I Havanna Fayre, KiDDO, The GFD
and The Escape The line. 15 l \iddij. Street. 5560444 "pm £4 L. Total ittdte shonease
I The Jam Restart The liquid Room. ‘lt Vittoria Street. 335 3561 "pm £10 laitt tithtite ilLt
I Joseph Arthurt‘aliaiet Voltaire.
36 33 lilair Street. 330 6176 7pm
9.11 5‘1 New York liltsetl \Illg'eh soiiguttter tit tlte 1)a\id (il.t_\ \em
I Maciej Malenczuk The Bongo (‘luh \lota} House. 35' llol}tood Road. 553 7(i04 7pm £13 t£llli 1’oltsh singer. poet atid guitarist
I RBRBRB, ID Parade attd 96 Tears '1 he .-\rk. 3 7 Waterloo1’1aee. 33S 9393.
7 30pm £4 'leehntn’indie/danee mash up I Jason Manns aitd Riley Smith 11eni_\ 's ('ellai liar. 3 16a Morrison Street. 333 9393. Spin. £10. l.os .-\nge1es- hased lolk totk artist.
I Chutes, Little Kicks, Broken Records and Action Group llannetttian's. \iddt'} Street. 556 3354.
9 30pm. £4. Some ol the hest ltitlte Seotland has to otter.
Sunday 18
Glasgow I Cobramatics (‘lutlta Vaults. Stoekttell Street. 553 7530. 5pm. l-i'ee.
Roek'n't'oll/ska t'esidene}.
I The Sex Pistols Sli('('. litnnteston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 6.30pm. £35. legendar} ptittk roekers haek oit tour
\\ itlt a \ei'} unpunk eelehration ol their 30th annitet'sar}.
I The New Pornographers aitd Peter Von Poehl ()rati Mot. 73l 73.5 Great Western Road. 357 6300. 7pm. £13. ()ser- 14s shim Vaneouxer indie supergroup. leaturtng alt eountr} \oealist .'\'eko (‘ase. /utnpano lrontman (‘arl
Nets man and Dan liejar ol 1)estl'tt} er.
I Skid ROW The (iarage. 490 Sauelttehall Street. 333 1130. 7pm. £13. ()\er» I-ls shim. Stls ptiiitlle t'ttekers lrottted h} .-\\1 Rose‘s titate Sehastian ltaeh. Dude.
I Rumours of Fleetwood Mac Rota] (‘oneet't Hall. 3 Saueltiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15.50 £17.50. The Mtek 151eet\sood—apprm ed ti'thute aet
\\ ho eo\ er the gattttit ot Mae material lront tlte l’etet' (ireen era to the litiekingham/Nieks tlit)s.
I Kid Carpet, Cycle of Zen and The Antics Bar”). 360 (‘1)tle Street. 0870 907 0999. Spin. £6. One man eleett'onie \\ eit'dness ltl'll sampling ol- old kids' TV atid Van llalen are on the eat'ds.
I Lose Your Illusion The l’erry. :\nderston Qua}. The Broontiela“. 01698 360 085. Spin. £10(ad\ 1. £13 (door). (iuns'n'Roses trihute aet.
I Opportunity Club, The Young Guns attd The Ideals Box. 43l Sauehieltall Street. 333 5431. Spin. l-‘ree. Melodie. punk) sounds from ()pportunity ('luh. \sith grunge) attd Britpop- tnllueneed supports.
I Milenasong, The Kara Sea and Older & Far Away l3th .\'ote (Kile.
50 60 Kittg Street. 553 1638. 8.30pm. £4. l-‘irst Seottish date tor the Brighton- hased post-lolk singer-songuriter \\ ho released her alhuttt St'i'i'n Sisters earlier this _\ear \tith dream} eleetrottiea support from The Kara Sea aka Sarah Bradle) and the tss isted eountr} attd epie l‘olk of ()lder & 1:;lt'.-\\\;t}.
I The Kissaway Trail, The Autumns and Jacob Golden King Tut's Walt \Vah llut. 373a St Vineent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £6. Reseheduled date for the Danish indie quintet \\ ho dig the fragrant delights of The l’olsphonie Spree. (irandadd) and Blonde Redhead. hesides hea\ ier stui'l' h} Sonie Youth attd 1’i\ie.s.
I The Magic Blues Surfers (hillits. S0 l)umharton Road. 9pm. Free. Blues. I The Bottleneckers Blaekt‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 5.53 593-1. 9.30pm. Free. Rhsthtn atid hlites. 50s-st} le. in the bar. I Mission of Burma Niee‘n'Sleal}. 43l Sauehiehall Street. 333 0900. ('.-\.\'(‘lil.l.1{l).
