
Ocean’s Thirteen (Hi) ... (Steven Soderbergh, US. 2007) George ('looney. Brad Pitt. Al Pacino l2lmin Soderhergh. with a knowing wrnk. takes a safe bet in returning with this heist franchise Danny ()cean (Mooney) and Rusty Ryan (Pitt) round up the gang against dastardly new casino owner Willy Banks (Pacino) 'lhough comfy and often irritating. in parts it is very funny and the “(Hull set pieces are excellent .S't'lt't led release

Oh Sabella! (La Nonna Sabella) ( I S) “O (Dino Risi. Italy/l‘rance. I957) 'l‘ina I’rca. l’cppino De l‘ilippn. Renato Salvatori. ()Sinin A woman is determined in see her grandson marry a wealthy woman. but he wants to wed his true love and he intends to get his grandmother's blessing whether she's aware of it or not. Part of Leading Ladies of Italian (‘inerna season. I'ilmhouse, Izdrnhurgh,

Pather Panchali (PG) (Satyapt Ray. India. I935) Kanu Bannerjee. Karuna Banncriee, llrna Das Gupta. ll5min. Ray‘s debut feature was the first Indian film to cause a stir in the West and set him on the path to an acclarrned career. It's the simple story of a young boy growing up in a rural Bengali village, before leaving to seek fame iii the big city. but it‘s told with the kind of sensitivity and warmth that Hollywood turns into sentimentality. Part of Satyajit Ray season. I'ilmhouse, [Edinburgh

Pinon Video (Ii) (Various. UK, VarioUs) The latest shorts from Streetwrse. the (‘ity of lidiriburgh's high definition lilmniaking scheme. Tonight's screening showcases Running. an edgy tale of a vigilante hunting a sex attacker; Stuck, a thoughtful story of a school cleaner who must face up to her future; In [or Life. a bleak drama exploring a drug dealer's struggle to go straight. and Kidnap/ring Iz'dinhurgh. a documentary about lidinbirrgh's first citywide reading campaign. I'rlmhouse, Edinburgh.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End ( l 2A) 0 ((iore Verbinski. US. 2007) Johnny Depp. Keira Kiiightley, Orlando Bloom, (ieoffrcy Rush. Iotiiniii. The third instalment of the llnllywixxl blockbuster franchise has substituted coherent plot development and extended comedy routines for bum» numbineg tedious plotting that even an effects heavy spectacle can't save. The allure of Depp's just<aboirt~still—amusing stnner pirate. and Knightley and Bloom‘s dull. virginal lovers has gone to its waterlogged grave but the series may limp on. Glasgow I'ilni Theatre. Glasgow:

Private Fears in Public Places tl2A) om (Alain Resnais. France. 2006) Sabine A/ema. Lambert Wilson. Andre Dussollier. l20min. lilcgant and melancholic study of emotional repression. loneliness and longing based on one of Alan Ayckbourri's more recent plays. Snrne 50 short scenes illustrate the interconnected and unfulfilled lives ofst middle—aged Parisians: beautifully judged ensemble performances that imbue the film and its saddened characters with real humanity. ('anreo. Edinburgh.

5: Ratatouille (U) om (Brad Bird. US, 2007) Voices of Patton ()swalt. Brian Dennehy. Brad (Barrett. l I0min. See review, page 4| . Selected release.

The Red Desert (II Deserto Rosco) (l5) 0”. (Michaelangelo Antnninni, Italy. I964) Monica Vitti. Richard Harris, ('arlo (‘hionetti l loinin. A woman who has recently suffered a nervous breakdown begins a tentative affair with a friend of her hUsband. Antnninni tises muted colours and an industrial landscape tn magnificent effect. as Vitti's fraught heroine becomes dislocated and rnenaced by her surroundings. A masterpiece of cinema as art. Part of Antnninni season. Filmhouse. Edinburgh. The Beet (l’) O (Kyungho Lee. llow'ard Ii Baker, US. 2007) Voices of Freddie Prime Jr. Rob Schneider. livan Rachel Wood. 78min. Another rubbish cartoon about a plucky little fish and his adventures in the deep blue. ('inmeorld Parkhead. Glasgow? ('i'newnrld filinhurgh. I'ali'nhurgh.

Reprise ( IS) .0. (Joachim Trier. Norway. 2006) Anders Daneilsen Lie. Iispen Klouman-Hoiner. Viktoria Winge. 107min.

50 THE LIST 4—18 Oct 2007

See review. page 4| Glasgow Film 7heatre. Glasgow; Hlmhouse. I-xlinhurgh. Resident Evil: Extinction ( l 5)

0. (Russell Mulcahy. l'rancc/AUstralia/t lermany/UK/IISA. 2fll7l Mrlla Joynyich. ()ded l'ehr. Ali laner. 70min See Also Released. page 42. General release from In [2 ()(l

Bettina to Never Land (U) ..

