Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne® Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Activities and Fun
Hitherto Craft Workshop Stitidu} \. noon £3.50. Hitherto. \leltitue llogg Burlding. through 'linderhm. l4x’l liigruni Street. 552 50‘)i l)L'\llel uiid inuke heuuttiul. eonteiiipoiur} huttons utid hudgex uiih ilte help oi llttherio .ll'llSIS. Ages t' l4. Booking t'SSt'iilléil.
Quentin Blake: 50 Years of Illustration l'ntil 'lue | Juli.
l0utn 5pm; in «k Sun lluin 5pm. I-iee. Kelxtngroxe s\rt (killer) & .\lll\t‘lllll. :\rg_\le Street. 27b 05‘)”. :\ inuior e\hihiiion eelehiuting the uork oi one oi the \torld'x hest knoun llllhli‘ttltii‘S.
1001 Inventions l'niil .\ion 7 .iun. l0utn (tpill. l'ree \\ rth eiitruttee to the Serenee Mull. (iluxgoxx Seieitee ('eiitre. 50 l’ueii'te ()uu}. 0S7l 540 I000. llundx on e\hihition. tineoxering u thousund )L‘ut'x til \L‘tetililie titttl leeltiliiltiglt'ul Itititntilttitl.
Design and Decorate a Bag Sun .1 Nov ll._’~0uni l2. i0pin k 2 3pm. l‘ree. Kehtngroxe .t\rt (Stiller) tk \iiixeuin. Arg} le Street. 276 059‘), (ii\ e u designer inukem er to u pluiii hug ui llll\ iniorinul \xoi'kxhop. 'l‘iekets ure ulloeuted on u lit‘\l- t'tHliL‘—lit\i-\Ct'\etl litISlS. Ages 5 l2. Back to the Drawing Board Sun 4 .\ ll NM. Strn ||..i0uni lptii tk 2 3. i0pin. l‘ree. Mttxeuin oi'l‘ruiixport. Kehin Hull. l Bunhouxe Roud. 2S7 2o5l. |)rop into the illllSClllil und hu\ e i'un ut lltt\ ereutix e uorkxhop \xhere _\ou eun sketeh some oi the ohjeetx on tlixpltt).
Mini Music Makers with NYCOS 'l‘uesdup. |0uni & lluin. £l2 ior \i\ \H‘ekS. (’it) llullx. ('uiidleriggx. 353 S000. run sessions eoniprising songs. guinex und \iinple rh_\ tries to help )tiiiiigxiei'x de\elop u one oi" illitSlL‘. l0uni i'or ugex 0 lS months; I luni i'or IS months i )eurx. .\ ite\\ \L'SSlUll til \i\ \\ eeks \lgit’tx (\ Nov Learn to Cook Sui it) Not.
l0..l0uni l2..i0pin. £l5. (iuther in (ilusgim. l'pper Floor. 37 Rutlnen l.une. 070M ISS5I.‘\. 'l'he l'.\eiti\ l)i\u present cooker} eluxsex tor ugex 7 l2. l.eui'it to tnuke \uuxugex. \oup und lust} \\\eel\. Toy Cars Sui to .\‘o\. 3.30 4.30pm. Free. Mtixeuni oi'l‘runxport. Kelxin Hull. 1 Bunhouxe Roud. 2S7 2o5l. (iixe _\ottt' kids their first timing lesson in one oi the museum's to) pedul eurs. .-\ge\ 5 S )L‘tll‘S.
Theatre and Dance
Willi Wizand Sut 3 .\'o\. 2pm. £4.75 (£4.25). Seottixh Musk und Puppet (’entre. S 10 Buleurres .-\\enue. Kehindule. 33‘) (085. Mr (iiggles mi\e\ stories. sketehex. lllllSlL‘. gumes und u drxupiwuring puppet. (‘hildren ure ueleonie to come in tune) dress. .-\ge\ 5+.
