Saawariya ( I’( i i .. (Sarijay I.ccla Bharisali India. 200') Salman Khan. Rani \Irikheriee. Ranbir Kapoor Big budget Hollywood romance musical about two strangers to a small tow it who spend a few (lays of bliss will) each other \Vltllc 00(11th tri being Ilic lirsl It) be released by large international distributor Sorry. this film is lame and uninspired by ilie standards of the genre (liH'Hll/ft/ Krill/Ht Sll'i’i'l. (i/iivgim. ( llli nor/d /.(/!Ill)lll't'/I. Edinburgh Salvatore - This is Lite i P(ii i(iian Paolo ('ugrio. Italy. Zoom lanrico l.o Verso. (ialatea Ran/i. Alessandro Mallia 90min
'l he heartwarming story of a young Sicilian orphan who confidently decides It) leave school and start work so that he can support his garidiiiother and little sister llis school teacliei iI.o \crso) w Ill not desert Iiiiii and visits regularly. nurturing Iiiiii through his education Part of Italian i‘ilill l'estival. (i/iivguii I‘ll/ll Iheiitre. (i/iivgiiti,
Santa vs The Snowman SD ii’oi (Various.l'S.2003i.13rriiri.IMAX big screen presentation telling the story of a lonely snowman who‘s swept away by the magical wonders of Santa's village [MAX Ilieiitre, (i/iivgiiii.
Saturn in Opposition ( I5) it-‘er/an U/peiek. Italy. 2000) Pier l-‘rancesco l‘av iiio. Stefano Accorsi. Margherita Buy. I Hinm. A group of tightly -kriit 40-soinethings have their friendship threatened when one of them falls ill. Part of Italian i'lliii I’estival. (ilavgon I'ilin 'lheiitre. (i/iivgim ,' I'ilinhiiuve. Edinburgh
Saw iVi IX) 0.. (Darren l.ynn Housman. IS. 3007) Tobin Bell. l.yrig Bent. ('ostas Mandy loi. Scott Patterson. 92min. Jigsaw and his apprentice Ariiaiida may be dead but I’Bl pi‘ofiler Ageiit Strahin (Patterson) still has to undo his best laid plans. and when SWAT (‘oiiiniander Rigg (Bent) is suddenly abducted they only have a limited time to overcoriie the killer's intei'ciiiinected traps. Sustained new outing of this commendable low budget horror franchise. (ienei'u/ i‘eleave.
The Seduction of Mimi (Mimi Metallurgico Ferito Neil’onore) ( IX) 0... (firm Wertiiiuller. ltaly. l972) (iiaiicarlo (iiarinini. Mariangela Melato. l20rnin. Mimi ((iiannini). a simple labourer in southern Italy. Iiiids hiiiiselfcauglit between the local Malia and the ('otiiinunist party. He offends the Mafia. has art affair
w lift a liberated and anarchic girl (Melato) and drives his w ife into the arms of another man. Part of Leading Ladies of Italian (inertia. l-i/nihoiive. Edinburgh.
The Serpent (Le Serpent) ( IS)
0.. (line Barbiei‘. France. 2006) Yvan Attal. (‘lov is (‘ornillac. Pierre Richard.
