
T4142: 30 Il'I Ilircll Ixnnard. l'S. I‘NI‘I'I 40min. Allin/Ill}! InnkInI: IMAX lliII\lt' .IlMIUI u ialhcr and daughlcr III Il.lii_‘_'L'i lrnIII a \‘iClI)U\ Ciliiil\IIrIIU\ IlInnxaur (ircal IIIII [MAX “train: (I‘luxzrm

3.10 to Yuma I I‘I Cm lJ.IlliL‘\ Milnguld.1'5.3007iRlixwllcnmc. ('hrlxllan Balc. l’clcr l‘nnda l ITIIIIII l’IIIIng; ('rnwc and Halo head In hcaIl guaraIIIu-x a hnuI nl Inlcnxc. InmIrcIl llldlilllit'\\ and Ille glnwcnng. ngppIng rcnIalIc nl Dchncr I)awx'x l‘957 \M'xlcrn pracIII'all) I‘m-x InuIIle ()l 'xnlld chlnxlcrnIIc ('rnu c pla}x a charnuny. xI'rIpIurc qunIIng kIllcr. lialc lllt' L‘rIppII-Il and ngIIII} IchcrIIIIIch ralIL'lIcr L'xcnmng hIIII In IaIl WhaI unlnIle Ix .III unywhhny. Iurlm (harp-Ii mph-xx. mpcrIl} rI'Innlcd lnI Ihcxc aIIIlIIgunux lllllt'\ .\I III III] rt'lt'll‘l'

Transformers I l::\l on IXIII-IIaI-I Ha). l'S. ZUIWI ShIa l.alx-nul. Slogan l'nx. Jnxh DulIaIm-l. H illllll 'l’lII-Ix'rc hack' 'l’lIcy'rc \llll rnlInIx' Tho) ‘rc xIIIl III tl|\_L'UI\L" I.Ivc acIInn. xIX'cIaiI'llt-I'I hum) aIlapIaIInn nl Ihc l‘)8()x carInnII \crlcx. Much xullcrx lrnnI llit’ xaIIIc “caan-xx ax IIIan nl IlIIx xunnncr'x lIlIx‘klquII-rx. lllL' I'uI'IaIIIIIg nl plnI and clIaracIcrIxaIInn In IIIalw Ixa) lnI Inn many hlnalcd ilCllUli xcqucIIu-x. llII\\L'\t'l. II \IIL'CCCIl\ lX'L‘IIuw lllL‘ Ciiu'ls III‘L’ cxlrannhnar) and Ihc lIuIIIan Icadx hkcahlc SI’II'I'II'I/ I'('/('ll.\l’.

12:08 East of Bucharest I l3.-\I mo I('nrnchu l’nruIIIlInIu. RnIIIaIIIa. 200m ercca Andrccwu. luxlnr (‘nrlIaIL lnII Sapdaru 89min. 'I'hc dchul lcaIurc lrnIII ('anIcra l)'()r “Iiillt‘i l’nrunIlInIu rclcrx In Ihc cxacl lllllt‘ Ihal RnInanIaII IIII'IaInr NIL'nlac ('cauxcwu alxhcalul pnucr nII 22 DcccuIlX'r I‘M"). Sixlccn )‘Carx IaIcr a grnup nl' ponva gthcr al a rthn xIaIInII In xlIaI‘I' Ihcir lllCllIIIrlC\ ni IhaI nccaxinn. lI'x a clcvcr. acccsxlhlc and gcnulncl). hkcahlc film lull nl~ Incidcnlal chaIl. l'l/IN/illllu’. IZIIIiIll)lll“g'/i.

“no Days in Paris I ISI 0”. llllllL‘ Dolpy. l’rancc/(icrnIan). 3mm Juhc help}. Adam (inldhcrg. DanIcl Bruhl. ()(Iliilll. 'l‘raIIsallanIIc scrcvx hall xlInmlnun. III \IIIII‘lI a lIIgh IIIaIIIIcnancc l"rcnch phnIngraphI-I‘ (Dclpyl and her Alncrican bnylrwnd ((inldhcrgl find Ithr ,xIraIncd rclaIInnthp l‘uthcr chalk-IIng h} cullurc claxh. l)cprIc II.x anIhigunux ending IhIx Ix IIquI I’m all l'anx nl' Help); and Richard lanklalcr'x mixlcnual cnIIchICs. Humimnn. lz'IlI'IIIm/juh.