Grub’s Up Sui 2‘ Nov l |..‘\(luttt N 2.30pm. £050 (£3.50 £4.50i. l’luti'orin. The Bridge. l000 \Vesiet'ltottxe Roud. liusterhouse. 2"!» 0mm See re\ re“.
A Festive Fairytale Sui 3 .\'o\. ".30prn. £2 £4. (iilinorehill (il2. ‘l l'nnerxit} .-\\enue. 330 5522. .-\nkur\ Young teenuge eornpun} presents u eolourtul udxenture eelehruting the rum e \eusott. Corryvreckan .\ion 5 .\'o\. 2pm. £2. (iihnorehill (i I 2. ‘l l'iii\er\it} .-\\enue. 330 5522. .-\ new prtxiuetion t'rom YDunee uiined ut children uged 7 und
in er. hused uround the fuels und legends of the Corr) \ reekun Whirlpool. Monster Hits Tue 6 .\'o\. 1.30pm. £2. (‘rilmorehill (ii 2. ‘l l'iii\er,\it} .-\\enue.
56 THE LIST 1— 1:5 No\ 200“
1‘0 5522 St.:_\tn;.‘ xktth llt\ gitiittp} (irundpu. \\tlli.tii1 ll'lL'\ to sleep in lli\ spook} .tllle room But \trunge lllll\l\ tomes out ot the durknexs liorn lull Stories. the eoinpum hehind lr'u (outta/o \ge\ 9
High School Musical lhu S Sui to \o‘.. Spin t\.il 2pm: 9’ (tat l'..i\l\\iitiil l’uik lheutte. Rouken ( ilen Roud. (lllllllk k. 5" 4020 lhedruntu/one present llll\ lllUSILdl hused on |)i\ite§ \ Intuit} \xininng liliil oi the mine ttuitte Grub‘s Up l lttt S .\o\. 4 ;0pm £2 (itltitoiehill (il2. ‘l l ili\t'l\ll} \\eittte. H0 5522 in! of 1/14 (r/tflijl‘lt (hilt/It H \ lItx/rmitio/t l(\lllt1/ See te\ te\\
A Clean Sweep lit ‘9 \o\. I 10pm L2 (iihtioiehtll (il2. ‘l l ill\t'i\ll} \xenue. H0 5522 l’lutot I u \ re use eloxxnrng. duttee. uniniutton .ind \i\ \lot'}ielltttg to e\plore the ititllit.:i_\ \xoild oi household ht‘ttxhex .-\ge\ 2 l4
Shopping for Shoes in ‘t .\ Sui to Nov lillpin iulxo l'r‘i 2. illptni Ur 50 t£2t. l’lutiorin. lhe Bridge. l000 \\e\tet‘hott\e Riitttl. l‘..t\iel'ltiitt\e. 2‘0 00‘"). \‘ixihle llt‘llttih presents 'l till ('t'ottelIK iouehing tule oi un unrequrted L'l'llSll. li’lL'lltlSllllt uiid Shoes. llrghl} ieeorninended. .-\ge\ l0 H».
Muckle Mouth Meg Sut l0 .\o\. 2pm. £4.25 i£4.25i Seotiixh .\lu\k utid l’uppet (‘eiitie. .S l0 Buleuriex .'\\enue. Kelnndule. KW ol.\’5. l’opp} is l’uppetx tire huek “till the slot} oi .\leg. the lilelt'Sl lusxie ill the Seotttxh Borders. Age H. Disney on Ice 'ltie Ii Sun IS .\'o\. 'l'ue l3 'l‘hu 15 \o\ ".30ptn; Sui noon. i-l5ptn tk 5.30pm; Sun lluitt tk ipin. £l0.50 U250. Sl:(’('. l'llllllt‘\lttll ()uu}. 0S70 040 4000. .\lugieul tee-hused \hou ieuturittg Nu" /m I't't/t/i/t'x.
