King Creosote in: Emma Pollock Um- \ ll..l. V w! .. :p \lli'i‘l Nw J1; i wit z.. t, .; l\:.\:i\
lull, min 2.:: us. (is:
Runnix \t't i\.lllll\ juiqi' ._
«ll lt'litt'
[)llllljléill‘: I Martin Stephenson Ming-ll
\illafic H.ill I)l.lil‘l.liit' HNHL Ll‘ *ll \jzi: :lli I).iinlcu-
f.'il.ii:i\ 2|. illi .l
\lt'l‘llt‘liviil t'l \HlllhlllJlIl'li ill '.'lll|.ll pi. l.i:.;' mall/m vwmwrn: lull. pnpantltuniit l.llk‘\ .il llil~ \I'llllll\ lll llu‘ \ln lax t“.\‘lll
Sunday 30
I Scottish Drum Day l\’|"\.l|( mutt-ii l|.ill .‘ \iin int li.ill \lit't‘l “* \llllll Ham !. Ill \ uric ili‘. it‘\ll'..ll ul illillllllilll‘.‘ lx'.llllllll‘_' In; pullwrnmzngx
lllxlllilllli' lln' |.|ll.|' iliiininiczx, \Kiillx\llii|‘\. .l ‘».l\l it'lJII k'\ll|l‘llll'll .ilnl lllk' llll.ll\ «ll llit‘ “mililx l tl\l\.\l lliiininu‘i \l'llll‘i‘lllli'll
I); ll vr :l
I Phil Cunningham 8. Aly Bain, Session A9 .llltl Vivien Scotson luun “J”. I“ l.‘ \\t'\l \l.nn \llt'k'l. lllfliil <.‘.‘ l" 'illpni LU lln‘ Ii‘yt'nildzj. «in.» l\ jolncil in ll.l\lllliili.ll lltll“\'l\ \‘l .niil \inpt'i wnguiilt‘i
\ i‘in'n \uvlwn I'm] u/ /)i1/.i/ \qu/i /<\II..1/
Tuesday 2
(f: gisgr )w
I Scottish Academy of Asian Arts 2007 Bicentenary Showcase ( iilinuit'hIIH i I f. ‘l
l lll\\‘l\ll_\ \\t'|ll|k'. Hll ii‘f .‘pin :\ 7pm U» l U» \n n In In \limnuw ul gnllnmll} (“\(i \I.lll\ Hill\l\. pm‘li} .llltl \ll.llll.l lit'lil \lllllllgf P)th k l|l\lill} .\lonlli
I Seth Lakeman .-\|l( ‘. Wl Saint'lnclmll Slii't'l. H3 33‘: ‘pin Ll§ ()wi l~l\ \liim \ li.ninlin;_' original l.ll\t' on lolk lt‘kk lliilll iliv It'llllk'l Nit-run) \llhlx' l’ii/c nuinincc. \xlio \\.l\ l.l\l wen Ill liqlldllilll \\|lll Katy Rnxb} and (Inn Dillon.
I Ceilidh Club Ilic lol. .1 (ii.i\\\cl. 335 33‘"). 7pm U» Sm: luv 25
Wednesday 3
I The Coal Porters lllk' \.ll\'. 5 |)lllltl.l\ \liu'l. “I 4”.“ Spin t.\ Mclmln' lilncgmxx Hllf.‘lll.ll\ lioin llnx liw pn‘u' .iuinxln' unllil. lionlcd l\_\ Mil (iiill'in.
I Michael Simons It'll.“ ()\ll.l. lh‘l |)\lon |)ll\\‘. h-l‘) “255'. .\'pni L.‘
SCL' \\ \‘il 3h.
I Willy Clay Band, Hunger Mountain Boys .mil Early Brothers limn Hall. lll I: “ml .\l:iin Sliccl. lllShll 333 .13‘ “ illpin {Ill .\lll\‘ll\'.lll.l innxn‘. I’m: u/ [Li/ii / .llum /( xiiiil/
Thursday 4
I The Oueensberry Rules 51 .-\ntli‘c\\ \ lll Ilic Squaw. Si .-\ntlic\\ '\ Square. 55" S‘lll: " Rllpin. L" it.“ UM} \\ ilt'iu on \umlx .ind pcigihxinn. l’hil Hulxc on \ :_‘ bun/ouki .ind lltll'llltllllx'd. .llltl Duncan \\ ilt'o\ on \m‘alx. doublc in“. lll.lll\l\\llll .ind liddlc nmkc up the hand.
I Rallion luilkn‘k l'olk (‘lnlx llic Polish Club. \inul Sliccl. lll 324 NEWS. 5' illpin l'n‘i) litltllc-pluyng combining \\ iili \ik'.l|\ in gnc :in C\CC”Clll \L‘lt‘tllull Ul ll'mllllulldl Scutlixh niuxic.
Classic Bites. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh. Fri 21 Sep: Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Sat 22 Sep: Opening Concert. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh. Fri 28 Sep: Royal
Concert Hall. Glasgow. Sat 29 Sep
The leaves on the trees are starting to fall. so it must be new season time not just outside. but inside the
country's concert halls too. One difference this year for the RSNO is that their normal Edinburgh concert hall is
keeping its doors firmly shut.
As Phase II of the Usher Hall's renovations go ahead. the orchestra relocates for one year to Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Not that the change of venue is affecting what they will perform. With music director Stephane Deneve thrilled to extend his contract to 2011, the orchestra's celebration of the symphonies of Mahler continues with Nos. 3 and 4, ballet music is a new theme. French music is to the fore and quite simply. as Deneve says: ‘We have a fantastic year to
look forward to.‘
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne® Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.
