Tii.’u,,.....si:,.,,r=toct<..&P.op I

I Groove Armada Barrov. land. 244 (ialloysgatc. 552 4601. 7pm. £20. See l'Tl

:L? The Verve ('arlirtg Academy (ilasgrm. 121 liglinton Street. 0844 477 2000. 7pm. St)l.l) ()l'l. See l'Tl 2,

I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea Tron Theatre. 63 'l‘rorigate. 552 4267. 7.30pm. £10. See l'Ti 2.

I WhO’B Who The l‘erry. Anderston Quay. The Brooiiileltm. llllt‘m 300 085

7 30pm. 'l‘ribute hartd perl'orming Qruirlrri/i/ienru arid The Who's greatest hits. I The Delusional, Le Tool, The Hardy Souls arid The Sweet Leaves Hm. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. Spin. l‘ree. Rock and blues l'rotii (ilasgow



f Godard is a one-man cult OK, not a cult, a sect The Subway Sect to be exact. Godard was the man behind the infamous punk outfit who formed at the suggestion of Malcolm McLaren to fill out the bill of his 100 Club Punk Festival in 1976. Unrehearsed and shambolic. Godard and pals played alongside the Sex Pistols. Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Clash.

2 He’s an outsider among outsiders The Subway Sect never really fitted into the punk scene too well, their intelligent brand of noise as much influenced by French pop. Velvet Underground, Sinatra and Northern Soul as anything else. As a result. they always got pelters at punk shows.

3 He’s a postie Disillusioned with the music industry. Godard retired in 1983 and became a postman. Ten years of that was enough to ensure legendary status. and he returned to the fold in the 903. but still keeps on his postie job as a nice little earner.

4 He’s an inspiration in Scotland Edwyn Collins was blown away by The Subway Sect on The Clash's White Riot tour, and called Godard ‘the best songwriter of his generation'. Similarly. The Fire Engines and The Jesus and Mary Chain were heavily influenced.

5 He’s even got a lost album Well. not anymore. The first Subway Sect album was recorded but never released in an acrimonious break up. After getting fed up with people talking about it, Godard went into the studio last year and re-recorded versions of all the songs. released last month as 1978 NOW. (Doug Johnstone)

I New Stereo, Glasgow, Sat 10 Nov.

66 THE LIST 1—15 NOV 2007

I Foxface, Snakerlder and Nightjar Stereo. 20 2S Rc'rilic‘ltl Lane. bplll L3 l'irst night ol liye music at the neys Stereo \enue. as strident lolk~inllected trio l-oylace launch their debut alhurii This ls What Makes l's Dress code anintal. plant or tree costumes prelerred I Highwatters \‘oym The \ale. 5 l)undas Street. 332 4‘12S Spin. L4 Acoustic set lrorit the guitar pop outlit I Crisis Saiituel l)ttyy 's. 67 "l Nithsdale Road. 423 0107 H.30pni l-ree l.iye music,

I Ezio King 'l'ut's \Vah Walt lltit. 2"2a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S 30pm ill). See lift 2.

I The Counterfeit Clash .\le(‘liiiills. 40 High Street. 552 2135. 10pm. l'ree (lush and other cityers.


I The Complete Stone Roses llle Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. Llll. See lit 2.

I Mammal Analogue. 102 West Hoyt. 220 0601. 7pm. l-‘ree. 7\'\\'\\'\’\\’ 110111 the page tipside doyy til lauriclt their alhtiiii ol' lo-li l'olktroitica.

I My Mind’s Weapon, Blueprint, To a Downfall, The Party Program, Thy Came Forth and Clearer Sky The lliye. 15 17 Niddry Street. 556 0444. 7pm. £5. limo and hardcore.

I Roy’s Iron DNA, Kobai and Capstin Pole l’o Na Na. 43h l'redcrick Street. 226 2224. 7pm. £5 tincliides entry to altershoyy club tiiglitl. More liye action at l’o‘s l’roin Neys l‘ound Souitd. headed by indie/dance rockers Roy 's lroii DNA.

I One Night of Queen Playhouse.

IX 22 (ireeiisitle Place. 0870 0601730. 7.30pm. £14 £17.50. Tribute to l‘i‘eddie Mercury et a1. starring (iarry .‘ylullen winner of l'l‘V's Start in Their lives

and his haiid The Works, hringirtg you all the Queen hits.

I Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards and The Grease Monkeys Henry's ('ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 228 9303. Spin. L‘tbc. (iood-time. old-style rock‘it'roll yy ith a sprinkle ol‘ l‘unky l‘unkiness arid great dollops of punk rock attitude l'rom l)l) & the 1.1% as they host this albunt launch party.

I Crave the Caves The (‘as es. Niddry Street Sotitli. 557 SOS").

()pnir 3am. £8. l'undraiser eyent lor the Scottish Stilt Federation. \\ itli a triple hill of live acts: Rieser. Miyagi arid Alton/ii. I The Gallery and Unknown Hagana Bannerman's. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 9pm. £4. lndie rock.