I I‘Imiii. A dark tale of blackmail. guilt and vengeance based or) Ted Levy is. novel. l’leiidei: ()ppoi‘ttinistic thtig l’letidei‘ ((‘ornillaci has a near-failsafe money
making system. but when he catches up with an old schoolmate made good (Attali the scale of his operation suddenly espaiids- as does the extent of the damage done (ii/new. Edinburgh
Shnk the Third (L) O. ((‘bris Miller. (S. 200“) Voices of Mike Myers. Izddie Murphy. (‘ameron [)ial. JUstin 'l‘iinberlake. Iiddie Murphy. Antonio Banderas 92mm. The green ogre (voiced by Myers) runs away from parental and royal responsibility to go on a Joumey with loyal companions Donkey (Murphy ) and PUss in Boots (Banderas) to seek out another heir to the throne (Tiriiberlake). The third instalment of this blockbUster phenomenon feels a bit formulaic now but there are enough low -brow Jokes to keep under educated children entertained. ("iiieiiorld Park/read. (i/iivgim .' (‘iiiew'orld Edinburgh. Edinburgh,
Shrooms (l2) 0. (Paddy Beathnach. Ireland. 2006) Jack HUston. Lindsay llauri. Robert Hoffman t)0min. See review. page 40. (ieneral I‘i'li'ave from bf! :3 Nut: Sicko ( IDA) 0.. (Michael Moore. IS. 2007) ll3min. Moore's latest explosive documentary targets the LS healthcare system. comparing it unfavourany with those ofjust about everywhere else on earth. Moore has a perverse and honed eye for comedy and Sicko is often hilarious. but his journalistic myopia (leading him to praise our own iiiuch-bemoaned NHS to the skies) undermines his attack and may leave British audiences wondering what else he has failed (or chosen not to) see. Selected release.
Silk ( l5) 0. (Francois (iirard. (‘ariada/Iirance/ltaly/lIK/Japan. 2007) Keira Knightley. Michael Pitt. 109mm. This big screen adaptation of Alessandro Baricco‘s bestselling novel about silk production. marriage and adultery in Nth century France and Japan is a lushly shot epic bore starring Knightley and Pitt as the dull couple at the centre of the maelstrom. Ryuichi Sakamoto‘s soundtrack is pretty nice though. ('inevvorld Renfrew' Street. Glasgow: ('ineiviir/d Edinburgh. Edinburgh.
Simply Beautiful ( 12) (Giovanna (iagliard. Italy. 2005) l80min. A collection of film. photographs. songs and female voices from and about women involved in the major historical events of the 20th century. Part of Italian Film Festival. (ilasgmc I'i/m Theatre. Glasgow:
cneck out-the.
To coincide with the release of
Werner Herzog’s new film, Rescue
Dawn, the Cameo is hosting matinee screenings of the director’s 1997 documentary about the life and times of American/German pilot and all- round positivist Dieter Dengler, played by Christian Bale in the new film.
See review, page 40.
I Cameo. Edinburgh. Fri 76—T/7u 22 NOV.
50 THE LIST 15—29 NOv 200.“
The Simpsons Movie i Pt)» .00
iDav id Silveriiian. IS. :00") Voices of Dan (‘astellaneta. Julie Kaviier. Nancy ('artwright 36min It's not going to change the world and. at 90 minutes. it slightly runs out of steam but this is nonetheless a fairly enioy able big screen outing for everyone‘s favourite family The plot. as ever. is secondary Homer accidentally pollutes the Springfield water supply and causes a mass esodUs. While the strong political satire ot the early episodes has long been replaced by pop culture references. this will still be one of the surefire hits of the summer (illit'ittlr/(I l’arkheiid. (i/iivgim. (‘ineiioild Edinburgh, Edinburgh
Sleuth ( 15) .0 (Kenneth Braiiagh. ISA. 2007) Jude Law. Michael (‘aine
88min, See rev iew. page JI (ieneni/ releiise from Eri 33 .N'oi
Stardust ( PG) 0. (Matthew Vaughn. (K. 2007) (‘harlie ('os. Claire Danes. Robert De Niro. Sir Ian Mcls'elleii 130mm In a country side town bordering a magical land. a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he‘ll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm in [his star-studded fantasy epic adapted frorii the novel by Neil (iaiman. (‘os lacks pil/a/I as the adventurer Tristan. which Vaughn only emphasises by pitching him against one big- name star after another and w hile Stardust has some entertaining moments. it looks fated to join Erugiin and The Dark is Rising on the box office scrapyard of fantasy pilot efforts. General release.