Tall Tales at the Tron Sui 3 .\'o\.
l0 10.55uin. £3.50 ttttlltlllS one ehtld uiid ueeornpun) trig euteri. 'l'ron 'l'heutre. 05 'l’rongute. 552 42h? litteruetixe \tor}te||ing session with ntmetnent. iniine
utid pi'ttp\. .-\ge\ 3 5.
Activities and Fun
40 Years of British Origami t'niil Sui 3 \m. |0uni 5pm. l'ree. Museum oi (Ililltlltiiiiil. 42 liigli Street. 52‘) 4 l42. All uhihition ol' the uniu/ing ereutionx thut eun he triude out oi nothing but i’olded puper.
Chaos for Kids iii 2 .\'o\.
I30 3.30pm. l'ree. ('utnino Lodge Visitor ('entre. ('uiiitno Roud. 447 7145. linxironinentul guines tor kids. Suituhle tor ugex S+. Bring “urni eloihes und \\;tlet'pt‘ool\. hooking esseitittil.
Crazy Cat Collage Sui 3 .\‘o\.
l0uni |2..‘~0pni X 1.30 4pm. l‘ree. (‘it_\ Art ('entre. 2 \iurket Street. 52‘) 3903. See the eui putittittgx oi lih/uheth Bluekudder. thett et'eute §our on it eolluge. Drop-in e\ent.
First Impressions: El Dia de los Muertos Sui 3 \m. | luin noon x
l 2pm. £4.50. ()ut ()i The Blue l)ri|l Hull. 30 .ih l)ulinen} Street. l.eith. 550 7100. ('reute u skeletul \etilptui‘e tor the .\le\ieun Dd} til the Head. l‘ll'xl \Kttt'kSltiip lot” 3 h _\eur\. \eeond i'or 2 l2 )L‘ill'S. lo hook etill .lttlie l);i\\ son on llf‘)5l l5q2 I S. Holyrood‘s Cool Kites Sui 3 .\'o\.
l .ipnt. l‘ree. llol_\rood l’urk lidueution ('entre. 1 Queens l)ri\ e. 052 .Sl50. l)e\l:_‘it. rnuke und ti} )our oun kite. Booking essentiul.
Art-tastic: Green Christmas Elves Workshop .\ion 5 .\'o\. noon 3pm. l-‘ree. Ro}ul Botunte (iurden. 20u lmerleith Roxx. 24S 2‘loS Drop—in to help ntuke lunierns. ehuinx und other tree deeot'uttonx. Whodunnit? Sui to .\’o\.
10.30uiti noon l-ree. \uttonul l.ihrur) ot Seotlund. 2*.“ Sulishur} l’luee. 022‘ 3545.
l'xe )otti' sleuthing \hlllS to look tor elites.
e\uinine fingerprints und eolleet e\ idenee to \ol\ e u ill} xter) in the lihrur}. .»\ge~
S ll )eurs. liinuil menisw nlxuk to hook. Parent and Child Papermaking Sui l0 .\'o\. l0..‘~0uni- 5pm. £45 + muteriuls.
tLHIt {ll’i NS llti All?! GRUB’S UP Platform, Glasgow, Sat 3 Nov; GilmorehillGi 2. Glasgow, Thu 8 Nov 000
The smell of fried onions watts through the air as a pot of tomato soup takes shape before our eyes. No, it's not Ready, Steady, Cook, but the latest offering from Glasgow‘s Giant Productions. Grub ’5 Up aims to tantalise the eyes, ears and noses of young audiences, encouraging a love
of both theatre and food.
An inspired set, complete with shiny ovens, kitchen utensils and food puppets takes us into the world of a competitive restaurateur. Desperate to receive a five star review from revered critic, Aroma Divine, the head chief steps on anybody who stands in her way - including her brother, the real
talent in the kitchen.
