Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.
Thursday 18
I Glasgay! Various \eniies. 55.7 5575 l’iitil II \o\ lllllt'\ and pines \aiy ltiiiopos largest ipicei llllllll .nts lestnal takes met (ilasgow w llll \ outed}. lllll\l\. llllll. theatre. \l\ .nt. peiloiinain c all. liteiatine. \ liib nights, t'tllk .ition.i| cwnts and tonniiunity .nts [lllllk'k ts llns year there are loin labiilons weeks ol tpieei \lllllllt‘ with exeiytlniij.‘ lioni [\\/Ii' [/14 / i/ii/ulion .‘it lsch ingiow to underground L liibs lll‘.‘lll\ sin li .'l\ l'ttei (illllt‘l and high tll.llll.l iii a new adaptation ol loinse \M'Isli's Iii/n/riqu/m llmr [he directed b_\ Kenny \lillei l‘ttl lull piogiatinne sec
w w w glasgti} coin
>I‘ Beyond the Surface Street l.t'\L'l l’llitlii \\Hli\\. lb Kllij: \llt't‘l. 55.3. j I 5|. Mild 3," ()ct. ll.nii 5pm. l‘lt't' .\n e\hibilion by Andrew l’iiiitei. whose work .iildiesses Issues lacing the queer community such as the nature ol llllllllllt'} in a group still reeling both the .\II )S epidemic. and the community ‘s slide into .l\\llllll.'tllitll, I’m] u/ (i/tmuii' I Kylie: The Exhibition ls'e|\ ingime .‘\l’l (iallery tk .\lll\t'lllll. .\lf.'}lt‘ Street. 27h 030‘). l'iitil IiJan. Illain 5pm. l-ree. 'l rack ls'y lie's career and changing image through llll\ e\lnbition ol cosltnnes. accessories. photos. awards. sounds and \ ideo I’m! o/ (i/mem'
I Kinky Pinky llie liinnel. N-l Mitchell Nita-1.204 llltltl. ll. 30pm 3am. Ll it3 students). (an clubbing at student prices
I Robopop ( illt‘). ~l l’icaidy l’lace. 55“ |7.‘s’t), ltl.3(lpiii 3am. H ([3; tree beloi'e llpini. New gay bai and club (illt‘) e\plodes onto the lzdinbnigli scene this month.promising to nneet new lile lot at least a new daiicellooii into the Pink Iriangle, l'i'endy \\endy and l'llt‘lltl\ llll\ classic pop tunes and electric beats. loi those who can‘t wait lot the weekend.
I We No Boys Together RSAMI ). lllll Reiili‘ew Street. 33.‘ 5(l57. Xpiii. L") lUil. lira/iliaii baritone Mauricio \ii‘gcns is ioined b_\ pianist l’atil .\lac:\|indin in this widely \ai'ied programme ol music which is soon to make Il\ debut at New \'iii'k's (Itinegie llall. With a pre conceit talk at 7. I 5pm. )(l/l oi (i/iixem'
.' Audioaerobics (ill(). 4 l’icat‘d} Place. 550 l7.\'tl. ll).3llpni 3am. £5it11‘. li‘ee belore l lpnii. .lon l’leased and luck} l.iiciaiio bring an international attitude to electi‘o house. while lleiayhn‘d li‘oin l'tn Burger spins indie. hip hop and classic dance tunes.
Saturday 20
Ii Club Noir: Schlock Horror (‘ai'lnig .'\(;ltlL‘lll_\ (ilasgow. Ill lzglnnon Street. 0844 .177 Ztllltl, ‘lplll 3am. [II it") studentsi. lwo burlesque \llii\\ s based on old honor him IL‘\ starring some ot the world‘s top Pc‘l'litl'lilt'l's. w ith accompaniiiieiit troni \ iiitage. retro and modern sounds, Dress up and cast otl _\oin' inhibitions.
I Death Disco Glasgay! Special The Arches. 30 Midland Street. 505 liltitl, llpm Jain. [ll li\pect glit/y and deliciously dirt) disco as this monthly “"11.‘ ot‘ anarchic electronic i'm‘k'n'roll comes to (ilasgayl Resident DJs Mingu- (in and lltish l’iipp} will be joined h_\ l‘he \Vhip ilise i. Dress tip. dress down. or don't dress at all and _|Ulll the madness. I’tirl or (ilmgm'
Allil‘YNTLAME’S MAMA CASS FAMILY SINGERS Tron Theatre. Glasgow. Thu 25—Sat 27 Oct
‘I came up with the idea of a misremembered memoir which is what the show is,‘ says Amy Lame of her one-woman show Mama Cass Family Singers. ‘A lot of it is real, some of it's made up, but it's all presented as if it's 100% truthful. I leave it up to the audience to decide what they believe in and what they don‘t.‘
The show is a melange of fact, fiction. truth. lies. honesty and dishonesty. a big family-sized meal of dysfunction, reaching from 605 America right through to today. The story follows Lame and her siblings. the members of a chubby and successful children‘s rock'n'roll band as they tour the States. and the tale blows to pieces the greatest rock‘n'roll myth of them all: that Mama Cass died by choking on a ham sandwich. Lame's family members also star in the show, via confessional video pieces that are shown throughout the performance. As Lame points out, these clips brought to the surface many issues that they had suppressed over the years.
‘For some reason I turn the camera on and they are there and having their Oprah moment. It’s like every person in America grows up believing that one day they will make it on to Jerry Springer. So this is their Jerry Springer moment. this is their Oprah Winfrey moment, this is their confessional. But it‘s all about them.‘
Food plays a big part in the Lame family saga. It forms the backbone of the story. touching on the media's misrepresentation of the Cass legend and also the effect food has had on their family as a whole. ‘While I was growing up our mother just fed us too much and she fed us all the wrong things,’ laughs Lame. ‘She was trying to show us love and I think that’s what moms do, they show their love through food. We had a lot of love and we had a lot of food.‘ (Sandra Marron)
Edinburgh I Art Workshop l.(ili'l' ('etiti‘c In! Health tk Wellbeing. U llowe Street. 533 Hill). lit) 4.30pm. l-t‘ce. llaxe a go at e\pressing )otlt'sell tisiiig a \ai'iel} ol media. including paint. pastels. pencils. animation and film. This sewn week workshop will run e\ei'} Saturday alternoon. concluding in a two-week e\hibitioii. lot more mlormation contact li/itu IgbtheaIlliorgiik I Queer Film Night .-\(‘l~.. 17 west .\loiitgoiner_\ Place. 557 (i342. 7pm L‘l. lltl\ L'\L‘lll lL‘;tllll'L‘\ ti \L'l'cclllltg‘ til lii'fitl‘i' Simu'null. which e\amines the build-up to the Wm riots in New York. lollowcd h_\ Humulu/tlil. a short film critiquing hetertmorniatnit} set in the liiture-present. that chronicles a group ol radical queers c\posing the trouble with gay marriage. llic melting linisltes oll \silli.\/iiIi/14Lii Him. a documentary tollowing thiec drag kids working as hosts iii a 'lokyo club. I Boutique (Hit). 4 l’ic.ird_\ l’lacc. 55” l7.\'ll. lll,,3llplll 3am LC“ it'h; lrec betoie llpmi. lzlectro and house troin luck} l.uciano and Dow/er. with Depiayhird instituting a strict no-checsc policy Velvet Studio 34. 3-1 2h ('ttllittt Road. 55.\' .1753. ltl.3tlpm 3am. to 1L5; £4 het'ore llpmi. (Ea) night for girls. women and their guests. with an eclectic llll\ ol music troin l)Js Random. leathertace and l.uc_\ l-ur
Civil Partnership Wedding Show ‘l'iger 'liger. the (ilasshotise. Ill (ilasslord Street. 553-1833. noon hpni. l‘rce, The place to be tor gay couples planning to tie the knot Meet photographers. sample wedding cakes and browse honeymoon locations. with hxe entertainment lroiii wedding bands. Register helorehand at w w w .ci\ ilpartnershipw eddingshow .coulx ttlltl receixe ti ll'L'L‘ giiiitllc bag. I Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds (ilasgow l‘lllll 'l‘heatre. l3 Rose Street. 3 32 Sll‘s’. 8.45pm. £5.50 iHi 'l‘here‘s a hunk on caiiipus and Kyle will stop at nothing to get him. in this sass). sex positne sequel to [Lilli/1’4 ()uI. I’urr u/ (i/(HQUM' I Tina C The Stand. 3 3.3 Woodlands Road. 037” hill) («55. 7. 3llpiii. ill). 'l‘ina (‘ parodies the country music of the Republican deep south in If You (im'l “ll/lull! .Ui'. li/H lli'l'l’ll'l lilll /)¢'(l(/ “In 21 ion .llt‘l .lli ' hr! of (i/meui'
Edinburgh Queer History Night l'riends
Meeting House. 7' Victoria 'l‘errace.
