I The GOuLaG BeAt .il lzgn

ll) illplll iain Ll L4 25 Oct l’tink. garagc. ncxt xtaxc and good. huncst ruck‘n‘rtill l,l\L' lelL'\l\ lltl\ innnth includc ('lcan (ictirgc l\ and Sclliitapc I Guerilla Radio .it thc Bongo (‘luh llpiii ‘iani L V4 lh‘ ()ct .\ hiand ncu. cunning and lllttll\llttll\ llll\ «it \lllllll} clcctrn. minimal and tcchnti

I Lic It at ('iti'ux ('luh ll illpni ‘ain l'rcc hcluic l lpiii. L5 it it .ittci “ct-kl} Ruck. indic and lL'llH l't'qtlt‘\l\ tiiglit mm D] Adam

I Mr Scruff at thc l,lqllltl Ronni.

()plll iain {l4 lH tlct .-\ ‘chp it l'nrcal‘ \cl linin llll\ pnptilai dccktician \PllllllllfJ thc hc\t in ‘titiuxci' ia/l'.

I Ndaje: African Connections at tlic lliingn ('ltih ‘) itlpiii 3. Want. t." it'Si l Nm. Ali'nhcat, \ttlll. icggac and lit// \Hlll danccrx and |i\c lllllNIL'. tll'llllllllt‘l'\. Ali‘ican loud and \pccial gucxtx

I Oasis DJ Set at l'aith. lllpiii Kill”. 17 tt'Si. 35 ()ct. Shir} it'x ncithcr til tlic (iallaghci lllHlllCl'\. hut And} llcll \xill hc rcgaltng _\tlll \Hlll lll\ l).l \clcctinn.

I Organic Hip Hop at lhc Ja/l liar. ll..lllpiti. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. l.i\c organic hip hop and lit/l} lllti\L‘\ li‘tiiii lhc l rcak} l-aniil}; gucxt .‘\1(\ and UL.

I Polyphonique Social Club at l’im (‘al'lc. 7pm .lani. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. l'llllk} dancc ginon and clccti'tinica litini .lacck /.£lllltt|\l\|.

I Red Star Institute at Rcd.

lllpni .ittlll. l’i'cc. \Vcckl). 'l‘hc licxl tip- and-ctiining local UL and \'J\, ()\iani dtiiihlc hill. lh’ ()cl could go an) \thcrc al'tcr a part) mocking \tarin tip carc til dastardl} dtiti '/.ctan \Varltii'd altiiigxidc R)an & l)ann} \Villiainx. ('a\c Scdciii and ()uail l'tilltmcd h) |).l l’mttin and thc l-Xlinhurgh l)J Acadcin} tZS (M).

I Reggae Take Away at ilic Bongo (‘ltih llpiii ,‘iani. £5. 35 ()ct. .-\ll thingx rcggac l'rtini host (ictirgc l’rtiphct \\llll .\l(' lxta l.itin. Dangcrtnan. l)L'lllll\ and DJ Rtitttcit.

I Rip it Up! at \Vcc Rcd liar.

l lpiii 3am. £4. l8 ()ct. ltidic. hi'itptip. pmtpunk. tucc. glam. clccti'ti . ix tlici‘c ttll}lllltlg_' llll\ night isn't'.’

I Robopob at (illQ. lt).3tipiii 3am. l-‘rcc licltii'c l 1pm; £4 (£3! al'tcr. \Vcckl}. ll'ctltl} \Vt‘ntl} tltttl l‘l‘lcntlx lttl\ Clll\\lk' pop lllllL‘\ and clccti'ic hcatx. l'iir thmc uhti can‘t \\ ail antitlicr da} to start thcii' \\ cckcnd.

I Siren at thc lli\ c. l lpiii 3am. l't'cc. “'L'L'kl)’. lilcclt'tt. llt)ll\t‘. ltt‘cttk\ and tcchno ll'tllll l‘L‘\lthlll\ Al .\la_iik and ('litihh) ('m. (illL‘\l\ includc lli'adlc) (' (It) Scpi. \Vtill'ja/I 127 Scpi atid Dcl‘conl (J “(I l.

I Souled Out at ()pal l.titingc.

ltlpiii 3am. l't'cc licltii'c midnight; £3 al‘tci‘. \Vcckl}. l‘riitn disco to Nurthci'n Soul. (iarcth Stiniinci‘t illc and l-‘ra/ci' Mc(ilinchc_\ l'ullill )tiui‘ nccdx. adding a dash til houxc as tltc night gticx on.

I Stilletto at l.lllll. h’pni .‘iaiii. l‘i‘cc lk‘lttl't‘ lllpltt'. £5 attci‘. \Vcckl}. lilccli'o- pop. clttsxicx and dixco l'rnni Jc/ Hill.

I Surgical Steel at ()piuin. ltlpiii ,‘iani. Hut \Vcckl}. Hill on nictal ;l\\;lllll.

I Yin-Yang at Shanghai. ltlpiii 3am. to (£3). \Vcckl). Ncu \tcckl) ning til~ clccti'o huuxc. soaring \ocalx and \Ulllllll gi'umcx ll‘ttlll lltigg} and (‘i‘aig Smith.

Chart & Party

I Bump at thc Liquid Ronni.

lt).3(lpni 3am. £2 til i. \Vcckl). Night til chart. pop and Rtkli.

I Espionage at lixpionagc. 7pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l"i\ c hai‘x m cr in c lltltll'\. playtig cxcrfihing l'roni RxB to inainstrcaiit chart action \tith plcnt} ol- dark corncrx tor cupping oil in.

I On Request at Iigo. l lpni 3am. £tbc. 18 ()ct. l’roinm. continci'cial dancc and part) anthcnix all night hc “lltl asks gclx.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Alternanthem at Opium. ltlpm—Sain. Frcc. \Vcckl}. Night of rock and alternative anthems.

32 THE LIST J—tb‘ Oct 2007

I Audioaerobics a: (iltt‘i

l‘l Wpiii Kiiii lit-c hctwrc Il'i'i. L‘- ‘LJl .tllL'l litl‘. l):t'.1\t‘tl.t'.tl luck} I ticianw liiiii: ai: :iitc'iiiatwtxz.


llt'lll I [ll litiigci \l‘ill\llltllt‘.lll;‘l1ii;‘.iflil c lasxit tlaiicc llllit'\

I Badaboom .ii \l.:\\i .. \\cckl_\ llic hwt lll tt‘lilllic'lc :.:i lx’.\ It and tiihaii lickx \kllll _'i:;\t\ iliilli I\?r.-. .llltl Ratlin l llj.in;' in lnrtnislitlj.

I Beatroot .ii i gm llpii. lit ( )ct l)iit_\ .l\\ llt‘lhc' .intl itiiikcti iip tcclinu titiin icxitlcnh lx’}.:ii llllllc‘l and Rick} l’.il}\ \Kllll \pccial ‘_‘llt'\l lx’chccc .l \axniant

I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi .tl \M-c lx’c-tl Hai

I” ‘Hptii ‘~.iiii L‘ it 1' I” ( kt lx’cc-sac. tlancchall. hip hop .llltl uthci tllll‘l‘} :Jltltl\t'\ llHlll liaiha l’upp.i( linpp.i.( |)igglc\ and .ltick.i\\. l‘lll\ xiiigiiiz' \L'll\.llltlll\ llidd} \tott} .llltl lx’.i\ lxl.i .lantatca

I Black Tape .il llt'lll} \( t'll.ll It.” llpiii “.tlll L5 itli lit ( )cl \ lll|\ tit indic. claxxit pup. rock. wiil. ptink. clccti'tinica .llltl hip lliip l .iil_\ ll.t\ kx .lllt claxxic .illititii clll\ lltllll tlic l‘.llltl\ itiii lHH‘.

I Boombox at l-gn llpiii iain 2.th It) ()cl. \tiklcai l’iipp} \ lawn (‘uitc/ and l.ti\cl_\ \ l)c.iti \c‘\\ltiii \xilli .i \pccial gticxt thc

I Climax .it Rctl Ill zllpiii iaiii licc hcltiic llpin;°;1.ittci I" ( )kl llclitiit tcchnti. lltlll\t'. wiil and glitch} k'lk'\llt‘ I Club Classics .ll l’iw ('allc

Split i.Illl. l'lt‘t'. \VL'L‘kl} l).tllcc cl.t\\lt\ ll‘tittt Scull l‘.llitil. ('talg (icc .llltl (i.i\ (irant.

I Cult at I’m \a .\.i lllpni *ain £35“ hcltii‘c llptii; t5 .iltci. “ccklt I).l Nikki and ll'lt‘lltl\ dig up llic \ci_\ l‘\'\l in Itink. tll\L't‘. Rtkll. litiuxc. kit\ch \‘l.l\\lc\ and pai't_\ tatth at llll\ ctitil tlancclltuii lll.l\ll

I Dfrnt Trouble at lltc (Lin-x.

l lptii .‘iaiii. t'" list. In ( )cl. llic (‘.i\c\ gct tltc l)'l~ ti'catiiicnt \\ llll li\c \cl\ li‘tiin .\ltithcr tk thc .-\ddict\ and 'l lic l).inin Shatncx tor a dtiiililc hill til titialit} Sctittixlt tndic iiick. I‘llh (‘lii'ix litiiii l-axt \\lll \tippni'tiiig tlic lltllll‘lL‘ (‘icxt tin tlic tlL‘L‘k\.

I Dogtooth at llcni'_\ \ (‘cllai llai. llpiii 3am. [5. It» ( )ct. (‘ltili playing itidic. i‘a\ c. clccti'ti and llL‘\\ \\.l\ c u itli lixc gucxtx licxt l'\\L'lltl\.

I Evol at thc liquid Rtttllll.

lt),_i()pin .iain. £5. \\'cckl_\. ladiiiliiii'gli'x ltingcxt running indic night. \\ itli lhc tNial ini\ til tlic lic\t ctii'i'cnl and \‘l;l\\lc altci‘nam c. ci'm‘m ci' tuncx. lzxtil‘x an llhlllllllttll.

I Four Corners .ii lllc Bongo (“Iiili llpiii Rain. £3 hcltii‘c iiiitlniglit; t5 .iltci It» ()cl. llig llcat and llcpai‘tiiic l.tiiingc |Hlll ltll'L‘LW to tinlca\h thc niight} l'titii’ ('tii'nci'x l‘tii' tlic hcxt in dancctltmi' tall and global gi‘timcx.

I Hark! at 'lc\ lUl Rim l'ninn.

‘lpin 3am. Ll In ()ct. ’l‘lic lmcl} indic night l\ hack lot lllttl'L‘ ginmc} gtitidncxx atid that ‘thc night Iidinhiii‘gli \ltltlkl \llll and \\;t\ aucd h} ania/iiig llltllL' ttincx' \pL‘L‘lttl.

I Lulu at lulu. 8pm 3am l-i'cc hcltirc llpllll Li- ;tllL‘l'. \VL‘L‘lKl}. Stilll. littllw'. ltink. clcctt'ti-dixcti and Latin li'tiiii thc llleN tit" (iarcth Suinntciwillc. lxla liligc. tlic Blond l‘laxh and l).inn_\ lcnncnt.

I Maestoso at Shanghai. ‘lpiii .‘ani.

.‘tiiiii *.::'. '

;.‘.lll i; L"

U. \Vcckl}. ('luh L‘lit\\lc\. cliai't ttlllllc‘lllx

dirt} liiitixc and ducti t'i'tiiii l).l litina.

I Misfits at thc lli\c. llpiii lant. L2 \Vcckl}. lndic. clccti‘ti. punk. itick and i'cti'o \\ itli bargain drink\ and rcgtilai‘ tickct gin-away. ('hcck it\\\\.inixlitmnlinccotik ttii' nitii'c llllti I Modern Lovers at lagti. llpiii Rain [4 licl'tii'c midnight; [h .ittci H44 i. In ()ct. .-\ ptixtiiitidci'n ini\ t‘l \Utll and ttink. _i;i//. \ka. gai'agc and p\_\cltc prm lklk'\l h} l'C\ltlL'lll\ ('i'aig .laniicwn and Mr l)i\ inc at tlicii' \L‘\L‘lllll l‘ll'llltld} \pccial. l-tii'

intirc into chcck lllt‘tlL‘l'llltWL'l'Nc‘t‘lllx Scc

prc\ icxt. pagc 33. I NRG at ligti. (ipin. L'.\. 1‘) (M l ntlci lh‘x loam part} tcatui'ing \I‘L'c'ldl gllc\l\


IOpalLounge 'ii: ; '_ t , \ c2. ._ j\ K l2. ~~ \ '-' 'i’\ c

" " l. ll

IPins&Needlesr ids: ~ z"

‘5 ‘-‘ "v l~.:\' IArchive i \

.'\l ~ \ .‘. i t?c\" li .‘ . ti~

IPIanet Earthrt " i IBoogie Fridays i i:'

" “'1‘?! l'.. ‘i '»- M :v

.mw \\..-' \i_-. ~ ~ ~ I ~ \\ l" \

7\. }

t I Skunk Funk .1, " .- I. l~‘...i

I Espionage l

lll‘lli ;.il!i‘._‘ f‘ \\.f».\ " la. \\ . \gi

l‘ll‘il 'twii.lll\\:lk,'l‘~~"

iiitliitiiiiz' :«ua' It'tl .' l1; ll" \l.tllllll\ l" l )c' .iTltl a "\y

lltc l tc.ik\ l.llllll'. f" l k” 3

I Sugarbeat .izt \mmu- I Boutique .- t it.)

llpiii ;.:iii 1‘ .‘tilltt l' - -' \\ ‘.|.lt.il in Apt-ti \;; l'- l .-. :i. - i .

.llltl lc/ l l.:ll\.1lll'\ .12 'tit 'lit .- _- . [i

It‘lllt‘tl in 1H \lt'litl: .ziit! \ Ira}. 't


. .il( .il‘ ilt'l \t‘llalft‘ l;“

ll» ICIash! Soundsystem 'l<_

Witt? .;".i \‘.;y- \g‘

23 l‘t'lt‘lc' lllltlllli'lll t.“ .itlt': \h \:

\lL'lll l‘lllll .tlt‘llllil .; \t-t lli'll! \l. \l.:tt' "i c .1 l1..'

l)\l\l. laiiiicliinc lllt'll liwtixg want-- l

tlic l \lllll‘lllifll \ llll‘ \t t'zit' ltlll. .lix'. DubZClub 'l' wt " \‘ " l.i_\iic('\\ii:lit |-. \\ .- \\' ~

i.'~ Upstart .tl nit-t "p'ri an, w ' ;~- at ~ »

l" l )\l \t;'lil til ct lcttic xtizitit‘l limtgtl "i ‘~

lit tlic l itlkvmtul l .iiiiil‘. vl itgcia. i. Y “unit 'i

lx'cuittlw initial l‘_\ li‘llllil. llll\llit’ l I The Egg .' \\ l\’ 'l» i

l\)itiil\ ( itunl \ll‘l.tlli‘ll\ \t‘lllltl\\\lt‘lll tigtlz ilpi: ‘.‘.'l 'L ':. 11y "1' ii. l)_l\cl\.intl\tinit lllllct'llll‘_"ll~'lli lt\\ \\u‘i' \' C -' -' 1:» 'v' \li l\'\l\l .llltl l lltli't' l lll‘.'.l\ \patmhtp .'. w. ii

l .lllll. \llk'\\ tmlc its». \w . w '-

I We Will Break You .ii I I Fis F ,- Tit. It... ";

lIl zllpiii Rain {.1 9‘ l"llct l llii\l\ 9‘ \\cx-l.. \. " .vT llic licxl Ill liicaklicat. lli‘ antl liip limp l.ill'1 immix lll l » ll \1-

llt‘lll l|‘\.ll \l.ll\ lli‘lll \ll'.'.tll‘\‘.tl. \wlimzt'

\ ltiiliwx i;:t ll: iiii \.': i..~'it 'i...'.\ l\.'.' lx'i '9! lid».

and lliap l \l lllll\li.:.'

I Xplicit .il l’ultciiuv. \llltlt'lll l llli'Tl CHM. it whiny» " y 7 I” lllpiii ;.t|ll !.l\ .‘ \m llii-‘u lll',‘lll t‘lt'tt'ii, liit-Lii 'x .~.' 1 TH» lHl tlic tlllllll t\ haw \l‘x'xl.lll\l\ .i\ ilit-i. lll‘.‘ll.:l lt‘ilt'\ (it?

\M'lci‘lllt' hack l’cntliiliiiii. llll\ lllllt' .:\ .: I Get Open! .i' l1»: it ltill li\c l‘.llltl \lll‘l‘I‘ll twins lli‘lli lpiii iiiii " H.‘ Iii

Eilmt Trouble

Double bill of uncompromising Scottish indie as Dfrnt Trouble take over the Caves. Expect disco- tastic leftfield punk with an innate understanding of the conventions of pop from Mother & the Addicts (pictured) and riotous indie from The Damn Shames. Plus a skewed set of rockabilly, new wave, post punk and electronica from the Trouble DJs and special guest Chris (Fast).