68 TflE LIST 15—39 NO\ 3037
I Alice Chancer and Al Shields llatntltons liar 8e Kltelleil. 16 IS Hamilton Plate. Stmkhridge. 336 41‘N
5 30pm 1'tee \U‘UStle douhle hill
I The Adicts The liquid Room. 9e \tetoria Street. 335 3564 -pm £15 1 K punks ss ho ha\ e hoasted the same lineup stnee the} lormed as '1 he .\tterhtrth is The l’in/. tn tltetr hometotsn ot lpsss ieh haek tn 1975.
I Doghouse Roses and Sabai \Vhtstlehinktes. 4 (i South Bridge. 55" 51 14 9pm. 1-ree l‘ttlk/t’ttltlltt‘} ’hlues duo. Doghouse Roses. is ho tttake muste to drink nine to.
Monday 19
I Josh Ritter and Kate Walsh (‘Iassie (irand. IS Jamatea Street. SJ" 0830. 7pm. £13 50 .‘slueh admired _\oung troubadour lrom the 1S tours \tith his hand to promote nets alhtttti 'llii-
Hrslnru u/ ('onqtu'srs of Josh RUIN: \k'ith \thtmsieal singer-song“rtter support.
I The Piano Men King's Theatre. 39." Bath Street. 0870 060 6648. 7.30pm. Jim \Vtttet' and his hand take a musieal Journe} tltrough the songs ol lilton John attd Bill} Joel. Lets hope the) don‘t get lost.
I The Creepshow atid Closet Organ Barll} lupstairsi. 360 (Tide Street. 0870 907 0999. Spin. £7. Toronto ps_\ehoht11tes headline.
I Jocasta Sleeps, The Hold Up, Youtakethebiggerhali aitd Citizen Down Box. 431 Sauehiehalt Street. 333 5431. Split. l'ree. 1.oea| alt.roek htll.
I Parka, Delta Audio Club, Simply Ronnie and SixNationState Bartl}. 360 (‘Itde Street. 0870 907 0999. Split. £5. 1,oea1 hill lleiltilllletl h} eleeti‘o indie sorts Parka \t ho hate reloeated to London l‘roin Seotland attd are preparing their dehut alhum tor Jeepstet' Reeords.
I The Raveonettes King 'l‘ut‘s Walt Walt Hut. 373a St V'iiteent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £8.50. ('ool hut one—note Danish duo \\ ho eottthine the compelling \}tlth-pllllk monotone sound of Suteide \\ itli a dash of 60s girl group swagger.
Edinburgh I Kid Carpet (‘aharei \‘oltaire. 36 33
u v ‘
lilair Street. 330 61"!» 7pm £7 See Sun 19
Tuesday 20
I Machine Head, Trivium, DragonForce, Arch Enemy and Shadow‘s Fall S1‘(‘(‘. l-tnnteston ()tias. os"tl 0.10 4000 «pm 135 (her-14s tho.“ The lilaek (d'tlxule titttt' 1.1}s haste to the l K \stth its might} metal onslaught. headlined h_\ thrash’hardeore outfit \laehtne llead
I Scouting for Girls The (iaiage. 490 Sauehiehall Street. 333 1130 "pm £9 l.ondon indie poppers \s ho desti'ihe themselws as 'tnspirational. eseapist. quirk} atid trtendl_\'
I The Piano Men King‘s Theatre. 39" Bath Street. 0570 060 6645' 7 30pm See Mon 19.
I Stop The Traffik than Moi. (iteat \Vestern Road. 357 6300 5' £10. l'undraising etent in aid ot Stop The Trattik Ttekets ate a\ai1ahle trom stopthetrallikglasgim w )ahoo eouk
I Dave Dominey 'l‘ehai ()\ na. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. Spin. £3. l-‘unktness on laptop and hass.
I Turin Brakes and Zoey Van Goey liarll}. 360 (Tule Street. 0570 907 0999. Spin. £the. \thsoine gentle tangling tn an intimate setting. eout'tes} ol' .\'1-'.\1 Xposut'e 1.l\ e. lrottt the duo u ho ts et'e nominated tor a .\let'eur_\ .\1tisie 1’rt/e ua} haek tit 3001.
I Gui, Silicon Vultures and Hey Enemy King Tut's \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. S30pm. £S. 1.os :\nge1es noise outlil. non ieaturing tnueh- losed Jesus |.i/ard tronttttan l)a\id You. \s ho reeord i'or .‘sltke l’atton's lpeeae lahel. I Terra Diablo and Theatre Fall Niee'n'Sleal). 431 Sauehiehall Street. .333 0900. 3.30pm. Aeoustte perlornianee l'roin (ilasxtegian post—roekers \\ ho eonstrueted a \s'ehsite Lledtetttetl t0 littektast. l’ltls ldleulld 1).1\.
I Cowtown and Chops l3tlt Note (are. 5060 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. Angular no-wat'e noise haitd from Leeds with shades oi" l)e\o aitd l.ink Wray l’lus sa.\ and keys from ('hops.
