The Simpsons Movie I 1’(II

11.111} 4 30. (I 10I11III 10w. 5 5‘1

'\1\II $111 I'K \1111 11 311.1111. 1 .511 Spider-Man 3 (Senior Screening) 13 \I 100 111NLHH

Superbad I I<I

11.00 :00. <40 x10

\luISAIA \00 13 HI

Surf's Up II'III

1).III_\ 4110 II III

\1\II\.11IK \1111 11 111.1111. 1411

Tell No One (He Le Dis a Personne) I 1<I 1111' 5111

3.10 to Yuma I 1%.

H.111} 5511 \lv1\41& \ml

115101111011RII.II1.011| 331 14"" 34111 hnHkHHNI\IHIH HN~133-11005 H41 .\i1llll\ L" 11.1‘l‘t‘1111k' 3[\111I.(‘011\'\ L5


Atonement l 1<I :00. i III. x30 The Boume Ultimatum I 13 ‘\I .\.00. Disturbia I ISI I. :0. 0.00 x, 10 Love Story I 13.-\I i 10

Run, Fat Boy, Run I 13.'\1 3 <0. SHPOHMNIII51 115. hiNL 515. 1101 Mr“ L" 1111 JHSDAY L’U' Atonement I 151

H.111): 1.00. 5.10. 3.10.

The Boume Ultimatum I 13.-\I

“.011 1.00. 5.30. 8000101 111 Ik S1111. I How Pronounce You Chuck and Larry 113A:

111111}: 1.15. 5.45. 8.15.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I3-\.

1110. 10.30;:111.

Spider-Man 3 (Senior Screening) I 13.I\I 111C. 11.000111.

Superbad I 151

11011): 3.15. (10011101 Mun I\ “001.

.\'. I 5 11101 \M'Ih.

.\l\11\\iw1i H 15.

Zoolander I 13.-\I

\hnt hiNi

Odeon Wester Hailes

\Vt'xlwdc l’lgi/u. 1311\Vt‘xicr 111111L‘x R0101. 34111‘1III0kmgx I& 11110: 0871 33 44 0117. 1‘11. .\1011.\\L'I1& 11111: .r\111111\ L030 IL'5.301\I-lorc 301111;('011I\ {470.801. 8110 & Hunk 11010111»: £0.30;('011t‘\ L470. 1-;111111) III-kcl: L450 cut-11 11111011110111 3pcoplc1. Suwnlu} 'l'uc: L-l.511;1|1\c;11\.

1111111811/‘0’ .’()

Atonement I 151 3.30. 5.10. 3.00. The Boume Ultimatum I l3:\I 3.00. 5.30. 3.15.

Bratz: The Movie II’( ‘II 300.

Death Proof I 1.\'I 3.00, 5.30. s. 10. Disturbia I 151 3.30. 0.00. 330. Run, Fat Boy, Run I 13.-\I 3.50. 0.10, 3.30.

Shoot ‘Em UpIINI 4.00 0.00. 3.00. Superbad I151 3.50. 5.30. 8.15. 3.10to Yuma I 151 3.10. 5.40. 8.30. FRIDAY 1‘1 11’1URSDAY I37 Atonement I 151

111111}: 3.30. 5.15. 8.00. The Boume Ultimatum I 13.-\I 1);111_\: 3.00. 5.30. ".50. Bratz: The Movie mm

501 & Sun: 13.45. The Brave One I IM 1511 x 501: 8.15. Death Proof I 18) D1111}: 3.00. 5.30. Disturbia I ISI

1511 Wed: 0.00. 8.300101 151‘1 & $1111. Firehouse Dog I1’(‘.I

Sal: 11.300111.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 13.I\1

Sui & 81111: 13.30.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry I 13.-\1

0.111}: 3.30. 5.00. 3.00.


