I ‘\ .Jg.

Ever since m‘fim one in 2001. the Espookio Hallowe'cn party has been a highlight in the Optimo calendar

(ilaxgnu attitntlc pcnplc tlnn't lnlln\\. thc} jnxt \xant ln ha\ c a gnntl tnnc. it'x a hctlnnixtic. part} cit} in gcnci'al and I think that might hc uh} ()l‘tnnn hccanic [’“Plllatf [inntlci‘x 'l‘xx itch. 'ln thc carl} tla}x \\ c ll'lL‘tl tn tlti it in a cnnplc nl nthci‘ citicx illltl pcnplc inxt lUleL‘tl at nx with xhnck and hni'rni'.’

(ilaxgnu hclpcd xhapc ()ptinin. lt'x a club that L'nllltlllii li;t\L‘ lk‘c‘ll L'l‘L‘ttlL‘tl tilt} \xhct‘c Cl\C. ’l'hc cit}'x apprcciatinn and knnulctlgc nl' ninxic ix “til'ltl t‘cnnunctl. and nn|_\ a cit} likc (ilaxgnu L'Ullltl gixc hii'th tn and appi'cciatc ax cclcctic and tlixct‘xc a club night. "l'hc cnnnnitnicnt nt' ntn' hninc ct‘nxul tn gctting tnta||_\ inlu it ix thrilling \xhcn )nn pla} thci'c \\'cck tn \xcck ancl ix a pcrniancnt highlight] xa_\x \\'i|kcx.

'l'ntla}. 'l‘\\itch and \Vilkcx appcat‘ ax ()ptitnn lltc \\nt‘ltl n\ L‘l'. lil‘nttt ciiicx :tc‘t'nxx thc t'cxl nl' thc l‘lx' and mainland litn‘npc tn Bt‘a/il. ‘l’xnall_\ thc lit‘xl liinc \xc cxci‘ gn an}\\hct'c \xc pla} a mac L'Uli\L‘l'\illl\L‘ \L‘l llltlll \\'L‘ can gct it lik'L‘l lot it: c\plainx .\ch\nr. 'hnt in Japan it \xax altnnxt Iikc thc atttlicncc \Vax cncntn'aging ltx tn gn ax tar ax \\ c pnxxiN) cntlltl.~

'l'hcii' tlL‘VUllUli tn niuxic ax a xxhnlc lL‘Ll thcin tn xct up thcir n\\n rccnnl lahcl ()S('.I\RR t()ptitnn Singch (huh and Rclatctl Rccnrclingxt. t'clcaxing tt'ackx t'i'nni ai‘tixtx xnch ax Bix. ('rcnic dc Mcnthc. \VL‘Cint'x and I’m l‘til‘liiil. ’\\'c"\ c had it lni' ahnnt xcxcn _\c;n'x and \\c‘\c nnl_\' put nut ahnut a LlU/L‘ll t‘ccnt'tlx.' c\p|ainx .\lcl\'nr. ‘But thci'c \\axn‘t an nntlct t‘ni' thc kind nl innxic \\c \\antcd tn i'clcaxc. xn it \\;1x a cnnnnitincnt \x'c \\illllL‘tl tn inakc tn pcnplc \\ltn \xcrc making ninxic that \\ c \\Ullltl pt'm lLlL‘ an nntlct.‘

‘l‘llL' ltlxl Llc‘L‘aLlC li;t\ hccn lull nl‘ lilglillglth litil' thc thnainic dun. "l‘hc main highlight tni‘ inc ix that ati_\ntic c\ci‘ catnc tn hcgin with 7 \\ c litct'all) had nn itlca an}nnc \xnulclf laughx .\lcl\nr. 'I‘hct'c \xct'c inultiplc t'tnnntn'x that thc tcnth hirthtla) part} txxhich l‘cattn‘cx (‘ht'ix ('ni‘xann. lihnn} linncx. .linii 'l‘cnnt'. ‘a wt)


xpccial .xtn‘pt'ixc appcat'ancc’ and a l'llll thrnngh 'tcn _\cai‘x nl ()ptinin claxxicx’) \Hillltl hc thc laxt c\ci‘ ()ptinin clatc hut thc paxxinn and NW ix clcai‘l} xtill htn‘ning ht‘ightl} in linth nl' thcin.

\Vith planx tn clc\ntc inni'c nt thcii' titnc tn thcit‘

()S('.-\RR lalicl. lunch and \Vilkcx arc al\\a_\x lnnking tn thc l'nttn‘c nl nnixic. ';\l‘tct' all thc )carx thiliig i'cinixcx lint' pcnplc \xc‘tl likc tn cnnccnti'atc nn making nnr nun ninxicf xa}x .\lc|\ni'. ‘and nl‘ cnnt'xc tnnrc ci'a/_\ pat'ticx. \\L‘ll'tl lncatinnx. xti'angc thctncx and tn cnntinnc bringing thingx tn (ilaxgnxx that nn nnc clxc unnld think ahnnt hi'inging.‘ ‘( )nu'at‘dx and ()pxxarclx.‘ laughx \Vilkcx.

Optimo’s tenth birthday weekend takes place at Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Fri 23 Nov and the Sub Club, Glasgow, Sun 25 Nov.

I 1

October 2004 Optimo makes its first trip to Japan

November 2006 Twitch and Wilkes go national with a Radio 1 Essential

K a more

18 THE LIST ':‘ \k‘. gm

July 2007 Optimo curates its own tent at the Indian Summer Mix festival featuring Mouse on Mars. Adult and many


August 2007 Optimo heads to the country with its inaugural Barn Dance

November 2007 Optimo is ten. Happy birthday chaps

OPTIMU mu amnion «um

Twitch and Wilkes guide us through their top ten Optimo tracks

I ‘Optimo' Liquid Liquid

I ‘Zorba the Greek’ Herb Albert 8. the Tijuana Brass

I ‘Everybody’s Got To Live’ a A Love :.: x! 'H v n y, '

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I ‘I Need a Freak’ Sexual

Harassment 2‘ . ' ' z :w

I ‘Sonny’s Burning’ The Birthday Party't-j . it: f3? 1'”, ~ w t. .'

I ‘Relevee (Carl Craig Remix)’ Delia and Gavin

tm " a.

I ‘Hot On The Heels Of Love’ hrobbing Gristle

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I ‘Shake It Up’ Divine Ewan L03"), :2 . ' ‘: .'.":"‘ ,' 111%:

I ‘Rock Cottage’ Ten Benson

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