II: idlewlld and The Nillght Sad Queen's Hall. 87 89(‘1erk Street. 668 201‘). £16. ()y'er- 14s shots". The Scots indie rockers celebrate the release ol‘ their greatest hits albiiiit Scottish l‘lt'llrlllf The Best of [997 2007 and upcoming rarities compilation :1 Distant History:


I Cobramatics (‘luiha Vaults. Stockyy'ell Street. 552 7520. 5pm. Free. Rock'n'roll/ska residency.

I Deerhunter .-\B(‘2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £8.50. lrtcorrigihle Atlanta punks.

:2: George Clinton with Jack Ashford 3. His Funk Brother Band The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 565 1000. 7pm. £17.50. (‘alling occupants of the motherl‘unkship ~ the venerable (ieorge Clinton. ol‘ Parliament/l‘unkadelic/cra/y hair/monster grooy es l'anie. has landed. I The Men They Couldn’t Hang and Dave Arcari The Arches. 30 Midland Street. 565 1000. 7.30pm. £14. Political t‘olk‘ punks. tirst actiye in the 80s. supported by alt.blues guitarist.

I Cargo Blackt‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 553 5924. 8pm. £4 (£21. ('argo. described as Glasgow's answer to The View play in the basement yeriue.

I Emma Forman, The Highways, Exit Music and The Merchants Bo\. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5431. 8pm. Free. Former Bad Karma lront-yyoman

brings intelligent lyrics and beautitul melodies to her acoustic solo ysoik

I Manor Park Elite, We Throw Stones, First Steps to Failure and SanBenito llarlly iiipstairst. 260 ('lyde Sire-cl.tlS7t1‘1117t1‘l‘N Spin {5 llebr‘ideaii trio .\laiior l’ark l-litc play perky rock. \\lll1 support lioiit e\ lsam members Sartlieriito

I Mother 0. the Addicts .llltl Multiplies \loiio. l2 ls'iiig's (‘ourt. King Street. 553 2400 Spm l-ree lyso til (ilasgim is liest come together lt‘ celebrate \lttltilK llltll l‘llllltltty Mother t\ the -\ddicts are a garage pop riot \sith a rich \eiri ol humour running through their set. yyhile \lultiplies go lor' puriky. lunky electronica Stephen l’astel and the l~tiiic1titt's(it-ir‘y l.oy e HI

I Sara Berg Sloan's. \igyle \rcade. 35" 5 3S7 Spin. [4 llte latest Sounds ol Syyeden iiigltt hosts a ll\ e perlorittance lrom cool electroiiica diya Sara lier'g aitd DJ set lrom the \lon estiue Melrtyk

I Shoshana Gross '1 char ()y iia. 42 ()tago latte. 35" 4524. Spin t2 Singer stillgyullel.

I The Spores featuring Molly McGuire, The Piston Effect, Darkest of Peru and Pilot Episode liarlly. 260 ('lyde Street, 0S70 007 0000 Spin. {7. ('ariadiart-horn. 1..»\ based bassist .\lc(iuire has played yy till the likes ol l'raiik Black. Queens ol the Stone Age and Mark l.aiiegan.

I The Chap and 0 without U llte llold tl'iiderneath 'l'he .-\diitira| 1. 72a Waterloo St. 221 7705. Spin. llada garage disco lront l.ortdon.

I Acoustic Night Samuel l)o\s ‘s.

67 7| .\'itltsdale Road. 423 0107. S30pm. l-‘ree. Monthly acoustic session. I Elvis Perkins arid Andrea Marini \ice'ii'Slea/y. 4.2l Sittlt'lllelltlll Street. 333 0000. S.3tlpni. £7.50. l)elicately dolorous sounds lront lulyis l’erkins. son ol' actor Anthony Perkins though he looks more like the son ol Stephen King. Jtist saying.

I Emmy the Great, ballboy and Brother Louis Collective King ’l‘ui‘s Walt Walt lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S30pin. £6.50 l.o-li l.oitdoii songstress yy ho is attempting to toe tip to her name by going headto-head \yitli The Spice (iirls. releasing her new single (iahricl on the same day as l’osh arid co release theirs.

I The Gilded Angels lilacklriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 0.30pm. l‘ree. ('ountry rocking in the spirit ol (irant l’arsoris tin the hart.

I Frank O’Hagan .\lc('liiiills.4t)11igli Street. 5.52 213.5. lllplli. l‘ree. (ittyers o1 l)y laii. The Band. ('reedence.

I Voxtrot, Primary 5 and Zoey Van Goey The Beat (‘lub. 375 Sauchiehall Street. £6.50. lndie pop coiiiho lroni Austin. ’l‘e\as supported by e\-’l‘eeiiage 1’aiicluh drummer l’aul Quinn's group

Primary 5.


I Spectrum 5 Queens Hall. 37 at) (‘lerk Street. 6015’ 2lll‘). .5pttl. U). Nllliir liestiyal at the Queen's llall. showcasing music from local acts arid l)Js alongside stalls. lood arid drink. This time around yye hay e the sets lTUill Big llaiid. Broken Records. t'nderling. Shutter. 'l‘he (iraeiiie .‘ylearns Band. News and Araya pltis shots cases l'i‘oiit l'rhanscot and Acoustic lidinhurgh.

