\;in;i linaxtx a brilliant. t‘nntpi'chcnxiw t‘nllct‘tinn nl‘ contcnipnrar}. 30th ('cntui‘) and Scottixh literature. 'l'hci'c ix a tin_\ cafe tucked into the [Up lilnnl' \\llL‘l'C )tltl L‘itll xllll gL‘l it t‘nm incingl} gcntccl cup nl~ tea and a xt‘nnc. though. 'l'hc lllllL‘\ the} arc .i-changing. hut nnt I/lul quickly


I Dine Around the Highlands runs until Friday 30 November. The promotion is by no means confined to lnverness (the clue was in the name, really): other participating restaurants include the Duisdale and Torvaig House Hotels on Skye, the Novar Arms (famed for the chef's ways with Aberdeen Angus beef) in Evarton. Lochinver’s fantastically secluded lnver Lodge and Wick’s St Clair Arms, which is closer to the Arctic Circle than it is to London. Each restaurant is offering fixed price two course meals at either 215 or £25 for all bookings made through Dine Around the Highlands - a full list of participants and booking information can be found at www.dinearound.co.uk. See Abstract’s full menu at www.abstractrestaurant.com I Rooms at the Glennioriston Town House Hotel start at $7130 for bed and breakfast. See wwwglerinioristoncoin for booking information. The City has accon'iinodation to suit every budget and is uniquely well- served by a range of boutique hotels. cosy bed and breakfasts and clean. comfortable backpackers hostels.

I The Eden Court Theatre reopened on Friday 2 November this year. Scottish Opera will be christening the new stage with performances of II Barbiere di Siviglia and Seraglio from Thursday 15—Sunday 17 November. There’s also a chance to catch The Pearlfisher, Eden Court’s co-production with the Traverse (see review in our theatre section) in its native environment - it runs until Saturday 24 November. See www.eden-court.co.uk

I Our driver might not have been for the dancing, but there are indeed places in lnverness where you can work up a sweat on the dancefloor. The near-legendary Hootenanny on Church Street iitters with the liveliest Scottish music late into the night. See /www.musicisthebest.org/hoots for a guide to what '8 on.

(/2 ' THE LIST 95