As its former Controller of Arts and Entertainment and current Director of Nations and Regions, Stuart Cosgrove has played a big part in Channel 4's success over 25 years. Here, he chats about Sri Lanka, soul and St Johnstone

Which time in history would you love to have lived?

Your house is on fire, loved ones and pets are safe. You have a chance to go and retrieve one thing: what would it be?

What was the last thing you stole?

i J 'l . ligl rv-Tttixw' i .2 ° l i ‘3.’ .1 lilo Wt l l i,“ maria m i .

."nl \llln‘ 3'. "‘1‘.

What’s the most rock’n’roll thing you’ve done today? i? l’mirm‘ l‘r'.‘ .ii‘ t‘iill‘ltll Tix‘Lll

lltI turn Mititt‘ lltll'lt'lfl

Least favourite place? 1'” .,t .t'. "°. .'."f1",tl‘tlttli‘ti'lll

If you could wake up tomorrow and have obtained one ability, what would it be?

" "1"e- VJ!“;

The first Countdown conundrum was unveiled on Guy Fawkes Day in 1982. Here we look at some magical moments in Channel 4’s history

I Jools Holland uttering the immortal words ‘groovy fuckers' during a live teatime trailer for The Tube. The tabloids spat blood and the show was taken off the air for three weeks.

104 THE LIST “x. .‘

I The excruciating tension as Rod Hull, Emu and Snoop Dogg confronted one another on The Word. Eventually the Aussie animal took a snap at Snoop for reading porn. I When it comes to unscripted drunken appearances on Ca. Oliver Reed surely tottered up the finest. The winner is a cross between his staggering rendition of ‘Wild Thing' on

How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Nt‘l :lTiM‘i (lll<l

(t 55kt." tiltil‘iiriii. ‘lliiirl fir)!" uxtrur'w'

lli'” (lit mitt-H «upwind giii<l lll‘, fzirir: it; ()iifrll win-

You could quit your job and start afresh tomorrow with the skills to do something completely new. What would it be?

|.'.()tl|(l itm- t“ itjgirri illé,‘ t;k..l:; t' 'Ttli ;l ligint; as 21 liltiitl‘fitiltillétl i)ll()i()(_]l;ll)lit:l. Tell us the punchline to your favourite joke?

.(l <‘<>iiiptilt:i Illtti ‘.‘.’lH li(:\.(:l tit»

.lt“.'.l‘i till will .‘

What, if anything, is too serious to joke about? P"t‘l\llii\ nothing. but i (it: tit-T. mil;

tltv‘tit racist. J’UKUS that (We f’

tinnitiiit‘t: anti liltfltltlltItr.

The Word or his appearance on late-night talking shop After Dark when he clambered over writer Kate Millet during an overheated debate on male stereotypes.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

When did you last cry?

What's your biggest regret?

All-time favourite sitcom?

How closely has Channel 4 been able to stick to its initial

manifesto? What’s your favourite biscuit? " t' w .- . liir". “it! ll“) "Vina: ilxitu" l ' .Y‘ ' l

What song would you hate to be

played at your funeral? What is your personal high point l'w ll‘HVT?‘ - ' -‘ from Channel 4’s past?

Mm.» wiry é MAJ. » -"

l..i .é'Mffi n. t t.’ 3'.

l litt'l’ , '1 [I r / it Suits“; iii 'iir .l t) l' “w it t .i= a. l k .

Who would you like to play you

in the film of your life? Who do

you actually think would play

you? I . :" Kwnr‘ MTK’: 1 m.’ f1: {*1}

I The lesbian kiss, incest, rape and ‘body under the patio’ storylines on the legendary Brookside may have gained Phil Redmond his fair share of column inches but for pure entertainment. the Grumpy Old Men duo of Harry Cross and Ralph Hardwick was hard to beat.

I Derren Brown nearly shooting blanks into his head on Russian Routette.

I Chris Morris for stomach- churning hilarity in Brass Eye and the mind-warping mayhem of Jam.

I ‘lt’s not good enough to slap on a warning symbol and then indulge in sadistic madness,’ raved Mary Whitehouse after the showing of Red Triangle cannibal drama Themroc. I The Sopranos for quite Obviously being the best thing on TV ever.