Wea er he storm

Andrew Weatherall tells Henry Northmore why he’s just as happy mixing up rockabilly and punk as techno

l' _\nu klln\\ dimee muxie )nii iilreiiih knnxi .t\ndre\\

\\'e;ither;il|. lle\ been at the lni'elrnnt oi the \eene

\lllt‘t‘ the Cttl'l) titl}\ Hi tteld ItiHhL‘. IIL"\ ttttL‘ Hi- the mint i‘expeeted Mix in the “mid. hix teehnn mi\e\ nl'ten \eei‘ing nl'l' intn ne\\ iindixemered territories. hringing diih heiitx iind Iel'tlield gi'nnxex tn the diineellnnr. llix l""‘\|llk‘llttll \\nt'k \\ ith Siiht'ex nl l’;ii‘;ii|i\e iind 'l'\\n Intie Suni‘dxmen helped \et the \tgindiii'd l'ni‘ danee iilhumx.

'l'hiit he\ enming hiiek up in Sentliind tn i‘nek the dtmeel‘lnnt‘ _\et iiiliiin i~ in itxell d eiiuxe l‘ni~ eelehratinn. But there\ more i‘eiixnn tn eheer this month ;1\ .\li‘ \\'e;ither;ill is unleghhiiig it ne\\ mi\ iilhiim. .S‘i'i-l-i-ln- l-i. li‘nm hix nld muekei\ iit Snmii. But it might not he quite \\h;it }nii e\peet hour the ei‘\i\\hi|e teehnn D] it\ ;i mi\ of rnekahill}. punk and glam rnek. tiiking in eu‘ryme l'i'nni Killing .lnke dllti (iene \ineent tn 'l'-Re\ and The Hill. 'lt'x ii \llldii e‘i'it\\»\eetiitii nl‘ \ihiit I \\;t\ lixtening tn \\ hen \\e \\ere miiking |'l'\\n l.nne Sunrdxmen'xl ll'niiie .lli'i'tiiie :ilhiiiii.' L‘\|‘ldlll\ \Veiitheriill iii hix mileai-mimite putter. 'l ;i|\n liiid ii eliih ealled \Vrnng Meeting lnr d )e‘iii‘ dllti .\'i~i-/il.n-/-i i\ d CUIMIL‘H\CKI \L‘l‘\litlt til~ the lil'\l l\\t\ itl' titl’L‘L‘ hnurx nl \Vrnng Meeting the eluh.‘

l-‘ni' true liinx nt' \\‘e;ithei';il|\ eeleetie tiixte. lildl he ii;t\ put niit d freaked-nut rnekiihill} mi\ \xnn't enme d\ inn mueh nl‘ d \ui'prixe. ()l‘ CUlll'u‘ thei‘e'x his \eminiil \xnrk \\ith Pl'lllldl Sei'eiim on Si i'i'uiiii/i'lii'u and 'l‘un |.nne S\\nrd\men ha\e heen mining in 'd more grung} direetinn nt‘ idlL‘ \xith mnre reliiinee nn instrumentx tguittii‘. hasx. drumx. etel rather than enmpiiterx. samplers and \etitieneerx. and e\ en featured \Veatherall nn \tk".ti\. He alxn ei‘npped up [dining .1 rnek;ihi|l_\ \et

il\ \ttppnt’l tn Bill} (‘hildixh iit this _\e;ir\ lripheh. \nt l'ni'getting hix U (ti/nit Dru/i pint-punk mi\ released in Mill). i'i‘ildi \\;l\ _ill\t reenrdx I tl\L‘ti tn lixten in when I \\tl\ lo and \nmenne il\i\L‘ti me tn put them on the enmpiliitinnf he urn. 'It'x nther people that put it intn k'ttlllk‘\i.-

()l enuhe. \nureing the lieenxing tor the nhxeure triiekx \\e;ithet';i|| hand—pieked li‘nm hix et‘ate L'l'L‘dlL‘ti it‘s n\\tt prnhlemx. 'I tried to dissuade Snma from doing it. I didn‘t “dill to he the hlnke \xhn httllkl'llph \tieh gin ttllg‘lhl. (ii;t\\\c:_‘l;lll institution. _\nii knim \xhiit l ineiin'.’ 'lilie'\'\e put up with me heing l'liik}. l'\e Iel't thingx tn the last minute and he_xnnd hut the}\e knnun me \neiiill} l'nr _\e;ir\. the} knnu him I operate. I'm not e\;ietl} .\lr l iiig huxinexxman and in} enmputer \killx itl'L‘ kind of one linger t_\ping. 'l‘he} kne\\ the t'ixkx hiixieti||_\.' Iatighx \Veiithet‘all. 'l'hnugh he's looking forward to delxing haek into the murk} \\ttt'id nl ithi \L‘hniil l‘nek. '()nee the Sitllttt \tat‘l ha\e glued till their hair haek on that tlie'}'\e tnrn nut and the} ‘\e lnt'gntteti “in” ii pain in the ttl'\L‘ it has tn do it. perhaps thevll ;l\i\ me In dn \nlume tun as I'm iihxnlutel} up it)!" it.‘

Sn \hnuld \\ e he e\peeting tt dme nl rnek and punk dl this (ii;l\:_‘it\\ date'.’ 'I like enntining people In a point.~ \;i_\\ \Veiithet'all. ‘hul ilix ;i Slam thing \n I think \\e're talking oninptynninpt} dixen musie. ue might phi} Killing Joke nr \nmething a hit “end at the end hut it'll he lniii~ tn the linnl‘ husinexx. I'd imagine.‘

Renfrew Ferry, Glasgow, Sun 23 Sep; Sci-Fi-Lo-Fi is released 8 Oct on Soma.



I~ Merchant City Festival Club Every night the best in local DJs play the hottest sounds to round off your festival day including Behado, Ham and the Trouble DJs. Carnival Arts Centre, G/asgow, Thu 20 Sep~~Sun 23 Sep.

:1 Our Haus Set in a tenement house. DJs play in the liVing room. there is a kitchen for chilling and you never run out of booze or torlet roll. The Flying Duck. G/asgow, Sat 22 Sep.

1: Ultragroove Big night of live acts (Cm/y P) and sublime DJ sets (DJ Deep). Cabaret Vo/taire, Edinburgh, Sat 2:? Sep. SL4 Sci-Fi-Lo-Fi Andrew Weatherall launches his new release. Unmissable. The Ferry, G/asgow. Sun 23 Sep. if? Dogtooth Happily crossing the rock/dance divide With wild abandon, Dogtooth reach their first birthday With a live set of hardcore and electro meets indie pop from Help She Can‘t Swim (pictured). Henry's Cellar Bar. Edinburgh, Fri 28 Sep.

:3 Mungo’s Hi Fi This fortnight Omar Perry brings his wondrous lyrical black mUSlC to both cities. proving that he is more than )ust an artist riding on his famous father's name. The Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow, Fri 28 Sep; The Caves, Edinburgh, Sat 29 Sep. :1: 5060 Social A brilliant idea. Come early, drink booze. dance. hear Tom Findlay (Groove Armada) DJ and be back home in bed by 1 1pm. Genius. The Buff, G/asgow, Fri 28 Sep.

311 l Fly Spitfires The indie clubnight goes out with it's head held high for their final ever date. headlined by Blood

Red Shoes. Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Thu 4 Oct.

. ' L/fl', ' THE LIST 29