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St Kilda in the Western Isles is among Scotland’s famous landmarks which the public can vote for as their favourite ‘treasured place’
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National treasures
You get to choose the most iconic images of Scotland. v : Anna Millar
onic ol' Scotlanth llltl\l iconic imagcs \xill hc put up l'or thc puhlic \otc as part ol' l\\o major ncxx L‘\llll1llltlll\. 'l‘U L‘L‘lL‘lH‘ttlL‘ lhc L‘L‘lllclltll‘} (ll. thc RQMII
('onnnission on lhc .-\ncicnt and Historical Monumcnts ol
Scotlantl ll{('.’\ll.\lSl in lellS. pcoplc \\ill lic ilSGCtl to
\L‘lL‘L‘l lllcll' ltlHitll‘llL‘ tll'clll\ c llllttgL‘\ ll‘Ulll it \L‘lL‘L‘llUll (ll‘
niorc than lllll photographs. tll';l\\ ing\ and plans. lina:_‘c\ inclutlc \tllllc ol~ Scotland‘s lanions landmarks. li'oin thc l-‘orth Rail lh'itlgc and thc \\'al|acc .\lontnncnt to
lx'ch ingrm c ..\rt (iallci') and .\ln\ctnn. (ilasgoxx School ol
.-\i't antl Balnioral (‘astlo Sacrctl and ancicnt sitcs such as lona .-\lihc} and l{tl\\l}ll ('hapcl. inatlc lainous LlL‘l'ti\\ thc glohc h} lhc rcccnt Du l'i'm‘i‘ ('m/c moxic. also maltc thc list.
'l‘hc nation‘s top picks \xill l'orin thc hasis ol' t\\o major
c\hihitions and him ltlL‘ thc inspiration l'or a \crics ol
connnnnit} \xorltshops around thc L‘Utlllll'}. 'l‘\\o 'l‘rcasurctl l’laccs c\hihition\ \\ill hc inonntctl in 2008. onc at litlinhtu‘gh's ('il) .-\i't (‘cntrc antl onc that \\il| tour tcn \L‘llllL'S acrth Scotland.
’l‘hc llci'ilagc l.oltci'_\ llll\ \xcck announcctl l554.llllll ol~
lnntling touartls Ilic proicct. ()i'ganiscrs saitl that thc mic \\;is tlcsignctl to cncourauc
tlcliatc almtll lllc \alttc ol' Scotlanth ‘placcx .nltl \liaccs‘ ax \\cl| as \\ itlcninc lhc puhlic intci'cst in lhcir lici‘it;i;_'c.
lhc long list ol' lllll inclntlcs acrial photographs. Intricalc l{('.-\l|.\lS \tn'\c_\ than lllf_‘\. lascinating original archilcct's than hips and plans. and raw historical photographs Voting: \\ lill\L‘ [lltlL'L‘ till [llc \[lL‘clttll_\ c‘l't‘tllctl \\ k'll\llt‘ \t\\\\.ti‘caxnrctlplaccsiHunk
.-\ shortlist ol' lcn \\ ill hc annonncctl in ()ctohci' antl cach ol' thc lrcastn‘ctl placcx to llltll’xL' thc shortlist \\lll hc gtiai'antcctl a placc in thc c\hihition\ nc\l _\cai'. 'l'hc nnacc \xith thc lllU\l \otcx \xill hc annonncctl in Hcccrnhci .llltl \\ ill hc thc \nhicct ola \pcciall} connnissionctl pocin.
Siohlian .\lc(‘onnachic. proicct managcr lor llt‘thlllt‘tl l’laccs. \aitl: “'l‘hc imagcs in thc lllll \clcction \hou lllc gl‘cal \al'icl} ol placcs lllat al'c ll‘c;1\tll'ctl li_\ [\coplc lol man) tlillci'cnt l'L‘;l\Hll\. Sonic arc lilaccs )on might c\pccl. hut othcrs arc not. and that iltltl\ to thc intci‘csl ol \\ hat can inaltc a placc lrcastn'ctl."
(‘onnncnting on thc grant auartl. thc llcritagc l.ottci'_\ l-tintl‘s inanagci' l'or Scotlantl. (‘olin .\lc|.can saitl: "lo tlalc. R('.-\ll.\lS\ nniquc archnc is rcall} inainl} ll\L‘\l h} acatlcniics antl prol‘cxsionals. 'l‘hix inno\ati\c projcct \iill oiicn it up to a hugc autlicncc."
I Edinburgh enjoyed the beginnings of a transformation last week as the first phase of a 25m facelift to the city‘s Grassmarket area got under way. This first phase will run until the end of December and will affect the north side of the Grassmarket between the Flodden Wall and just east of Castle Wynd South. Work will include lifting the cobbles to have them cleaned and shaped. Plans are also afoot for Caithness stone to be laid among the trees in a new events area. An underground recycling facility will also be built, while CCTV in the lower section of the Grassmarket will be improved. Archaeological excavations are also planned. Across town, the regeneration of Leith Docks was unveiled in the largest planning apphcafionin Edinburgh’s history. Forth Ports, which is behind the plans, said they hoped the 30-year project would create 12,000 jobs and turn the city into a ‘world-class’ destination, complete with Parisian-style pavement cafés and thriving industry. Nine ‘urban villages’ are proposed, with the first one to be placed beside Ocean Terminal. (AM)
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