9. III \u l.IIIm-«l lwrnmu Imwxl II\|ll‘_' \Hllllll} \l.ll ln-xI l.lIII‘.‘.II lHI lla'l ll.lll1l‘.‘.lll','llIlllIlL'l ll.lll.I\l\

I Early Songs, The Great Bear .mII Tom Waterhouse \me-Ilv; It”. I \I \l.II\\ \IIu'I 55" lll5ll \pm 2.: lo ll ‘.‘.Illl .l lIllll ml lllk‘ l)III} llIIm‘ llHllI (ul.n~:'w'~'.\ l .IIlj. \uIIL‘» ‘.‘.lll!

.lll UIIIIIII} \llllllflll

I Napier Live lln- llulli'u ( "Iqu ‘\lI'l.l\ llHll\k‘. l” llHl_\Iwul l\’II.IIl. <5\ ‘IIIIINpIII I_Il\ \ lllL'lll ml llL'X‘. Imml lk‘dlllllll‘.’ \lllllk'lll\ llHllI lllt' \.Illl\'l ll \ l’upIIl.” \luxn III":wa unnu-

I Rieser .lllll RocketFox III-nut \\.III I IIIxx'IxII} l IIIHH. l<lt\.llltlll. l5] 5 i *4 “pm I} Dunlwlv lllll ml klllm \th Itul.

Friday 9

(5 assgow

I Crawford Smith .unl Miguel llnIIIc. Ml \llmm \IIwI. lll-ll 55*

l75l hpIII llm' \lllt'k‘l \Hll;'\‘.lll\'l\

I Foo Fighters .unl Serj Tankian \l‘('(‘. l llllllI‘\lHll ()II.I_\.ll.\_'lHl-1H lllllll I. IIIpm \(ll I)()l l \IpImhh Ilu' lnyt'cxl .lllk'lll.lll\\' Im k lmml Ill IlIc \quIIl [lltlllltllk' lllt'll m'v. .‘Ill‘lllll li/ll‘l \. \I/I'III 1'. I'll/ll Il¢4 lIHl/ (III/II \\ Illl \IIppnII Hum \xxlvm HI .I lhmn Imnlnmn \t'll Lunkmn

I Common Rotation lln'l. W M \\lllHll l .lllk'. Vlf I‘lhh "pm L5 l..\ l‘.l\k'\l pup lnlk lmml \\ llll .u‘uumt‘ }_'IIII;II (lll\k'll wumlx and .l Inpul.” nullnnk

I Deacon Blue ( 'IIIIIIIp .-\t';ulvm_\ (il;I\_1_'n\\. ljl l'._L'lllll(lll Xllk't'l. llN-ll ~15" lllllll “pm. M )l .l) ( )l l. 'l llL' Stnllmp lmml lL‘llllll In IlImc lumlt .lm’kuwk Il;I_\\ nl Ilu' l.llt‘ Hll\ \\llll lnlx \ucll .l\ .Rk'dl (inllL' Kltl- .lllll ‘\\I;I‘L‘C\ l).I} .. ;I\ \wll .Ix lllHlk' H't’t'lll Iu'nnlmgw

I San Toy and The Part Time Signals MN ‘3. NH Sum-Inclmll SIm-I.

“3 3: i3. TIIIII. ()u‘l l~l\ \llH\\.

|)IIl\ Im'ym' Im'kclx llHlll (imun.

I The Shins .Iml Vampire Weekend llgIIImleml. J-l-l (i;lllU\\“_'.llk'. 55?. MIDI “pm LI5 5“. ()xcr l~l\ \lnm. Smiling yollcggc Im'k luml llHlll .\lllll\|llt‘l\|llt'. mm lmxnl Ill l’urlluml. and lIuIIIul h) l.llk‘lllL'\l wngnxl'llcl' .IIIIl lltlpt‘lt‘\\ lHllLIlllIt' .lumm \lcl’u'l'

I Dominic Kirwan l<u_\.nl ('UIIt‘L‘I'l Hull. 3 Snuclnchull Sllu'l. ‘5‘ Xllllll. ”. illpm. [l5 L' | 57.5“. .\ll mun”); ul wng: \\Illl Ullt‘ ul ln‘luml'x IIIII\l popular \Ingclx. “ho IIIcluIlcx lmllmlx. lnu‘ wngx II‘Ixh .Iml umnlu Imth uml I'm'k'n'mll Ill lll\ \hmx,

I Foreigner r\ll( '. H(l Suucllwlmll Stu-cl. “I 33 i2. 5. illpm. [3‘l.5(l. (lu'l‘ l.l\ \lll‘“. l'S \ull Im'kcrx llL‘\[ knmxn lUl Ihc lll.l\\l\L‘ up \ucllmg.‘ ul clwa bunny: cmuIIun llltll l\ ‘l \Vunl In lx'nmx \\'lI.II l ow lx' l'hc} 'll ncul to go wmc In unpmx .lqu'nc} '\ cllm'lx unliu‘ llll\ )t‘m IIIuIIglI.

I Jello Biafra l'IIc Kuhn. 35‘ .\I‘):}|L‘ SII'ccl. 505 lllIIII. ‘3”pm U5. |:\ Haul Kcnnulb lI‘nIIIIIIuII. mm I'cxpcclul lUl hh \pulwn mml nulpul .Intl pulIIIml .IcIIx l\lll.

I The Brogues, Colour Coded, Sneaky Pete, Some 1’s Son and The Hype Hm. AIRI Suuchu‘lmll SII'CL‘I. 333 5-1 il .\'pnI l'I'cc. Rnck'n'x‘nll ll'Hlll IlIc ll_\pc.

I Don Don Don Stu-cu. 3U 38 lx’cnlicld lunc. 3pm. l-I‘cc. (icrmun lllll\|\‘l;lll .Iml pL‘IluI'IIIJIIt‘c .ll'll\l l’cIL'I‘ \nguml plu) lllf.‘ |.|// .Iml culxu'cl \\ llll .I punk ulliludc .II Ihc nl'ligml launch IIIglII nl' llk‘ nc“ Slcrcu \cnuc. l’|u\ IIIUI'L‘ llw .Ich llk'.

I Hogg \lngglc \lu} K. (\II .»\ll\mn Sll'ccl. \lcrclmnl (II). 545‘ l i5ll_ .\’pIII. (S IUH. .\l\;l Black (‘I'nucx .wacmlc .lulmn} llngg. puncyu‘ ul mucnux I'wk'n'rull.

I Jim Lauderdale and Elizabeth Cook 8: Tim Carroll Bluckl’rlurx Rh llcll SII'ch. 55: 5‘84. 8pm. (III {I}. Roulx) hlucgmxx and counlr} [Tum (irunIIII) \\ Inncr l.;uulcnlulc.

I Luva Anna, The Carellos, The Manikees .Iml Page 6 Bully 3M) (.l_\\lC Sll't‘t'l. llN—‘ll ‘lll- ll‘l‘l‘) 5pm 5“

\ IU'J. \‘llIll'l\k'kl lull} l)llll\l\‘lll.Ill\llt'.1_l llll\ lull

I Tom Hingley lhv l‘»\1\lL'Il\\lI;'x'l "4 QIIn'II \Ira'cl. :3] H5] \pm 1; \-'\.lll\l HI IlIc lll\[‘ll.xl (LIIpt-h HIM .: wl-I .lxllll\ll\ \cI. Iqunn: .1 llll\ «II lII~pII.1l \ l.I\\l\ \ .l\ 'M-ll .Ix lnx wln lll.IlL'll.Il

I Whispers in the Attic It In.” ll\ll.l.*15(lltlf,'lll .lllk‘. ‘55 15:1 \I‘III lIu' l \[K'lllllk'llldl lllll\l\ .lll\l [‘L'llHllllJlltk' I‘llk'll:~

I Goodbye Stranger \mIm-I 1M». h” “l \llllulJlk' Ruml. l: i HIM"

R illpm lrm- | 1w lllll\|\

I Okkervil River \Iu'dINllun/T if] \nn lm'lmll \In'cl. l“(MINI .\ {Hpm U 5“ l'nll. l‘lllllx lmIIIl lIHlll \INIII. lk'\.l\

I Tom McRae .Iml Brian Wright KIM): lul\ \\.IlI \\.IlI lllll. 353.1 \I \‘IIIu-III \IIu-I. f3] 53“) 5 1“pm Ll.‘ \L'k' \IIII -l

I NU2 llIr l'cII}. \lltlt'l\lllll (‘lll.l_\. lhc llnuumclnu. lll(\‘).\ WI ll.\5 up”. [5 l4IIl\ I. U) Hlllllll lIIlIIIIc In my lllllell} \l.IIlllIll| Imlx ml l 3 I The Shapes \H( NI \'.IIIclIIclI.Il| \In'cl. “I I: R‘. llpm I My IIIplII g1}: .ll I’np \lIup

I The Draymin .Iml Penny Blacks l'IImmle. i-ll \Im'lnclmll \IIch. ;51 Hi5”. \Ullllt'lll \Hlll Impunl lmml. \\llH Iu'cnll} uljgnml an curlII lllHIllll tlt‘\L‘lUlllllL'lll \lml \\Illl ('lIIuIIIIIIIII Rcumlx pl.I_\ llll\ llHllHl\llU\\ IIIgglII,


I The Cinematics, Theatre Fall ;lllIl The Vivians ( '.Il\.ucl \llllilllk'.

