

Veteran German filmmaker Detlev Buck’s gripping thriller about a single mother’s attempts to start again in a rundown part of Berlin with her 15-year-old-son following her

split with a wealthy lover, gets a very brief outing this fortnight. This powerful drama casts an unflinching eye

on the cultures of violence and bullying that have grown up in the poorer areas of the reunited Berlin (the film is

set in a predominantly Turkish suburb). Worth a look.

I Cl 7. ()/.'I:;I;(III/, MOI) f)» L/‘b/(Xi 2' Nov.

I Do (Préte-moi ta main) I IS.

0.. ll‘.ll\' l,.II'IIg_-;III. l-I'uncc. ZIIIIIII :\|.‘Illl ('lI;IlI.'II. (‘hIII‘lnIIc (igIInxlInuI‘g. lchIIIIIlI-Ilc l..llIIlll. ‘)IlIIIIn. Scc In It“. [myt- 4|. (i/munu l'l/Hl Illc'll/H'. (i/muun ,' I'l/IH/lr‘llH. lulm/III/u/I.

I Knew Her Well (Lo La Conoscevo Bene) I ISI .00

(:\lllI)lllIl l’IcII'uIIchI. IIIII}. l‘)(I5I SICIIIIIIII SuIIIlI‘I'IlI. \IIIII XIIIIIII'I'III. l'gn 'lI‘lelil/ll. ‘y'vllllll .\ Inn”); gII‘l llUlll lllL' I‘nIInII'} Ix \t‘tlllk't'tl h} IIII' .IllnI’I' nl Ihc bl}: I'II}. lIIII Ix llllill‘h' In InIIII .I InmnInglnl I'L‘IilllIllhlllP lllCIL‘ .-\ I‘lllt'l'x“ (“cl L'UIIICIl) .Ilmul IIInnI‘cntc I'Inth-Il h) \Ik'lill l'L'illll}. Pill'l nl l.I-.IIlIn;_' l .IIIII'x nl IIIIII.III (‘InI'InII I'I/Hl/ll'llu, I'I/III/IIII'u/I.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry l 13.-\I 0.. ll)L‘lllll\ Dugun. l'S. JINWI .-\Il.IIII SIIIIIIICI. Km III .lgIIIII'x. JI'xxII‘II llII'I. I).In .-\_\kI’II}Il. llSInIn. ('hIII'k ISJIIIIII'I l Ix xn IlI'II'IInInt-Il In hpr lIIx lchI lI'II'nIl | .IIII l.l;llllt‘\l n\ t'II‘nInc IlIc Ilc.IIh nl lIIx \IIII' IlI;II lIc .IgI'L'I‘x In IIIIII'I') hIIn III nI’IlCI In 3:.IIII Ithn IlnIncxIII' II.II'IIICI lII'III'lIIx \VlII-n Ihc p.III' lIIIIl IlII'IIIxclwx xlIgIIIJIIchl hk'\';lll\k‘ nl Ihcn pcrccnul lIIIIIIIIxI'\II.I|II). IlIc) lII-gln In changc IthI' .IIIIIIIIle III\\.II'le gII) I'IglIIx, lan/III'I'


Interview I ISI 0.. ISII-w llIIxchIII. l'S. ZIIIIW SII-IIIM \lIllt'I'. SIcw llIIxI'I'InI. \lIt‘lIJI'l IlIIxI'I'InI. ltll'gl [{ltlL‘I'x. 34mm. Scc l'L‘\ II'\\. [IIIgI' 42. .X'I'lu II I/ n/um:

