
Ddeon At The Duay

0111511511? 1(11.111. 0141 420712“ 24111 11111111.111j.'\ A; 111111 01551 22 44 00' 1\111111~ U1 5011111'11111'1 \1'.115 L~ 501. ('11111\ £4 50 1011111111 \1‘uix 1111 ('11111111'11.11111().1\1’\

£4 "51 1.111111}i111.1-1£11\

1111): 212/11

Atonement1151 415. 1115 BOOWUIT112\1 1111. 111111. 11.15 DeathataFuneral1151215.4.15 Eastern Promises 1 151 21111. ".1111 Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12.1\1 2 :11. 5.15. 11' 15

Good Luck Chuck1151 145. 415. 7.1111. 11111


Lionsfor Lamb51151 21111. 415. 11:11, 111111

DmShant10m1121\1.115. S110 Once1151 11:11

Ratatouille11 1 2 111. 5 111. 14:11. Rendition1i51115.015.1115 Stardust11’111 2.15. 1115

Stardust (Subtitled) 11:1 11 11 1111

30 Days of Night1151 145. 11111. 11.15.

11-111)/\Y 111 111111181JAY I’I’

American Gangster 1 1x1

111 S1111. 1.45. 2.30. 5.15. 0.00. S45. 0.30.

M1111 11111: 145. 415. 515 7.45 8.45.

Atonement 1 151

0.111}: 2.00

Beowulf 1 12.»\1

Hull}: 3. I 5. 0.15. 9.15.

Also Sui 1k S1111: 1215.

Daddy Day Camp 11’( 11

Sui 1k S1111: 11.00.1111.

The Dark ls Rising 1 12.-\1

Sui 1k S1111: 11.00.1111.

Death at a Funeral 1 151

Sui 1k S1111: 11111111.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12.41 0.111): 3.00. 330111111 '1‘111‘.\ 111111. Good Luck Chuck 1 151

l).11|_\: 4.00. 0.45. 030,

Mm Sui 1k S1111: 1.15.

Hairspray 1 1’1 11

Sul1k S1111: 11.00.1111.

The Hoax (Senior Screening) 1 151 1111': 11.00.1111.

The Jane Austen Book Club 1 12.-\1 Hull}: 3.15. 5.45 111111111101. S311. .1\1\11 Sui 1k S1111: 12.45.

The Jane Austen Book Club (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12.-\1

1111': 10.30.1111.

Jindabyne 1 151

1111‘: S30.

Lions for Lambs 1 151

0.111}: 4.30. 0.45. 0.15.

Uons for Lambs (Subtitled) 1 151 “1'11 1Q 1110: 1.45.

Nancy Drew 11*(11

Sui 1k S1111: 11.00.1111.

Om Shanti 0m 1 12.1\1

0.111}: 4.15. S00.

.1\1\11 Sui 1k S1111: 12.30.

Ratatouille 1 i ' 1

0.111}: 2.01). 4.011. 5.00 800111111 111111.

:\1\11 Sui 1k S1111: .-\1\11 111112 S50. Rendition 1 151 H.111): 5.45. Also Sui 1k S1111: Stardust 11111 0.111}: 2.30. 5.45. 0.00. .-\1\11S.111\ S1111: 11.15.1111. 30 Days of Night 1 151 Dull}: 0.4.5. “.30.

.-\1x11 Sui 1k S1111: 4.011.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Burrhridgc 1.1‘1x111‘1' (‘1'11ir1‘. ('11.11111‘111gc. 11110 1& 1111111111112: 0871 220 1000. .-\111111\ £0 (£4315 h1‘i‘111‘1‘ 0111111; (0111's £4.75. '1'111': .-\11 i11‘111‘ix £4.05.

11.00.1111. 1.00.


Beowulf i 12.-\1 7.20. 111.00. Daddy Day Camp 11111 11.50.1111. 2.211.

11.15.1111. 2.011. 4.40.