Thursday 20
I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series (‘n_\ H.IH\. (\iiitlIt-iiggzx. ‘51 Miilll
" :iipin. L") {2| 5H loin puntlnclor llun \nlkm and [lit Hm~ 850 .l\ lllC} pcilui’ni Hiillcn'x l’imzu ( hm ( in» \\llll SlL‘H'll ()xl‘ulllc .l\ \Ulilhl. lliil\l'\ HI: /’/i.’m I\ tlllkl Ilic l K picinicrc ml Karla S:i.iii.il1n\ .‘\I( run! 4/ “Us luumux lhcic l\ .i PI'C'QUHL'CH Lilk .n (i 45pm .lllkl .i put conceit rendition ol Hi‘illcn'x lint/J; .l/H'l/i' l\_\ Slut-n ()xboinc and the Blfl‘ 5804111114» l’urr u/ 1/“ .‘I(I1"Itl'l:1'(-1f\ l-mum/
I Louise Macdonald and Graeme McNaught SI \lungo'x ('hurch. Parwn Slit-ct. 433 9553. -..:l)[‘lll L'h iiSi. l’lic lll\'//\‘ wpmno and Surllixh l‘ltlllhl pci‘lniin lumcK It: (Vin/mu: il'lni and .i \clcgliun oi l-nglhh :\r1
Although the season makes its formal start with a full-blown. wow-the-audience programme of Stravinsky's Firebird Suite. a new commission from
French composer Guillaume Connesson and Emanual Ax as pianist in Beethoven's Emperor Concerto. there are a couple of Classic Bites taster concerts as
tempting prelude. Ste’phane's Play/ist features excerpts
from the forthcoming season. as well as introducing the orchestra's new assistant conductor. David Danzmarr. Concert-goers to this first Classic Bites concert can enjoy it all again by downloading the
complete performance on a track-by-track basis free of
on. (Carol Main)
\onyx lickt'lx .i\\lc llHlll \\ \\ \\ in kt'l“ \klllltllltl (Hill
I Piano Recital: Young-Choon Park l‘.l\lf_'.llt' llimin- .\ \m (‘cnntz l.i\lj_‘.ilt'. ni‘JI ":5 "" “.ziipm Llll llic Sniiili Killt'dll [\l:llll\l [‘I.l_\\ innxn l\_\ Ilium. l l\/l. (‘liopin .ind llcclhmcn
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic Bites l'cxliml chnllu. l§ 3‘)\lg‘iil\iil15llL'L'l. <3" fillllll " illpin {Illitliiltlit'ii llL‘Cl \illlplc hllk' \l/L' \lL'lllelh llHllI th' upmnnn; \k‘dM‘ll lll .i mnipml cwning of t ltl\\l\tl| mum; \Hlll lllL‘ nitlicxlrix thimnnt t'tlllilllcllll Sicplmnc Duncw
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic Bites Rinal (Ringer! Hall. I Banting-hall Slim-l. 353 \llllll. opin. Llll lL'hlltllL’ll ll'L‘L‘I. Sec l'l'l ll
I Scottish Opera: Aria Adventures Valium \cnncx. \lci'clmnl ('n}. 552 Ml:— 'liiiicx \.ir_\ l‘lcc l.i\c upcm lll :ippiopiiulc \ctting nl Merchant
charge. If you don't approve of Deneve‘s programming. you can vote for your own favourites instead.
In an unprecedented move. public voting is open now and the pieces that are most popular will be heard in February. Chief Executive Simon Woods says: ‘Classic Bites is an affordable and accessible way to hear great orchestral music. and I am especially pleased that we have introduced an element of unpredictability by asking the audience.‘ Who knows, it might just catch
(‘il_\ \inyt'ix lioni \tull.iiiil\ ii.ilinn.i| opt'm tunipan} \klll ht' pt'ilninnnj: .lll.l\ .ind tlllt'l\ lll ll.i| .llltl l lk'lkll .il ll‘llllllt' | .lllL‘ i\.il Spin. *pni, lpini .:nil “.ll‘l‘lh liiiuxit-i‘x l .nn- l\llll .‘ ' lulu! m. inn/M:
{lipin § {lipnr -1 illpini ("/I\ ll \Iliiu
I Scottish Opera: Cinderella \llllil‘L't‘ “.1”. l‘) \M'xl l .lllkll. lll ll .“3‘ ()llt‘ Hl lllk‘ lk'.l\l|ll_‘._' 'llt'l killlllb opt-nix ol lllL' I‘llli unit”). mein ~ (‘un/rn/lu l\ .in unit-ruinian and engaging: lllell tuinul} .lllkl .i \liu'.*.t.x\c in! Mind lilnunh \\llll .i _‘._'lk‘.ll :nm Sung: lll l‘,ll_L'll\ll
I Organ Recital KC“ HlL'lth' .\ll (izillcn «k anuni. .\l_'_"\lt' Slim-l. I“) 959‘) i i-lfipni l'l'L‘C \nnila} l’i‘uincnadc L‘UllLL'lh \x ill: \llllL‘lL'lll ()I‘gunixlx
I Scottish Opera: St Andrew’s in the Square Concert \l \mlrw. \ Square. llhqll Jill)“ MN) xpm Lll) it“. 'l’hc Urchcflm Hl Sculllxh ()[)L'l;i\ Smith} :iltcinnon conturh lll SI .'\llter\‘~ '\ in lllL‘ Square haw lwuiinc .1 popular lculurc ol (ilmgim \ inuxic \ccnc ’l he hmulilull} iL-xloiul (icorgmn