>l< Into the Wild I I5. 0000 ISL'IIII l’cnn. l S. SHIVI .\1;II'I‘I.I (in) ll.II‘IchI. \\'IIII.IIII lhII’I. l-InIlc llII'xI'h l-lh‘InIn Scc l'c'\ It“, page -1 l. ('Im'II «Ir/(l R1 IIH’I'II Sm ( I. (i/munn .' (’IIII'IInrlI/ liI/III/llll'ull. I'fI/III/IurglI, Jab We Met l ll.»\I O. IlIIIIIII/ .-\lI. IIIIlI.I. .‘(lll‘I Shahnl Kapur. KIII‘L‘CIIII KJPUUI'. IZSIIIIII .-\IlII}.I IK.IpnnI l Ix lI.I\ In; ll'Ullth “Illl lIIx l‘ll\lllL‘\\ hlll \Inrxc xIIll IlIc gII'l hc lnxcx Ix chIIng III.II'I‘IcIl. \thn lIIx IIIL- hchnx In IlI'IlI lIc IIIIle lIIIIIxclI III \UlllC xII.In3_'c xIIn.IIInnx nn .IIIIl nll lllL‘ [‘llhllk' II‘.IIprnI‘I x_\ \lL‘lll\ nI \nI'IlIcrn IIIIlIu. \lIlIll} cnIcI’IuInIng llInIlI I‘nIn.Inccr \IIIh .I Inan hIpp} lII‘III‘I Ih.In IIIan. ()I/Inn .-lI I‘III‘ QIIIII. (i/munu .‘ ()(ll nu l'an KIIIIIIIIIII. IzI/IIIIIII/‘u/I. John Waters: This Filthy World I ISI 0... th‘l'll‘ldl'llll. l'S. 3(thl XIIIIIIII. Snln xhn“ ll'Ulll IlIc III.III \VIlIIuIn Burrnughx L‘IIlchl ‘Ihc l’npc nl ’I‘I‘.Ixh'. I‘IlnIul III \L'“ \‘nl‘k h} .lcl‘l (i.II‘lIII. (11min IzIIIII/Iuru/I. Juju Factory I ISI 00.. IBIIluI'u BIIkIIpJ-KIIII}IIIIl.I. Dunncruln~ chuhIc nI' (‘nngw lellhl DIcudnnnc Kuhnngn. (lunlc K.II'CIIICI‘.I. K.IIIk l)nn.IIIcn. ‘VIIIIII. .-\ “I'llL'r In III; III Mulnngc. Ihc .-\IrIc;In IlIxIrIcI nl‘ Bruxxclx. Ix t‘nIIIInIxxInncIl In \\ me it bnnk on me (‘nngalcxc cnInIIIuIIII}. Thc cIlIInr

\kgInIx .I lIglII InIIIIxI gundc. hi” my \Hllt'l Ix IIIt‘I'I-IIxIngl} IlIIII'II In \IIIII- .I IIIII- IlcpII‘IInII nl Ihc InI'InI‘I'Il \nIle hI- lllL'Cl\ IlIII'Ing; lIIx rcxmit‘h luII‘In; lllldlk I.Il cIIxIx. lIc IIIIIxI tlL'L'lllt' uhII'h xInI'} In lt'” ll/III/II'NH‘. IzI/III/III/g/I.

Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta degli Spiriti) I IHI 0.000 ll'k'dk'l'lL'Il I‘Cllllll. lIIIII/l-I’IIIICL'KicI'IIIIIn}. I‘l(I5I (illlllt‘lld .\1;IxIn.I..v\llI.I(lInt‘clIIcrI. .\l.'II'In I’lNII, th'InIn .-\ lllill'l'lL‘Il \InInun. It‘ngnI-Il In My \IIIh lII-I Ilull huxlmnIl. IlIxI‘an'x \hL' t‘IIn t‘nnIIII'c up xlIII'IIx III .I xc.InL'c. “lllt‘ll prx th' th‘ cnnlIdcncc In xp} nII III'I' xpnuxt‘\ I*\II‘II-III;II'II;II IIll.nI‘x. l-I-IlInI \\.l\ .II Ihc III-Ighl nl lIIx L‘I‘L'IIIIIL' pnuch uhcn hc llliltlt' IlIIx IIIIIIl. lll_\ xIII‘. \ IxInII;II'_\ III.IxIcI‘pIu‘c \Hlll lIIx th'II \IIlc .\l;IxIn;I. I’.III nl II‘IIIlIIIg I.III|IL'x nl' lIIIlI.In ('IncIIIII. I‘ll/lI/IHHH'. lu/III/Iuru/I.

Khuda Ke Liye (In the Name of 60d) Ilhc) IShIIIIIlI Munxnnr. l’IIkaIIIII. IINI7I lumml Khan. Alex I‘.Il\\;ll‘tl\. Angt-LI \VIIIIuIIIx. A llllll L‘\;llllllllll_L' lllL' cllI‘I‘Ix nl ‘l/ll nn I’IIkaIIIII ;InIl .\1nx|IIIIx III gent-I'ul, ('IIII'IIIII‘II/ lI’I'II/I‘I'II XIrI'I'I. (i/munn.