While good attempts to triumph over bad, the larger than life characters keep young attention spans from wandering. As do humorous touches such as a talking radio, and several moments of audience interaction. But you can’t help but feel that a chance to engage children in the wonders of food has been lost. Apart from the frying onions, and a costume laced with the smell of fresh cherries, little attempt is made to show how flavoursome
and aromatic a healthy meal can be.
Nobody wants to be preached at during a trip to the theatre, but this was an ideal opportunity to make good food fun. If Giant could lose the lacklustre dance routines and add in a few more innovative sensory touches, they'd have the audience eating out of their hands. (Kelly Apter)
l-our \Vinds lilSPII'ullHll ('entre. 'l'he l’uxihon. lmerleith l’urk. .-\rhoretutn l’luee. 332 222‘). l.eurti to rnuke puper together liSlith tee} eled illitlt‘l'lttlS. Suituhle tor ehildren uged 5+. hring \xurtn elothes. u pueked luneh und \xuterprooi upron. First Impressions: Frida Kahlo Sui 10 .\'o\. llurn noon & 1 2pm. £4.50. ()tit ()l'llie Blue l)rill lltill. 2‘0 30 l);ilttteti) Street. l.etth. 550 7 Hill. A look til the striking poriruiture oi l‘ridu Kuhlo. l-irxi \Hit‘kSltttp lot‘ 5 0 _\eur\. \eetttttl lot 7 l2 _\eur\. lo hook eull Julie l)u\\\on on 07051 l.‘~72lS.
Flashes and Bangs: The Chemist‘s Art Sui l0 .\‘o\. llurn l2.30prn. l'ree. l'ruitinurket (iuller). 45 Murket Street. 225 23S}. .\ iurnil} t'rieridl} du} run h} the ('hernieul ('onneetioii teuin iroin the l'ni\er\it_\ oi lidinhurgh. v. ho \xill demonstrute und illustrute hou e\p|o\ron\ oeeur Suttuhle tor ugex 5+. hooking e\\ettttttl.
Sunday Science: Tree Trail Sun l l .\'o\. noon. lprn. 2pm & Spin. l‘ree. Ro}ul Botunie (iurden. lmerleith Ron. 24S Zoos. Beeonie u tree sleuth h} iindrng out uhout \dl‘lL‘liL'S oi tree und reluted iolklore 00 one til lltL'Se hourl} [00“. Ages 5+.
Theatre & Dance The Gruffalo's Child Thu S <Sui 10 .\'o\. Thu l l..‘~0urn & 1.30pm; l-‘ri
l0.30uin & 4pm; Sui l0uin t\‘ noon. £75” Ull. Kittg'x 'lheutre. 2 l.e\ett Street. 52‘) (r000. ()ur tuxourite ll'lt'lltll} monster returns u ith lll\ oun little terror ill in“. in llllS intrepid titl\Cllllll'L‘ iroin 'lull Stories.
Outside the cities
Activities and Fun
Fright Night l'l'l 2 Nox, i) ‘)pin.
£l.50 £3 t£| £l.50i. RSl’B Nature Resetwe. l.urg\ Roud. l,()L'll\\lllll(K'll.
ill 50.5 842005. Be prepured ltir ti spook} titne us )ou uulk through the \NthlS meeting ereep} ehurueterx. 'l'ours leuxe e\er} hull hour. Booking essential.
Children’s Classic Concerts: Spooktacular Sounds Sun 4 Nm. 3pm. £l01£(n. ('uird Hull. (it) Squure. Dundee. 01382 434040. A spine-ehtlling eolleetion oi itiltxleiil irtekx und treuts i'or Hulloxie'en \iith the ('luxxie ('oneerts ()rehestru.
Theatre and Dance
A Clean Sweep l'ri 2 Nm. 2.30pm. £6 (£4; £16 i'uinil} l. Regal ('onimunit) ’l'heutre. 24— 34 North Bridge Street. Buthgute. lH506 (132558. See (ilusgtm.