I How Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (Parent 8. Baby Screening) :3 \

111C 11 15.1111

Knocked Up 1<I

1).:11} \l\II\.11.\ \1111 1: ‘1;

Michael Clayton I 1<I

Hm (11111. \111

Run, Fat Boy, Run 13 \I

H.111} 400A (13011101 \lIInI. \10 Run, Fat Boy, Run (Subtitled) 13 \I \Iun 1111. (Y :11

Shoot ‘Em Up I IN

3.11 I\ 81111 3 00

The Simpsons Movie I 1’1 iI

8.11 I\ 81111 13 ‘0.

Spider-Man 3 (Senior Screening) I 13 \ 1110 11 15.1111 Superbad I ISI 11.110 1.15. < 40. Surf’s Up I1’(1I 0.1.1). 3:0. 415 3.10 to Yuma I 15I

l).lll_\ 11$ .\30

line Edinburgh Ocean

()u'un ’l'ci'minul. Hymn 1000. 1 01111. 341111100111ng Ik“11011303340340 .'\\1llll\ LII.511IL5.-15 \1011 1‘11 hI-IIIII' 51‘1111; (‘1111I11'c11 L4 35 IL'4.101\I-101I' 5pm); SIIII1I'111\I():\1’\ L4 50 I L4 15 lu'lmc 5(11111 11111111} 111101 L 1‘ IL'10 40 lwlnrc 5mm. K1I1\‘('1111\. L1.511III11I' il\'\'llllll‘;lll_\111:_' .II1011 llL‘L'l. l..llk' \t‘lccnmux 011101 10.30pm (“Cl 18\ 00111: L5.45;(‘00I'\ L415. 'luc: L4 .I11 11Cl\L'l\



11 1UHS13AY .“f;

AtonementIISI 3.00. 5.00. sun. The Boume Ultimatum I 13.\. 3.40. 5.30. x40. Death Proof I 1M 3.30. DisturbiaIISI K10. 5.40. x10. 1408IISI 0.40. 010.

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenIXII3.I\I 1.30. 4.00. 0.45.

In the Hands of the Gods I 151 3.30. 4.40. 7,00. «1.30.

Knocked UpIISI 3.00. 0.10, 0.00. Run, Fat Boy, HunI13.-\I 3.30. 5.50. 3.30.

Rush Hour 3 I 13.-\I I1.30.

Shoot ‘Em UpIIxI 3.50. 4.50. 0.50. 3.50.

The Simpsons Movie ll’(11 1.50. 4.30. SuperbadIISI 1.00, 3311 000. 3.30. 3.10toYumaIISI 3.10. 4.30. 7.30 0.40.

11111, {11). (1.1111.

l'HIDAY 71- 111111181JAY IV

Amazing Grace (Senior Screening) I 1’( ‘I I \Vcd: 1 1.30am.

Atonement I 151

l);111}: 3.00. 5.00. 3.00.

.I\|\0 8111 k Sun: 11.00.1111.

The Boume Ultimatum I 13.-\I

l);111_\: 3.40. 0.30. 9.10.

.-\1\IIS;II & Sun: 13.41).

Bratz: The Movie II’( ‘II

8:11 It Sun: 10. 1110111. 13.30.

Death Proof I 131

I);II|_\: 1.30. 4.00, 0,30, 3.50.

.-\1\0 S111 Ik Sun: 10.501110. 11.300101 80111.

Disturbla I 151

l);111}: 3.00. 5.30. ".50.

.\1MISJK 10 N1

1408 I 151

1511 “ml: ".15. 0.30.

Happily H’Ever After III

801 x 81111: 10.110001.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 13.-\I

111 “rd: 1.10. 430

Mm $01 I\ 8110: 10.05.1111.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry IlZAI

[)1111): 1.30. 5.50. .-\l\0 S111 & Sun: 11.10.1111. 81101.

Knocked Up I 151

1X01}: 3.30. 5.30. .\.10. .I\1\0 Sui & Sun: 11.400111. Michael Clayton I ISI

Thu: 7.15. 9.30.

h11L N40. 1110 11101


ltaliane' who lit up Roman cinema in the 19505, 605 and 705. notably Anna Magnani, Claudia Cardinale. Sophia Loren. Guilietta Masina, Lucia Bosé and Gina Lollobrigida. Highlights include Valerio Zurlini‘s breezy stylish romantic comedy Girl With a Suitcase starring Cardinale and Fellini's Juliet of the Spirits (pictured) with the lovely Masina.

'; II~I f III; ",1" 'I II 'I ' ,,.I ,I' ' .. I -'I II I

Run, Fat Boy, Run I 13 \I 1);111_\: 1,30. 4.11). (I111. 11110 .\l\(1 Sui I\ 81111 10 40.1111. Bush Hour3 I I3 \I

1.;110 $01: 1 1.05.