La Vie En Rose (La MOme) l IZAI m (Olivier Dahan. l-‘rancc/l 'K/(‘A'ch

chuhhc. 3007) MarInn (‘nIIllarIL S)|\Ic TLWllltl. Pascal (ircggnr). HUIIIIII. ’l'hIx highl} nylIscd l'IlIn ricnchcls lust“ ccn dillt‘rcnl lllliL‘ pcrinds nl' lircnch singer lidIIlI l’I:Il"x l('nIII|arIII Iurhulcnl hit. The hrIcl~ and nl'Icn nvcrwrnughl .xcan-s arc \Ulilt'lillk'\ lIarII In grasp thnuI prInr knnulcdgc nl' l’Ial'. huI


('IIIIIlarIl'x \k'llllul hp \_\litillll;' ;\'I'lI‘:'?'...‘.."\\ Ix IIIagIIIIIu'III “III III: i.’ /m (Jan. (rim-gun (MI III: III/f KI":I:I.II.: l..'.".“ .I'.’ VolverI ISI 00.. Il’I-IIIII \II2IIIIIII-..I.: Spain. ZUWII l’cnclnpc (‘III/.( .Iillu‘ll \l.:.I:.-. l nla l)ucnax. lilaIIIa l’nIIIllII, \IIlI.I::.: I .I'HII IZIIIIIII \lIIInIlI»\.II iL'lllill\ ‘IxIIlI hIx I .iflllt" hII .IIIIl llvlh lIlIII. \xlIIth xI‘cx .I Ian‘s: I':I~.'I~. lInIII ('III/ III a '. l\ III and lllllltdlt' IaiI' II? \InIIII-II ilHlll IhII-c j..'I-III-I.IIII~IIx III IIch :.~.IIIIl'. (II/"(1’ III’III/IIIIL'h WarIlI‘xIO Il’hllhpli -\I\\I*T;.l \ Sill“! JI‘I l I. JaxnII \IthaIII. JIIIIII I “lit' IIIZIIIIII i’nII IIInIIIn IlIII-IIIII \IIII-ll xIIIIII‘lIII'u. III.‘III.I}.‘I'x In xIIlIIIII'IfgI' [\KI‘ nl IlII~ IIII~xI [K'ixIIlLIl‘lC .lklil'il llx'huN lllI.If,‘III.Il\lI‘ Nil“ .1 Inurk). lnIuI'IIalIlI' lIIaIl IIIIIII~ \ll.Illl.I llI.:l IlncxII‘l cwn haw an) .ltllt‘il xI'IIIII-IIII'x \Mlllll \lt‘\\lll‘lli_‘_' (II III III-I II [I MI The Watchmaker of St Paul (L'Hologer de Saint-Paul) I~I C... IlchIIaIIIl I.I\I'IIIII'I. l I.IIIII'. 1"" 1I l’lilllmX' \nIII-I. JI'aII RnIhI'InII. SI l\l.IlI Rnugcnc lll5ililll laII‘IIIII'I'x II'IIIaILalIlI- III-hul. .IlInuI a lthI'I \xlIn lt'.lll\k‘\ hIIu lIIIlI‘ llt‘ Icall) knnux .IhnuI lIIx II‘I'IIayI‘ xnII licI‘IIaIII “ht-II hI- Ix .l\\li\\'\l I‘l IIIIIIIlI-IIII;' a \\.IIL‘lIIIIaII I'Illlll’lllg’li II/III (IIIII’I/ IzIIIII/IIIIu/I The Widower (ll Vedovo) IRI .00 II)IIIn RIxI. llal}. WSW l-IaIIIa \.Iit'll. \ll‘t'lil‘ Sanh, lllllIIIIn \"aIIII' nII IIIIIII-I I Iaxx llIHlL‘\ .-\ l‘llllll‘llll}: xIIIall IIIIIc lIIIxIIII-xxIIIaII I\IIIIlII plnlx In kIllx lle \\ IlI' l\.IiL‘ll I. l‘tll IhI' IIIIluxII'Inux aIIIl IIIII'llIyI‘III l l\ll.l hax a II'\\ planx nl th nun III xInII' l’aII nl | I~.IIlIII;; l..‘lIllC\ nl IIalIaII (‘IIII'IIIa (ll/mum III'III l/II'IIIII'. (ilIHQc III Wilbur (Wants to Kill Himself) I IN C... ll.IIliL' SI‘lII'Il'Ig. lchIIIIaIkIl lx. ZINIZI JaIIIII' SIWx. '\Illl.lll Rauhnx. \lllllt'} llcndcrxnn. I.Ixa \lI‘KIIIIa}. .\1.Ile \llkkI'lxI-II. JulIa l)a\Ix. l I IIIIIII. 'lun nI'phanI'Il hInIlII'Ix \VIIlIIIr ISwaI and llaI‘lInuI IR.I\\ llli_L‘\| run a IIIIIxI} nIIl hnnkxhnp IIIhI'IIII-Il IIIIIII IlIcII lthI‘I'. IIIIIIl IlII.'II lllIlllit'l IllI'IIIlI'IxnIII ualkx IIIIn Ihc xhnp nIII' IIIghI .IIIIl IIIII'IIIIIIIx WIIlIIII'K |IaIII~lIxII-Il ,IIII'IIIIII In hang IIIIIIxI-ll 'I'I‘IIIII'I. InIII'hIIIg .IIIIl lllllll_\. IIIIx lII-auIIlIIllI IIiIxcl'H'Il lillll pl;l_\\ lllu' a lk'k'l gnnIi IIII'lnIlI'anIa lhaI I'nIIII'IIIplaII'x Ilcalh .IIIIl dcxpau. l’aI‘I nl SI'nIIleI \chIIal “calm and :\l'l\ waxnn. (i/muuu II/III [lull/II. (i/szgun The World of Apu mm .0000 ISaI)aIII Ra}. lnIha. I‘lfi‘lI SnIIIIIIIIa lianncrlcc. SlIaI’nIIla 'I'agnIc. Shapan Mukcrlcc, l l7nIIII. Apu Ix nnu a )nIIng' ('aII'uIIa liU\L'il\l \Ihn. nwr lllt' _\L‘Ill\. I'nIIII'x In In\ c Ihc \\ Ito hc hax aL‘IIIIII'cIl IlIInIIgh .III arranng nIarrIagc. Hnucm. “hon xhc IhI'x III chIIIllIIth hc xII'ugglcx In acu'pl hIx xnn 'l‘hc l-llitll parI III liiL‘1l/lllllll0g} I‘IIIIIIIIIIx llIL' uhnlc II'IIIIII'h ax nnc nl \Hil'ltl I'IIII-IIIa'x :JIL‘JI lIIIIIIanIxI xIalcnIcnIx. l’aI'I nl S.II).IIII Ra) xL‘axnII. I‘Il/II/IIIIIII'. IzIIIII/III/q/I,

Don’t miss this screening of the new digital print of arguably the best film version of

Charles Dickens’ 1860 novel. David Lean’s 1947 version, starring John Mills, Jean Simmons, and of course Lean regular Alex Guinness, is a masterwork of technical prowess (for the time) and inventive adaptation.

I GFT. Glasgow, Mon 8 8. Tue 9 Oct.

52 THE LIST 4—18 Oct 2007

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Glasgow _

“ll \Illltlllt'lldll \ilk't'i liIInlIIIIggx Ill 11 “I I‘HIH l,iltk'\ \.ll\

Document 5 Film Festival II llllIL‘\ \.II\

Document 5 Film Festival II I IIIIII'x \.II_\ \\\\\\ Ilnt'IIlIIIlcxI III; IIlI

Clneworld Parkhead

IlIc I-nIyI'. l’aIkhI'aIl I-llII lInnkIIIg'x I\ IIIIII II.\” jIIII jIIIIII \III.|I\ I5 "IIILR l‘II'lnII' SIIIII \InII llIIII. ('lIIlIlII'II I_-l IN “II \inII lhIII. SIIIIlI-IIIx {-1 It i ‘H \lnII llIIII. ( ) \l’x L31 l'aIIIIl} III'kcI : lh l'..IIl) lIIIIl Iall III'IlnIIIIaIIpI'x III'lnII- IInnIII' U “H. \in\II_-x InI' .llllllHl\ ISaI aIIII' L’l \caIl) IIaxx IIIIIIIIIIIII-Il lllU\lt'\l t Ill ‘N III-I IIInnIh.

ll ll IliSl II'II' .'.

Bratz: The MovieIl’IiI II IIIIIIIII. I V. .IIII.


Halloween I Is» IIIIIIIIIII. lill. .IIIII. (Ian. IIIIII

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry I|3.-\I lli.~15aIII. HS. ‘45. hi5. 8.15.

Ml“ Woodcock I |3.\I I l Inn. IIIS. 3.3“.

Run, Fat Boy, Run I I:.\» llUIHi. IJII, “Inn, IIIs. SuperbadIISI IIISIIIIIII. I.2II. MU. IIIII. .xfin, WarIIxI IIJS.

“lam. leli


ililiJAY 1’)

Are We Done Yet? I l’( I) Sal: |ll_I)IIaIII.

The Brave One I IxI l)aIl_\: 3.45. 8.15. Halloween I I.\'I Dali}: ll.-lllaIII. ‘HS.

The Heartbreak Kid I ISI

l)aIl_\: I l.ilil;llli. iii). -l IIII, (ISII ‘Hlll I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

ll ll llifSl‘I/‘I‘I/ 7‘.

Inn. 4.25.


l)aI|_\: IHSHaIII. 1,15. (Illl.

The KingdomIISI

Hall}: IIISHaIII. ll“. 35‘). “.3”. 8.5”.

Mr WoodcockIIZ.-\I

l)aII_\: ll._‘lIanI. lglll. llll. (Ill). HRH

IIInI .\lnnI.

Ratatouille l l I

.\lnII: Hill.

The Beef II'I

Sal: llHIllanI.

Run, Fat Boy, Ron I l:.'\l

Hail}: ISII. 4.30. (will. VIIII Seachd - The Inaccesslble Pinnacle Il’(}I

l)aIl_\: nnnII. Jill. 4.20. n5”. Will. Tales trom Earthsea (Gedo Senki) I I’( ll Sal: llfillam.

Cineworld Bentrew Street

" chircu Sum-I. ZJlII lInnkIngx Ik min 05"] jun JIIIIII Bar. :\Illlll\ Ur—lll1fl551l .\inII l‘l‘l lIcl'nrc SIIIIII; (‘nnt‘x £4.40 l’aIIIIl) lulu-I U" IUSIII) Sun 'IlIIII. liarl} l‘ll'tl Iall III'lIch lk'lul‘c lpIIII: £4. YcaI'l} paxx IIIIIIIIIIIIcIl lllU\lL‘\li LIIW‘) pcr IIInIIIh.

THU 38.9.81 ‘1,

Across the Universe I ISI li.—1il;Illl.

2.50, 5.50. IIIIII. AtonementIISI II,:IIIIIII. 2.2M. 5.:II. H.2II.

The Bourne Ultimatum 1.‘ \I I '. 1I~.III~.. 3:“. \_‘Il_ \_‘§

The BraveDne 'I\ iit‘t‘ll, UNI f\llll_ \) ‘lIl

DeathPI’OOtIl\I ll‘ll'alli Iill ‘lllll Disturbiafiw 'IIIN‘aIII. i ll‘. 1‘lI (I ill. \IIIII

1408Il* \ ‘II

Hairspray III. 1 _‘II_ I. 5..

