I The Symptoms, Must Be Something, Buliitt for Pablo and James Keegans Barll}. 2m ('lstlc Street. 0871) Wt" 099‘) Spin £5 Kilmarnnek indie rockers. alt ruck trum Alina. grunge} indie trnm liullitt tor Pablo and hlUL'S-llillllt'licL‘tl \llljJL'f songwriter completing the bill
I The Spirals, Inner Sight, Local Tour Guide and Southpaw Barth lupstairsi. 3t)” ('l}de Street. “Vii UH" 099‘). 8pm £5 (ilasgnv. indie band influenced by Brian Wilson. lanmn .‘slorrienne and Si} Blond} \‘aleutme. supported b} prng. unite and alt rockers I Dirty Projectors, Castanets and Findo Gask Niee‘u‘Slea/s. 421 Satiehiehall Street. H“Milli S iliplll £6.51), Aka liltlttlsl}llllL' l)a\e lungstreth Who has i‘eeentl} lullms ed tip his l)till llenle} enneept alhum ssith Rise Alum e. his ltl|()\}l1Ci£lllL‘ reenlleeiinn oi the music oi Black Hag.
I The Electric Soft Parade and Paul Steel Kill}: 'l‘ut‘s \‘l'ah \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. III 527‘) S. illpm. 11S. Two Brighton-based brothers mash it tip indie-st) le. \sith tout-ring: atmospheries. I The Whisky Bandits Samuel i)(i\\ 's_ ()7 7| Nlllisdale Rtiatl.-13_il)lll7 S. illpm. l'li'L‘L'. Rock.
I Divine Coils, Serfs and Lanterns 13th Note (Kile. 51) (ill King Street. 55} IMX. 8.45pm. £4. Noise Jam lrnm Serts. guitar drone lrnin Lanterns and the \tilllltl of a Philip Pullman umel. apparentl}. l'rum l)i\ine ('nils.
I Hells Bells 'l‘he l'err}. .'\nderstun Qua). 'l‘he Brmimielass. (HMS 3(a) HHS, 9pm. £10 lads l. Aeeomplished .-\( '/l)(' tribute band.
I The Detours Me(‘hui|ls. 41) High Street. 552 INS. lllpni. l‘ree. .-\|t.i'uek and metal from (ilasgms quintet 'l‘he Detours.
Edinburgh I Adrian Crowley, My Kappa Roots and Danny Schmidt llenr} ‘s (’ellar Bar.
.S lha \lurrisnn Street. SIS WW: “pm L4 L5 lrish singer songwriter Hallie ehetked b} R}an \dains. \\l1i|‘-\lll release his debut album in the Hess sear I The Buzzcocks lhe l iqtiid Rinilli. 01 Victoria Street. 225 ISM-1 "pm L l 5 Punk \eterans \shu ean still pull or! those trtistiated teenage sentiments despite being about SH )eais old
I Record Playerz, Keser and Funkspiel l’u .\'a \a. .1 *h l-retleriek Street. 32!» 3324 "pm U |\\llll tree L'liil'} tn [Ntslr‘L‘l‘L' eliihi lleadhned h_s trash} eleetiu punks Reeord l’l.t}L‘l/
I Screaming Banshee Aircrew arid Rome Burns (‘ahaiet Volume. V» {S Blair Street. 23H MW) “pin U» (inth punk rnek‘n‘rull eahaiet
I Soul Foundation 'lhe \rk. * “ Waterloo l’Iaee. 33S ‘) W‘ ” illpiii {the Night nl \lntmsn st_\le soul
I Classic Clapton 'l'he l’leasaiiee. Ml l’leasanee. (til) 2 N‘) S illpiu L' Ill t; l: l:leetril}iriy ieereatiun nt (‘laptun‘s stage shms and greatest hits as perluriued h} Alter Midnight
I Dick Dangerous & the Love Bastards and Joe Viturbo liannerinan's. \iddr} Street. 55!) 335-1 0pm. £4. (itititl'lllllt‘. old stsle roek‘n'roll \sith a sprinkle nl lunk} lunkiuess and great dollops ol punk rnek attitude lrnm l)l) k the Hi.
I Cobramatics (‘lutlia Vaults. Stuekssell Street. 553 752“. 5pm l'ree. See Stin IS.
I Stereophonics and The Enemy Sl:('('. l‘iniiieston ()ua}. “SW! ll-lll 40M), (Lillplii. £335”. See presiess, page (ill.
I Gorgoroth 'l‘he ('athnuse. l5 l'nitui Street. 248 (ihllh, 7pm. £12.51). ()ser- 14s Slit)“. Another Seandinas ian satanie metal band. this lot are lrum Bergen.
Frb'hlz'che Weihnachten
at West Brewing Company!
Celebrate your Christmas party under Scotland’s most
magical Christmas tree and join in the festive fun at Glasgow’s
\«ir'\\a_\. and named alter a \heel} location 111 lwu: {in Rli.‘;\
I Golden Ghost and Mike Hasting & Solveig Askvik Hum». 12 King's ('uurt. King Street. ‘5‘ 3-30” Spin 1‘ l‘theieal tnlks indie tspes ltnm NY
I Thunder (Kuhn); \eadeuis (ilasguss. III ltglintun Street. “5-1.1 J” ZlNNl “pin LI" 5'1 Big: haired pursesurs mt nld sehunl metal
I The Hollies Rosal ('nntert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘5‘ SIM“ “ illpiii {31' ill {Ii ‘11 \eteian heat pup \tilill‘ti still swearing: that their brother ain‘t hea\_s and the like
I Adrian Crowley and Danny Slt'l'k‘i'. :ll :3 Relillt‘ltl l .lllL'. Spin the Irish singer snugssiitei iianie eheeked b} l{_\aii -\datiis. \shu \sill release his debut album iii the \ess Year.
I Electric Eel Shock, Quit Your Day Job, The Elvis Suicide and Daedalian Haitls. Shut‘lstlt- Street. llSTtl‘NFtllilil) sis.” is High stampi- .lapaliese garage rockers
I Four Star, The Firesouls and Deficit liti\. -1 il Sauehiehall Street.
3 i3 54.” Spm. l'ree l’uiik pup headliners \silh (ilasgms indie punk rnekers l'iresnuls iii support
I Sonic Boom Six, The Flaming Tsunamis and Grown at Home King: 'l‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah lltit. 27'2a St Vineeiit Street. Ell 527". Spin. (H (her—Isis shms. Ska puiik hill. headlined h} a luurpreee deserihed as ‘Ms l)_\ll;llllllL' lrnnts 'l‘he (‘lasli'.
I Osni, My Electric Love Affair, Gdansk and Boyfriend/Girlfriend lith Note (are. 51) (ill King Street. 55‘ MRS. 9pm. Ses_\ l‘reueh shuega/ers headline. \sith Spirituali/ed drone ll'Hiil .\ll:l..-\.
I The Easy Orchestra Blaektriars. 3h Bell Street. 553 5934. Ufillpiii, l'ree. See l'li’i l().
I Carrie Mac and East Coast Project llan‘altnus liar A lsitehen. lb lS llauultnnl‘late.\ltskl\r1tl;e.Ifitwsil‘N
‘ ‘Hpm l-ree \euustit session
I EdRock Acoustic Showcase l‘utest (lite. :liil\ll‘ Place. :2“ 4‘“ hptn l-tee \ gratis shussease lot a selection at l\‘\‘.ll .l\'l\
I Edinburgh Rock Riot lhe l raunl Riuilll. "t \ ieturia Street. 33‘ 3.94
“ “'l‘tn 1‘ l Heal tnek shusstase
I Matt Berry (‘alxuet \ultaiie. it» ‘8' Blair Street. :3“ MW “pm L‘l.‘ lien) is best knmsu as a mined} \lilk'lsleh tor the likes wt lhe \lights llmisll and (iallll \leienphi but he has also prnsitled the iuusn tut Stese (Hogan's \riurrdta’c. \\llllL‘11.l\[‘i\Ul rock opera and tours l‘aeked hs Brighton based experimental ll'elxk'lS .li‘ll.l\ :
I One Night of Elvis: The Legend Continues l’l.t\lliitl\t'. l\ :3 (ilt't‘lhitlt‘ Maw. llSfi’lltlhlllakll ‘ itlpm
L IS ill L I‘’ ‘ll lhe \sinner nl ('auada‘s annual prestigious l'l\l\ l't‘\ll\.ll lli It)”g s\\t\els those hips and breaks some hearts \sith hits hum throughout l-lsis' eaieei
Monday 26
I Boy Hits Car, Car Crash Television and Vet l'he ('atlmuse. 1* l'mnn Street. NS (shim “pm t" ()sei l.ls sllim l,.-\ based sell sisletl ‘linet‘iile' rock band. inllueueed hs Jane‘s -\ddietmn and llelinet
I McFly Sl~,( ‘( '. l'inniestun (Jim). 113‘” tthlJtllltl “pm Unfit) 1':; St) the pup punk puppets embark on a greatest hits tour .~\lreatl\ ’.-\ie the} not still almtlt l3 )L‘ill's iiltl ’
I The Hot Puppies, Will Blair, Playtone and Strays liaill} tupstausi. Zhll (lulu Street. llh'él) Ulla (NW) Spin {5, Welsh lt'liittlt‘rlltililt‘tl indie pop band eapturmg a lot til hearts at the iiinment
authentic German brewery.
Experience Christmas as only the Germans celebrate it and delight in mulled wine, Lebkuchen and other Bavarian delicacies.
The WEST brewers are already busy brewing their special Weihnachtsbier and sampling Glasgow’s very own Christmas beer is a MUST for all.
Please call 0141 550 0135 or email petra@westbeer.com for full information on our Christmas menu, our festive programme and to make your reservation.
We look forward to welcoming you!
West Brewing Company
Binnie Place
(opposite 'Ihe People’s Palace) Glasgow G40 lAW
Tel 0141 550 0135 www.westbeer.com
' 5—29 316/ 27,7 THE LIST 71