Wanted: Budding Georgian Artist I'ri I3 Sun 33 ()et. Illatn ipin x\(lllll\\l(il] .‘Ippllt'\ L5 IL-l. IaInil} In ket I. HI. (ieurptan IIntixe. 7 ('harlnlte Square. 32* JIM) Draw. a pnrtraIt nt )«iurxell nr nne nl _\nur laiiiih nr IrIenIl\. nr tlL‘\llel )nIIr nun dinner \er\ II. e StoryLab: Story Sticks In I: ()kl.

I Spin U). Stnttixh \tnr}tellrne ('entte. ll lliph Street. §§() ‘)57‘) Heat enehanting \lnr} ltlt'ih. then lind nut hnu In ptil )(itir (MII \lnr} nII a \llek In lake hntne and tell again. :\j_'e\ (n Scotland's Treasure Trove: Celtic Legend In I: (let. () -l§pin Ur Stnttixh Stnrytellin}: (’entre. -H ~15 III}.le Street. 55!) 957‘), szplnre the germ nI Sentland'x \lllr)lt'lllllj: traditinn. \xith epie ('eltie tales lrnin \tnr}tellei (‘laire \IeNienI and

Ine IIIII\I(‘ lrnni Margaret Smith Apex (it.

The Big Draw: Picture Me! Sat I i x Sun I-l (let. ‘) “lain (Ipni. Adult itilllll\\l(illl {I I IUH. Izdinhtireh ('axtle. Rn)al Mile. 335 03-10 (‘ieate an image nI ynurxell In lake hnnie. in the Inrtn nI a pnrtrait. heraldie hanner nr einun. I’att nt Kltlx (in l'lt't'. u here ehildien gain lree entr} “Hit a lull pawn}: adult. Exploring Africa: Storytelling and Puppet Making Sat l i (let. Illarn. l-ree lllt'lxt'lt'tll. Natinnal l.ihiar_\ nl Sentland. (it-urge IV Bridge. (Ci lH—IS. I)I\eii\et‘ the Iunglex. dexertx. ereep} erau hex and anirnalx nl Alriea. then ereate inur II“ n puppet and talu- part III a [X‘l'ltirlllitllt't' lnr parentx and triendx. Agex 7 I2 )t'air'x. Making Musical Instruments from Recycled Materials Sat I % ()el.

III. Wain 3pm. US I materials. l-nnr W'ttttk IIprIt'altIitI ('entre. 'I’he I’m IllUll. Itn'erleith l’ark. Arhnretuni I’laee. 3 i3 332‘). Wnrk utth Alehein} :\I‘l\ In t‘eleaxe the InusIeaI potential nl ‘Iunk'. I’Ieaxe wear warm elnthex and bring a paeked Itineh. Blinking: exxential.

Young Audiences Scotland

First Impressions: Islamic Rugs \a I ilkl. l l.tIII nnnn I\ I 3pm 11‘” (in! HI 'Ihe Illue I)IIII IIaII. 1‘1 Vi IMIInen‘. \Ilt't‘l. I L'IIII. <§II “I‘ll \l‘lltlk. IIt'X't'I It"I )nun}; Int art III\IHI} IIII\ ‘.\nII.\lInp Illlrlllllkk'\ patternx In lxlannt \I} Is texttle an 'I'he lll\l lunexlnt I\ Int aew 4 Iunder Inex xhnuld he ilktl‘lllllillllk'il' and Illt' \CUIIIII t\ Int ilL'l'\ q~ Int I‘iNII,IIl;' pleaxe tnntatt ,Iuhe Ila“ mu nn WW; I

I V3 I H nr lelau \nn'» textn net

The Big Draw at the Scottish Storytelling Centre \at I l I III.

lI.tIII -lptn l'tee \ntttxh \tan.telIIII:' ('entte.~1i 4* High \tteet, “It “4"” l \e reelanned and let )eletl III.III'II.II\ In I reatt- _\nur nun \xnrk. .tllIHleJ the \tulpture nI \UNKI\III.’III Inn \Iead. pltix \Int\te|hn:' lnt‘ all aeex Itnin \Ventl) \\nlI\nn Parent and Child Asian Kite Making Sun I~l (let. Ill Wain ;put 11‘ + IIIIIIL'I'IIII\ I'Hlll \\IIIII\ III\[\lI.tIIHII ('entre. 'I he |’.i\ ilinn. Imetletth I’atk :\IIIUIL'IIIIII Plate. “3 333” Make Iradttinnal .'\\I.III ItiIex hntn teen Ik'tl IIIIIIL‘I'IIII\ \xith .\leheni_\ \rtx I’leaxe neat \xariii elnthex and IHIII): a parked lunth (‘hildren IIIII\I he at enntpanied llnnktne t'\\t‘llll.'ll.