Shoot ‘Em Up I 1x1

1X00: 350.Ilfli ‘1NL‘130 :\h01uu‘SM: I130.

The Simpsons Movie I 1’( ll

1X01}: 1.40.

.’\l\U 8:11 Ik Sun. 11.30.1111. SUPGHNMIII5I

1X01}: 1.110. H0, I100~ .\ {II

.-\l\0 Sui Ik Sun: 10 31 1.1111. 11 ll11l1111\l1111 Surf’s Up II’I‘II S;11I& Sun: 10.30;Im. 3.10 to Yuma I ISI H1111}: 3.10. 5.10. \30 .'\1\l\Slllt\ 8110‘ 11.10.1111. hansformers I 13.\I |);11|}: 4.30. a 411

We Edinburgh Omni

()111111. (ii'cclmdc l’luu'. 34111 hIIIIlIIIng I\ 11110: 05‘13 34113411..‘\111111\ L050 I L5 45 _\1011 1'1‘11M'IIII‘c5p1111;SIIIIlI'111\()I\|’\ L4.511IL4.15 \1011 111 1101010 5111111. (‘1111I11'I-11L4.35IL4.10\1II11 111 MIN 5111111. 11111111} Ilt'kI'1L1"IL1II.-10

\100 1-1'11wIIII'c510111.(iII1I1(‘1.I\~IIg1\cI\ Imcr lth1111511L.\05IL5‘)5 .\1II11 1-11

lwIIIrc 501111.



AtonementI ISI _ x 1% Atonement (Gold Class) I SI 3 30. 5.15. 5.15.

The Boume Ultimatum 13.\. I 51 . 4.40, ".30.

Death Proof I ".45 DisturbiaIISI 3.30. 0.00. MS 1408 I ISI 5 10

1408 (Gold Class) I ISI ".45 Hallam Foe (Gold Class) I IN 3 15. 4.45. ".15.

Knocked Ule5I 130.410'10 Rise of the Footsoldier (Gold Class) I 1m 4.45.

Run, Fat Boy, Run I 13.-\I 1.00. 3.45.

(1311. 0.15.

3 30. 5.15. 1

This glamorous season celebrates the ‘donne

Shoot‘Em UlexI .‘00. 110. .\IIII The Simpsons MovieII'III 1.‘ 10. 3 10 SuperbadII<I <00. <1» \UI 3.10toYumaIIRI310. 5111151111

1;"1’.".‘ .1111‘)." Atonement I<I

[1.1111 3110_ 51111_\1111 \l\(l\.11\\ \1111 11 10.1111 The Boume Ultimatum I 13 \I I).II1_I 140. .110. 3 <0 Death Proof I

0.111} 115. (1111). .\.1\ .\|\I~ \.I1 .\ \1111 13 *0 \1\II1.11L'lII 11111 DisturbiaIHI

liM} 101 015.\*H01m0411wI\ Hun \1\II.\.11 1345

Disturbia (Subtitled) I 15I

$1111 13 15

IIII- 0.00 Evening (Gold Class) I I3 \ I

Hall} 3 30. 150. a 30


1.11I'1'11 10 50

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry I13 \I

1).I11} 3‘0. 4111\15

\1\I\ 5.11 I\ \1111 11 411.1111

\l\|ll.1lL'1ll 111111

Knocked Up I 1<I

I).II1_I 1<0. H0. I<

\1MI\01&‘\00 IIIHLHH Michael Clayton I |5I

1110 ‘Hill

A Mighty Heart (Gold Class) I I *I 1).III_\ 3 411. 5110. "40

Run, Fat Boy, Run I 13.\I

11.111} 14$ II III, I) I< \IMISJIA;\HH IHH

Shoot ‘Em Up 1\I

H.111} '00. I) <0

The Simpsons Movie II’III

H.111} 3111. 1111 \1w\.11I\ \1111 Superbad I ISI 1>1111_\' 100. 545. h “I \1\II $.11 1 .\1\II lgllL‘ 1'11 11 :11

3.10 to Yuma (Gold Class) I 1 <I

1).lll_\ 3.111.510.310

11 “Lilli