I The Parkers Bar Bloe. l 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. Free. Spik} guitars and eatelty hooks from this hatid.
731 735
a 9 American singer-songwriter Josh Ritter plays folk rock
—- if!“ 7770‘ .3 \(1 elitist-i at
in the vein of his idol Bob Dylan. Ritter studied in
Edinburgh and still spends a lot of time in Scotland while not on tour so this showcase, from latest album The Historical Conquests of Josh
Hitter, is a homecoming of sorts.
E3 Class/c Grano‘. Glasgow. for. 79
I Parka, Jakil and Eskimo The
1 tiltiid Room. 9e \‘ietorta Street. 335 356—3 7pm £5 1 oeal hill headlined h} indie sorts l’aika \\ ho hase teloeated to
1 ottdott tiottt Seotlaltd
I Rooney t‘aharet \‘oltatre. 36 3S lilati Street. 330 6176 7pm £S Roones ate .ttt l .-\Ahased quintet intlueneed h_\ ntelodie ness \saxers sueh as the ('ats. \\ ho ha\ e l‘l.t_\etl \\ ltll \Vee/er and the Stlttke\
I Daniel Riggs & Chiara Giovando and Keith Douglas 0. the Corps of Discovery lleni'} \ ('ellar Hat. 3' 16a Morrison Stteet. 338 9393 Spin £5 i£41 1 atest ptoieet lrom l ttitgtisti singer Daniel lltggs \\ltll a mesmeristng ntt\ture ot \oeals. hanto. guitar attd more
I Rangzen The Bongo ('luh. Mora) llottse. .37 “01.”th Rt‘dtl. 5.55 7004 10pm 3am £5 .-\ shouease ol hands atid DJs arranged h} the lidtnhurgh t'ntset'sit} Students lot 1-t'ee'1‘thet Soeiet}. The line-up ineludes lhek Dangerous & the low llastatds
Wednesday 21
I Jo Mango, Viking Moses, Picastro and Brother Louis Collective Stereo. 30 3S Rentield lane. 7.30pm. £6 1.oea| singer-song“rtter Mango presides met" a hill sshielt ineludes Ameriean anti-lolk tt‘ouhadoui \‘tking Moses and mood} ('anadtan ttio 1’teasti'o.
I The Piano Men King's 'l‘heatre. 397 Bath Street. 0370 060 664S. 7.30pm Su- .\lon 19.
I Black Arrows, The Casuals and Shine 13m. 4.31 Sauehiehall Street. 333 5431. Spin. l'i'ee. Indie hill. tneluding the t)asis-iniluetteed sounds oi The ('asuals. I Dega Breaks, Session 69, Breakpoint and Member of the Wedding Bartl}. 360 (Tide Street. 0370 907 0999. 3pm. £5. Till/Isa“ guitars and next u at e s}nths irom West London quartet.
I Glamour for Better liarll) lllpstalrsl. 360 (‘lytle Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. Shout) daneeiloor metal raeket t'rom three hooded ligures.
I Lucky Luke, Lavinia Blackwell attd Ally Kerr ('ottter's. 93 95 llsndland Street. .357 5835. 8pm. Free. Aeoltstle pet'i'ormanees l'rottt indie lolk enseinhle |.uek_\ Luke and others at this Viiatnelodiea night.
I Paul Heaton King Tut‘s Walt Walt llttt. 373a St \'ineent Street. 331 5379. 3.30pm. £13.50. 1’ormerl'rontman with The llouseittartins and the reeentl} delunet Beautilul South has alread) released a solo alhum using the tttontker Biseuit Bo} hut here he turns up as plain old ileitto.
I Drain the Sky, Cross Stitch Eyes and The Fucking a Team 1301 Note (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. Ba} Area hardeore punks supported h} anareho death roekers aitd all-out thrash attaek i't‘om Dumharton.
I Rick Redbeard and Last Ones Left Bar Bloe. 117 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. Free. Tull aeotlstte titles trom the Seottish wilderness.
I Simon Kempston and Yogi Linen 1906. 1110 Pollokshims Road. 649 0007. 9pm. Free. Aeoustte sounds.
I Skaville UK The Liquid Room. 9e Yietorta Street. 335 3564. 7pm. £9. Playing the best traeks l’rom 40 years ol ska ieaturing members of Bad Manners and The Seleetor.
I The Alchemists of Sound and Sub Opt Wliisilebinkies. 4—6 South Bridge. 557 5114. 9pm. Free. Indie.
I Hollow Heart Parlour Henry ‘s ('ellar Bar. 8—1611 Morrison Street. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £5. AeoUstie night ieaturing Mondo Mimo. Steten (‘arey and Son oi Thom.
I The Freaky Family The Jan. Bar. l ('hanthers Street. 330 42%. 1 1.30pm. l-ree. ()rgante hip hop and Jan} gromes. utth .\l(' Hook it)iseiplesol‘1’ante liarthi.