I New Model Army lll': (mum: 4w Samlucliall \III'I-I. “I l 12‘! “pm L l 4 ()'-I'l llx \llnv. ()ltl \llel pulllltal punlm
I Peter Rowan (iraml ()lc UPI} l’.Il\lL"» Ruad lwll. 43‘) ‘1‘)!» — *‘lpm {l3 (Hamlin \‘mml ‘~‘-llllllll“,_' l‘lllk'jll.l\\ .Illl\l l<I".‘..lll
I Tommy Emmanuel ( 'n} llIIllx Lalhllvrl;';'\. 1“ “W” H llll‘lll Lll <ll \INIalla'x It'wlul linger I‘lkl‘.k'l Ill.l}\ Ilunugll a Ila/Ann: l.Ill_L'I' HI \I} lk'\
I Dragster, Cuddly Shark, Kobayashi and The Child Echo l1.llll_\.2(lll(.l}lll'\llk'k'ltllx—‘Hlnlfi H‘N‘) Hpnl U) l’unk’rmkalulh mung“ llHlll (Rm-ml}. lllllllk'llkk'tl l\_\ the .Illfjlhl lll\\'\ H1 lllk' \lHHfJL'\ .IllIl llllllltllk'
I Duglas T Stewart & friends, Beecake anIl Ally Kerr ( 'uum'x
‘H ‘Ig ll_\nIllanIl Sum-I. ‘V 5335 Rpm l'lt'k' VHaIHcImln'a nlthI It'aIang: a \k'l lIHllllllL'll.\l.\l1.IllIlll\llHlllllMlldllIl lllt' lllll} llH'Hl lllllllk'\l llt'ualu'
I The Dunderheids, Strange That Way and The Towers Hm. I ;l Saut’lnvllall SIII'L'I. “I 51 ll, \pln
l Iu' ltlu'llt’ lquIc Im‘k lIHlll l‘lII‘ ’Inuurx
I Will Haven, The Miramar Disaster and Tempercalm Km; 'luI'x \\.Ill “all llul. lqla SI \Inu'nl SIIu‘I. Ill 53“). Spin LN ()\L'l l‘l\ \limx Sat'IanII-nlu hanlum' lmntl lwat‘k \kllll a nu“ \nt‘alixl and Ilu'n lnxl nu“ album III \|\ 'walx
I Laki Mera l ill: \Im- (‘altz SH (m King: Slim-1.55i IIHH. X. illpm. Li l'.lL'k'llIllllt'd/lllllx pup hand. lcaIur1n;_I \Ingcl l..IIll‘.I Dunncll}. launch Ihcu' ncxx \Inglc ‘llmx l)aIL' Ynu'.
I Taylor Kane, Miss the Occupier and The Leatherettes Nut-'II'SIt-ax}.
1., " Ill
Rob Thomas underpin the ever changing, e
1:1 \autlzrclzall \Ztt‘g'.‘ HUNHH \ Wyn: lnliz: rm}. and gluing I Gavin Gordon, Noel Graham .mIl James Allan Gourleyl mm l‘lll’l. ll l"l)\illt‘l.\ll.l\‘-\ lx’n.ni.'\l" Illlll- ‘Il‘nl llu' \tnumt pulnlnlanuw
I Schwervon \It'lmu I“ :\ lx’cnllcitl lanI'. l)l\ Imk tllll‘ lll'lll \cxl. \nll. '.‘-llH It'uml IHI (ilaxgmx K \lll‘k'\lllllk'
I 3 White Mice alhl DJ Scotch Egg llcm} K ('I-llal Hal. \ lha \lnmwn \III'I'I. SIN WW; \[un U‘ ILV l‘\[‘k'lllllt'lll.Il «MI-I \‘-llH aII‘ all almuI lllll\l\. lllk'kllJ .llltl Inlalenallun I Arcane Kore and Superfudgechunk llanm-Inlank \nltll} \llk'k'l. *5!) ‘341 ‘lpnl {‘1 lel’x
Thursday 15
I Good Shoes, Lightspeed Champion and Ida Maria ,\l£(‘_‘. NH Saut'luchall Sum-I. “I 33 ‘3 “pin U) ()\L'l l l\ \llU\\. 'l).Illt\';Il\lL'. \llk'tl lulu-alwd gull.” nluxlt“ llHlli (imul SlltKN
I Newton Faulkner .v\ll( ‘. WI \.Ill\'lllk'll.lll Slim-I. “I 33 *3 “pm.
S( )l l) I )l l. .llnnn} l’aggc .llltl linan \lil} L'llIlHI\L‘\l Ill'L'JtllIk'GCIl )lllllly \lllth'l mngxxnlcl \cnmllmn
I The Proclaimers aml Unkle Bob ('aI'IIng .'\L‘;ltlk‘lll'\ (llaxgmy lll l2_‘_'lllllIiIl Sllk‘k'l. llX-ll 4-“ JUN” “pl” 51 Ml) ()l l. SL'U 'llllll .\.
I Sydney Devine l’a\ lllHll llIcaIIc. ljl RL'IIllL‘lIl SIIL‘I‘I. “3 lN-lli
1,? '“ V‘! -. 7 ‘ gal f. 1'71.“ KL"; 3. . ‘l _ ‘ ‘7‘,"' ".95. “X §l\ ' ‘ ' \ " ~.
‘H i'lg‘m :1; \gHILanth \cr} «MI‘. ritlutwlwnt \wul‘w} lk'llllll\ Inl lm annual l’a'. Illnn Icwlcnt}
I Alan Panther & the Energy Treadmill, lamchemist, Bill Ely 8. the Catnips and The Bucky Rage Hm“ ~l i1 \autlucllall \llk'k'l. “I 9111 \I‘m lIcI' \I'c luv h In! \lan l’anIlIcI xxllw 1\ lwlnul h} LuxIaIN lamthcnuxl and \lcaA Iutk'n‘lnllmx lllc Hutk} Raps nu lllh lull
I Anna Meldrum lt'hal (Ix Ila. ‘12 ()Iagw 1 any. ‘5' ~53 \I‘In LI lullxr lll‘l‘llk'kl \Ingt-I wngmnt-I III‘lll (ilaxguu
I Brant Bjork 8. the Bros, Suns of Thunder .mIl El Chupacabras llalll). 3m (lulu \llL'k‘l. lqu W“ H‘l‘l" \pni L1H l)\'\L'll \Innu Im‘k III}.Ill§ llll\ Imxn Ill Ihc \llapc nI JIM] llunnnc'x l‘ltl l\'§u\\ lh‘wll Scxxmn huIlIl} lilanI Hunk. plux Inllncl lllk'llll‘t‘l\ HI l-u \1ant'hu
I Dead on the Live Wire Rut-lam. l~l \lltlldlltl SIIch. Ill llfilh Spin L5 laghum It'll-Icnt'lng. clu’IIn halting; \lllll Imnl lztllnlnngh. \\llll a [any [HI Ilk- gilllllt‘
I Fair to Midland, Terra Diablo and Red Snowman Kill}: ’l'ul‘x \\all \Vah lluI. 3-3.1 SI \ Int'cnI Sllu'l. III 5:“) 5pm Uxfill ()\L'l l4x \llu\\ Ic\a\ haul [\leJlL'\\l\C I'm'kcrx \kllll \UIIIL‘ lulk} I'lclncnlx In Ihcu‘ \l‘lllltl.
I The Sweetheart Revue and David Bova lllt‘l. i‘) -l l .'\\lllHll lam". HZ ~1‘lhh. Spin, l'I‘cc (icnllc lllt'lULlIL‘\ and a \lHl‘HUlllIlf: Ill\l|ll\‘l lI'HIIl 'l‘hc Sxxt-thcaII Rmuc pI-I'lnrnnngg aI llI|\ ()uI In l’la} nighl.
I Vulture Speak 'lL-hal ()\na. lh‘) l)canxlwn [Numb-1‘) 7255. Spin {3, \lmnnallxl [\\_\L‘l11Ull\ wuml»
Drone rock collective formed in 1997 from the remnants of the
wk nu. be].
psychedelic punk rock trio Shit Spangled Banner. John Moloney and ver evolving line-up of free jazz and space funk musicians, so each gig is a complete one-off, from which instruments are played to who takes to the stage.
HGTVT '3 Cam oar; an‘surg". F" J \o. ' "0
I 3 White Mice and DJ Scotch Egg \It'c'I‘INicaqv 4.“ \augluchall \tu-k-L 1“: Il‘MNl \ {MPH} \kK‘ \\“\l
I Stevie Jackson, Say antl Friend of the Bride 11th \wlc I'alc. ‘0 Ml Km; \IICL‘I. ‘5‘ In“ S ‘Ilpm :4 Solo \lll‘“ lli‘lll lit'llc ,\ \k‘l‘axuank Ilnc guIIath
I Last National Band, Michael Jack and Stewart Traquairl Im‘n lull“. l lll l’\‘ll\‘l\\ll,l\\\ l\‘\‘,l\l. (“1" INNV "pin l-II‘I‘ \t'nuxIIt l‘k'llilllll.lll\k‘\
I Flatliner, Someone‘s Son, Oliwa and Coholic (‘alxucI \nlIauI‘. in 1.\ lllan \IIt'I‘I. 32H (\lW‘ “pm {‘- lntllc antl lllkk lull
I Yeasayer aml The Valkarys l‘hc lllw. 15 l" \nltlu \llk'k'l.§i1‘ll-l~1~l “pin {1‘ llmuklul l‘.l\C\l
p\_\t'llulcllt gnxpcl .lllI‘lllJlHt' lllkllt' wul hantl pla} Ill}: Ilu'n ulll} \tquxlI IlaIc
I The Sandals of Majesty, gasgiant and Vacunaut lit-nu ‘\ ('cllal Hal. 5 Hal \lumwn \III‘I'I. .‘IN “N: Mun L5 l’mI punk Hum l'I.Ill\I‘ Icalunng; lurnm lllL‘llll‘t‘H ml liatlgmu'an'l
I The Hedrons anIl Underbelly llk'llHl \\aII lulu-Nu l lllUll. lx’lt't'arIun. ~15| 5 l H ‘ll‘lll 1’5 :\II ;!III punk wt‘lx lmnl llu' llI'Illnllx.\uIl1.I Iulklci \Illllltl llUlll l nIlI‘Ilu-ll}
I Keyside Strike and The Square Peg llanncnnan'x. MIMI} SII'CI'I. 55h 325-1 0pm {-1 lmlu‘
Check out the
0870 606 3424 ‘ TUESDAY 11 DECEMBER
0141 353 8000 WEDNESDAY 12 DECEMBER
0141 353 8000 5
www boollcgbtallus (Om
dude: '
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