I Hoochie Fig and Colin James Murphy llamiltons Bar & Kitchen.

16 18 Hamilton l’lace. Stockbridge. 220 419‘). 5.30pm. l-‘ree. :\etltlstle night.

I Tom McRae and Brian Wright (’abaret Voltaire. 3b 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm. £12. Return ol‘ the superior l.ondon-based singer-songysriter \\ itlt a line in tender Damien Rice~style laments. I One Night of Queen Playhouse.

lS 22 (ireenside Place. (1370 0601730. 7.30pm. £14 £17.50. See Sat 3.

I Me’n’Dan, Lamen’s Terms, The Maydays and The One Day Speakers The Ark. 3 7 \Vaterloo Place. 228 9393. 8pm. £4. l-‘our class indie bands from lidinburgh.

I Landslide liaiineriiiait‘s. \iddry Street. 55“ 3254 ‘lpm :4 Indie rock I Hobo llte lioiigo ('1ub. \loiay lli‘lht‘. :7 lli‘l}1i\t\\l l\‘l‘.l\l, TDS “int” ll’l‘tit 3am t3 ‘1 He music and .ilteiitatiye disco tor iustilied sinners" as llobo returns yyitlt l e Reno \titps .iitd Rilyis [till] \ l-l \tl\ lt‘llt‘\\t'\l l‘\ \aiiipire \\eekertd and 1 pic 26:11 i \t‘\

Monday 5


21: Andrew Bird .llltl Loney, Dear llie \iches. 3” \lidlaiid Street. 5b5 1000 7pm :1 l ('hicago based

\iolinist guitarist. pouririgt Sand

1 uiopeaii lolk. |.i// .iitd blues inlltieitces into his engaging sound

I Dodgy ~\li( '2. 3 311 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232 7pm tlo (her 14s shots \lid ‘10s indie trio. best knoysn tor their hits ‘tiootl l riotiglt‘ and 'Stayiitg ()ut lor the Summer' test the \\.tlt‘ls lot .i ieyiyal

I The Unseen .ttltl The Termites lhe (Killiotise. 15 l itioii Street. 21S (i606 7pm [S 50 ()\et l~ls \hl\\\ llaidcoie punk arid metal quartet lioiit llosloit

I Boy Kill Boy ( )raii \1oi. "‘31 7 35 (Heat “leslelll l\)tl.ltl. i5” 0.3”“ 7 llll‘lll {b l risky btit generic iitdie \sitlt soaring yocals lioiit lioy Kill lioy

I Simone White Hit-l. W 4% .\sliioii lane. 342 4066 7 45pm to. llittcrsyseet sound lioiit this singer songwriter. born in llayyaii and brotigltt tip in (‘aliloinia I Chris Blair, The Dirty Violets arid Girls Dance Better Than Boys lloy. 431 Sauchieltall Street. 332 54 31 Spin. tree. 1 ocal singer songyti‘itei heads this bill,

I Freudian Slop liailly. Ion ( 'lytle Street. “S70 ‘lll7 ll‘l‘l‘l Spin. {5. (iieat name. no idea yyhat they sound like

I John B McKenna 'lchai tly iia. 42 ()tago latte. 357 4524. Spin [2121’ launch lot this singer songysritert

I The Royal We Stereo. 20 23s Reitlield l.ane. Spin. Lthc litlectious iitdie popsters the Royal \Ve launch their yery liite debut album at ythat yyill also he tlteii last met gig sotiiids like the kind ol heliay tour that rock'it‘ioll mythology is built on.

I The Young Knives, Pete & the Pirates and Outside Royalty ls'iiig ’ltit‘s \‘s'ah \Vah lltll. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S. 30pm. {10. Mercury rtoiitinated perky post punk leattiring the eccerttrically named bassist llouse ol l.or'ds yyho couitt 'loiii \'ek. the l'utur'elieads and Gang ol l'our among their laiis

I The Ansion arid Engine 7 llar llloc. 1 l7 llalh Street. 574 6066. 0pm l-ree. :\illlilellt electroitica lioiit l'.iigiite 7.


I Nine Black Alps (‘ahai-ei Voltaire. 36 3S Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm tree hill ticketed. Young Mancunian bartd ysho hate ignored the musical trends ol their oysti city iii layour ol the grunge rock ol .\'iryaita. back alter a briel hiatus yyith a blistering nets album. Xl-M competition yyiniiers gig.

I Train to Wales Hariner'inart‘s. .\'iddry Street. 556 i254. ‘lpm. L4. lleayy puriky rock.

Tuesday 6


I Animal Collective arid Islala ()raii Mor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 7pm. £1 3. Psychedelic Brooklyn popsters yt ho hay e collaborated ysith cult lolkie. Vashti Bunyan.

I Eternal Lord Bartly iupstairsi. 260 (‘lytic gnu-i, riis'7ti ()n7 out»). 7pm. £6. Metal. metal. metal. according to liternal l.ord's My Space page.

I Heaven 8. Hell, Lamb of God and Iced Earth Sli('('. l'innieston ()uay. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. £29.50. ()r in other \tords Black Sabbath l’liiny