Sunday Science: Seed Gathering Sunday Sun l-1()et. nnnn -lpnt I'Iee l{n_\al Ilntante (iarden. Ill\t‘l'lt'IlII Ix’nw 2‘18 30px. ('nlleet \eedx and Iruit III the garden. hax e IheIn IdenIIIIed h} In \I.I\ (‘nleniaiL then plant them III a pnI In take hnine. ;\g_'e\ 5+.

The Big Draw: Art for Arthur Sun I-I (let. III)l_\rnnd I’at‘k. 550 l7(il Iltxt'met Arthur'x \eerelx ax \\ ell ax _\nur n\\ n Ill'lI\IlL' talentx. Blinking.) L‘\\L‘IIII.'II Giant’s Chaos .\lnn IS ()k'l.

IIHIIain I..iIIpIII. £5. Senttixh Stnruelltne (‘entre. ~13 IIIeh Street. Sin 957‘). I’nur gianlx nn Inur planetx make a huge Illt‘\\. hut the liIth giant ha\ nthet


For years they've been operating in isolation, but now some of

Scotland’s most exciting theatre companies have come together under one virtual roof. Dedicated to promoting theatre for young people aged 0-25, Young Audiences Scotland is a consortium set up by Catherine Wheels, Giant, TAG Theatre, Wsible Fictions, Wee Stories and the Children's International Theatre Festival. The website features information on upcoming events, tours, performances and venue maps - to make booking as simple as possible. You can also sign up for their free monthly e-newsletter, which features news, features and special


I w. youngeudxencesscoI/and. com

58 THE LIST ~1~18 Oct 9007

Heat the may make jmut nun lean. .; Ilt‘u \nn: and take patt II‘. a IIIIIII tnntt-II mth ll'u‘ mum I.tII\ Irnm the \tntttxh ( 'hatntx't ()It Itt'xlIa hm“ we [Inn \L't'\ \ I‘l StoryLab Workshop with Doc Williams \Intt I< I kt. l in -1 ;“put :1: \tntttxh \ltll:\l'\'lllll'_' ( entte, 1i 4‘ Ilteh \Iteel. “n "V" Innt lint and learn hnxx In tell \HIII nun \ltitlt‘\ \_~.‘e\ I.“ Books into Film Tour \Inn IS \Mul I“ I\ Ihu IN ( )tt. lpnt Li \\ IItetx‘ \lll\t‘tIIII_ I all} \I.III\ ( 'lnxe.

I .mnntatltel, (If {Mill \ \pet IIII IIIt'I.II\ InuI run by the ( It} nI I tteIaIute Iqut IIIle nut .Ihnut /\'I tum In \I I! I/IIIIII’I l‘ l )t I I. Alto/IIII'I’IN I." I I i I hi I and

(Ill \I/III/ ix li'u/i/u Il.\ ( )I II Il]|\ tum l\ expet |.tlI_\ \uitahle Int \Hllllt't'l .Iudtentex .l_‘.'k'\l ~

Edwardian Decoupage Iut- In I III. Ill.tIII nnnn t\ I iptn 1-1 I .IIIIHIHII ('.I\lle. ( ~I.iItInttIl lx'natl \Htllll. ‘3" “HI;

I \L' l Il\\IIlIlI.III Illl.l_‘.'k'\ IIi \It‘tiildlt' l‘i‘\t'\ and Itantex

Gamemaker Workshop lut- III I It I. I” Want i iilptn L3H Stntthh \Int}telhn;_' ('enIIe. I; Ilijnh \IIeeI. “It ‘5’“), ll\t‘ lIlL' liilt‘\l \Iill\\.tlt' III (\pliitt‘ \Ini_\Ie|lIn;' in entnputet yummy and eteale }IitII nxxn pante \dmnee Inmking' Ietninntentletl I’Ieaxe him}: a parked luneh \eex III

StoryLab: Spell-binding Stories lue III I let, 3, iltpnt H Sentttxh Stntuelltn}: ('enIIe. H In Illf._‘II \treel. 5*!» WV” ('nnluie up _\nuI nun Iantaxtteal \Inrie\. tall tale\ and dunk} t'II.tl.telt't\ \Hlll the help nI \IIII'§II'IIIII§: \\l/.tltl Jud} I’aterxnn. .\f_'e\ (i II.

A Dung Day at the Zoo \Vetl I7 (III. ‘lant Spur .\tlllll\\lt)ll appliex. HUSH IUI LN; under ix tree; IaInI|_\ tiekel

tl-l i«‘N'Sllil IidtlllttthJlI /,nn, ('ntxltirplnnc Rnad. ii-l HI“, I, learn all _\nu enuld e\ei want In Inn“ ahnut /nn pnn. will talk nn annual tllt'l\ and thetxttnn. Ieey‘hny. t‘IlllIPIMIIIIL' and nieanie eaIdenIngr, Misty Castles \Vt'd I? (let. Ill;tlII lltNlIl & l iptn. Lil, I.;tlII'I\IIiII (’axtlu (‘I‘antnnd Rnad Snuth. 53‘) W03 l\e paint IL‘t‘lIlIIquLN and IIII.’I_L'III;tltIiII III elt‘ttlt' autumnal landxeapex.

StoryLab: Riddles, Rhymes and Stories \Ved IT ( let. I lain, H. Senlllxlt SIIII'HI'IlIllfJ (‘entttu Ii -15III;:hStreet. 55!» 057‘). (let \Iuelx InIn the \xntld nI Inneue [\lelt‘H and l‘ItItlIL‘\ Stnr}tellei Senea \luntn rattlex thinueh \IHI'IL‘\ lInni Sentland and l\e_\nnd. and help\ yin ereate \IIIIIL‘ nl )nIir nu n. :\§_'e\ X I: Kalahari Stories Wed I7 ()el.

3 3. illpin. [I It] I. Rnyil Iintanie (iardenx. Rn};il Ilntante (lardenx. .thnrettnn I’laee. 550 057‘), Jnin Kelnne Khudti I’eterxen nn the KalaharI \Int} Iandxeape. and he read} In dn _\HtIt part In Illl Ihe \IIII‘IC\ mlh \nund and aetinn. IIL'I\L‘I\ are a\atlahle Irnin the Senlttxh Stnt’uelhne (entie ISSII 057‘“ Puppets and Folk Tales \Ved I7 (It-I. 3.30 -l. illpni. {the ~\euttixh Stnryelhng (‘enIre. 4‘ High Street. 55b 957‘). Puppeteer and \tnr_\ teller S} I\ in 'I mun [Hm Idex her nun \pIII nn traditinnal Sentttxh talex. then helpx _\nu ereale )nur n\\ n eharaeterx and \tane»

Scotland’s Treasure Trove: Northern Lights \VeII I7 ()et. (islSpIII. Ur Sentlixh Stnr}telhng_' ('entre. 4* IIIin Street. SW» 057‘), I:\plnre llte getnx nl Sentland‘x herItaee \HIII Ialex nI \CIIUL'\. II‘U\\\ and llltthIe' Irntn the \nt'w lanle ,v\:_‘e‘\ ()+.

The Long Winter Sleep Inn Ix ()el. lllfillattt lpin. H. I,;ttll‘l\l()ll ('axtle. (‘ratnnnd Rnad Snuth. 53‘) WI)? .\ unndland \Mtllx III \eat‘eh nl hIlX‘I‘IIaIInn hahttatx. lnllnu ed h} hnI ehnenlate and making: enllagex

Old Town Adventure Ihu Ix ()el. lIaIn I'ree Itteketedt Senttixh Stnr)telltng_' (‘entrtz 4i Ihgh Street. 556 “5—9. .IIIIII \lIIr}lL'llL‘I‘ RHIX'FI Iltiual In lteat‘ \IHTIL'\ nI ()ltl Ixhnhureh. then piek tip an ()ld 'lnun atlxenture paek and \el nII nn a Inurne} nI thxenxer} arnund the elnxex and u _\ Iltl\ nI' Intltnhurgh‘x (‘annngate Suitable I'nr Iannhex \HIII children aged 7 II.


Captured! lhti l\ (XI: ~1pnt I'Iee \tiillt\lt \Inutelhny ('entte. ll Iltgh \tteet. “n “V” \\ hat .ue \Itlllt‘\ Itntl nut nn IlIl\ ~tnt_\telhng_' and inaxk Inaktne \\HII\\IIUI‘ Int apex I\ III \e.it\ llnnkine‘ t-N-mmt nntll II «N Mn:

theatre and Dance

Jack and The Beanstalk and Billy Goats Gruft Ine In ( kt. lpnI t\

i Wptn 1h IIannI\ titket L‘II Iilllllliill Iheatte I .I\I\\\t‘ll “a5. \llt\\t‘ll‘tllf.‘ll. mm .‘3-1“ liaxketx .Ind l\n\e\. liedthne and \\,I\IIIII}‘ tuin ntagtealh Intn .i hnuxe. In ('Inlehutlt l‘uppet'x Interpretattnn nl the \l.l\\lt l.tll\ talex

Little Red Riding Hood \Mul l ' I III. I lain .\ Spin In II.Illlll_\ ticket t.‘.‘I lilllllliilt Iheatie. l .IIIHwII \\_I\. \Itix\t'll\tttyl1_hti\ _‘.“lti (‘lttlehuilt I’nppetx ptexent then nxtn lake nn the

\ l.l\\l\ l.llt'

Outside the cities

/\(:IIVIIII>5; and I tIn

Spooky Happenings \at I K “ed {I (let. lll.tlll *piii H II it :\hnnnd \allet Ilt'lll.t_‘_'t' ( 'entte. \lilltield. I rungwtnn. “Him lll‘lV' '\ little hnIInI hit the autumn lltilltlit)\ entn§ war} Italtx. g'Iuexnine g'.tlllt‘\ and a \pine .hilling' trail nI teIInI .iinund the “III laIIn

Where the Wild Things Are Sat I i t\ Sun Isl ( )eI. .'\tlllll\\ltill .Ipllllt'\ IX SI) 1H 25 VII Stirling: ('axtle. ()Id Ikmri. Stirling}. HI 78h ISM“) |)i\en\ei the IIIIIIIIIII\ and IX'tt\l\ that ll\t‘ III the eaxtle and eteate )IIIII \eI} nun heaxtl) Inaxk tn take lInItIe.

Football Fantastic \Inn Ii Sun .‘I (let. 'Iiinex \ai_\ I-ree :\Iinnnd\ale ('entre, I.I\ing_'\tnn. .\ net-It nl Innthall related Itk‘ll\lllt'\. “IIII the nppnttunm lnI _\IiIlII}:\lt‘I\ aged 8 H In gain quahty enaehin}: ltntn pltnetx lrnni I.I\in;_'\tnn and IIt‘.‘II‘l\ I'(~

Past Time Playtime lite It» Sat III ()et. nnnn -lpni. HUS IUU‘I. New lanark Vixitni ('enlt’e. Ne“ lanatk \Iillx. HIS“ ()(Il HS. I'un III the ( )elnhet hnlida_\\ with nld I(t\lIlUlIt‘tI In» and et‘alt} \xnrlohnpx. I’riee lllt'llltlt'tl Ill ittlllll\\lHll lee.

Theatre 8 Dance

Sooty‘s Magic Castle Sun 7 ()el. 2pm. LR Ilaniil} Iieltet L'ZHI. Albert lIaIIx. Hunthartnii Rnad. Stirling. HI 73h IN 3-1-3. 'Ihe natinn‘x Iamurite hear t'IiIllt'\ In Sentland \Hlll lll\ hiand llt'\\ \hnu Danny, King of The Basement 1 ue ‘) (let. I“ Want It I itipni. U) IL‘I Maernlx-rt. l'nixerxil} nI Stirling. (II7XII 'l()()()()(). .’\I\t) \Ned III ( )el. Ill, ’iIIaIII, US” I I" {.50). Adam Smith 'I'heatre. Benntx‘h} Rnad. Kirkeald). IIIWI

533 “ll. Mb 'I'heatre ('ninpan} \lltmx IIUVN the [timer nl erealn e Ihnught and gnnd II'II'IIII\ ean ehange Il\t'\. I-nr apex X l3, Silly Billy Wed II) (’t 'I'hu I I ()et. lIaIn & 2pm. U) ILSI. Maernhett. l'nnerxity nl Stirling. (Il7rx’ti -l()()()()(). Bill} ean’t \Inp unrr) trig: lIII (irandina helpx lIlllI nut Illlll I'ruIIi prexenlx a \I\ll£ll delight nl Inuxie arid theatre Inr ehildren and Iaintliex

Monster Hits Sun l-I (let. Ipin. L115!) (I; ‘50). Adam Smith 'I'heatre. Iletinneh) Rnad. Kirkeald}. (II 593 5% 1 £02. Alxn 'I‘tie II) ()eI. IIIIIain & 2.30pm. £0 (£5). Ilyre 'Iheatre. Ahhe} Street. St Andreux. III 134 475000. 'Iall SlIirlex presents IIIe tale (ll William. III\ grumpy grandad and xpnnk) attie rnntn. .»\}_'e\ 1+.

Mischief - Theatre Rites 'I’hu IX Sat 2“ ()et. 'I’hu I-rI IIHIIani Ialxn I-ri 7pini; Sat 2pm. LII) IUII. Maernbert. linnerin} nI Stirling, (II 736 46mm. Daneerx ereaIe III;I_\IIL‘III \Hlll \llt.‘l\ men and play uIIh \erihhlex in an unpredictable wnrld where the hnttntn line I\ aluay nnxehiell Ages 7+.

Bergerac 'I‘hu IX ()el. 730p”). £8.50 IUSUI. I’III (Inertia. I‘alkirk 'I'nvin Ilall. Wexl Bridge Street. I'alkirk. III 324 506850, (‘atherine Wheels return with a next adaptalitin ()I the man \kllh [he big ennk and hix tale nl' hue and loss.