through agaiti so \ye had to charge a certain amount to get in. and then there \\ as a three liar. because we couldn't sell drink. it \y as just carnage. In a way it contributed to \L‘gitsl and gaye tts a shatnholic cdgc so people nc\’er knew what to e\pect.

Did you ever envisage Vegas! running for ten years?

EM When you start something on. yott do it lor yoursell and your l‘riends and it it becomes popular alter that it‘s almost a happy accident. it “as neyer intended to he a long lasting tliitig htit people were coming down and haying inn and \y e all enjoyed doing it and it seemed to gather its own momentum quite quickly. it‘s been a great experience and a really enjoyable time. htit he had no preconceptions that it would last this long.

The club now has homes in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and the odd one-off in Aberdeen and as far afield as New York. But what sets Vegas! apart from its counterparts?

LL 'l‘liere is a genuine social atmosphere. Seyen people haye met their partners and got married yia Vegas! lti fact at the last one he did at Princes Street (iardens a couple actually got engaged. The young man asked the lady oyer the microphone if' she‘d marry him and she agreed. I think it does shoyy there‘s a genuine club atmosphere. and he alway s thought of a club its it place like-minded people go It) socialise and share common experiences.

NS The fact that you can relax is crucial. You

Frankie Sumatra &

Dino Martini pick their top ten Vegas! tunes

can‘t really he cool dancing to .\'eil Diamond. .-\lso. there‘s the dressing up lactot'; people can ptit on a different persona. .-\s soon as the guys put on a gangster suit and a hat and a lake moustache or \\ hatey er. you just get that \yee hit more confidence. When you‘ye got a lot of people dressed tip together. the confidence goes right through the club. The people in the audience are the stars ol the show.

EM The crowd are the central locus of the eyent they make the club what it is alter all. I'd giye them as much it not more credit than tis in haying made Vegas! what it is oy'cr' the years so we‘re ohyiously \ery grateful for their input.

Miss Kittie Klaw (burlesque superstar and frequent Vegas! guest performer) Vegas! is actually the largest and oldest Vintage club in the LR. The guys behind it are pioneers and deserye the credit for it. I one the attitude ol the organisers. i work with many clubs and promoters across the world and the Vegas! guys stand out as being as passionate about haying fun as they are organised and appreciatiye of their performers and clientele. Craig McMurdo (big band maestro and Vegas! guest performer) Vegas! struck a chord. and eyeryhody loyed it and eyeryone still loyes it. it’s that simple. It‘s in the lap of the gods: there‘s a secret something and I don‘t think you can quantity it.

So what defines a Vegas! fan?

LL There‘s no typical Vegas! tan. They come in all shapes and si/es and ages. in fact one of‘ the couples who got engaged alter meeting at



We ask the punters at Vegas! just why it

floats their boats


Its my mate's birthday

he wanted to come. He did it a yyhile ago

and said it was a good

night The gambling idea :s good fun and

it‘s a great

atriit isphere

Missy Missouri and Amber Alabama This is the best 10L) you can imagine. We've been working here about two years. and every Vegas night is different everyone's dressed up and up

for a good time.



I've known ab0ut Vegas! lOr a while. and everyone makes more of an effort and it's more eXCitirig than regular nights out. You can have a good time and meet loads of people that aren't weirdos baSically!

Tony and Tony It's my birthday! We were here the first time it was in Glasgow years ago. We got dressed up and I thought, 'this is gomg to be embarrassmg' But I ended up having the best time. I haven't been on the blackjack yet as I want to let other people win for once. I don't like to boast.

Alison and Sareeya It's a good night ~ my friend told the about it and it was voted the best night in The List so that's why we're here. We wish we'd dressed up more. Everyone looks great and we love swing mUSIC so we're just really happy to be here.

, arm I it lfllill Mum

‘Beyond the Sea' Royal

‘Go Daddy-O!‘ Big Bad

“Leaving on a Jet Plane'

“Bad. Bad Leroy Brown' ‘Ces bottes sont faites

Voodoo Daddy C Crown Revue we Frank Sinatra ‘81} se A" pour marcher’ Eileen H8 Radke The Jet City £433.1‘f’ua it: 2 : ' " ' - . a .e 2W: .' .r/ '1 an 'we’” Swingers , V e' - - ' : '."t' ::.-. r: 2’: 43:.» .-.-.:.:s 4' "" w : .ers. .' .‘ " ~24,- 'x. " r: v" Jr:'i’=9 7' \ I. - r ' 1.: r / - . s , '. 2e" U I