The Place Promised in our Early Days ( 13) (Mak'oto Shinkai. Japan. 3004) 9] min. Japanese aniriie set in an alternate future where the North and South of Japan are segregated. A mysterious tower presides over the North island and three childhood friends set about constructing a homemade plane to uncover its mysteries. Part of late night anime. Ei'lnihouse. Edinburgh. Theorem ( IS) 0000 (Pier Paulo Pasolini. ltaly. I968) Terence Stamp. Silvana Mangano. Massimo (iirotti. Anne Wia/eriisky. 98min. Pasolirii's iwrri obsessions. Christianity and Mairxrsm. are
brought searirigly to life in this intense fable.
featuring Tel as a mysterioUs (‘hrist figure who creates spiritual. sexual and emotional upheavals within a wealthy family w heii he stays for a short time in their home. linigmatic and powerful. Part of Leading Ladies of Italian ('inema. Eilinhouse. Edinburgh.
30 Days of Night ( IS) .00 Slade. New Zealand/US. 2007) Josh Hartnett. Melissa (ieorge. Ben Foster.
I l2min. In an Alaskan town the last rays of light anyone will see fora month are fading. and a bloodthirsty gang of vampires have come to play in the darkened streets. Impressiver scary adaptation of Steve Niles‘ graphic novel series from the director of Hard Candy. (ieiiera/ release.
Three Mothers (Shalosh lma'ot) (12A) 0.. (Dina Zvi-Riklis. Israel. 2006) Miri Mesika. (iila Almagor. Riv ka Raz. l06min. Absorbing melodrama about Jewish triplets who were born iii Eygypt. as they look back on their lives in their 60s. previously hidden truths begin to emerge. A Jewish Film (‘lub presentation. ('('A. Glasgow:
3.10 to Yuma ( l5) 0... (James Mangold. ['S. 3007) Russell Crime. Christian Bale. Peter Fonda. l 17min. Pitting (‘rowe and Bale head to head guarantees a bout of intense. tortured manliness and this glowering. gripping remake of Delmer Daves's I957 western practically fires rounds of solid testosterone. Crowe plays a charming. scripture-quoting killer. Bale the crippled and grimly determined rancher escorting him to jail. What unfolds is an unyielding. turbo-charged express. expertly retooled for these ambiguoUs times. We Edinburgh ()cean. Edinburgh.
The True Legend of Tony Vilari 12) (Guiseppe Gagliardi. Italy. 2003) Peppe Voltareli. Christian Mantis. Dario de Luca. 93min. This fun and lively mockumentary recounts the tale of a road trip. Argentine hit parade star Tony Vilar fell from the spotlight after a fan pulled off his toupee. and is eagerly hunted here by singer Peppe \"oltarelli. Part of Italian Film Festival.
(ilii‘vg‘iiii f‘i‘i": [lit iif'i (ii-“Wei 'n Eiiinhiiiise. Edinburgh Video Killed the Painting Star: This i8 my Head ii") i\atious) Q(littiii A \L'rtc‘s of tree \c'rL‘c‘rttttgs ()I \ tdc‘o work by students. present .iiid past. from the (ilasgow School of Art on the Masters of line -\it course (‘( 'rl. (iiiivg. in
The Visitor (La Visits) i )5) 00. «Antonio Pietrangeli. ltaly I-rance. I‘lti“) Sandra Milo. l-raiigois l’erici. \Iar‘io -\dort. Angela Minervim 100mm -\ woman approaching ~30 writes to a singles column. and ends up with a seemingly conservative bookstore clerk who turns out to be a rude. drunken slob But she forgives him his shortcomings and they spend the night together Part of leading ladies of Italian ('Inettia (iliivgim lib): Ilii'iii'ie. (iliivguu Vive L’amouri I5)... i'l'sai \tiiig- liang. Taiwan. I‘l‘l-i) I ee Kaiig sheiig. \ang KueivMei. ('lieii (‘haoriung I ISriiiii I'Iiiec characters rise the same apartment for different purposes in this understated .iiid minimalist tilin Part of 'l‘sai Ming liaiig season. l'ilnihiiuve. ladiiibgiigh
The War on Democracy ( I3»\i
0.. (John l’ilger/(hiis \Iartiii. l'K/AUstralia. 300") ‘lqlillli Journalist and BAI’I'A w inner l’ilgei has teamed up w itli archivist ('arl Dean to make this documentary demonstrating the brutal reality of Airierica's continuing pio|eci of ‘spreading deiiiocracy' to South Ariieiic a (ilavgim I'i/ni Theatre. (i/iivgim
Warren Miller’s Playground ( Pt ; ) 0. (Warren Miller. (S. 200") 120mm. Part docuriientai'y. part actioii
mov ie. this winter-sports travelogue is the perfect way to kick off the new winter season. (iliivgou l-iliii Illl’lllll'. (i/iivgon The Wayward Cloud (Tian Bian Yi Duo Yun) ( IX) .0... ( I‘sai Ming hang. Till“itii/I‘Tiilic‘t‘. 3005) Ice KangSheiig. (’heii Shiang-(‘hyt. l.u Yi-(‘hing I lliiiiri tam an is experiencing an unprecedented drought and suddenly wateriiielons are Iookiiig a lot more appealing, In the stilling Iieat love grows between Sliiaiig-chyi ((‘Iierri and porn star llsiao (Lee) iii this idiosyncratic love story. which features C\pllL'll sex scenes and camp musical numbers Part of 'I‘sai Ming-hang season. Eiliiihoiive. Edinburgh
We Are All Christs ( l5) iytaiek Koterski. Poland. zoom Marek Koiidrat. Andr/ej ('hyra. Michal Koterski 107mm In the more serious sequel to comedy [his o/ the Wacko. a father ( Koiidrat and ('hyr'a) and son (Koterskii look back at their relationship with differing views of the good times ()deoii, Edinburgh.
* Weirdsviile ( isi eee (Allan Moyle. Canada. 2007) Wes Bentley. Scott Speedman. 'I’aryn Manning ‘)0miri See interview. page RX and Also Released. page ~12. Selected I‘i'li'avi' from I'I'i If) .Viii. What Time is it There? (Ni Nei Pien Chi Tien) ( I2A) C... ('I‘sal i‘v'fing-liang. Taiwan/l'raiice. 3002) Lee Kang-Sheng. ('hen Shiang-( ‘hy l. l.u Yi- (‘hirig ll()iiilii. Writer/director Ming |.iarig (The Rll'l‘l'. The Hole) orchestrates aiiotliei of his minimalist observations of urban isolation and familial dysfunction. li'hut lime is it There ’ unwinds in long. static takes. in which the camera lingers over people and locations. allowing viewers the space to construct their own Interpretations of the film's mysterious events Part of ’I'sai Ming-hang season. l‘lllll/lttllu'. Edinburgh Wild Strawberries (I’( i) 0000 (Ingmar Bergman. Sweden. I957) Victor Sjostrom. Bibi Anderssoii. Ingrid Thulin. (iunnar Bjornstrand. Max yon Sydow. 94min. Following an appalling. symbol- laden nightmare. an elderly professor (Sjostromi finds himself reliving his life as he travels to an academic awards ceremony Bergman‘s cUstoiriary bleakness is shelved. with enjoyable results. while Slostroiri‘s performance glows with feeling and intelligence. Part of the Introduction to European (‘inenia course. l-ilniliouve. Edinburgh,
>l< Wristcutters: A Love Story ( 12A) 0.. (Oman Dukic. L'SA. 2007) Patrick Fugit. Shea Whigham. Shannyn Sossamon. 9|min. See review. page 4 I. Show me ('inemu. ('(iatbridge & l’iiii/ev from [TI 3.? Nut: