

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Cate Simpson.

Thursday 18 .


Ron Butlin \atioiial | ihiai} ol \tollaiitl. (it'oith‘ l\' lititlg't‘. (C: {\H 'iiiii l‘lk't' Hool. latiiit’h loi litillin‘x llt'\\ tollt‘tlloii ol xliort \lllllt'\. \u llun


The Big Word lllt‘ ,la/l liar. I ('liainht-ix Mint 3le kWh ‘) ll illprii Li M. ii lt'iiiii liiitlxa} lioxtx Iht' liixt xlaiii pool!) t'aliait'l ol llit' xt'axoii. \kllll lk‘llllllllt'H iiit'lutliiig Km in ( ‘atlxtallt-iitlt'i. Ratlit'l .ltii'}. Rohiii ( 'aiinx .llltl Big \Voitl Slain \\ lllllt‘l\ liiaiii ( iit'ht'ii. ( iiat'iiic llaulc} .llltl Hit-pht‘n llaiiiah}

Friday 1 9


Monty Roberts liot'tlt'l'x llooltx. UK litit'haiiaii Slit-ct. 222 7‘1)” "pin lit-c. Rt‘al lllL' lioixt' \xhixpci't'i Roht‘i'tx talkx ahout liix llL'\\ hook. .le .lluiiri.‘ Ha /‘-I) .llmr ( 'u/mmw HUI \i' I’m/i/um .Xu/ii'rl.

Saturday 20


Thomas A Clark National (i;lllt'l'} ol Motlciii .'\ll. 75 liclloi’tl Road. til-l (illltl Jinn. [-1 to iiiit‘lutlt'x t'iili) to the Richard long t'\hihitioiii. :\ it‘atliiig li'oiii thc St'oltixh pot-t. \\llo \xi‘itt'x iiiainl} .ihout lllL‘ inootlx .llltl \watht'i ol lllL‘ llighlantlx aiitl lxlaiitlx.

=5: Jackie Stewart \\';iici'xtoiic'x. ‘lH/‘l ()t't'aii 'lt'i‘iiiiiial. ()t‘t‘aii l)ll\t'. l.t‘llll. 55-1 77 *3. l 2. illpiii. l'lt't'. l'ht' iat'iiig tli'iwi llll'llL‘tl huxincxxniaii. iiitiotlut't'x llllllllllL' I\ Vol [untrue/i. tlit‘ xtoi'_\ ol liix lllL‘.

Tuesday 23


A Reading of Blake by Alasdair Gray National (iallci') ol' Scotland: ll;l\\lllUl'lltlt‘Il lu'tui't' lllL‘illl't'. tht‘ Mound. til-l (Gilli. 13,-15piii. l'it‘c. lhc at't'laiint'tl St'ottixli lltl\t‘ll\l and author ol lumrr‘k talkx about William lilakc'x pocti') and pi‘iiitx.

Wednesday 24


=3: Conversation Pieces: Sir Jackie Stewart Royil ('ont‘ci't Hall. 2 Saiit'hit'hall Street. 5351“). lllllpin. t5 it-l in athant't'i Soc Sun I l.

’3 Jackie Stewart litit'tlt'H lltltllx\. ‘lh' Buchanan Shoot. 3:: "till. (ipiii. l'i‘cc. Scc Sun 3|.


Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair ( )ut ot lhc lilut‘ Drill Hall. 3” 30 lthltlL‘ll} Sll't‘t‘l. lx‘llll. 550 all)“. [mil 3\‘ (M. l'i’t‘c. Rt‘ttii'iiing tor itx lltli _\car. thc Ratlit‘al Hook l-aii‘ lcatui'cx t‘\hihitioiix. talkx. liliii xci'ccningx. \wi'kxhopx and an opt-ii iiiit‘ xcxxioii 'l‘hix )t'ai"x xpcala'i‘x \\ lll iiit'ltitlc .\l.ixtlaii‘ (ira). l’lcaxc xcc \\ \\ \Htoi'tl-ptmcrit‘otilt


St Mungo‘s Mirrorball: Commonwealth Voices l‘lic (ilaxgtm School Ul- :\l'l. Ilia RCllllC“ Sll’L‘t‘l. 353 4520. 7pm. l'i'cc. .'\tl\ll“.lllttll-l‘fll'li pout Rohci't (ira). \xhoxc pi‘cx ioux collcctionx incluth (imn Strip! and I’m/in. ix joinctl h} ctlitoi' ot‘ (ii‘iinalkin l’rt‘xx. (icn')

Ste“ an. \\ ho ix launching liix collcction. I’m! Hit/trim Ii/mw and .-\iitlt‘C\\ liorxtcr. \\ hoxc CUllL‘L‘llUll l\ L‘ttllL‘Ll I'i'dr (if Ilium/(r.

26 THE LIST ‘8 0314 N3. :33“


=5: Gail Porter \\att-ixioiit-'x. l2\ l’iintcx \tit't't. 2 l’oitt-i \l_L'll\ topicx ol llL'l autohiogiaph}. lard li’im lute. [ti/Ht tlllt/ \ru i It (1/ Bridge Reading: Janet Paisley \atioiial l ihiai} ol Stotlantl. (it-urge |\ liiitlgt'. (Ci “~15 "pin l'rt'c ititla'tt'tli 'l llL' \t'ixatilt' xhoit xtoi} \xiitci. pot-t and Na)“ right it-atlx lioin llL'l l.llL'\l iimt'l. ihc lll\lUll(.ll Scottixh ioiiiaiitt'. ll/iiri RUN It)! In /

Doh Ray Me When I Wis Wee Stoltixh Stoi'Ht-lling (‘t'iiiitz -1‘ 4* High Slit-cl. 55h 05") ‘piii L‘ l\\.tll .\lt‘\'it'ai t't-lt'hi'att'x tht' [\lll‘llt'alltill ol /)u/i lx’m .llt . tht' liixt t'oiiipit'lit‘iixixt' at't'oiiiit ol St‘oltixh xtit't't loit'. [ila_\gi'ouiitl xongx .llltl ili}iiit'x ol tht' laxt l5” )L‘ah

Friday 26


=2: Scottish International Storytelling Festival Vai'iotix \t'iiut'x. 55h 957‘), l'iitil -l .\'o\. :\ t't'lt'hi'atioii ol oral xloi'}tc|liiig lt‘dllllllljJ iiiuxit‘. xoiig. liliii. \xoi'kxhoiix. talkx .llltl IlllL'l'll.lllHll.’ll gucxtx. l’lt‘axt' \t‘t‘

\\ \\ “.xcoltixhxtoi'}tt'lliiigt'cntit't'ii.ul\ Alexander McCall Smith Sunriin Strii')tclliiig (‘ciiti'ta ~13 ~15 lligh Slit-ct. 550 057‘). (ipin, to HA). .\lt'( 'all Siiiith launcht'x thix _\t'ai"x Sioi'}ttlhiig l‘t‘\ll\;ll hi reflecting on ll(l\\ liix \\tlll\ hi'itlgt'x Scotland and :\li'it‘a.

Sunday 28


Shore Poets .\lai llltll. 'l‘hc 'l‘tiii. .lat'kxoii'x linti'}. Ill llohmotl Roatl.

il i 2707. 7.15pm. £2 (U i. 'l'hix iiionth ol'lcrx pot-tr} lioiii (iilliaii .-\Iliiutt. .laint'x \\' \Vood and ('hi‘ixtinc l)c Inca. pltix iiiuxit'al t‘lllt‘l'ltlllllllt‘lll.

Wednesday 31


Gothic Gloom and Doom for Hallowe’en National l.ll‘l’;ll'} iii~ Scotland. (icoi'gc l\' Bridge. 023 38-15. 7pm. l‘i'cc. Delight in thc pour} and pi‘oxc ol inixcr}. tlt‘xpaii'. dual and horror hour the tlai'ltcxt coi‘iicrx ol litci'ai‘) archiwx. .\lai‘_\ Slicllc}'x l'i‘aiikcnxtcin. li}i'oii'x \ltil‘lll} paxxioii. ltiliicx llogg'x th\ il alitl Rolk‘n l.otli\ Sim L'llNUll‘\ l)oL‘ JL‘lx} ll and Mt ll)tlc \\ ill all make an appearance. \Vt‘ai‘ black.

Andrew Forster and Gerry Stewart Scottixh l’octi‘} l.ihi‘ai‘_\. 5 (‘i'ichtoii'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 2R7(i. 7.31lpin. £5 (£3). Book launch tor t\\o ptlL‘l\ \xi'iting ahout pcoplc and plau'x. To the Devil an ASBO 'l‘lic ('aiitiiix' (iait. 233 ('anongatc. 550 4-13]. h’pin. £3 (£3 i. l.i\c i‘catlingx ol original lictioll. pi'cxcntcd l3} \Vi'ilclx Bloc xpokcn “Ul'tl pci‘l‘oi‘inaiit'c group. l:\pcct xtoi‘icx ahout loiiihiCx. thc tlctnoiiit‘ \xoi'kingx ol' the .'\llll\tk‘ltll llchax iour Act and a xpccial appearance h} l)cath. \xhoxc tirxt iianic ix (iai').


Gordon Smith (‘lai'ltxton llall. ('lai‘lxxton Road. 033 4050. '7..“llpin. £3. l’opulai‘ incditiin Gordon Smith talkx about liix lalcxl hook. I.rr¢' (‘liimuinu lit-\xtrut'x and xigiix t‘tipicx.


African Legacies: Selim Aga and Great Zimbabwe Scottiin Sttii‘}tclliiig (Intro. 43 45 High Strcct. 550 057‘). ".JSpin. £3 (Uri. .-\n exciting ol' Lll\Cll\\lUll about .-\l'rica anti itx hcritagc \\ ith Janit‘x McCarthy author til~ Sir/I'll] .‘l g’u.’ .‘l Sltll't’ '\ (h!) \ \¢’\ ltlltl Jooxt laiiitciii. author of Hit .S'i'lt‘ni‘t or (hurt Zriiilmlm't'.

