Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.



251 .-\rg}|e Street. 565 IIXM

Illarn muhught

lf Destroyed Still True L'nul Wed 7 Nm. Nev. painted pnrtrattx h} Iathnlmrgh—hased IIqutratnr (iregnr Louden. exploring the modern tIa} L‘Iaxx xyxtem Ill Sentlantl

I THE ATRIUM GALLERY (“1ngth St‘Ittml ()I Art. I67 Renlre“ Street. RSI-158‘), Mun 'I‘hu Illatu 7pm; I'ri Illalu 5pm; Sat lllarn lprn‘ Between Glasgow and Gambela linttl Sat Ill Nm; (iSA I’hI) eanthdate (iIen 'I‘aylnr presentx an exhibition nl representatinnx ()I Iithinpia.


‘50 SauehiehaII Street. 353 JOIN).

'I'ue I'ri llarn (rpm; Sat Illarn ()ptlt. Feral Kingdom 00 Hull Sat ll) Nm; A \Cltxnr} overload of tnternatinnaI work. mixing \lIk sereen pnxter art. IIIlll. gemnetrie xeulpture. 50x pin-up» eleetrnnte imentiun. painting and IilIItN) and featuring Zelnnt. Ii‘rnek. IeIIe

Alasdair Gray

86 THE LIST ’8 Oct—l NO\ 23 "

('tarna. \Iallltelk \II‘IIC,I)L1I\I'-II. Rtngwtetl. lull} Hall} .IIIKI In I .lI‘xIJ See IL'dItllL'. page \<


I'nnerxlt} nl Str.xtIteI}tIe. I: Rtehumntl Street. 5-15 2553 Mun I‘I'I Illatu 5pm. Sat IItNlII 4pm I'ree

Seeing Red: Scotland’s Exotic Textile Heritage t'nul Sat I“ \m tree :\ unique mhrhuum e\plurrng the Hl'lgllh. u\e\ and trade mt 'Iurlte} tetl tI_\C. prndueetl III the Vale nt I.e\ en \lllet' l7x5

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Rt)_\aI I:\ehattge Square. 33‘) I‘l‘lh

Mun \Vetl (\- Sat Illarn 5pm. Ihu Illamv Spin; I’t‘l & Sun I Iatn 5pm I-ree Histrionics COO. t'nul Sun 25 (let (IIil\g()\\ artN Rntlertek HueIlallalt\ latext C\Il|hllltlll l\ a rexpnnxe tn the \eetartan «In uIe that IIPS right thtnugh lu\ll;tII} the [)tltll'C‘sIl \treetx tlI (II§I\:_jt)\\, Buehanan ll\L'\ llhn. graph\ and exneatne. InatIetI “NHL and unagex. lurerng the \peelaltu‘ tn remember hmx real 1qu Intnleranee l\. lfoI Cl wi'wfl'r TO SEE

The Cutting Edge: Scotland’s Contemporary Crafts l'nul Sun 25 NM. Shtmeaxtng .ill ml the rumt innmatne tIexlgnetx and eralt at'thtx Irmn all m er the enuntr}. tqu mhthrtmn tIClltthSll'tthS that there'\ mueh. Inueh more In Seuttixh eral't than a meel}

um en IIarrix tweed. I‘eaturex glaxx artrxt I’eter Rlehartl. aer}|te and textile £tl'Il\I Jan Milne. \eulptnr I’eter ('hang. teueller

A compelling selection of drawings, prints and paintings by one of Scotland's most successful authors and illustrators of the late 20th century. The work on display spans 50 years or more, and includes designs from some of the front covers of Gray's novels as well as more intimate portraits of his family and friends. I Cafe Cossachok, Glasgow, untt/ Sat 20 Oct.

It:_I.( t.:t!1::.~_I:t-.:t. ant. “\tzle .::1.\t I..t.


I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 1h“ Renltexx Street. 1‘— I‘lh \Iun Ill Illam <t‘tu. Sat Illaru 3pm

Fine Art Staff Show I ml \at R \m \nnuaI t'\IllI‘1IlHtl In the ( lS-\\ htghh \IxIIIL'tI \I.lII

Susanne Norregard Nielsen: Mondrian’s Flowerbed I It In

(let Sat I- \m I’Itttlnx \Ineutttenttng .\teI\en\ enuunetuntatlxe tItmerl‘etI llt trthute tn I’Iet .\I\III\III.III " '


Ihe Hrtggatt. HI thlgegate. “I IIS.S \\L'\I Sun Ilarn hprn

Alex Gross: Cabbage Head l nnl Sat I" (let Inuettng. \\‘..ttllt‘ like \eulptural tnxtallatlnu \I\'\I:.'IIC\I .uuunt'. (iI.t\gn\\ Seulpture Stuthu'x an Iuteetule

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I'tmerxtt} ml (ilmgmx. S2 IIIIIIIt'dtI Street. NH 54%|. \Iun Sat 0. IIItllll Spur ‘My Highest Pleasures’: William Hunter’s Art Collection t'nul Sal l I)ee I'.\IllI‘lIlttll eelehratmg the I‘let‘lllt'llul} ml the IIuntertan (LtIIt‘l) It} \hmxeaxtng the Itext. rnmt Intetexttug \xnrkx lrurn the lountlet\ eulleettnn


II \IlleIteII Iatle. Ell (H03. Mutt tk \VCKI Sat Illitlaln 5pm. 'Iue IIatn 5pm. Sun ntmn 5pm, £3 tLI USU),

SIX Architecture Awards l'nul Sun 4 \m. Shtmeaxe nl )nung talent leatut'tng unrk lrtun the lutute \tarx tlI Sentttxh .u‘eluteelure.

Small is Beautiful: Sutherland Hussey Architects’ Microstructures l'nul Sun 25 \m .\ enlIeetmn ul ten Sutherland IIll\\t‘} hullthngx Il'Ultl the paxt ten )earx Ill Immature.


.‘lll North Street. 3S7 I‘I‘N. \Inn I hu ‘lant Spun. I'M A Sat ‘lalu 5pm Testimony Ihu Ix ()et. I'ree \t‘“ Inultunetha mhthttuul aImut ehangtng L'lIIltIIIIUIIS Ill mental health lll\IlItlIlUll\ III the leth and let eenturtex Inelutlex tlm'umentar} ltmtage and textuutun IIUIII the III lll.lIt‘\. and II\ e \peetall} enuuntxxmnetl neu IIIlll \mrkx, In! at the St HUM/I .I/enlu/ Hut/Ill .II'I\ um! l'l/Hl l't'\/l\tl/. tx'ttil (Ll «AM ;I If ) fgII


(iI;t\gt)\\ (Il't‘t'lt. :7I 2903. I'IL'L', Hidden Histories - The Glassford Family Portrait l'nul Sat 1 \Ial' I'tee I)uI .~\reInI\a|tI .\IeI.auehIIn\ portrait nl tnhaeen ItIItI Jnhn (iIaxxlnrtI and lauul}. eu‘ea I’hfi. enntatn a hIaek ltgute \xhu \\a\ painted mer I'qu nut mute ahuut th|\ llt) xter} at a IIItItIL‘II Iil\ltll'lt'\ \L‘\\lttll, Large gl'nupx pleaw pIthte 1n atlxanee, Jimmy Reid’s Glasgow Ihu 35 (let. Ipttt. I'I‘ee. I'tnna IIa}e\. (ilmgmx .\Iu\etun\ SuetaI III\IHI_\ ('ut'atnt. talk about .Illllllt} Reul In relatmn tn (Ilghgtm .\ Itl\tttt'_\ In t‘L‘IeItt'ate the painting ‘Jtnun_\ Rettl: 75 Yearx‘.


~18 Klltg' Street. 552 :IS I. Iue Sal

Illarn 5pm. I'ree

Beyond the Surface 1 nut Sat 2‘ ()et. Ilam 5pm I‘ree An exhthtttnn h} Andre“ I’rlnter. \the \wrk atItIrewex ixxuex taetng the queer enuununu}

\ueh a\ the nature nl Intrmae} lll a gruttp \IlII reehng truth the AIDS epnIeuue. and the eunununtt} \ an I\\\;lI'tI \IuIe lllIH ;t\\ltlttI;tItttlt. l’urt u/ (i/usem 3111/".

Private Galleries

I CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY RS Album Street. Merehant ('tt}. 5.“ “'33. 'Iue» Sat ll._‘~ll;un I Iprn. Alistair Gray: 1957-2007 l'nul Sal

I" I It: In: the ITZS'. ITITEe'I .tI‘. \‘\Il'.I‘lIll"‘ mt \xutk ttum e\e:\ pertntl mt \IaxtIau (Inn '\ .ut front Ix‘txxeen I‘l‘” and ,‘HH‘ I‘1eltttexttt.:tte IT‘.\\IItIt‘lll\Il\t‘u‘lltIaH .mti (II.:\1'«“~\ \rf \huul t‘vtttath and IIIItIL'\ ltn'!‘ the '1”th .tzttI 'l'x .uttI mute :eu'ut I‘nuk emetx. u‘ltlltthxh‘th .ttttI mural txatzelx


h IIIIIIIIIe'IxI Ix’matl. t itltnuek. t~ 1S Ifllll \Iutt III I" zHam * Il't‘lll, Sat