The Kingdom I ISI 0 IS. 2007i .l;IInIc l‘n\\. .lvnnIlL'I' (idlllt‘l. JIIxnn BuIcnIun lll‘hnIn .-\ IcuIII nl l'S gnIL‘I'IIIIIt-III IigcnIx Ix xcnI In lll\t'\l|}1;llc Ihc hnInhIng III .In :\IIIcI‘Ic;In lIII‘IlII} III SIIIIIlI .-\I‘;IlII;I. ScIIIIIg ll\L'll up .Ix II ch‘InIIx pnIIIIt‘ul IlI‘IIIIIII. 'I'III' KIIIg-I/nm IIII‘IIx nIII In hc IIn cwrchc III ;IIIII-.\1IIlIllc li;IxI l‘I'I‘PIIgIIIIIlII III “lllch IlIc C\ll'L'llll\l ‘l.II'IInn' IIII'nx nuI In Include xccnIIngl} cch') SIIIIIlI III Ihc cnIInII'}. liwn th‘ .IcIInn xt-IIIIcncI'x ill'L‘ hnI‘Ing. SI'II‘I II'I/ I'¢'/(‘II\I

Knocked Up I ISI 0... IIIIIIII Apnlim. l'S. 3()()(II KIIIhcrInc lchgl. Sclh Rngcn. Paul Rudd. l3‘lIIIIn. \VrIIcr/IlIru'InI’ ApuInIx ‘x runarkahlc llL‘\\ cnIncIl}. III \xlIIIlI Inn xll’;lll:_'Cl'\ haw .I nnc nIghI xI.IIIIl .‘IIIIl IIL‘t‘IIlcnIIIll) cnncIcIc ;l huh}. Sluckcr ch IRngcnI IInIl curccr gIrl .-\lIxnII IlchglI IlchIlc In make .I gn nl II and lIIlguII} cnxucx, :\ xIIpcrh llll\ nI .lmmu/ llnuu

xI} lc gI‘nxx nIII hIIIIInIII .IIIIl IJHI' Sin/w \L‘lllllllL‘llllllll}. IlIIII xIIInle nuI. IInI IIIxI hccuuxc Ihc Inka my xIIlc-xplIIIIIIgl} IIIIIII}. huI hccuuxc nmrl} t‘\k'l'_\llllll:_‘ IlIIII happcnx In IhL' cnuplc I'Ingx xn Iruc. (i/munu lI/m I‘llt‘lllll'. (i/(1\L'Hll.

The Lady Without Camelias I IS» IMICIICIJIIgcln .»\nInIIInnI. lI.Il_\ l-mncc. 1053i l.lL‘l.l anc. (iInn ('cI'I I. :\lltllL‘il ('hccchl. l\;In l)cxII_\. lllSInIn. .-\IIcr IIII'IIIIIg xhnngrl (‘lum .\l.'InnI IanCI IIIIII .I mm It' xI;Ir. lilIII prnduccr lircnlc I('cr\ II III.Irrch hcr. BuI \Ihcn (‘lIInI Ilcnmndx hc c.IxI lIcr III .In ‘IIrIIxIIc' prnducIInn rulhcr IlIIIn IlIc xc\} lTl\0llllL‘\ III which xhc'x xIIIrrcd prm Inuxl). Ihc I'Ilm hnmhx and their Inarrmgc IhrcuIcnx

Il’t‘lL'I Buy.

In Iln IlII' x.IIIIc lIIII'II'xIIIIg; I-.IIl} .-\nInnInnI lchInII' Pull nl lI.IlI.III l'lllll l-cxIIml (i/munn III/II I/II'IIIII. (i/Ingnn

L’Age d’Or I IHI .0... Il.IIIx llnnucl. SIIIIIII. I‘HIII (lIIxInn \lnIlnI. l.};I l.}x. (‘III‘IIlIIIl Ilc |.;IlII-I'Ilquuc (IiIIIIII llunncl'x xIII'I‘L‘IIlIxI t'xx.I_\ nn lzInx ;IIIIl I‘IIIIIx.IIInn III \IhII'h Iun IU\CI'\ IIII‘ InI'n .IpurI h} IlII- church .IIIIl \lillL‘, r\ III;IxIL'I'pIccc nl' I'nanIlI'ruhlI' InllIIcnu'. I’III'I nl llllllltlllk'llllll ln liIII'IIpCdII ('IIIL'IIM ll/III/lllllu. lI/III/IIIIu/I




