and sister. hoth British-horn and
Nothing to watch on telly? Just loads of repeats, is it? That WW MW couldn't be further from the truth this autumn with some hot run-um «mu-rem is
their conl'hctmg personal
new shows hitting the screens between now and the Christmas W w, BMW madness. Brian Donaldson takes a look at the documentaries, W Swrhw “thaw Is m
with another patrol statel}
dramas and comedies that will have you tapping away at your mat 1mm h} old lllallslttll and lilL‘ lllL‘lllHl‘lL‘N Ul
those \sho ha\e passed through its
doors. Capturing Mary l HIK'Z.
modern genetics nightmare. lain (ilen and the Redgra\ es .\'o\ t has l)a\ id \Valliams in his Set Ill _\ears in the lulure in the .lemma and (‘oriiL tising lirst serious role as the charming seaside ltm n ol Margate. Exodus testimon) and hen s l'ootage to hut hast} (ire\ ille. \xhose t('haime| 4. I” .\'o\ l is an epic depict the desperate struggle h} destructhe tendencies \\ reak one—oil drama inspired h} the .-\llied l'orces to bring the camps haxoc upon the titular character hihlical lahle and directed h} starx ing inmates hack lrom the \\ ho is p|a_\ed h} hoth Ruth a\\ard—\\ inning lihtmialser l’enn} hrink ol‘dealh. In the more Wilson and Maggie Smith. In \Voolcock. Bernard llill pla}s contemporar} corner comes Brit: Joe’s Palace lBB('l. .\'o\ l l’haroah \\ ith (ier |{_\an as his l(‘hannel 4. earl} .\'o\emherl lrom Michael (iamhon pla}s a reclusix e \\ ile Hana. The Relief of Peter Kosminsk}. It‘s a tense tuo- hillionaire \xho inherits a liouse in Belsen l('hannc| .1. l5 ()cti stars part thriller about a _\oung brother a stor_\ ahout loss and loneliness.
Aaron "West Wing‘ Sorkin’s Sim/in no on Illt' Sunset Strip attempted to unco\ er the peculiar goings hehind the scenes in 'l‘\' land. 30 Rock l l‘ixe. ()ctl attempts to do the same. hut to comic ends. Based on the e\periences ol' a l’emale u riter on Salim/tit Rig/ii lire. \Villialii Baldu in stars as an ageing exec in charge (iii a sketch series called
()ld sltil'ies lieillg I‘L'ltild is the thrust ol. the new season in British drama \\ ith Dickens. Kipling. Shelles and the Bilile all heing dipped into. lam/lz‘m/crx \\ riter Sarah Phelps is let loose on Oliver Mist l BIK‘I. mid l)eci \\ ith 'I'imoth} Spall as l'agin and Tom Hard} as Bill Sllsc‘s \\llllL‘ the k'IlllllllL‘I also gUL‘\ [k‘l‘lttti Cilll}
\\ ith lili/aheth (iaitskell's Cranford tlilK‘l. mid .\'o\ l starring .ludi Hench. l‘rancesca .-\miis and Michael (iamhon. as
\\ ell as Miss Austen Regrets tlilfl‘l. mid-Heel \\ ith (ireta Scacchi. ()li\ ia Williams and .-\drian lidmondson. Daniel Radclllile takes ill\ \PL‘L‘\ till [0 p|a_\ Rtid_\ard ls'iplittg‘s lad in My Boy Jack l l'l‘\'. .\'o\ l \\ hile
h A
U ‘9!"
'l'lu' (iI'r/I’t' Show. It snagged the
llelen Mc(‘rory .\'ei| Pearson and l.indsa} Duncan crop up in Frankenstein tl'l’V. late ()ct l.
\\ hich has .led .Mercurio adapting Mar} Shelle} ‘s lrightemng parahle ol' .Man pla_\ ing (iod into a
limm} l'or hest comed} series this }e;ir‘ ahead of I 'e/i‘ Belly and The ()Hiu‘.
lior those still mourning the loss ol Tut/1 I’I'ukx. _\()ll jtist lime to gel merit. But it that's he}ond you. then Hidden Palms (Sk) ()ne. 4 ()ctl might go some \xa} to easing )our pain. l'rom Kenn ‘lhmmn's ('I‘t’t'k ' Williamson comes a msster} drama with a _\oung and painl'ull} glamorous cast set in a Palm Spring id) H \\ here nothing appears to he u hat it seems.
()n the crime from. The Nine tl"i\ e. the) leatures a hunch ol strangers (there's nine of them)
"1 ’ ’ THE LIST 21