(Robin Budd & Donovan ('onk. lJS. 2tll2) Voices of Harriet ()wen. Blayne Weaver. ('nrey Burton.Wendy has grown up and now has two children of her own. The oldut. Jane. having witnessed the devastation caused by World War II. no longer believes in Peter Pan and stories of 'faith. tmst and pure dust' 'lhat is until the night before she is to be evacuated to the countryside. when (‘aptain llonk kidnaps her thinking that she is Wendy Jane rediscovers the magic unfortunately the viewer doesn't. l~rom plotting to animation. everything about the film is dated. I'ilmhouse. I'xlinhurgh.

Rize (PG) .0. (David lafhapelle. [IS/UK, 2005) Lil (2 Tommy the ('low n. Dragon. 86min. Documentary following the development of ‘(‘lnwning' and ‘Krumping' radical dance forms which emerged as a reaction to the LA riots of I992. Part of Sugar & Spice Sunday. Glasgow Film Theatre. Glasgow

Rocket Science ( l5) .0. (Jeffrey Blitz. US. 2(XXi) Reece Daniel Thompson. Anna Kendrick. Nicholas D'Agostn. l0lmin. Insightful new film from the director of Spellbound about a high school boy battling with a terrible stutter. whose unrequited crush invites him to confront his impediment by joining the debating team. 'Il’iis offbeat cnrnedy is sympathetic yet never sentimental. and newcomer Thompson is jaw-droppineg good as the determined but unprecocious llefner. Glasgow I'i'lm Theatre. Glasgow:

( 'ameo. Inklinburgh.

Run, Fat Boy, Run (DA)...

(David Schwimmer. UK/US. 2tll7) llank Alana. Simon l’egg. Dylan Moran. 95min. Predictable. sentimental and fairly broad comedy about one man's attempts to win back the ex he jilted at the altar by running a marathon. A pacy and funny screenplay and sortie great comic perfonnances mean this looks set to be one of most successful feel- good romcoms of the year. General release. Sankota (PG) (llaile (ierima. US/(Semiany/(ihana/Burkino Fast). I993) Kof'i (ihanaba. ()yafunmike ()gunlano. Alexandra Duah. l25min. Past and present clash when an African-American fashion model working on a photo shoot is


transported back through time to become a slave at a sugar plantation r'sbuse and resistance grow together in a magic tinged drama that's sincere but \llllplhllt in some of its themes I‘an olSugar (Q Spit e Sunday Glasgow film Iheatre. Glasgow

Satya'it Ray - Portrait of a Director (PG) .0. (John Allen. l‘ls'. l‘lMi 35min Zia Mohyeddin interviews Ray about his life and work prior to the release of [he Home and the World. proy iding real insights into his cinematic world. illustrated through carefully selected film clips Part of Satyaiit Ray season I’ilmhouse. I-alrnliurgh Schatten - Eine Hachtliche

(It) .... (Arthur Robinson. (ierniany. I92 ii Alexander (iranach. Mas (iulstorfl. l.illi llerder 90min During a dinner in a l9th century German manor. giyen by a wealthy baron and his w ife and attended by four of her surtors. a shadow play er rescues the marriage by giying all the guests a yisioii of what might happen tonight if the baron stays )calous and the sailors do not reduce their ads ances towards his beautiful wife But is it really happening" Izdinhurgh I'll!" Guild. ladrnhurgh.

Seachd - The lnaccessible Pinnacle (PG) .0. (Simon Miller. l‘K. 2tll7) Aonghas Padraig (‘airnbeuL Dolina Maclennan. (‘risdeari lelllhnttllttCl‘l 90min. In the first Scottish Gaelic film to achieve mainstream distribution. rich layers of romantic folklore are combined with the more immediate travails of a family trying to adjust to one another. with the legendary lnaccessible Pinnacle standing as a metaphor for the challenges ahead. Selected release. TheSecretotNimhtt')” (Dori Bluth. US. I982) Derek Jacobi. lili/abeth Hartman. Arthur Malet. Dom Del.uise. 82min. A mouse (and single mother to boot ). who is forced to flee her cosy field. seeks the help of the mysterious rats of Nimh. Animated cannon feature by a group of ex Disney artists who believed their erstwhile employers were letting standards slip. 'lhough their artistic credentials are obvious. the film is somewhat lacking in narratiye strength. Part of Weans’ World. I'ilnihouse. Idlinhurgh.

The Seduction of Mimi (Himi Metallwgico Ferito Nell’onorre) ( IX) 0... (Lina Wertmuller. Italy. I972) (iiancarlo Giannini. Mariangela Melatn. l20min. Mimi (Giannini). a simple labourer in southern Italy. finds himself caught between the local Mafia and the (‘ommunist party. He offends the Mafia. has an affair

The life and work of Spanish poet, painter, pianist, composer and revolutionary Federico Garcia Lorca (5 June 1898—19

August 1966) is celebrated in this evening of film and music. A screening of Humberto Lopez y Guerra’s hour-long 1976 documentary Frederico Garcia Lorca: Murder in Granada will be followed by a live concert by musicians Keith James and Rick Foot, which sets the poetry of Lorca to music and covers of songs about the artist by Leonard Cohen, Tim Buckley and Nick Drake. Please see for more