W lllgm SIICL‘I. 32H (Il‘h. “pm lepcIl (ilaxpmx lwul unnlm lllllllk‘llt't‘tl l\_\ IlIc lll’xt'\ nl \VIIL‘. lulu I\IHII. 'l lu- (‘Im' .‘IIle llIc SIIIIllIx

I Molesta Ewenement 'l hc Hullgu (‘Iulx Morn} llouxc. 3" llnl}I‘mul anl. 558 "(ml 7pm. [I; H5. l’Illhll lIIp Imp.

I The Proclaimers .nuI Unkle Bob l’l;I_\lInu\c. IN 32 (ilccmnlc l’luu‘. (IN—fllllhlll—‘lll “pm. L‘IXSU L‘ZJSII. Su‘ lhu .\’.

I We Were Promised Jetpacks, The Fusiliers and The Scottish Enlightenment l’u .\';I .\';I. HI» l'I'nlrI'Ick Sll‘ccl. 22!» 233-1. 7pm. L5 Ilnclutlm L'llll'} In .IllvrxlImx \‘lllll mng I. Bloc l’;II'l_\/llill_\Mlmkm Inllucncul \\'\\il’.l llt‘mlllllt‘ llll\ \L‘u l'UlIlHl SIIIIIItl IIIgIII.

I Biffy Clyro, Nine Black Alps uml The Matches (‘nrn lzu'hungc. l l .\’c\\ \lurkcl Roml. 47” 35M). 7 @0an Bl H.” ()l “l. SL‘L‘ \Vul 7.

I Cutting Pink with Knives uml Deadboyrobotics llcnr} ‘\ ('L-Ilur Bar. 3 Hm \lnI‘I‘IwII SII‘L‘L'I. 325‘ 03‘”. 8pm. L5. l H} SplIliI‘Cx IIIglII ul l'umunl IlIIIIkIIIg India:

I Sunburned Hand of The Man llcnr} \ (‘cllur Bur. H llm Murriwn SII'L‘L'I. 338 0303. .\'pm. £5. Homle L'ullu‘liw ol Ilmm‘ Tuck. l'I'cc _|;I// and \puu' lunk lllll\lL‘l;Ill\ :IIIclIuI‘ul IT} .lIIllll \lnlnnt‘) gIIIIl Rub 'l‘lmmux.

I Dirty Kudos .qu Sprouting Wigs lluIIIICI'IIIuIIK. \Ikltll'} SII'ch. 550 3354. 0pm. U. Scnlx Indlc Ullllll. DIM) Kmlm. \\Illl IlIc cwr mow luck» III-\nguc \clu'lmn ml hugg} .Iml llI'IIpnp Inllucnccx.

I The Remnant Kings, The Hookares and Gildoza lluIIIu-I'Inun'x \Itltlr} SII'CL‘I. 550 335-1. ‘lpm. :4. Rock tlllIl llltllt'.

Saturday 1 0


I Birds of Prey, John Clyde Evans and Bar Tabot (‘(';\. 35H Suuclnchull SII‘ch. 353 J‘NIH. hfillpm. £2. l~cml llunth II‘Iplc lull.

I Calvin Harris HJI'I'IM land. 3-14 (};I||n\\:_';11c.553 JhIIl. "pm. LII ()xcl’» I-l\ \hmx. 'l'hc l;l\l-l’l\lll:_‘ l)lllllll’lC\ clcctrn uumlcrkilnl. qulcd .I\ Ihc mm M} In and luxulhunlul h} l\'_\ llC. pl;I_\\ Ilmxc lll‘ltllllllllh Imt‘lu ll'HIlI \lcl‘III .Ill‘lllll. I ( M an .1' [kn u.




THURSDAY 18TH NOV ooons 7PM £15 + BF

A < l LE; UNDER was <

WEDNESDAY 218T uov 1.

Malcolm Middleton

Thursday (all) Dom-mlwr


10.30PM - 3AM

Doors 7pm in I Bl“





£12.50 + BF

. TH ELIOUIDROOM iiEi§ln§§§§§2§dmgh ‘. o o //I TEXT TO 80818 e 0 FOR UP TO DATE LISTINGS!