Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days beiore publication to clubsglasgow© Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.
Glasgow Thursdays
I The Beat .:I (lit I’n'a'l llll‘ ‘lpiil Mill \.‘.lli‘lls \\;-.II'. llmml illilsli_ z'mmil ilIlIII \ .lllil “mmil ; i'opli‘ I illilsli usilllc .lllil i Illl‘ .llr lmmltmp slla'klll.‘ li’ilaii' plaun" l2m~t H- ersiilc l.l:‘.:'c ~il lllll -I\.ll sl‘il; Troll. lm. l. to illsiw Ilii‘
lm us licli' is ‘.:'l‘. Illilt ll mil t llsli'Illi‘f talc .lIltI l:.l'. lll.‘ .: :‘moil llllii'
I Children of the 805 all law. (llaliil Ilpiii ‘.lIIl {I \\.'.-ll:. \lii»llii'i llzp ilmxu: .:lllli.‘sl.l latic .l‘- :‘o Inn I. tm lllt‘ \lls Iml tIimsc ml you ‘.‘.llil illilu'l :‘c‘. climilz'li ml ll tlii' lll\I tilili‘ .llllllllxl
I Dig! at I :ll_\ \Iully's I Iplll lain 9.1 If, {I \\cck|y l)| \oll plm\lili's _\illll Il\ ill int k. pilllk. Illi'l.ll .lIlil ska
I Dub n Grub .ll Illi‘ 's
‘pnl lliidlilz'lit Ilcc \\\'i'kI} klik .ll lhc old \tclcm «non lhc \l. tIic \Iilliz‘mK Iimy s pl.l_\ lcf.'f.'.lc. iluli .lllil il.liii cliilll \slilli' you tui k liilm .l I‘ll ml nlciciil i'ltll‘ Iilitilily lll.ll\i'IIHlls
I Hi Fi at the Ililnkcl Hal ‘lplii Kiln licc \\cckI\ I).nu \lni l.lll dislics up lnc liouls ol lmp llillc Il liiillc .llltl lmi k
I How’s Your Party? .ll illi- \lll‘ ( 'lllh Ilpiii lain 25 it ilit-lmlc iiililnijglill \\cckl_\ \ lli"-\ Iliulsilay lil;'|lt \IlIIltll‘.‘ ilmsli lIic \lll‘l‘li‘ and it sounds lusl the thin}: It's all .ll‘tllll lhc il.tlli'|ll“. not lIli' s\\.lllll|ll_‘.' .lloillid \lt ( )l |’.lltli's plcsclll Ill‘i‘ll\.l\\. l\d\l tillli l-l ( hi I. I” I\clll.llm .lliil Ilooln \Ioiik llcn ilm Illi‘ll tli.ln:' (hi! and .|.lcklii.lslci. Ix'ilsllc .lllil l\|IIi'l Is'llscli I).l\ \plli lml llcc l.s ( )ctl
I Kinky Pinky .ll lhc Iunllcl
ll {llpln :.llll till. i studcnlsi \\cckly (lay i Iilhliilig' .ll studcnl pilics ILoaded.ll Iklliilioo Illpln Kiln 2,1 I£ it \\cckl_\ llI' llcli \\llll sonic daliln lilic lx‘i\Il llccllo Iioilsc. lillik and will [‘Ills link i\ lilII \\llll I\’Hss \l Iill illlc night only. loaded \sclcolncs \Iiack Skilill Illsciii l I It'll
I Misbehavin’ .ii illi- t Lilliollsc
t. 4H3 \I-v'ffflg Ill Ill ll.) :.'l. .-.:..i llrc.'-..:f.': ;‘.‘.;;
la Il)\l .;t,i1.‘ic'i'lm Ilits is
" 23w "‘Tl'l'liilzk ".lsl‘.
I Record Player: .;1 (ilizs‘ffl'l sprle \tf Ilpli 4.2m tilt} \\cckl\ In
\:. Ila: I.:cI_\Hll \l.:.'s l‘iilTlli‘lll Ilmi Ililslipllpp‘. I).:Iiic limisi' ili'llznilii
I The Roller Disco at s.-..