I".:ltt ltlpnt. Sun ttnntt Rpm Itee Peter Nardini I nttI I ll 3 \m \nIn \htm wt \.tttItttt\ rte\\e\t \xutk


\t \I.tI_L'.lI'\'I.\ I’Itttt‘ “I \I‘IL‘ Itie \II I ‘t‘llt

Raphael Danke O... l nut \ttI ll! \m \e\\ \t-In e\IuI\ttIun See [here \1


I“ lx’uthwn l rule. Ill-ll {a ' -l I ‘S

l( 'Il‘\k'\I \It‘tll. Iltt‘. “MI .\ Ill

II.ttll * I‘lt‘llt. Ihu II.uu ‘pur Sal Illarn Illtuu. Sun tumn *put

Laura Kallasvee: Planets and Diets l nul \\etl it ()et \1 tr [murmx ml .uttlu l.tI Ik'.tllIlt'\ Iltllll the I .lSIt‘III

I ttltll‘t'att photographer Itext kntmn tut her laxhtnn unrk

Artist Spaces

I +44 141 AT SWG3

\ItltIlH \\.tlt‘IlHll\e‘_ III” I .t\I\.tIt' I’I I\ t' Rosemary Hogarth l nul l n I‘l ( )t t. ntmtt (tptn SnIn e\IqutInn In the (ilaxgmx Imtn .tlIl\I. t llllt'ltlh haxetl Ill Ietp/Ig l' r'fl’t I 'w IE

Tom Lemke l n it. t )et Sun t\..\ Snlu mhtlutmn In the t'\I.lIII|\IIt'\I (ierruan ttItnlut'lJl‘Ilt'l. eutrently I‘.I\k'\I Ill I)ll\\t‘ItIt|lI In; 7‘" I


U-l Duke Street. “It 1““ Itte Sat nunn (lluu

Host I “III I'll .‘hlltt \ \enex nl ntle tla} exentx. uuluthng |)t.m m I)Ie. tII\\1I\\IlIIl\l‘II ll.tIlHll.lIl\lll .IIItItlIIIIIIt‘ and an e\htIutu>n ml new \\UII\ I») Karena \uuu .qu I’ete IMMIng See \|.\\\\ ruatketgaller} ntg' uk IHI .ttItIlIlt‘Il.tI hxtlngxantltunex ' I '


I3; \HIIII \\tmtI\ItIt' I<tt.ltI. IISIHm .‘T‘ AIS-l Iue Sun lltmlt Stun

Recoat Rock-bottom Basement Bonanza l'nul \Vetl It ()et Ifalgnutl I‘.t\elllelll \t} Ie e\htIutIun nl \xntk ht )nttng and Seutttxh .tlIl\I\ like thl}

\\ Iuten. Ruxxell I)erup\ter .uul I-Iph. \xhete eutflhnng emtx untler Llll ./~ ,I


IS King Stleet. <43 ISIi 'Iue Sat IIaIu Spur

Aileen Campbell: Starform t nttI Sat It) ()et I’hutngtaph} exhlhltmn e\.mune\ wunthng ax a Ineal \trtteture See IIIICH lL'\\. page S5 ,7 ml '23." I I THE GLASGOW ART CLUB

lx< Bath Street. 2-15 52H),

Freedom No. 5 l'nul 'Iue W ()et Reeent \wrb nn paper h} (iSA graduate Inn} Memenger. taken lrnm qu 30th l'L'xltIL'lle} at IItMptlaIlIeItIv \IL'\\L‘tlgel\ dramngx map erlm-wetmm ml the urhan IttlltI\t';tpL' /,"»“'.‘(,I' II; {,II


() (iramrIIe Street. 237 299‘)

Edward Rainey: New Works l'nul Sat 3" ()et, I-ree :\n exhrhrtmn nl new. \wrl. h) the (II;t\f__’t)\\ hull] umuth and Inn! patnter. the HM} Sentttxh rnetnher ml the .'\\\Het.tltnn nl \Inulh antI I'()t)I I’atntlng Artht» J5; CH/A'JCI TO "M RGI 146th Annual Open Exhibition l'nttI Sun 4 \m‘ Annual exhrhttmn nl ml pamttngx. \katerenluurs and \CUIpltlrex upen tn 2:” Senttlxh Ltl’llSlS. See

\\ \I. v..rgtxentlandetl.qu