I Cameo, Edinburgh, Tue 9 Oct; GFT, Glasgow, Wed 70 Oct.

with a liberated and anarchic girl ~\Icl.itol and driycs his w .te lllls‘ the .irnis ot another man Part of l eading l .idics ot ll.tll.ttt ('rncrna Grinc'ou rm: It}. ...w The Simpsons Movie (l’t ... (Dasid Silyerrnari. l \ It!" \(‘lss‘\ of Dan (lastcllancta. Julie l's.i\ nci. \.incy (Lirtsyzrx'ht Shinin It's not going; to .§.7e the world


and. at 90 minutes. it slightly runs out of steam but this is nonetheless .i t.iiily cnioyablc big screen otitiii;' for cycryoric's layourite fanirly lhc plot. .is csci. is secondary lloiner .lsc identally polliitcs the Springfield water supply and causes a mass esodus \khilc the strong political satire of the early episodes has long been replaced in pop culture references. this will still he one of the surefire hits of the summer (i. rzi-iirl release

The Singer I l.‘ \I .... (\.i\ icr (ildllllilll. l'rance. loom ( ieiaid Dcpardieii. (‘ccrle dc I‘ldllsk‘. \Iatliicu \lll.lllls lliiniii :\ l‘tctich lust in liiriisiiition sty lc .t_‘.'t‘ ;'.ip romantic drama -\ has been \ iooner (lkpardieui works the dancehalls .iiid restaurants of an unremarkable I lt'lls h . ity. uritrl one night he is llllltlsltlst'il to .i licaiititiil blondc called Marion rile l'l.lll\\'l immediately drawn to one another from .i

llti'y .itt' sense of displaced loiiz'inj.‘ and begin to negotiate the terms of .iii unlikely friendship Glasgow I'll"! Ihi'irtii' (r'liisqoi: ladinlrurgh

Sugar and Spice Sunday ll l(\.tttrlll\. l'K. 2007) In mark the .‘(ititli .tlllll\t‘l\.tl\ of the abolition of the slaye trade iii Britain. the (ill plays host to a day of films .iiid (‘\t‘tlls including Alrit an drurnriiirig. storytelling. talks and workshops 'I he day int Iiidcs .i presentation by Peggy Ilrtiiiache on \fiican food. with two dishes .iyailahle for sampling All eyents are free hut ticketed .iiid tic kets .ire ayailable throughout the day See wwwgftnrg tik for full programme Glirsgou film 'Iheatri'. Glasgoii

sum 1 ISI l( itt‘f} \liilltild. I'S. 2(XI7) Jonah Hill. \llcltacl ('cra. Martha Maclsaac. Illinin ('racking autiibiographical teen fantasy (written by Knurled (7: star Seth Rogerii (liat harks hat l. to the glory days of Rob li’usim'ss .ind lt'llly Bueller's [his ()[I It's outrageously rude and crude. yet somehow rctliairis both


sophisticated and compassionate iii its consideration of what makes teenagers llk k General release

Surf’s Up (PG) 0. (.-\sh Brannon/('hris Buck. IS. 2007) Voices of Jeff Bridges. Sliia l.aBeouf. [noey Deschancl. 85min A reasonable iniproycmcnt on the heayy handed environmentalrsin of last year's hit Hap/is feet. Brannon and Bucks animation is .i colourful parody of surfer nioyics

Tales from Earthsea (Gedo Senkl) (PU) ... (Goro Miya/aki. Japan. 2000) Junichr ()kada. Ani 'l'eshirna. Bunta Sugawara. ll5rnin. Bi/arre eyents start to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. and the mural (led Is sent to (llscoycr the cruise A decent enough animation with a few inspired moments. but the benign worldyiew that made Spirited x‘liiirs such a reselatinn is sorely missing from the stark ‘goodies and baddres‘ delineation offered here Seli'i led release.

Testosteron I IS) ... 'lotlitis/ Konecki. Poland. 2007) Piotr Adainc/yk. Magdalena Boc/arka. Anna Deres/nw ska. l20iniri. A comic portrait of the constant struggle of men and women to understand each other featuring a brief appearance by Polish star Maciel Stuhr. son of the great director and actor Jerry ()deon Lot/ruin Road. Edinburgh latitcrtainrng and cheerful but not quite good enough to make seeing another (‘Gl pengurri innyic an appealing prospect. General release.

Theorem ( l5) (Pier Paulo l’asnllnr. Italy. I968) Terence Stamp. Silvana Mangano. Massimo (iirotti. Anne Wia/emsky. 93min Pasnlini’s twin obsessions. ('hrrstianity and Marxism. are brought searingly' to life in this intense fable. featuring Tel as a my sterinus ('hrist figure who creates spiritual. sexual and emotional upheayals within a wealthy family when he stays for a short time in their home. linigmatic and powerful. pan of Leading Ladies of Italian ('inema season. Glasgow. Film Theatre. Glasgow.