1" *“pm ‘.:::l 1" :1 \\ii'kly \t's 'tis
'rll; \lc.:l l‘«'ll.1Ilili"-‘Ili'l \ll\~cl‘l\
l‘:1IHl._'(ll.i\1‘~i‘.‘.t“~t‘l\ Illilisilay at \ca Zilflllt iill‘ \‘.‘.i'.ll l‘.lllils. It'L.','lll‘.‘\.
spillich .21 Ill; icaily lmlks
\\ IIt't'CCt‘t‘t'Ct'i't't’t‘
I Up The Racket .lI l llc".‘..llt'l
ill *lell ‘.lIll Ill-c lit'lmlc :IH llllllll. 1 \\ix-I,I_\ Ill Il‘.l\l plays inillc. s-Illl )iIIII‘l'l‘ loci “nil punk
I Wax On, Wax Off ill tlic | lyinz‘ Ililtk Illpin {nil llii \\.-i-ki_\ \cv. usi'ckly clcillm lllt'lll .lt lhc I I\lll'.' Ililtk I Zero Thursdays .ll liiillu
1.1m 2.; \M'c'kly I).l \ill[]|\l\l_ lmilnillllfh lllt‘llll‘i'l ol tIic Illt'lll I’lillli. play s I‘s‘.l\li'il lilnk. illll_\ clcctlo .lllil liliik_\ limusc
Glasgow Fridays
(2 ill)
I Art of Parties .ll illi- \li llt'\
Ill illpul :.lll| £.\ LIH Iflltl \ltml |’.lltlcs sliil;':'li-s llilm .l ncxs lilonthly \lclics lcslilcniy loi its lust lililIiday lliciinc |)c( lcty .lnil \uksck iliuin mill illstoitcd l’.lllsl.lli hcats ti. Iiclp l‘lmn out Illi' \‘.lll\IIc \t't' IlllIl\l.
I Basement .lI soilllilllaln
Ill {llpm ldiii L\ lLHI. ()c'l \lilllllll} lImusc. clcctlo .llid tccliiio cacli liiolilli lIils nimntil‘s spcclal tIiciiic is '('_\lici' I Bunker Fridays .ll lhc lllllikcl ll.” ‘lpul ;am I lcc. \\cckl_\ I.llll (‘oylc play s the licst llolii ncn .lnd cslahllslicil hands lllllll midnight \slillc \ndy \\llsoli illops smiiic llc\\ and classic indic l.l\millllcs until chucking out lluic. lion Kiln
I Burly .ll lhc \lchcs Ill illpln inn
L Ill * ( )ct \lmlitIin l-llcndly. niascullnc \Illl‘ lol gay and Ill liicii .75. \sliclc Icallici. lnilusulal and locksliaps .llc clicoulagcd \ulal llllllatlon conics lloni lcsldcnt I” III I l Scan and occasional f_‘llcsls.
I Camouflage .ll .s‘ollliillialls.
I lplli -l.lni. £Ill i £M. II ()ct \lontIin. (Liliioullagc i\ \clahlilc Sounds} stcin
U IIlpiii
A new weekly venture at The Subby
promises a focus on dancefloor action over kicks, threads and haircuts with an already impressive roster of spinners, including the omnipresent Boom Monk Ben who furthers his plans for Glasgow domination alongside Ninja Tune‘s honorable DJ Kentaro.
picsclil \Ill.llicsc I\\.llp. \lui and soilnilcs I’holictlc ‘lh‘lilclml plus :c'slilcnts
I Choose Fridays at I tin \luiiy 's
I Iplil Kiln £5 it‘ll “cckly (‘J plays a llll\ ol stilll to gct you in lhc sscckcnd liiomil
I Dannix at (‘llh Ilpiii ‘xlln £h l H! \\cckl_\ [U \.l\\ and DJ \hcna play .i l!ll\ ol \lllcl.lli. lccgilc. ragga. dancchall. Is’.\I’> and Iin limp
I Dollymixtures .lt (itlttl ‘lpln ‘~.lni NHL-1n \\cckl_\ \css night at (illlll «not to hc lnlscd ilp \sltli Holly \ll\tulcl lcalullng llidic. lock. cIcctlo and pop in tlic lll.t|ll looni Iiostcd hy Ills Hilly \lllhgan «Isushlon \ lpcl i (Illnclmn ('t'alg it'alnpilsl plus \scckly spcclal gucsts
I Fear and Loathing in Glasvegas .lt Isalhon Ilpiii Kiln U» lt-li \\cck|y \cn I llday night at Ramon \sltli lndlc and lock classics. Iilp limp. Rtyli .uid llilll\t'
I Flirtini Fridays at llollo
ll zleli Run to \Vcckly ‘Jnii I)a Ilcst‘ kit kslalts youl \scckcnd “till his ossn l‘I.lIltl l‘l [hilly ltlllcs .lllil llool lllIcts
I Freq .lt lhc Suh ('Iuh. lllplii iani.
