Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Across the Universe l I< I 000

IJIIIIe l.i}llttil. l'S. ZlIlI"I JIIII \IIiteexx, laxan Rathel \Vnnd. Jne Andetxnn I‘iIIIIII l‘itxtlll.tllll}.’l) nllheat IIIIIxIIaI tInIII tennuned \l.I_L'L‘ and ereen (lllk'kll‘l |;I}IIIIIr 'l hh lnxe xInI} er aeaIan the lnnkdrnp nl the I‘th .IIIII \\.tl ptnIextx lliII\ ex than the dnt l.}.Itdx nl l,l\t'lpIHIl In the Iix}e'lII'IlI'lII' eIII laxe nl (iteenu. Itll Village and lieynnd ax L‘lIIxxL'Il III\L'|x. Jtttlc I\llll_‘_'t'xxI .tlltl l.llk_\ IWnndI IIIIiIIeIxe tlIeIIIxe|\ex III the \Ulllllt'l Iiillittal lt‘MIlllllUll lhwnnmn. I'I/III/IIII'I:/I

The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby I l I .0. IJnliII lleIIIlerxnn. l'K. MUM ( )ll\t'l (inldine. Jainex ('anIIn. (itep \Vtxe. (‘httxtnphei IIIJIIIIII ln IH‘H. Jnhn (ita) died and lIIx laithlul tet't'iet euatded lIIx eiax e III laIlinlItit'th'x (itt'}lt‘I;IIx KII'k lnI l-l _\e.II‘x 'l‘lIIx Ix a \thIaneal tietinn In\n|\ In}: dngeatehetx. elite ntphanx and I'nnnix In}: Intineillntx lt'x elleetne ax ehildIeII'x eIIteI’taInIIIeIIt. and adultx \\ Ill I‘iitn} xeeInj: the |Ikex nl and ()‘llanlnn hem}: upxtayed h} the \\ ee \\'exIIe Iinpnxtnr. l'l/Hl/IUNH’. l'fI/III/III/e/I

Alien Adventure 30 l I ‘I 000. Itien Straxxen. Japan. Still] I Vniee nl Jnhn lln} Ie. llnIIII l.aIIneIx i7IIIIII. An alien I'aee Innking lnt’ a planet In enlniiixe lind earth and unlnt'tunatel} enter a theme park “here the} eatixe IIIIIelI aninxing nia)lieni /.\I.'\,\' HII’IIII'I’. (iluwnn,

Allegro I ISI 0.. I( 'lIi'IxtnllI‘I’ line. l)enIIIaI‘k. .‘lIIISI l'lI'IelI 'l'hnIIIxen. llelena (‘liI'IxtenerL llt'lllllll}: \lnI'II/en. ()Hllllllt :\ lanInIIx I'nnduetnr I'l‘hnIIIxenI hax Inxt liIx IIIeIIInI') III \exs Yni'k, When he I'eIIII‘nx tn liIx nath l)enIIiark. a xll;t\ e nldet Inan I.\lnI'It/enI takex hIIII nn a [tilll‘llL‘} min the paxt that leadx him In hIx lnrgntten and ahandnned ln\ e I(‘lII‘IxtenxenI. A philnxnphteal Intixing nn xaerIliee. taletit and tnetnnt'). Part III l)aIiIx|I (‘iIIeIIIa'x Ne“

“in e xeaxnn. I‘l/nl/IUHH'. Ill/I‘Il/llll'g’llt Amari Kris/They Show them Everything That’s Beautiful II-LI IKI'Ix/Ia liI'ide/VeI'IIniea Brandt. llllllgill‘}/x\ll\ll'l;l. ZINISI 37/(illllllt ’l‘xxn lilitix mplnnng the Rninan} \xa} nl life. Part II/ Ihu’tmtI‘nl .5 (.( 'xl. (Mummy

Amazing Grace (l’(iI so IMIeIIaI-I Apted. l‘K/l '8. Ilium lnan (irul‘l'udd. Rnninla ( 'IaI'aI. Ynuxxnu .\"l)nIIr. 1 18min. ln mark the :llll-_\t‘;tl' eelehi‘atinnx III the ahnltttnn nl xlaxer). Ihix xnIId hinpie detailx hnu \VIIIIaIII \thhei‘l'nree I(it'til'l'uddI pei’xuaded the llnuxe nl (‘nitininnx In etid the xlax e trade The film Ix hIm e\eI‘ derailed h} an II'I‘elexant ln\e IIIteI’ext I(iaI‘aII. xIaid dialngue and the pi‘exenee nl ntil} nne hlaek ehai'aetet‘ I .\"l)nIII'I. IlrImtnn 'I'III'IIIII'. Int/IIIIIII/y/I,

Amidst Changing Noises and Beggars in Lahore It-LI I( ieelika .lII)al/Sheha Saeed. India/l'K. ZIKNII IV-lnniin, 'l‘xxn dneuinenlat‘iex addrexxtng the pt'nhletn nl' hntnelexxnexx In India. Part III l)netIIIIeIIt 5. ('( '.-l. (i/meuu.

And When Did You Last See Your Father? I DA I 0.. I:\nand 'l'ueket‘. l'K. JINWI JIIn Brnadhent. (‘nIIn l-‘Irth. Juliet Stu enxnn. ‘llnitn. Adaptatinn nl Blake Mnt‘t'ixnn'x painlull} hnnext IIIeninIr ahnut the ehaiigex hIx relatinnxhip \\ Ith liix n\ ei'hearing father I lirnadhentI IIIIIleI'ngx

\\ hen the old man heeninex terntinall_x III and Blake Il‘IIt'lltl Ix l‘nreed lII I‘L‘gtxxcxx lllL‘lr relatInIIthp. BI'Ixidhent'x Ix'rl‘nrmanee ix III\\eI'IIIg and heanhreaking. and l5ii'th Ix adIIIIrahl} rextrained In thix alternatel} tunn}. harrnmng and Hit“ my film IhnnIIIInII. [lt/lll/Hll‘t’ll.

Angels in Fast Motion (Nordkraft) I ISI 0.. (Ole (‘hrixtian Madxen. Denmark. ZIKISI Signe lighnlin ()lxen. ('laux Riix ()xtergaard. 'l‘hure l.IIIdhardt. 123mm. Maria I()|xenI ix a drug dealer xearehing l'nr lm e atiiid the _|tiIIkiex and hikerx; Allan IUxIeI'gaardI ix dexperatel) U} in; In xta} clean and Stexn ILIndhardtI Ix Inrn bet“ een hix tun ln\ ex drugx and hi.x girlfriend. Shnt through xx ith dexperate rnnIanIieixm.

\ladxen'x IlIIId teaIIIte .IIIIIx In Ieptexent the Inexx} tntnplent} and L“llll.l\llklll'll\ I-t .Iddntinn l’att I-t I).InIxh ('IIIeIIIa'x \exx \\.I\ e xeaxnn II.’II:/III;I\I III’IIMIIIIJ:

The Animals Film 15.00.. I\l_\rI.InI -\|.Iu\ \lkll'r \tlll‘lllk'lkl,l K, l‘l\lI l VIIIIIII \x IIaIIated h} Julie ( ~lIIIxIIe. IhIx dmuinentat} ahnut .tl‘lhc LllllLClllrtllL'\ nn lahntatnt} L'\[‘L'Itlttettlx‘ and \xhile h} nn IIIe.Inx eax} \ Iexx Inc. It dnex plat e the .II;.'IIIIIent tni \eeetaIIanIxIII tiIIIII} III .I l‘lllllltdl and Inntal xphete tatlIeI than .I philnxnphitall} \xnnll} nne l)exIened In xet )nu thinking and talking; ll/lllllr'llu I'.I/III/III/e/I

As It lsIl:I Il)nuj_' -\lll‘lt"\tl k, jIIIIIII llIIIIIn '\ xhnt‘t lilIII lk'\L'.lllllf..' the tealitiex nt j_‘.tllf_' Iile \xlIIeh Ix aimed at them); )nunj: [K'Iil‘lt' III eIIItxlIlt‘l lllt‘ Il.tltf_‘t‘tx IIl l‘t'tIItltIltj: III\n|\ed III panex l'nllnued h} .I tll\\ll\\li'll \Iith the lilIIIIIIakI-Ix and \Hllllllllllll} Inenihetx .Ihnut the ethiex nt dntIIIIIentar} lilniinakine when the xIIhIeI'I IIIatIeI ix nt .I xenxitne nature l’aI't nt l)neIIIIIeIIt * (I (i/IHQIIH

Atonement I HI 0... IJne \\ I'Igrht. l‘K. ZIIII‘W Vanexxa Redgim e. Keita Knightle}. Jatnex \lex\\n} l.‘ iIIIIII It‘x .I rate thin}: lnt .I liltn In lIIxe the Metal} IIIIaIIIIex nl a let‘dl time} “till dIaIIIatn

pn“ er and etnetnatn grandeur. hut ."Il'lll'llll‘lll dnex |ll\l that. l‘lllt‘. head} and eIIInII\ e pei'lnI‘IIIaneex limit] the Lil\l .IIId neeaxtnnal xeenex nl .Ixtntinding \ Ixual nnaget‘} mean that the tI'agIe ln\ e \litl} nt eltildhnnd va eetheai'tx Knightle} atid .\le.-\\n_\ reinainx ax enniplm and heaI'tt'endIng .Ix Ian Melwxan'x Ul'lgllllttl llII\t'l. .hic'll‘t II’I/ I'I'/I'I1\I‘. Azadnagar/Gulamnagar I I: l I I’m In .\lIxhra. lndta. ZIIII7I illlllllle III WWI. the Indian gmernIIIent tll’t'“ up the linnded l.alInIIt' S}xIenI I.-\hnlItInnI :\et In ltee Itx huge pnpulatinn nl linnded lalInIIi'eI'x tInIII thIx unique lUI‘lll nl \l;I\L‘l} 'l‘lIIx liIIII .kax hnu ell'eetn e the legixlatinn Ix In ptaetiee. ’III'I (If Ihu llllli'lll 5. (‘( Cl, (i/munu.

Back to Sarajevo Itzt oooo I.-\I;III Knight. |ta|_\/Sent|and. ZIIIIIII 53min. .»\ l_\l'lL';ll xttid} nl Saralexn Ieti )eai'x alter the linxnian ennlliet. xeen IhI‘nIIglI the e}ex nl' thnxe \\ Itli ati enIntInnal ennneetinn In the ell}. I’III'! nr lhII'IInII'Itl 5. (‘( 1-1, (II/(IVJIHL >3 Bamako I I’m 000.

I.-\hdert'ahinane SIxxakn. Malt/l ’S/l't'anee. Ilium Aixxa Maigga. Mannnuna Helene I)Iat'ra. Balla llahih Hemhele ll7IIIIII. Alriean pnlttieal dt'aiIIa l'nllnu III}: a Innek trial III the Malian en} nl BaIIIakn hemeen Alriean en Il xneiel} and \Vextet‘n linaneIaI inxtitutinnx. .-\\nIdIII3_' dnut‘ dIdaeIIeIxIII h} enntraxting the prneeedingx \\ ith xnapxhntx nl' ever}da} lil'e. thIx Ix iIInI'e than an e\ereixe in the Iniqtnttex nl glnhali/atinn. See pre\ 1e“. page 37. Part III .'\lriea in .\lnlinn. I'I/m/IIIIIu’. Iilll’lblll'g’llt Basket Case I I.x'I oooo llenenlnttei‘. l'S. l‘lXZI Kenn \'anllanlenrttek. 'l‘et'I'I Sttxan Smith. lle\erl\ llnnner. Rnhert \Iigel, ‘lltnin. l.n\\ budget \HL‘kL‘HHIrk lIIIrt‘IIrlexI. \xhieh lnllnxxx a ix ee nerd and hIx haxkeI-eaxe hrnthet' \\ hn xet nut l‘ni' rewnge nn the n) Inphn xurgenn and \et that dnne lIIIII \II‘nIIg. (inre and garixh eharaelet'x .Ihnund in thtx ehat'niingl} e\nked xlea/n xide nl Me In New ank. (i/Itwnn I‘I/m I‘III'IIH'I’. (i/Ineuu .' I'IIIII/quu'. IleIIIIIIIrq/I.

Becoming Jane I l’( iI O. IJIIIIan Jarrnld. l'K/l'S. 2(N)7I.-\nne llathaxxa}. Jatnex Mex-Mn). Julie \Valtet‘x. Janiex (‘rnnmelL Maggie Smith, lllhIIIII, .-\ hingraph} nt’ Jane .-\uxten Ipla)ed heautil‘ull) h) llathana} I \xhieh eItex a relatinnxhip \\ ith ead. hednnixt and linger ’l‘nIn |.el‘rn'\ I.\le.~\\n} I ax the reaxnn behind her xueeexx. Dexpite e\eellent pet'l'nt'nianeex and a \er) grenernux xnialtering nl .-\uxten'x hext linex. thix Ix xadl} ax drear} ax perind draniax get, Ii’rIuIInn 'I'III'IIII'I'. lat/IIIIIIII'QII.

Before Flying Back to Earth and Grandpa a Grandma ItiI I.-\rttnax .\late|ix. (iertnan) ’I.Ithuania. \'arInuxI Slinun. Tun dm‘unientariex h} the Lithuanian direeInr. llI'lan' I'lHIIe limit In [fart/I Ix an auard-mnning lnnk at a leukemia ward in Vilniux. \xhile (innit/[III di- (irumlmu ix haxed nn the true life xtnr} nl the direeInr'x grandparentx.'l‘here \\ ill be a

I l'tank


And it’s farewell to another icon from Hollywood's so called golden age. Jane Wyman

died on Monday 10 September at the mighty age of 90 years old. Wyman will perhaps be best remembered as the first wife of US president Ronald Reagan, but it is for brilliant performances in Billy Wilder's Lost Weekend, Hitchcock's Stage Fright and Douglas Sirk's remarkable All That Heaven Allows that she should be granted the status of legend. Jean Negulesco's 1948 Johnny Belinda, in which Wyman played a small town deaf mute girl who builds a special bond with a newly arrived doctor (Lew Ayres, the actor Wyman left Reagan for in real life). was one of the seminal US melodramas of its decade. The film won Wyman the Oscar for Best Actress, which remains the only Academy Award ever

won by the wife of a US president. .fd/Ilh’lIX/Séh EIII'IIII/II/lr, SI II [‘7 Out.

talk h) the dII'eeInI’ at 5pm III Innni 403 Part nl l)neIInient 5. (iI/IIIuII/I/l/ (i/J. (i/menu Before Stonewall I IS: 000 t( III-Ia Sehillei Ik Rnhert Rnxenhet‘e. l'S. I‘m» 37min III I‘lli‘l the patinnx nl the Stnneuall ltiti III .\'e\\ Ynt'k l’nIIeliI haek againxt a pnliee l';tltl \xItlI thi'ee IIIelItx nl tinting. 'l'hIx lilIn e\aIIIInex the hIxtnI'Ieal hackernund In thix hIII'xI nl pnlitieal enet'g). mm In; lI'nIn the earl} Ztlx nmxai‘dx IIxIng a \\ ealtli nl at'elm e IIIateI'Ial and Interx IL'\\ x. there It lll he a xhnt't Interxal lnllnu ed h} a xet‘eening: nl l/nnInIn/IIII and .VlIIII/IIAII Ilm \ .i( 'I;. IzI/IIIIIIII'e/I.

Beslan: The Right to Live I lit

.0. I( )Iga Stelannxa. RtixxIaI IINNIIIIIII ’l‘hix liIIII lnllnxxx lile III liexlan alter the xehnnl xIeee In \IhIelI HI hnxtagex died .’\\ the Inuit lieat'IIng gn nII. the penple demand In knnu [Inn and \\h_\ xueli a IIIelIIIIIat‘e enuld happen III then enuntt‘). I’Iut nl

Hm llllll’lll 5 ('( Tl. (iluwuu.

Bhool Bhulaiyaa I |5I ll’l'l};ttl.’tr\llttll. India. SHIV/I .-\kxha} KIIIIIaI‘. \'Id}a Balan. Shine} AhuIa. lllllllllli .-\ Hindi language remake nl the l‘Ni .\lala}alaHI lilnekhIIxter. UIIIIII lIII/III/IUSIIII, .S'I'II'I II'I/ I'I'II'IIu',

331 Black Girl (La Noire de . . . ) l I.‘_I O... I()IIxInaneSetnhene. Senegalx’l‘t'anee. 100m \llnxxtne ’l'herexe l)Inp. .-\IIne-.\larte JelIiIek. Rnhert l‘nnIaIne (IIIIIIIn, 'l’hnught In he the lll‘xl leatut‘e h} a dIt‘eeInt' lrnIII xuh-Saharan Africa. IhIx lilIII tellx the tragic tale nl l)InII.Ina Il)Ian. a )nung Senegalexe \xntnan \xhn lindx unrk ax a ehIIanInder lnr a entiple III Dakar. When the enIIple rettirnx In the xnIItlI nt l‘ranee. xhe gnex \I Ith Ihetn. dreaIIIIIIg nt a lIle nl lU\lll'_\. But thingx dnn‘t IIIrII nut ax xhe hnped. See pt'e\ 10“. page ‘" l’art nl Alrtea In \lntinn. I‘ll/ll/IHHH'. Ill/lIl/llll‘tll

Black Sheep I ISI 0... IJntiathan King. \"eu Zealand. ZIIIInI Nathan .\leixter. Danielle \lttxitlt. l’L‘lL‘r l'L'L'llL'}, 57mm. l’art \ Ixeeral ehIIler. part blaek entned}. Il/III'L X/II'I [I takex place nn a xheep liartti In NC“ Xealand. \\ here the [\in hrntherx In charge nne iiinrtall} alratd nl xheep. [he nlher a ruthlexx buxinexxnian Min hax genetieall} IIIndIt'Ied hIx xtnek IIIaIntaIn a tetnpextuIIUx reIaIInnthp. When a pair nl' animal aetix IxIx break Intn the farm and xteal xnnIe genetie \iaxte. It‘x nnt Inng helnre e\er_\nne Ix

tet't'nI'Ixed h} llexh eating: m inex and Innnxttnux xheep huinan h}hI'Idx (iI'nI'rII/ It'll'llH',

Blue Rose Garden Il-.I IMIIIIten Santrie. ('I'natIa. ZINI7I 27min In a beautiful Inanxinn III (inrtt|a ltIxIt'a near Zagreb

I( 'rnatIaI ll\t‘ nne hundred ahandnned ehIldten \i Ith grin e delnrniitiex Mime laIIIIIiex are unable In lnnk altet thein l)nn liflllilllti, \xhn aeetdetitall) dixenxeied them explainx their unique and xpeeial qualitiex, l’at‘t nl l)neutnent 5. ('('.'l. (ilmunu. Bound by Promises: Contemporary Slavery in Rural Brazil ll‘.I lhlttllxxc lltlxltix_ l 'S. 2007) 17mm. llnum/ In I’l'untlww tellx the xtnr) nl IIIen uhn xet nut III xeareli nl \uirk and are taken In Ixnlated t’anehex III the Ania/nit. nttl} In lind that the} hax e been lured intn deht hnndage Part III l>neutnent 5 ('(31. (i/menn.

The Bourne Ultimatum I IZAI 0... Watt! (ireengraxx. l'S. 2007I Matt l)aIIInII. Julia Stilex. l)a\ Id Strathairn,

I I IIIIIn (ireengraxx' xatleytng eniieluxinn In the xp} lflltig} haxed nn Rnhert Ludhiin'x hnnkx. III \xhieh Jaxnn linurne Il)ainnnI getx hIx Inetnnr} tugged ahnut lIix prex Inux Identit}. lindx nut exaeIl} Mia! the 'l'readxtnne nrganixatinn did In him. and liIIall} getx xnIIIe laee-Inne mth the eluxive nrgan-grindet rexpnnxihle and nnI the (IA IIInIIke)x he'x had In deal \Allh helnre. Ax xIIIart. deeeptn e atid hard-drnen ax the xuper-xp} hIIIIxell. .8('/('( ml I‘(’I(’(l\(’

The Boy Inside IliI IMarIanne Kaplan. ('anada. zllllfiI-17Ililn. l’Imerlul dneunientar) ahnut grnuing up mth autIxtn. In Much IhIx auard-mnntng lilinniaker turnx the camera nn her IZ-year-nld xnn who hax Apr-rger'x x} ndrnnie, Part II} I)l)(‘ll"ll'lll 5. ('(‘xl (i/(ntym.



18 Oct—t N01 2007 TIIE LIST 41