54 THE LIST ‘15—29 N1". 2C3,”

1:111. :411‘

Death at a Funeral 1 151

5111. 15.11511 Eastern Promises1151 11 55.1111. 225. 4511. “211. *145

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1:1\. 1100.101. 200. 4 35. Good Luck Chuck 151 1125.1111. 1155.110. 200. 2 311. 425. 455. " 111. "1411 1115 111115

The Heartbreak Kld1151 4 211. 111.1111

Lions for Lambs1151 4.35. ‘05. ‘120 Ratatouille1l‘1 11 15.1111. 1145.011. 200. 2311. 445. 515. 311. 111011. 11130

Sale11x1 1145.1111. ,“45. 11411. 111111 Stardust 11’(11 1100.011. 345. 51111, 7011. S00 30 Days of Night 1 151 11115.1111.

1155.011. 4 40. 5 30 111115


11 40.1111. 2 111.

2.15. 4 =11. " 15.

12 50. 210.

11111J/51Y 1i; 1111114311J/5U' ./. American Gangster1 1x1 I).111_\. 11.00.1111. 12 45. 215. 4.45. 545. 745. S15. 0.15 .-\1\111.il1'1'il1\ 5.111 11 1.5 Beowulf 1 12.-\1

H.111}: 11.15.1111. 12.15. 2.00, 4,411. 5.411. 7.211. 3.211. 111,011 .-\1\11 1.111' 1'1'11k Sui: 11.00. Daddy Day Camp mm

0.111}: 11.50.1111. 2.20. Eastern Promises 1 131

1).111_\: S00. 10.25.

Good Luck Chuck 1 151

1).111_\: 11.25.1111. 200 4.25. 4.55. 710. 7.40. (1.35. .-\1\11 1.111‘ 1"1'1 1k Sui: Lions for Lambs 1 151 l).11|\: 11.40.1111. 2 25. 4.35. ".05. 11.201

.~\|\11 1.111‘ 111 1\ Sui: Nancy Drew 11’(;1 H.111}: 11.00.1111. Ratatouille 1 1'1 Dull}: 11.15.1111. 4.45. 5.15. 7.30. .»\|\11 1.111' 111 1k Sui: Saw IV 1 181

Hull}; 2.15. 4.30. 7.15. 9.40. .-\1\111ui1'1'1‘11& Sui: 11.45.

Stardust 11’(11

0.111}: 11.00.1111. 12.30. 2.10. 3.45. 5.00. 7.00. S00. 9.50.

.-\1\11 1.111“ 1'11 1& Sui: 10.45.

30 Days of Night 1 151

1).111_\: 11.05.1111. 1.55. 4.50. 7.30. 10.05.

.-\|\11 1.111' 111 1k Sui: Welrdsville 1 151 0.111): 11.55.1111. 2.30. 10.15. .1\1\11 1.1i1' 1511 1k Sui: 12.20.1111.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(11111—111 .-\\1‘11u1‘. 1’11111‘111.\ Bunncxx 1’ur11. 111111 .11111 1111111111112: 0871 220 1000. £5.75 1£4.00 .\11111 111 111‘1'11r1‘ 0pm; Sui 1k S1111 111-1011' 1111111. ('111111/( ).-\1’/Si11111'ni: £450. 1111': .-\11 111‘111‘1\ £4.50.





11.45.1111. 2.011. 2.30. 10.00. 12.25.1111.



Beowulf112.1\1 11.15.1111. 2.011. 4.411.

7.20. 111.1111.

Bug1131 12.115. 2.511. 5.25. 7.511. 111.15.

Daddy Day Camp 11’(11 11.50.1111. 2.25. 4.40.

Death ataFuneral1151 12.10. 2.411.

5.111. 7.25. 11.511.

Eastern Promises1lx1 11.55. Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12.-\1 11.00.1111. 200. 4.35. ".15. 0.55. Good Luck Chuck1151 11.25.1111. 2.00. 4.25. “.111. 11.35.

The Heartbreak Kid 1151 4.50. ".25.

Uons for Lambs 1 151 4.35. “.05. 11.20. Ratatouille1i‘1 11.15.1111. 1 2.00. 2.30. 4.45. 5.15. 7.30. 10.311.

Rendition1151 “1.10. 10.20. Sale1lS1 11.45.1111. 2.15. 7.45. 11.411. 111.10.

11.10.1111. 2.05. 11.40.1111. 2.15. 10.00.

