The murky On shortbread,

world of hand

Virtual record. trees and crime shopping Wales PAGE 95 PAGE 96 PAGE 104


a A‘ . . he name hetra.\x either xupienie eunlitlent'e m .l ‘, dearth ul‘ imagination. Hut. \xhile llie lx’extauiant Hal and (irill Ina} not \Ulllltl .ix e\eiling .ix ilx pretleeexxorx /.ine antl etain haxe been merged min one there ix a xenxe til xell-axxuranee running throughout llux neul} \l_\lL'tl enrner nl (ilaxgmx'x muxl e\eluxi\e xhnpping eentre. 'l'hix xtenix in part l'rnm a xale knmxletlge that ll “Ill be packed tit \\ eelxentlx. litll alxu gt t'eliglltt‘e till luaiitl \alut'x

l’art (ll. a burgeoning l'lx'~\\itle eliain. I‘lie lx’exlauiaut ix hailed ax a 'reimenatiun' ol~ /,ine. \\lll\‘ll tell IlllH the lllkll\ltlllill Rextaurant (’umpam'x lap laxt )eat’. We liim hax mm ehnxen to xtanip itx mxn xl}le throughout itx luant'hex. xti'iVing tor a ennxixtent ‘e\perienee' in e\ei_\ mullet lllllll (ilaxgtm to 'lunhritlge \Vellx.

While thix ma} xel eurpurale alarm liellx ringing. iexl axxured that The Rextaurant ix a tar er} lrom .l \lelhaxxeiie 'l‘he xer\iee. tor a xtart. ix laultlexx: xniarl. t'luetl up antl friendly in a \xa} that onl}

experience. and not a training

regime. ean hring. The

interior ix tll\llllL'll_\ elaxx} and leaturex quirk} tnuehex .xueh ax “all-mounted limex

l‘illetl \\ ith limit and \'e1—‘L‘lahlex. l‘i‘uni the

‘uutxitle‘ haleon}. a limit '

room “ith a “med. lWltllltlL"

\mml eeiling and impeeeahl}

xtueketl har leatlx to a ltmer-lil. air} xpaee llnrmeil} elaini. l'eaturing mirrored pillarx antl llnnizlength \\ intllm x. .\ gallei} lxitelien xpanx the length «it une \xall. enntrihuung a good amount of atmuxphere.

’l‘he loud. lumexei'. ix l'aii'l} regimenletl. ax one might expeet from a menu xent l'rum lieatltluarterx. Ht'}lllltl wine fortnightl} xpeeialx. there are ten interexting eliuieex ll'lllll what ix a large xeleetiun ol~ gaxtro—puh elaxxiex llixhealtex. . paxta. 'l‘hai eurr} l. 'l‘hix ix a xhame. eonxitlering more 'V , Litl\'L‘llIlll'Ull\ Lll\l]L‘\ are generall} \xell L'\CL‘lllL'(l. .\ xalatl ol H xu'eet ligx. eream} goat‘x eheexe and xmnk} paneetta. lni example. al'l'urtlx a lahuloux arra} ot‘ llawurx. l-rom a tleeent

. - . xeleetiun ul lixh. a hell} \xetlge ot halihut eomex e\pei'll_\ r' I I I I L‘UUkL‘Ll hut “ith a bland erah eruxt. while the atltlitiun nl out ut-xeaxun axpai'agtix xhth up the llitvkx ml the rigid menu. .\

.xitle (it maxh. mearmhile. re\ealx a ltea\_\ hand with the xalt

Glasgow's lateSt StyllSh, expensive 'eXperlence' xhaker. Ponionx are perl'eetl} iutlgetl until the tlexxertx arrne: Offers fFGSh bUt unadventurous fOOCl a eolnxxal timer ul' x\\e'e't-}et-xli;ii'p paxxinn lruit xurhel. and no lexx than four rieh marhletl hum niex ltxm would xulliee l.

THE RESTAURANT BAR & GR|LL - A pulie} (it l'rexh ingredientx prepared to nrtler alv.a}x LlCSCl’VLW praixe. hlll (H L't'zill [llL‘l'L'.\ Ll IL‘lltlclle} liMdl‘tlx xale _ _ a 7 ximplieit} here. And. while priee ma} not he an ixxue tor 0141 225 5622 www_therestaurantbarandgrill,co,uk; Opening hours; Mon-Sat man} Prineex Square patronx. £13.95 l'or liin and ehipx xCL‘lllx

u—n » A -- ~~ ~- ~ ~**'-"“ "~""“‘ a little cxgcxxiyc, The Rextaurant \\ ill thitlillll‘lulh lll’lll'l\ll l” (brunch), noon- . . , _ ,' a . - .. -_ _-,,__e thexe areax \\ here xt_\ le ix Judged m er xuhxtanee. ultunatel} it 10.30pm (restaurant); Average price for two courses: £22 dixpla}x hoih eonl'idenee and a laek nt' originality and tl()C\ exaetl} \\ hat it xa}x ahme the door.

2nd floor, Princes Square Shopping Centre, Buchanan Street, Glasgow,

(restaurant); Sun noon-5pm