7 9pm. l-ree. (iuest speakers Kellan Farshea. loundiiig member ol the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and Act-lip organiser. and (‘a/. lounding organiser of
Qtieeiiiptioii l ondon. deal the ditt lroitt the Stonew all era onwards
I Hifi (Hit). 4 l’ic.ird_\ Place. 550 l".\‘tl Ill 3llpni 3am {4 it 3. tree hetore llpnil l-niish otl your weekend in seriously
st} lish dehauclier). with ll] Michelle piox iding a classic mu ot .inthems .ind tutiire classics
I Taste ('aharet Voltaire. 3o ‘33 Blair Street. Ill) ol’o llpiii 3am £8 it'h members. £5 betore ll iltpmi In the Main Room residents l‘ishei & l’riee play an eclectic lll|\ ot the best underground dance music. with [to e liegg. Marco Smith and Miss (hits are taking weekly turns a! warming up Deep in the Back Room Martin Valentine and Marco Smith play boot) shaking global house and garage
I Puccini for Beginners (llasgow l‘lllll 'l‘heatre. l3 Rose Street. 333 h’llh'. h -l5pm (5 5t) iHi. Allegra has iiist been dumped by her lesbian loser when in walks l’hilip. a dapper ('olumhia prolessor who. against her better iiidginent. lights her lire Meanwhile. she lalls into bed with irresistibly gorgeous (irace. .-\|legra‘s Me has ne\er been so complicated. An articulate. cross— si'\ii;i|ity. lose triangle date mm ie from the director of I'lii' lm ri'i/i/ili Ii'ui' tit/\(Wllllrl' of I'm: (iirli in ll’l'l' I'ii/‘I of (ilthg’dl'I
I Passionality Byblos, Hut (3, Merchant Square. 71 Albion Street. 552 i895. ll.3llplll 3am. L3 (fill. The weekend isn't quite HVt'l yet at Byblos, with the line D] Roberts playing all your la\oiirite chart hits lot the gay/iiiixed crowd.
I Out (illQ. 4 l’tcat'il} Place. 550 I780, ll). itlpm 3am. til (£3; liee belore llpnil. ()l course. the weekend is tar lrom dead in lidinburgh either. with D] James 'l‘ell’er manning (illQ‘s newest and shiniest decks.
I RIM Mood. ()inni. (irecnside l’lace. 55(l loll). llpiii 3am. [5 t“ with llyeri. Mood's second attempt at putting theinselses on lidinburgli's queer map. llll\ time they're ollering lree htihhly on entry. li'ee glow sticks, topless waiters and dancing bar stall. but with (illt) opening across the street the} tlttgltl yel have to spring lor some kind ol water leature.
Tuesday 23
I Reality ()l (iallery. 37 X‘) Saltmarket. 553 7578, 7.30pm. £8, Martin ()‘(‘onnor examines modern masculinity through a \giriety ol characters in this commentary on what he sees as a male generation in crisis. I’m! a] (i/(MurlL'
Fit ('(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 152 4900. h'ptil. £5. A new play lor young people about trying to both lit in and stand out in a culture where to call something ‘gay. is to consign ll to the trash heap ol lornierly cool things. ["11 has been commissioned by Stonewall and tiiicerupnorth to tackle the ever growing problem ol homophobic bullying in our schools. l’rll'! u/ (i/ilsurltt'
I Vibe lago. l-i l’icardy Place. 478 7434. l lprn 3am. £4. The touchstone ol' the capital's queer club scene. with James Longworth and Jamie Morrison spinning mash-ups and cheese upstairs. commercial hip hop in the downstairs area and maybe the introduction of an occasional new addition to the musical repertoire. If you‘re lucky.
I Fab til“). 4 l’icardy Place. 550 I780. lll.3llpm 3am. £4 (£3; l'ree before llpm). ()n the other hand. if you're tired ol‘ dancing to the Queer as I-nlk song and 'Santamaria' every Tuesday night. you can pop next door where hopefully DJ Dale Lush will have something new up his sleeve.
18 Oct—l Nov 2007 THE LIST 55