:(\ :(ifih (\I‘Ill ll't'k'

ll‘. \Iill\ or

Comics MILES & BEN

TEMPLESMITH 39 Days of Night

.. C... 0 7,! I D 7‘, I i y t E‘\ I "K II 1

flouew' it“ ii mil;

tiwirt' that Mira luapteare i. ‘n 'll l‘./ltll‘.‘.‘l'fi ri‘r‘ [)r'tllfll/t't a'irl

r'Jrrfl‘t title‘s


lye ,li'e .".‘. t )th l)‘. l'JlX/Ufilllttlfllt,ll(i'71)l influener Helm/arm and Sitariip {hint}, lheri. of course. there's; Mike Mignola'f; phenoiiienallg. popular Mel/hot. Not torgettirig lllt)‘./|(,‘ titler; Wllll fem}; (Iht'ii/isai‘u {virtuaaiiru Hel/ri'iisger. Chi/r. '5; Mar and [molar the Ifi‘t/I all supporting various;

spin off titles; through the years.

But it is perhaps Steve Niles who has most surxaneth (:aptured inoderri horror on the (L()lll|(,‘f§ page. (30 Dal/s of Night is a last paced and unsettling ride that. from the lll"3l few pages. you can't help but think. ".‘i’ov. this would make a great nioVIe'. l ittingly. it is about to hit the big screen isee next issue for l'(L“.’I(3'.'./|.

n i'ax‘.‘ ("’:(-l

DH} 5 frgr‘ter‘iingl, Simple idea at is cue: the IO.‘."‘i 3‘ Barron Alaska s to darkness for 32 days 3.‘ me ,. ear. so a cabal ot saint/res gather to wreak hayo:

uninterruptecl C,

l‘l dilii/ll‘l


EN TEMPLESMITH 30 Days of Night: Dark Days 'll )VVi .O.

in ‘w Dartlc Days

After reading [£0 [)(ll’f. of Night it's) hard to think where Niles could take lllé: (Llliiréi(;l(3lf$ lir;'rl <;reated next. Here he moves the (l(,ll()ll from Alaska to LA. :xhere one of the sun/wore ot the initial assault eoiitinues her .‘i'ar on the .arripiref, and her carnpaigii to viiake the .‘rorld believe in the :er, real threat ')l the undead,

Anri .‘xhlle it's interesting to see the action iiio‘.'e ’roin the LCflllllit‘.) of Barrow to a larger metropolis. the story suffers tron. not liIl.’llitg as tight a C(Jlii’,‘:l/i. l1“; ‘jllll {JIl(;l4‘:’l .‘Jilll éihiiGH. Terhplesri‘iith's bleak art still shines and the end Is nice-l; handled. it a tad predictable. lHenr/ Nortnrr‘iorei



Return to Barrow lDV/i C...

'.‘./e're haw in Alaska for this Outing. as a new

'..v Nip...‘ .r .'o -' it i 1" ° " ' . '. 1' ".J "3. i . ' "r. ‘r ':i \'i< \ 1 '0'. ‘ll 2 v txw iii."t'~t.r~l:i Y'all'l' i' t " ' r ‘l ‘1' l.:"r, it t ' i 'r M l"‘”' ll 1 u l. 1:, ‘H, 1,. 0 it“; 9., l‘. l‘J-Til lit? ilWr‘r'. it,

‘i-il. ‘iir HT.“ .riiiwr, {wrth ‘,I“_i"]'llllll‘ exhilarafr“itluiiiflaii [liix pmigriaiit:


"'lr liixiuii t‘ii’it :ltii'n‘. illi' ’..' lllll, t, .i ‘klllitlllly lilruil o-nrl Nile‘f tlllllll, t

or, a ‘illfly if; a ‘ilrirlltllli

i'li'J'il, lii'

he Slit/.2") thrr )ll'llll iiii tilt-“adieu ll leni, Nrirtliriiriii-l

l lI’Jllllt ill


30 Days of Night: Bloodsucker Tales ill)W' 0..

Here Nile', exteiid'. lll‘. own 'll‘,’lll(il()(l,l .‘JIlll iiiore tales ol .’£llll[;ll‘,".. this tune ‘.‘.’lill the looxeot (,(illll‘:’,ilt)ll‘. to the ririgirzal trilogy Kprl,’ (,‘hanilierlain handle. the art tor 'l)earl Hill, l)‘:{itl.. second story. ‘JIiare/X l‘:llll,l‘:‘,lllllll “fiillll‘i‘i on art (lot, while Nile', o’er/f, l)il(,l’ .‘Jllli Matt Fraction a', are otrorir; ‘,l’;ll‘:’, that

.2” ill‘,‘ ill l‘}

.‘xriter Hot".

earr/ tlierii‘,el/e', Hell and proxe there", plenty 0i Elli: '{fl fill/I'll” lliéll li‘: rleatlii l': the '30 [17,”, of High? translate

tHenr/ Norflirriorei

buys 0‘ lanai”: