Around Town
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin Innes.
Activities <8 Events
Glasgow Rocks with AllSaints 'l‘tiii 3t) Scp. ('orinthian. 1‘” Ingram Stt'ccl. 553 I IIII, 7.10pm 2am, L'th 'Ihi' Ill\l laxhion \Ili)“ in Scotland trom altcriia lmhton lllIIIL'I .-\IISatitl\. Scc
v. u. u.xik'itiltiiiiiitiil.ciiiik tor lrct' altci part} tickets. ('clchriticx and [Us arc pl'iillthctI. You \xill knccl to thcm. I’m'i o/ Illl' .Ili'n limit (in l'('\lll(l/,
Project Ability Studios Open Day I’rojcct Abilit}. (‘cntrc loi‘ Ikxclopntvntal Arts. IX Albion Slit-ct. 552 2823, Thu 2H \‘cp. I130 (mm. I‘rcc. A da_\ ol cwntx at I’t'ii|L‘L‘l AhiItl} \IUtIIU\. ti gttIIL'r} lIttil \houcawx uork h} tintxh \HlIl itllIl\lll spectrum disorders \kllIl guidt'd It‘lll'x. workshops and thc opportuiiit} to IIIL‘L'I IIIL' titlixtx. SL‘L‘ \N\\\\.lllL'I'CIlélIIIL'II)IL‘\Il\ilI.L'UlIl l'or luII
dctailx. l’ur! of llli' ,lli'ri'liu/il ('iti l'i’Wllill.
Ingram Street Shopping Day Sat 32
Sop. Ingram Slim-t. Ingram Sin-ct. 3 4pm.
I'i‘cc. 'I‘Iic (it) 's top fashion t'ctatIct'x takc IU lIlL‘ \lt‘cct\ to \him (aw thctt' Autuinn/Winter collcctionx. “llIl \omc oll'crtng a ll)‘} discount l'or thc duration
of thc l‘cxtixal. IllL‘IlltIL'\ makcowrx. music.
canapéx and drinks. and \w'w hoard nasty rumours about mm ing manncquins. Sec main l‘caturc. pagc IX. l’ur/ o/ [/H' .llr'ri'liunl ('ili' l‘l'.\lll'(l/.
On | Off Satellite Event Sat 23 Sup SWKB. Studio \Varchouw. I()() Iiaxluilc I’Iacc. 7pm midnight. (‘ollahoration
fit“). a “gr
3 ~ "’ . ' ' v- .5,“ A" s
Everybody'slea'ri'ig now
Scotland’s coastlines have some of the most challenging waves in Europe, and funnily enough, September to October is when conditions are at their best. Thurso, on the north coast, is a legendary surf stop on the international circuit, but if that sounds a little ambitious, Coast to Coast Surf School, based just outside Dunbar, offer beginners lessons and weekend surfing safaris, so you too can make like a Beach Boy or California Girl off the east coast. And stop complaining about the water temperature, you wusses. Lesson costs include the
hire of your own wetsuit and boots, which will keep you snug in even I hour iessons cost £35 for ado/ts. €25 fo' ctiicren. See ~.'.,_73,:;2t;‘.can, {-
24 THE LIST '30 Sep—J Oct 200‘
Ik'tuccii \\\(i1.itidllii lttf. \hi ,:\tt criicrgmg and cxtahhxhcil \tottisl‘.
>I< Maggie’s Building Life Walks \ti :2 Sup Kch ingrow I’arL. ( )tago \Iicct. :zii 2W1 \t-c IIIIII\I
* Last Monday at Rio \IHII .‘1 \t-p Rio (Lily. 3" II}iidI.iniI \tict‘t. ;*1 ‘t‘ttt‘t .\ litpm I'tu' Sci- IIlIIl\I
Rock Karaoke Int-Mia» Itit- ( ".iixtatl, Rock | oungc. ‘ti I Illit[]\IIL\'I.:1\fihlllt ‘Ipm IIcIIa )L'ah' t5” [um-x out} night and thc \iholc ot rock Itl\li‘l} to thooxc lrom (io on. llllIt'.t\It )oui IIIIIL'I \It'dIIthtI The Soup Tours: Caring for Pollok House Inc :5 SUP. I’iiIIiik IIHlIM‘. I'HIIitIx (’ountr} I’aik. INN) I’ttIIitk\II.i\\\ Road. olootltt noon I iltpm LIH Iiiidout hou \tall and \tlIllIIIt't'I\ look .IIIL'I tht- collation .it I’ollok IIouxc and pit R up tips on hou to any lot .lIlIItlIIt' ItllltlIlllt' 'I‘hc tour I\ tolloxwd h} \oup in the I’ollix‘k IIlllI\t' tt'xtauiant. lust in taxi- _\oii thought it \\.i\ lust a g‘ldlllllittlxI} tiinii_\
Scottish Drum Day Sun Kit \t-p Rout ('ont‘ci't Hall. 3 ~\aiit'hichall Stir-ct. “1 soon. Ham, (It). \ out da} It‘\Il\.lI ol drumming. lt'atiiring Iiw pcrloriiiantm including IIIL' 'Iaiko tIltlllllllt'h. \iorkxhopx. a \ast ii'tail t'\IIlI‘lIlttIl and the linals ol’ thc \Vorld'x Iaxtt'xt I)lllllllllt'l conipt'tition.
Science in the Dock ( iIaxgiiu St'lt'IIk'k‘ (’t'ntrt‘. 5H I’at‘il'it~ Qua). t).\"l ill! littttt Illani (ipm. It‘s ncwr too Iatc to It'arn a littlc morc ahout \cicnu'. .l\ IIll\ L'\hihition aimcd at all agcx pron-x Sonic ol’ thc morc controwi‘xial l\\llt'\ ot rut-iii )t'arx arc put on trial and opcn to dclxitc. Glasgow Schools: Then and Now Scotland Sti‘ct't School \Itm'um. \Iiiwum ol' Iidiit‘ation. 335 Scotland Slit-ct. ZN“ (ISM). l'ntil 'I'iic 3t) ( )t'I. .\Ion 'I‘hti .\ Sat
.I'.-.::: ‘3‘" I " ,\ \,:' ‘;‘:' I x \ PIHH‘, -- ,-\i»~\ \~\~-.i\.v,“.~ \., \lul \t'.1I\i‘f(i_;\_'i".a \ \\"itiil\ " "2W "
tt‘IIIiII\ ‘Iic I‘K'M‘T‘ii ,'._-.\ Kylie: The Exhibition kc}. ::~.;'-.t._~ \~' (I.1II\'I_\\\ \I'..\'tltt‘. \:.;‘flq \ttct'! f W
"“t" It: :1 \‘tt \tt'i ‘ I.:T‘. \I«':' I". .\ \at Nut. \;‘I'ii Ir: ,\ \..:‘. ‘j, " Iztx‘ Iiiartd .tca: I\’~I‘,\' Ifkc .. \till,t\II,tI‘It' xt'tiiitiit‘,'i‘. ;‘ \ \I‘ H \ I\ ( t‘It'I‘iat; I'M; .‘.~“...:tt 'ftt' \i‘IZ, \ i. thc hot I‘.II1I\ ax 1:1; 1'. tutriwpgt t:‘.p
that had til? mt I «izztlwti I‘ll/'/"YI:‘ totttcx north list too thou ‘tit '. t .\ III.tI\t‘ an I \Ilt‘lIIxI Ht- \o I II\ "M ink; tIit'it'.tIitIii't }i~i1'\li.iiiit' \\t~'it- lx-tit-i than that \m‘ I (iIlI pit". int-3c “I Project Ability Inuit-ti \I‘iittxt g'it'c tot Ilt-wloi‘iiictital \II\ I‘ \Ihiori \tttx“ ‘i‘ 3&3? Ihii ,‘Ht\ Iii _‘I \cit
IItatii (\I‘III. Ill.tltt ‘l‘lll, \.:I noon huh I in" \ii (\IllI‘IIIi'll ot ‘.‘.i'II.\ In I'Il‘Ik'xI \hiht} .tlII\I\ \I‘III IIIIi' into I‘.‘.II\ I/asm
lulu/u a/n \. tt'attiit‘x I‘.tYIIIIlI:'\ ot
(i|.i\gii\\ I.III\I\\.II‘\'\ .IIIiI I.tIIiIIII.tII.\ .tIIiI lliiIHlI/rtlf /’..'//,n'.'i.n;\ \i'lIlI‘Il\t'\ \KHIIA I‘\
Itoiigatt' \tiitliox .tlIl\I I’aiiI ltuttux aw t" “it \Il Ii Hit/3' I It'l't It \.'.’.i..‘
Fairs and Ft3f3il‘.'{lIf§
Merchant City Festival IIttl .‘o \uii 3‘ \t'l‘ \.tll\‘ll\ Itt\.tIli‘ll\. \Ik'IxIIJIII (itx. (ilaxgoxx ()\k'I 3H“ uwiitx I.t\IlIHIl. tootlr IIIIII.IIll|\I\..tII.\IIt‘L'IIII;'.1II\'.tll\ItIllI‘ lllf_'IlI\ iii my annual I\'\II\,II IItl\ .\t‘,tl \Ilttt Ixt‘iI I “VII. II.\ .t IllI [it t't‘I tltlit Ii'ttl din \t‘t' llt.tlll It‘.tlttli‘. page I\ Scotfairs Antique 8- Collectors Fair \ltll 3‘ \cp Kt'hiii II.iII Iiitt'inatiotial \poih \Ik‘lld. I HR \if'tlt' \tict't. HI "til (5-155; (fill-lit Illatti -I Utpiii LI iat't‘otiipanit'd t’hiIiIicn tin-i \tt'p Ixitk Ill tiiiic .it tho higgcxt ,iiititiiit- Iaii lIt tht‘ (.k'IIIIIII Ilt'lt Ill\I \\.II\II out tot I).I\ItI I)ILI\lll\Hll Iiiikmg lit-hind the i Itllt.i ligurincs
:‘_ ‘x "’f' A:
Surfing? In Scotland? At this time of year? It might not be Hawaii,
the icies
° ° ° but once you’ve got over the initial ‘exhilarating’ burst of cold,
t of climes.
3" gun ‘31
Glasgow International Highland Cattle Show \.-.: ,‘it \i‘ t‘uilok tw:i::tt\ IMF», I‘w'HwahuAM I\'~‘.:\I. t‘ It
I \\ (.2. -‘,\l i\‘\‘
i‘t i‘..Y Ilt'm'. \\..'.t I‘ IIIC "iItIz'\ \
x H it ,‘ t Ht tun ‘i :‘e ii ti‘ ' ‘ "x I It " ~‘ "‘ thorittl
'I\ i""‘ It" \-\I tI \‘I
"tit": h. .. ’\,'.i\t\ iii 1h; utith The Marketplace \.:I .‘it My (Ia'iIlt'l ’-I\'tlIIt‘., :1
I .III\' H‘WV i\\‘Il IIJIII ‘iuii Itt‘t' \thithh :‘.:tht‘:i:i:'
\ tattctct'ts \utt wt Iikt' iiittxkt‘tt‘t‘tx I‘tlI '.\:th I\'\\ \xxuiiliiltix .lIIiI iiiwic haiitl \titt tit'il tt'lt ittit\t'\
Signature Style \iiii 1H \t-;\ \l t i (IMIc \iiditniiitdi. I iiitiicstoii ()ii.~.\. iix‘iiiilii ziiiiit *tliuii {1" Illt.t‘.'lll\‘
I" I i,.‘.\:‘|"x‘. I TI‘I‘K'I I Ah"
t‘I (II_‘,\‘_'|‘\\ \ Illit‘\I
1H“ i‘t'iiiilt' axluiix' MN] :I \iiii'tt‘ {‘i‘llt‘.‘ ilII\'-‘-II\'It‘ iiitt‘ oii \oiit hohdaxx .it oiitt~ \ lIIIl.tII‘- .iII ot \totIaiiiIK haiiihcswts ‘.\III \I‘Illt‘ tiit't'tht't Ii‘l writ" iitz'ht I‘ttI\ to I‘Ii'M‘IlI that t It‘.lI|i‘Il\ .tI IIII\ shim, .l\\' to Iii-iit'lit tht' IIt'alth .lIIiI Iii-aim IIt-iinolt'iit I (“MI
The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival IItlt t Ill t‘’ i iii \,lIlI‘ll\ \t'lltlt‘x Iitiicx '\.lI\ \t‘t‘
tuna-v. I‘.l{'\ i
I «MI 3*. IhlitIx
French Market I It ‘I \iiii ‘* \t'ii (LiiiiIIt'ti-Jgs. ( aniIIt'iiz'vx, litaiii 'iuii
I in‘ \ uiiIt' I.tII_‘_'t' ot .llIIIlt‘IlIlt I It'II\ Ii tnotI. t iiiltx .lIIiI .lIIII|‘\I‘IIt'It‘ ltotii I it‘iit Ii iiiiiilitt t'ix /'i;i,' wt {iii I/i it tam/t {It
/i \i'l'iii‘r
Farmers Market \.it ‘ ‘ \iiii ‘I \t'it I\iti:' \Ilk'k'I. III.t|ll ‘iuii II.ttIII|t‘II.tI Ill.tII\\'I wlhnyx \III.IIII\ IIk'\II iiioiltiti' iIiitxtlx lioiii \tottish I.tlll|t'l\ .iiid [\ioiIittt‘h. .l\ up” .I\ .i \t'It't tioii wt .IlI\ .tttiI \ l.lII\ \I.lII\ [1.41M l/ii I]: It [Iii/r! (II/"t /: \fiazi'
Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market \it 3‘) \‘p \I.lII\I|\'I\I I’.itk. I’.utit I,_
Ill ‘3 ll‘llilt ".itii ipiii Itt‘i' Hip'aIiit \t'L'k'I.lI‘It'\ Il.lIIiI III.ltIt' I‘liiitlll\ .itiiI hattp} I‘.l\t'Il Iik no \t'\ Ik'I \oii t .m I‘ll\ i.'l.".i'l'lllI'.‘ on Iliiiiihattoii Ix’oatl IIIt'\k' iI.l\\
NOZID Meeting IlIt' .‘ \t‘p \Ioiio. l.‘ I\iii:'\ ( ‘oiiit. I\iii;' \IIt‘t'I. “I .‘ lttlt Mini I It't' I IIk'IlLII}, iiiloiiiial toitiiit'hth inn-ting .ui oiipoituiiitt to IIlt‘t'I .iiid iIl\\ Il\\ v. 1th ttIIlt'l pvoplv IIIIK'IL'\It‘tI Ill IIlt' [‘Ittlx'xllttll ol print}. \ l\lI IlI‘t‘lIl\'\ and human iig'htx
Art and Sectarianism: Murals IIlll Ill \t‘li (i.iI|t'i} ot \Iotlt'iii \lI. lx’o_\.il I-\t'h.iiij,'t' \iiiiait'. .‘.‘,‘) I‘I‘Ht l» thiii I‘tt'i‘ I |i/.iIit'tt.i loit'iio \'\.lIIIIIIt'\ IIIt' t.i‘.‘. pout't ot tht' tiiitial, IIlt' tiihan \lIII.t\t’\IIlIII\'iIIIIIHIIlt‘I.ll1'k‘\I\.tII\.l\HI PHIIIKJI .lIItI iiIt'oIoz'naI .lII\It'IIt'\ In! it! Hi: /)'/im/ lit/Hi \. awn
Slave Trail Tour I t! it \uii 3% \t-p (i.tIIt'l_\ ot \Iodciii \it. Ix’o}.i| I \tII.lII'.'t' \tiiiait'. If" I‘t‘Ni .‘liiii I it'i' 'II\ I.t'It'(II .\ guitch toiii into IIIt' \Icit h.iiit( it} \ dail, Ill\Iitl} to \ttllllllt‘lllttldlt‘ IIlt' Itlltth .lllltl\L‘l\itl} ol tht- .ihohtioii ot IIIt' slaw Il.ltIt' I’IL'.t\t‘ ItiiitI. lll .I\I\.III\ t' It} L‘llt.tlIlll_L' itilo‘ I nit-it II.IIII\ it} It'\II\.lI K oiii .i\ [‘Iiltk'\ .lIt' IIIllIIt‘tI ’ii/I u/ [in lit [4 him! ( tr‘. lid/.412"
Knitty Gritty Meetup IIllllxtI.t} \
I IIK" t.\ ( .UIIK'C .tltiI I’I.t_\. I5” ( ilt'4tl \\k‘\It'III Road. ‘4‘) ‘IIHI (i hpiii I'iw (i,tIIlL'llll_‘_.' tot lellIICh ‘.‘.lIII IIK'L' totlw .iiid Ltlhk'
Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group IIIlllMId} \ IIIL' Anni-w. ‘ta Sit-uai'tx iIIc Slit-ct. I’artitk. 4“ (71“
q I< Vl‘llt L; “I I‘lltiI )ttttt \ltlkk' .iltiI Iilt )otit \[llllh at thc IllllIIltllIIIlldI \lllg'lllf.’ gioiip UPCII to all \o L".[k'l'lt‘lltt‘ IlL'tC‘MtI'}.
Djembe Drumming 'l Illllea} \ (iaIIIL'l iii (iIasgmk. I 'ppci I‘IHHI. 4" Ruthwn lane. Unto" I335] 4
‘ i; Ul‘pm :5 ml tor drum huci. \M'st \II'ItdII drumming and pcrtuxxion