Stardust1i’1‘11 111111.111; 12111. 2:11. :45 51111. "1111. \1111 3DDaysofNight1151 11115.1:1.. 155. ;.111‘"111~ 111115

American Gangster in 11.111} 1100.101. 12 45. 2 15. 415.

{.14. “1". 1) 15

-\1\111.111'1111\ Sui 11 15 Beowulf112.-\1

0.110 1115.00. 1215. 200. 300. 4.111.. 5.111. 311. x311. 1111111 -\1\111.111'11'11\ 3.11 1111H

Daddy Day Camp11’1‘11

11.111} 11.50.1111. 2 25. 4 50

Death at a Funeral 151

|).111} S1111. 111311

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12 \1 0.111} 1100.110. 200. 4 35. 51‘. ‘155 1\1\111.1i1‘ 1'11.\ Sui 12 25.1111

Good Luck Chuck 1 151

11.111} 1125.101. 205. 4 25. 510. 111s

.-\1\111.1l1'1'111\ Sul 11 55 The Heartbreak Kid 1 151 11.1111 25. 1155

.\1\111.111' 1'11 1\ 5.11 12 25.1111 Lions for Lambs 1 151

0.011 1140.00. 2.20. 4 35. 5.05. 11211-

:\1\111.111' 1'11 1\ Siil. 11411 Ratatouille 1 i 1

0.111}: 11.15.1111. 11.45.1111. 200. 2 30. 4.45. 515. 7.30. 10.011. :\1\111ui1'1'111\ Sui. 12 2.5.1111.

Saw IV 1 1S1

1).11|\ 1145.1111. 215. 4 30. ".15. 11.411

.‘\1\11 1.111‘ 1‘“ 1\ 5.11 11 4.5 Stardust11’111

I).111}' 11.00.1111. 12.31). 2.10. 3.45. 5_1111_ ".110. Sill). 0.51),

.-\1\11 1.111‘ 111 1k Sui: 11.00.

30 Days of Night 1 151

0.111}: 11.05.1111. 1.55. 4.40. 5.30. 10.05.

.-\1\11 1.111‘ 1511 1k Suit


Edinburgh mm:—

51S 11111111‘511'1‘1‘1. 111111111|1g\;(1S71 704 21152. 111111: 11131 22% 43.111.1‘111’12/11u1 1111' 1'11: .1\111111\ £0.101£5.10111-11111' 5111111: ('11111\ £4001£410111-11111: 5111111; \11'111111'n £4.001£3.00 111-11111- 5111111. M1111 11'\1'1‘pi 11.11111 11111111.1}\1: £4.10: 311-111111‘1'x £2.00. Sui S1111 1.11111 0.11111 11111111u)\1: £0. 10: ('11111‘\ £4310; \11‘111111‘1‘x £4.00. S111111u} 1)11111111'111|1\: £0.10 1£4.‘)0: Muniwrx 11111. “1:11: 111\i \1111\1\ 111 c.1111 \1'1'1'1'11 £1.50 1111' 1'11111'1‘sx11111x. 11132 S1'1'1-un1 11111‘ pui'cnix/cui'ci'x .11111 11.11110 11111} 1: £41£3; \11'111111'0 £2501. M1'111111‘1'x111p1'11xix £25 pci )1'ui lt‘iHiL‘L‘xxiiHh t2 1 S 1.

u \\ \\.(111‘1111‘1‘1111il\1'\.1‘11.il1\

11—1URSDAY 15


Drawing Restraint 9 1 151 1 1.00.1111. Eastern Promises1lx1 3.411. (1.511. 11.211.

into theWild1151 2.20. 5.30. H.411. The Serpent (Le Serpent) 1 151 1.211. Sicko 1 12.41 3.211.


Art School Dance 11-.1

1.ui1‘ 1‘r1 1k Sui: 11.30.

Blame it on Fidel (La Faute a Fidel)


1).111_\: 1.35. 0.40

Brick Lane 1 151

l).11|_\: 1.30 1\; 4.00111111 S0111. 0.311. ‘11)“.

.1\1\11 S1111: 12.45. 3.10.

.-\1\111uic 1'11 1& Sui: 1145.