The Last Legion I I: \I O. Il)\‘ll:_‘ [cllcr l \ l lx l‘I.IIItI‘ .\ln\.IkI.I lI.Il\. .‘Ill‘l (‘nlIII l IIIh llcn lx'IIngl-s). \leIIx.IIx.I R.II TI'lIIIIn \ IIxIl‘lI‘ xlI.I‘ nl \\\\\l\i Jud \I‘lxk'l\ l‘llllI‘I‘llk‘l}_ \xIIh Ihc llll\\.l\l l'II'Ih I‘I.I_\In;_' Rnrnan \\.IIIInI \lllk‘llllx \Hlll IlII‘ .III nI .'. \lll‘llll‘dll lmnk III.III.I_:I'I III I.Inc\ IlII-xx .InIl .III cnxcnIl‘lI- nI \tIIIIleI .lxllllL‘ '..ll't‘lll hlIllll‘.‘ \hIllllClek‘tn} hclIInIl .I lIan n! IIIIlIkI'le l‘x'.ll\l\ .IIIIl II.IIIII‘x lhI‘ xlII'.InI nI lllllllg‘llxlIW lll.Il\I‘\ IlIIx lIlIn nl .l\\ ltlk'llldl \“llllt IIIII‘Ic'xI. lIIII nnl} ham-Ix \I'h'. :r..’

I( .Vl .Iv

L'Atalante Il‘l h 0.... IJI'.III \‘Ign. l'ldlkk‘. Iq“-1l\1ltht'ISllllUll.l)ll.ll).ll|\‘. JL'dll l).IxII‘. (iIllcx \l.IIg.IIIIIx. 1 mm

I I'II'xII'. \1.lllll\k‘ (iIllI‘x h‘lIIIIn \ Ign‘x lllt'flllk'llt. InllIII'nII.Il In.IxIt‘IpIuc nl Inw. lI.IIj:cx .IIIIl IlI'lII'JIc xIIIImIIxIn l‘tllllt'l lIIx/1: \IIIIIII. llIIx Ix lhc' lk‘xl \.III.I| h.l\C\l IIIanI' I'm |’.III nt llllllklllklll‘ll In

I IIIanuIn (‘IIII'IILI lI/nI/Inuu. I I/IIII'IIII uh License to Wed I 12m. th‘ll K\\.Iplx. l S. IlNlV RnhIn \\I|lI.IIIIx. .\1.IIIIl_\ \1IHIIL'. Jnhn KI.Il.Inxl.I ‘llIIIIn \thn lnxchIIle SJIIII- I\lnnII'I .IIIIl llcn IKI.IxInkuI lII'InInI' I'ngagul. RI'WII‘IIII hank I\\ IllI.IIIIxI pnIx IlIcIII IhInII_I_'h .I InIIIInIIx III.IIII.Igc IIIcp.II.IIInn I‘nIIIxI' In xcc II IlII'_\ tl\'\k'l\k' In hc III.IIIIcIl III t'lIIIIIh Inn \InIIIIl haw IhnIIglII IlI.II \\ IllI.IInx \\.l\ IIt'h I'IInnggh h) nan In lw ilhlt‘ In .I\nIIl xlilll’lll}; III chIIIIIIcnI.I| lunk lIkc IhIx (ilmu'nnl. (I/IHQUH

The Life and Death of Colonel

I l I ..... lelk‘hJL'l PM“ C” I\' |:IIII'III I’II'xxlIIIIgI'I. l'K. I‘ll”! RngI'I

l I\I'xk‘_\. HUMIth Kt‘ll. :\lllull “.Ilhlimk llIiInIn ()III' III Ihc gI‘I'III BI‘IIleI lIIIIIx. IlIIx Ix an m xI.IIII. IIplIlIIng (L'lt'hldllllll .InIl. II.II.IIlII\It.Ill}. t‘IIIIIIIIc nl Ihc t'xxI'III‘c nl “llllxhllk'xx ()IIIIIIIII‘II IlIInugh 't'thIIInp‘ III .I 1‘”: HUIHL‘ ( iII.II'Il t‘\L'lL'|\t'_ (iI'III'IIII (‘IIII' “Innc ('IIIIIII It'llqu nII lIIx lIlI'. IIIIIII.Ir_\ mum-I .IIIII lnw nl .I \Pt'k'llll IInInIIII.

L'Ullt IIIIlIIIg IlI.II hIx gt'nIlI'IIIIIIIl} nnIInIIx nl 'IIIII II|.I}' ll.l\L' ht'k‘tllllt' nIIIIIInIchl \1.I),'IIIlIchII \I I'M/nun \I It’I'IllIlL' RUN/II, II/III/IIIIg/I


See the orchestra, singers and backstage crew present key scenes, introduced from the stage,

in an hour-long taster.

The Barber of Seville Unwrapped Thu 22 Nov 6pm Seraglio Unwrapped Mon 26 Nov Nov 6pm

Edinburgh Festival Theatre 0131 529 6000

Us, m. 2007 rue us? 47