
lsuk. l5 3 ('aiioiigatc 5‘ 15pm L7 'L-li \Ht'l ll'lfl'flitll titltilllcls a cttllct'l'l ill music by l,"1\\ll\. (iallus .ittd Hasslct. \‘.llfl were .ill cuth‘itst‘h .tclt\t‘ lll ("chiral lzutopc ill the years allci the Council of ltcnt lhcir llltl\l\ lot Advent shows a ncwly confident Roman Catholic t hurtli. tempting people to the pews thiouz'h itiiitaliug ll.tll.tll iiiodcls

ll lk kcls .i\.ttl.tl\lc Hit the tlimt

I Grieg 100: Encounters Queen‘s ll.tll. K7 H” (.lk'll‘. \llt't‘l. “(‘5 .Tlll‘)

.‘spiu £10 1 LSi ('cllist Robert lr\inc and pianist (itactnc \lcNaughI pctlotm a sclcclion ol lllll\l\ hy oi inllucmcd by (iticg. including his \uni/Iil till (i HM ll/ll/ I’Iulm

Friday 16


I Mark O’Keete and Friends RSAMI). I00 Retiltew Sttcct. H3 5057. lpm. L7 tt5i. lhc BBC Scottish Symphony (lit hcstia Principal 'lruinpct is Iomcd by a chamber ensemble comprising his colleagues from the

BB( ‘. lot a performance of three trumpet conceitos by Johann Wilhelm Hcrtcl,

I Festival Encore RSAMI ). I00 chlrcw Street. 333 5057. 7. illpm. [7 lcluldicn L 3i. .\ showcase concert featuring performers from the 3007 (ilasgow Music l'L'sll\;tl.

3:3 Kurt Masur with L’Orchestre National de France Royal Concert Hall. 3 Sauchichall Street. 353 S000.

7. 30pm. {I5 (35. Conductor Kurt .\l.isur guides I'Utchcstie National in tt‘lltllllolls ill Hccllttn cn's Lemur/'4’ ()lt'lllll'r’ .\o .i'. \lo/art‘s I’M/in ('um (‘I'ln .\'u 33' m .-l and Bccthmcn‘s Sump/rum .\u .i' l/xl‘nli ill. With pianist l.tttlt\ l.oitic. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: AdventurerCity Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 S000. 7. 30pm. fl3. .llum' lur [lieu/re hy Copland. l.e lluel \ur le lint hy \lilltaud. tltc l'ls' premiere of

(it/ti (‘I'IU lur lulu/lulu utttlitl‘ l\_\ 'ltnnage and the Scottish premiere of ()tvmnmn l,lllt\lt [or lir‘u/l lt_\ ltlttt‘. Conducted by ()Iari lilts and featuring soloist John l’atitttcci. l’l'cvcottcert talk at o. 30pm with .\larky:\nthon_v 'l‘urnage and Svend Brown.


I Organ Recital: James Johnstone Reid Concert Hall. lzdinhurgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. (v.50 3437. l.|0pm. lace. James Johnstone performs a selection of organ picccs by Bu\tchudc. including

Ilium tie/m In /) Illllltll'. lilitll'l' lb/ and l’me/iu/umr m l) rumor. “mill I55.

I Edinburgh University String Orchestra .\'ico|son Square Methodist Church. 35 .\'icolson Square. 7.30pm. £0 tf—ll. Sibelius. Bach and the wonder of Schoenberg's Vetklartc .\'acht conducted by William Conway. 'I‘Ickets available on the door.

I Fettes College Concert l‘ettes ('ollcgc. l‘.;t\l l‘L‘llL‘s :\\ L'tttlc. 5| l 0700. 7.30pm. tithc. Choral and orchestral works performed by pupils and conducted by Joanne .-\rmstrong.

I Natasha Day Canongate Kirk. I53 Canongatc. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Natasha and .-\|isdair Kitchen present a full length evening concert of song cycles. liedci'. arias. chansons and solo piano works.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l-‘estnal l’heatre. l3 39 .\'icolson Street. 539 (i000. 7.30pm.

£10 [38. Violinist Chloe Hanslip l‘Sl'lt‘l'llh Mir/art's tin/m Concerto .Vu .t' in a programme also featuring Sinetana\ ()t't'l’llll't' lt’ Illt' Httl’lt'l't'tl “I’ll/1'. illltl l)\orak\ Il'ie Noun-(luv Bite/i and .S/tri‘ortlt' Ila/rem. conducted by Jakth Hl'ttsa. \Vith [WC-slit!“ talk from Row ena Smith at b.45pm.

