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Scotland's best eating out guide is now online

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Slou l-ood lztlinhurgh is part ol the international Slim l-ootl .\lo\ement. \xhieh hegan in Ital} as a reaetion to the spreatl ol last lootl and the emergenee ol’ eonxenienee as the gtinling prineiple in hou and \xhat \\ e eat. Slim lootl eneourages us to take a little more time to untlerstantl and appreeiate the lUUtl \\ e eat. highlighting the hasie [‘llllttsttpll} that good. simple. last} lUHtl ean he a tlail} souree ol' pleasure in our li\es.

(iroups ol' Slim l'iootl supporters are hasetl in litlinhurgh. (ilasgoxx. ;\-\ rshire. Perth and other parts ol Seotlantl illitl the l'l\'. l'or more inlorniation ahout the nimentent. loeal aetn ities and ntenilwrship. eontael inl'om slou totilletlinhtii'glteouk. eall ()8-15 370 750‘), or go to \\ \\\\.\ltt\\ lHtHl.CUlll

'A lirm defence of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life. Our del‘enee should begin at the tahle.‘

Slim I'Htltl \ltlttllt'sltt. l‘).\"l