HalloweenIIxI I: mam, .‘ €II. ~ W. \ lII


I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry Ilj\. llllll.gIII _‘IIII_ *IIII. xIIII KennyIIM llIIII.IIII. l in zIII II III “III

KnockedUpIIM IIII. II 1‘ ‘I III

Michael Clayton I I\ II <II.-.III. .‘ III.

R ill. x III

AMightyHeartIh 1.‘ III .‘ III. ~ In MTWOOdCOCkIL‘V l‘. lll'aIII. l W AIIIII‘ IIRII «I :II

Run, Fat Boy, Run l.‘ \I III <II.IIII llII_ 1<II I. :II ‘I III

The Simpsons Movie Il’( II II III I.IIII IIII

SuperbadII» ll il'.llll. .‘ 1H \ it! .\ lII


WarIIM Ijxn {xii I, Ix_ II ;II I‘M I'I‘I - TII‘ INII‘IV

And When Did You Last See Your Father? I: \.

I).IIII IJSII :zII (IllllA .\ III \Ixn lalI' ill I\' \.II II 1* Atonement I I < I

Had} lllillaIII. I‘ll l‘ll ‘SI:

.\l\\i lIIlI' ill I\‘ \hl llllll

The Brave One I.x.


.\l\ll lIIlt‘ ill I\ \.II ii iii

Control I HI

I);II|) IInnII. .‘ Rll. l“. ‘HNI .\l\(l lIIlk' i II I\ \.Il ll (ii

The Counterfeiters (Die Falscher) I ‘I \\ L‘Il' N ill Day Watch (Dnevnoy Dozor) I IwI

I).II|} IInnII. Hill. hill). ‘lllll .\l\II lIIlL' ill I\ Sal ll fill DisturbiaIISI

hull} IIII. N-lli

Feast of LoveIIRI

l);lll_\' XIII. (Illll_ xIs

.'\l\ll \\L'L‘l\Il.I_\\ l3 5”

.‘\l\ll lIIlI‘ ill I\ \Il ll li Hairspray I l’( I I Sal Ik Sun I! Halloween I IN l)llll} 5 :ll. Nil) .'\l\(l\\t't'l\tld.\\ || WaIII. I all .-\|xn laII' i ll I\ ~\al ll lR

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I i:'\l

“Mill. 3 ill

SaI & Sun ll RllaIII. I-lll Hatchet I IxI

Hall}. ll”. 53“. 7-H). ‘l-iR .-\lxII \KL‘L'lxIlII}x l: iii

The Heartbreak Kid I I iI l);Ill}' lllllillil. 2 ill. \ “I. .v\lxn laIL' l'll IV Sal IIWH

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

.\ ill


|)aIl_\: IIIIIIaIII. JIIII inn. .‘x‘llll .-\l\n lIllL' ill I\ Sal ill-15

The Kingdom I ISI

I)aIl_\: ll.-15aIII. 3x15. 5 ~15. IR ‘1‘ .-\lxn lalc ill I\; Sal ll ~11)

Knocked Up I liI

Hail}: 12.20. (IIIIIIInI lllL‘I Michael Clayton I 1*.

l)aIl_\: il.ill;llll. :3”. 5H). H ill .-\lxn lalL' l'I'I Ik Sal ii iii

Mr Woodcock I l:.'\l

l)aI|\: HINIaIII. IWII. Hill. (I RH. UNI.

.-\lxn lalc l‘l'l IK' Sal ll5‘7 Ratatouille I l ' I

,\lnn: Kill.

Run, Fat Boy, Run I I2.-\I

Dali}: lll.3lI;IIII. ill). 3.40. (Ill). 9.“).

.-\l\II lLIlL' in «K Sat “.45,

Seachd - The Inaccessible Pinnacle Il’( II Hall}: 12 «15. 3.15. 5.4” mm WcIlI, hill) IIIIII \iIIII IK “all.