Control 1 151 1-‘r1 51111115; “1'11: 355 1111' K 1110: l) 10.

.-\1\11 1.111‘ 1'“ 1\ 5.11.


Eastern Promises 1x 1:. \11111.\ \\.'.i ‘11" 111.‘ .\ 1111; 35‘

GetCarter 15 1 TheitalianJob11‘1.1

\1111 '1 311

Into the Wild :51

11.1111. 2 11' 1:111S11111 5 3111:1111 111w ' \ :11

Little Dieter Needs to Fly 111. 1:1.\ \11 \11111 11111 1.‘ 411

Cinede Edinbu - h

11111111.1111[‘.1l1\. 111111111'1' \111'1'1 24111 11.111k111}f\ (\111111 11\ ‘1 311113111111

( .111 11.11 \111111\ 111111115 511\11111 111 111'11111' 5111111.1111111‘\\11111\ :4 30 1.111\ 110111.111111'11111111.11111'\1‘1‘11111'111111111 :4 \111\11'\ 1111 111111111x1S.1i.11111 11 1.111111\ 1111111 :15 \1‘.111\ 11.1xx1111111111111'11 11111\11'\1 1111"" 111-1 1111111111

Beowulf11.‘\1 111111 11111) 111111 Death at a Funeral 151 ‘1 Ill

Eastern Promises 1 151 .‘ 15. um Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 1.‘ \1 11111111 2 50. 5 411. .\ 311

Good Luck Chuck 1 151

1100.101. 1 311.

13111. 1K5.

11 10.1111. 1 *0.

:55 11311 5.111

IntotheWild1l51 1100.101. .‘115. 5111

3111 Lions for Lambs1151 112111111. 1 <0. K550153311 DmShanti0m11.‘\1 1.710. 11111 '111 PlanetTerror11.\1 114111111. .‘00. 135.

h 5)

Ratatouilie1i 1 11.1.1... 1 :1. .‘ :11. 11111 1 ~45. Rendition 1 151 11 110.1111 Saawariya11’1‘11 11 00.1111. .‘ 111. 5211. I x 111 1 Si|k1151 1155.011. 215. 515. ‘45 Stardust11’111 11 15.1111. .‘ 111. 5011. 1 511 ' 30 Daysof Night1151 1215. H0 11111. x 50 1 1 111111111 '1 71111111111111. 1 American Gangster 1 1x1 1 0.1111 12 311. 1 35. 41111 51111 "111, 3411' 1 1011111111111 5.11 111511 I Beowulf112.-\1 1 H.111} 12.4.5. 550. (115. 01111 1 Beowuit(3D)1121\1 H.111}: 11111111. 245. 5 30. S15 1 .-\1\111ui1'1'111\ Sui 1100 Brick Lane1151 0.111} 1105.101. 125. 350. 015. 5.45 1

.1\1\111.1i1'1'1'11& Sui" 11.10

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12 \1

H.111}: 12.55. (1.15

Evan Almighty 1 1’1 11

Sui: 10.00.1111 Good Luck Chuck 1 151

1).111_\‘ 11.30.1111. 150. 410. 1140.


Into the Wild1151

1).111_\: 11.00.1111. 210 320. S40 The Jane Austen Book Club112-\1

11.1111: 12.115. 2.411. 515. x1111 1

.-\1\11|.1l1'1'1'11& Sul' 10. 35 Lions for Lambs 1 151 1).111}: 11 10.1111. 120. “1111. 15.5.5.

Om Shanti 0m 1 12.-\1 1'11 1& Sui: 11.20.1111. S1111 11111: 12.15. 41111. Planet Terror 1 1m 1..1i1-1'r11& Sui: 11.20 Ratatouille 1 i 1 1).111_\: 12.10. 2.50. 5311. S10. Saawariya 1 P111

1.1111'1'r11k Sui: 10.45.

Shrek the Third 11'1

Sui: 10.00.1111.


1).111}: 11.15.1111.

The Simpsons Movle11’111

Sui: 10.00.1111.

Stardust 11’(i1

1).:11}: 11.40.1111. 2.30. 5.25. 1'12 30 Days of Night 1 151 0.111}. 3311. 11.50.


3111. (155_ 111111