L Ill * ()ct \lonlhly Blokcn hcat to tcch limusc .llid cscl‘ylhlng in hcnyccn litllll lhc I lcil clcss l‘hls month it‘s a .\lll\lqllt' lx’lsiiucc Slioxxcasc \slth .\killcn iI)J Scti .lnd (iillllaillnc is lhc ('otou I)illiionts «Incl. l lilnlssahlc
I Funhouse at Hal'lly, I lplii Mini £5 IN I. \\cckly. DJ Paul \ccdlcs and Alpha \lllt'licll spin psych. pillik. soul alid lii.l\llnuln l‘ock'ii‘l‘oll.
I Horrorshow at I’ll‘cssalcl‘. “pill in”). H i£§i \Vcckly. I-il‘cssatcl‘ iiscs its Iatc Ilccncc to glorious cllcct \sith this ncss night. Inc hands and (’i'alg Mc(icc cycly \scck. \Vlth ()lliccl Kicks alid
lly lan James 15 (M l. \sIiltclililsclccdhack:dlstol'tlon \slth l‘oals. ('ut ()ll Youl Hands and (ircat Izskilno IIoak i II Oct).
I Motion at Blackll‘lal‘s. I lplii .ialii. £3 inn. 5 ()ct. Monthly. Disco. housc. lccllno .lllil cIcctl'o \\ llll l'csltlclll I)J\ Scott I'lascl‘ and Danny SIiai'kcy plus spcclal gilcsl l)ll:SI-.l. i.\ pl'cssZi.
I Numbers at (ilasgoss School ol .-\t‘t. Illillplii 3am. £lll i£Hi. 5 ()ct. Monthly. Just to “arm csci'yonc up lol'
\os ctuhcfs \lodcsclcktot' shins. lhc \illiihcl‘s cl'css go in scal'cIi ol the hasslinc lhl'ohhci and \sclcolnc gi'iliic's hottcst produccl' Hcsplicit to tIic \illiihci's floor.
I Old School at the Hull.
Illfillplii Rain. Hi. \Vcckly. I-iiicst old school .la//. l‘iilik and solll ll'oln ('l‘aig ct .iI.
I Pinup Nights at tIic Iicat ('luh.
‘lpiii 3am. £5 l£~li. \Vcckly. Ilidic. piliik. soul alid clcctl'opop. \Vith gucst [Us The I'utui‘cIicads and Inc music from .\I;ll'lo\\. (‘ol'lolis and 'I‘Iic I’ai’kci's l5 ()cti and Inc gucsts lll lhc lol'iii ol’('urc tl'lhutc hand. 'I‘Iic ('ul‘cIicads l I: ()ct i.
I Popshop at .-\Ii(‘3. I Iplli 3am. £(i l£-l l. \Vcckly. .\'c\s night at .-\Il(‘2 \sith l’ailly My latest \oscli spinning the likes ol I‘Nlls. Iicho and thc Bunliymcn alid I:S(i plils a Inc hand at midnight cacli \\ cck,
I Seismic at Illackli'lal's. I Ipiii 3am. £lti I £.sl. I3 ()ct. Monthly. 'l‘hls islldly lll\ cntn c clccli'onlca coIlccln c aiid cluh llmss \sclcolnc. all the nay lroin St. lotus. Hitch .'\ss I)arlus tNI‘S Rccords/ I).ltahassi.
I Toxic Pop at Bainhoo. ltlplii Mini. £5. “cckly. (icoll .\l and (‘raig Links play quality housc music plus RkB and Iilp Iiop ll‘oln (ias ili Soninicrslllc. Rock and llidlc \s lth clccll'o lroln Sosc in thc lounge.
I Vibrations at ('lassic (irand.
llplii Rani. £(i l£4i \\'cckly. I)J Klingo- (io iI)catIi I)lscoi plus (’asio «Aerialsi at this nc\s clcctl'onlc dancc lnilslc night. I Vice .lt lhc ('atlioiisc. l lpiii 3am. £5 I£.‘~i. \Vcckly. [)1 Martin Bates lXI-‘Nli hosts an indie rock party on Icsel tsso
ss lth tunes old and licis. l‘roln Arctic Monkeys to Zeppelin.
I XXL at (‘rih lllpln 3am. £(i (£4i. \Vcckly. Ilcsky and Big .»\I play hip hop.
dilncchall and grunc ssith Ray Woods play lug old skool classics
Glasgow Saturdays
I All Tore Up at Blacklriars
lllpin ‘~.lin £5 o ()ct Monthly .\l.i\ilnum rhythm and hlucs. rock'n'i‘oll .lnd lockahllly ()Id lines .it this top night
I The Beat Club at the Ilcat (‘luh ‘Ipin 3am Various \Vcckly Scc Tim
I Bunker Saturdays at lhc lllllikcl- Iiar ‘Ipln ‘~.un. I'i’cc \Vcckly Kli’sl's Mash is on hand mm a ncss sscckly icsldcncy. playing anything ssith a good hasslinc and an clcctronlc housc tip
I Club Antics at Ilailly l lpiii ,‘saln £5 (Hi \Vcckly Ncss Saturday night l'csidcncy. \CH lug up .i dclcctahly unplcdlctahlc nus ol indlc. punk. cIcctro and cillt classics dcslgncd toch you dancing
I Confusion at Soundhaus
Ilpiii 4am. £5 l3 ()ct Monthly A night ol hard lcchno. driiln & hass. hardtcs .iiid corc clccti'olilc sounds lroiii Dcadsllcncc Sy lidicatc iSlnh lccordsl plus rcsidcnts. I Decodance at (‘llisslc (Brand.
Ilpiii lillil. £8. \Vcckly Ncss ncckly housc night.
I Freetall at thc :\l't'lit's. lllpin Kain £thc. [3 ()ct. Monthly. A may linc. popular night ol hard hoilsc and tralicc ssith rcsldcnts Simon I‘oy. Alan Bclshaw and l‘l‘ihCi‘ |.atta and guests Judge Jules, lltl} Boys and Rod Rncarra.
I Funky Baby at Ilar Iiudda. 2 4pm. £3 (kids £5; prc-ysalkci's l'rcc; laliilly ticket £ Hi. 20 ()ct. Are your lliiliii and dad dossn \yith thc kids'.’ (let them nioslng to sonic groosy hcats at this al‘tcl‘nooli nightclilh lor the under tcns croys d.
I Gene Drayton Unit at Maggie .‘slay's. Itlpin Jam. £10. 0 Oct. The chal Social presents (icnc I)rayton Unit I.isc. l‘l'ltlil) Strcct aiid Melting Pot I).ls spill lhc lllllcs.
I Glamorama at Bolio. 0.30pm .lalli. £8. chkly. Rcsidcnt I.ll. Rich plays it this ol ‘Ills hollsc. Xlls classics. R&l3 and hlg chart songs lor your pleasure.
I Kaput! at thc Admiral. l Ipm Jain. £4. 6 ()ct. Monthly. New wave. k‘l‘ailtrock. rock'li'roll. psyche-out. indie and soundtrack.
I Karbon Saturdays at Klirhon. lt).3()pln 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. R&B. Iiip hop and soulful lunk than this night at the new city centre ycnuc.
I The Mix Element lit Sirathclydc Stildcnts' l’nion. ltlpni 3am. £1 Weekly. (ilasgim ‘s lirst es'cr student Asian music night. an eclectic mix of hhaligra. hip Iiop. Hollywood and R&B with I)Js Bohhy B and Jay Jagpal. and Shandy.
I Off The Record 8. Animal Farm at Soundhaus. Ilpiii 4am. £12 (£10). (i ()cl. Monthly. House. techno. cleclro, hrcaks. hip hop and drum & hass as ()l‘l‘ 'I‘hc Record bring the Animal Farm crew iii as co-rcsldcnts. Simon Baker and Burnski (Imam Records) guest.
I Pretty Ugly at the Admiral.
l Ipm 3am. £4. l3 ()ct. Monthly. A Ilalloisc'cn party with a difference - it ain't Ilallowc'en hilt that won‘t stop residents The l'nderskirts playing punky. new nasc. alternative tunes with a spooky tmst. Dunking l‘or apples and sugary treats galore. (let in for hall price when you dress up as your lave musical icon.
I Streetrave 18th Birthday Party at the Arches. l lplii 73am. £20. 6 ()ct. Started IX years ago. this is the night that cyolscd into (‘olours. With John I)igweed hack at the helm and support from Bedrock Iahel huddy Jonathan Lisle. Shades of Rhythm will also he re- united for the lirst time in ten years and will he joined by old school legends AlternX and K-Klass.
I Subculture at the Sub Club.
I lpln— 3am. £5 before midnight; £lt) alter. Weekly. Harri and Domenie's established house institute continues to reign supreme with Derek May (6 Oct).
4—18 Oct 2007 THE LIST 33