Glasgow I The Kelvin Ensemble (ilasgow l'ni\ersit_\ Memorial Chapel. The

Square. (m l nivctsity \\cttuc. 7 {Sit-1i .\ programme of Haydn‘s \i/ri/ihum \u Ill-l. Vaughan \\ illianis' lillllinltl I'll ll Illt'lllt U, I/trrlltuv [ill/(v and ligat's llitmtlui tin/1 tlllt/ sl/leuru fur Strings conducted by (iatcth John lickcts from Kelvin linscmblc \cctctaty ll79llfl3li-1l l i of

.mcha c klllle” hotruail com

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal (‘oricert Hall. 3 ballelllc'ltttll SllL'L‘l. 3.53 Hill)“ 7 illpm fl” {5” SCL' ill I“

I Cathures: O Magnum Mysterium St Peter's R(' ('liuich. 4o Hyndland Strcct Spm LS (‘horal works by Victoria. l)urulle and lallis ciltttlllclctl lty Katy ('ilopct' Please set w w w cathutcsotg



I Edinburgh University Music Society Sintonia .\lcl:wan Hall. Bristo Square. (>50 3437 7. 30pm. Ur 1L4 l. Rautavaara's ("turtm .“I( In (H. \lc( iturc's lluulrlt' liuvs Com (tin and Saint Saens’ Sim/thorn .\'u 3'. '(lretm' with Ben Williams on the double bass and organist Wayne \Vcasct. 'l ickcts available on the door.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer Queen‘s Hall. S7 .‘s’9 (‘lcrk Street. (this 30l9. 7,30pm. U3. Sce l't'l Hi.

I Meadows Chamber Orchestra (ireyfriars Kirk. (ireylriars Place. 335 I900. 7.45pm. {Ill ifS; students £4; children 9;! l. The orchestra performs lime/It ([999) by young composer Alasdair Spt'all. .lluslt' [or the [rim Kim/emu by Sibelius. Il'lllll/H‘l (‘uneertu in [all by llummel. featuring soloist Sitnon Reeves. and Schubert's Sump/mm .Vu .t'. conducted by James |.ow c. lickets available from the Queens Hall Bo\ ()flicc ((ll3l (ifib' 3lll‘)l aml ttl lhc tloot'.

I The Scottish Chamber Choir St (iilcs. ('alltctlt'ttl. Royal Mile. 330 0073. Split. L'S ichildren frecl. Michael Harris directs tltc choir in Bach's .lesu. Mellie l-rem/e and I'im'i'lite [lie/i Nit/it. Heinrich Scliutfs .llutets lmm (ietvt/te/ti' ('lmrmttslk and tlttlsic by (iabrieli and Monteverdi.

Sunday 18


I Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Kelv ingrov e Art (iallct'y at .\luseum. Argy le Street. 376 9599. Sun IS & 35 Nov. 3 3.45pm. l-‘ree. Sunday Promenade concerts with different organists.


I St Giles’ at Six: Napier University Chamber Choir and Chamber Orchestra St (iiles‘ Cathedral. Royal Mile. 336 0673. (ipttt. tlltc‘. (ilttssic‘ttl L‘ttttc‘cl'l.

I Dunedin Consort Queen‘s Hall. S7 S9 ('lerk Street. 668 30l9. 7.30pm. t“) t l .5 ([7 t l 3 l. See preview. left.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Reid Concert Hall. lidinburgh l'nisersity. Bristo Square. 050 3437. 7.30pm. tbc. (ieoffrey Paterson conducts pianist Simon Smith in Dvorak's l’turtu Concerto in (l min“;- and Mendelssohn‘s Svm/i/inuv .Vo 4 in A major. 'Itu/tun'.

I Scottish Sinfonia Orchestra (ircy friars Kirk. (irey friars Place. 663 30I9. 7.30pm. £10 it'S; children £3l. See Sat I7.

I The Alevare Duo l)unard Library. lhc lltib. Castlehill. Royal Mile. 473 3000. Split. £5. The dtio. made up of Rhiannon Sinclair and .-\lison Storm. are joined by a special guest for an evening of imisic. classical and beyond.

Monday 19


I Nabucco Royal Concert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L'lNSll [.5 l. lillc‘lt KL‘ltl presents Verdi's

third opera. the timeless biblical story dwumenting the plight of the Jews driven lrottt their homeland

Tuesday 20


I Pupils at the Music School 0! Douglas Academy Ramshorn theatre. 9S Ingram Street. 553 3439. l.l5 3pm.

L3 lop players from (ilasgow 's school for musically gifted children present a varied programme of solo and chamber music

I Carmen Royal Concert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 34000 7 30pm. £18.50 £31. lillen Kent presents Bi/et's classic operatic tale. in which two men are bew itched and destroy ed by a dangerously sensual gypsy woman.


I Roxburgh String Quartet Reid (‘oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. 650 3437. l.l0pm. Free. Latest outing from a fairly new professional string ensemble. l'li l'cnner. Sharlcen Harshemn l\ iolinsl. Andrew Lees iv who and Helen l)uncan icellol play a selection from |)vo ak's ('vprevses, lovely lyrical pieces originally intended to be sung. and Schubert's Quartet in I) minor, lllt‘lll "Heath and the .lluitlert.‘

Wednesday 21


I Carmen Royal Concert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U350 £3 I. See Tue 30.

I Garibaldi 200 RSAMI). J00 Renfrew Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. Free (ticketed). To mark the 300th anniversary of (iaribaldi's birth. the Italian Consul in Scotland presents artists from the ."\ccademia Santa Cecilia in Rome.


I Edinburgh Quartet Stockhridge Parish Church. Saxe Coburg Street. 333 (H33. 7.30pm. L‘lf) (1.7/1.3). John Kenny joins the foursome for a programme for trombone and string quartet entitled ‘limbracing the lfnknown‘. including works composed by Kenny. Carrado Saglietti. litienne Rolin. lidward McGuire. Philippos 'l‘salahouris and Beethoven.

I Grieg Family Concert Canongate Kirk. I53 Canongate. S I0pm. L'tbc. A selection of (irieg classics performed by pianist (ieir Botnen. violinist Kristina libbersten and vocalist Rhoda Achieng ()ndeng.


I Edinburgh Quartet (ilasgow l'niversity Concert Hall. lfniversity Avenue. 330 4093. |.l0pm. Free. Join the quartet for a Janet Beat Birthday Concert. where they will be performing her ‘Cin-e' for Will! \‘llllu and String Quartet No l as well as Haydn's Quartet in I" Ittlltnr ()pus ltli’.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: The Romantic, the Revolutionary a. the Rebel 1 City Halls. Candleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£9 £3 l .50. Young conductor llan Volkov guides the orchestra through Ligeti‘s lxmtunn. Beethoven's Piano Concerto No 5 'limpemr' and Bartok's C(mt‘ertufnr ()reliesrru. With a pre-concert introduction by Peter Nelson at 6.45pm and a post- concert coda by pianist Lynda Cochrane. I RSAMD Big Band and Brass Band RSAMD. l00 Renfrew Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £711.25). Bryan Allen conducts a performance of Hans Werner Hen/e's Ruettmex and Huhmierus and Thomas Wilson's .S‘i'nfnniettu.

I Amazing Daze CCA. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 8pm. £6 (£4). L'K premiere of Amazing [)a/e a duet between sound artist Marcus Schmickler and free- reed intrumentalist Hayden Chisholm.

Edinburgh I Scottish Opera: II Barbiere di Siviglia Unwrapped Festival Theatre.

ClaSSical Music

:2: Exaudl No fewer than four world premiere pieces can be heard in the programme of Exaudi. an exciting London- based vocal ensemble who do amazing things with their voices. It's the sort of thing that is rarely heard in Scotland, so hats off to ECAT Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust - for making it happen. Greyfn'ars Kirk, Edinburgh, Wed 28 Nov.

=2: Kurt Masur with L’Orchestre National de France He celebrated his 80th birthday in the summer, but there seems to be no stopping the distinguished German conductor, who is an undisputed master of 19th century romantic repertoire such as Beethoven's Eroica. a symphony that heralded new things for orchestral composition. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Fri 76 Nov.

:1: Cappella Nova: Strathclyde Motets How more appropriate can it be for St Cecilia's Day than to hear the 16 voices of Cappella Nova combine in glorious music of the past and present? The patron saint of music would no doubt applaud the first complete public performance of James MacMillan’s Missa Brevis. especially alongside some of his more recent choral works, including the dramatic and mystical Strathc/yde Motels. Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh, Thu 22 Nov; St Andrews in the Square, Glasgow, Sun 25 Nov.

I3—39 Nicolson Street. 539 ()000. (rpm. Free. Unwrapped shares theatrical secrets and gives a fascinating behind the scenes look at Scottish ()pera's current production of The Barber 0] Seville directed by Sir Thomas Allen. Free with a ticket for a performance of the opera.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir St (iiles' Cathedral. Royal Mile. 336 0673. 7pm. Free. A Royal Norwegian Advent Concert from the uni choir. featuring music by Warlock. Joubert and Britten. and arrangements by lbler and Bunney.

=11 Cappella Nova: Strathclyde Motets (ireylriars Kirk. (ireyfriars Place. 668 3019. 7.30pm. £l0—-£l3.50 t£7--£9.50). Cappella Nova sing the recent choral works of James MacMillan. including the first complete public performances of Mlssu Brevis.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen’s Hall. 87-449 Clerk Street. 668 30I9. 7.30pm. £84.35. See Wed 3|.

15-29 Nor 2007 THE LIST 77