I The Gilded Angels, The Godfearing Atheists .irirl Ally Kerr (‘oltn-rk. 93 95 llj.nill.rnrl Slit-ct. 35" 5535 hpiii llt'r‘ ('laxxit Louiitt} “Kl. \1llllltl‘\.tl Illl\ \ l‘~.llllt’llltll\ .i lllL'ltl
I Michael Simons 'It ll.il (l‘. ll.t. loll Ilt'altxltlll lhnc. 019 7353 Spin £2 (ilaxgou Ira-ml t'tlll.tll\l l‘l.t}lll'..‘ toll. ltlllt'x .mrl limoan
I Contra \itt“ri'S|t'.r/I\. 1.‘l Sautlirt'hall Stit't't. 3330900 .\ 40pm St‘t' \Illll Ill
I Information Control, Moses, Burma Star and 101 Soul ( ".rprrol. INS Sam lllt'IMIl Stir't‘l. 3ll llllll
S 30pm £1 Illtllt‘ Illt I .it thrx l | on- l<mk night
I Ailidh Modhan ll.” Him. H7 Halli Stir-(1.5710000 ‘lprii I'It't' ('t-It tunk outlil. Hllt'lllall} lioin \l‘t'lllk'k'llSIIlIk'
l dinliurgh
I Frank Turner, Jonah Matranga and Joshua English ( Lilian-r \oliarrr: to KS Blair Slim-t. 220 (\l7o "pm £7 It'llllll}' triplr- hill ol r'\ rock and nit-tal \inyt'rx lllH\lll_‘.' lll .i riioir' thoughtlul \irigft'r/xoru'uritt'iI} (Illt't'llllll
I Kid Canaveral, The Reno Amps and Jesus H Foxx \Vn- I\)t‘tl Hal. ldmhuwh (‘ollrja't- ol .\it. I .‘tllll\lt)lt I’lilk't'. 3.3" I ll.‘ '[llll tll‘x‘ l't‘llt't' (.tlllt't'lt'tW Kltl (..tll.‘t\t‘l.tl (It'Sk'lllik’ lht'iiixr'lxt'x a\ .i ror'k ‘mt‘najgt' a quatir" lrorri St '\lltllt'\\\
I Willie Logan 'l he .la/l Hai. I ('hamhvix Slim-t. 220 4290 S {0pm. £3 i£2l. (’oxcix hour the I‘lllt'S and rod }.'llll;ll'|\l.
I Hi 5 Alive, Applescruffs and The Blacklights \Vlihtlchinku‘x. 4 (r South Iilltlij‘. 557 5| ll 9pm l-rt't' Illtllt‘ night.
wh sole ankles
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\ . www.whistlebinkiescom info@wnlstleblniries.com telephone: 013? 557 51.14 4- o‘ Scum Bridge Edinburgn EH1 7L1.
66 THE LIST (3 Sz‘l‘ .\\\\\ '
I Laura Cruikshank Iik'.tll\tL'IIk'. 2 (irmwnor Strr't'l. 34“ N043 9pm hey (ariarlian \lllL't'l \origurrtcr “Illt ran .tlllI truth lIIIIllL'Iltk'S
I The Freak Family IIIL' .l.r// Bar. 1 (ILIIIII‘L'IS Stu-cl. 330 4390 ll 30pm lin- (ligann hip hop .tlltl tall} groowx. with pumt \I(\ .tlltl [le
I Albert Lee & Hogan’s Heroes \\ Illlk'lldll lllt'allt'. I3 llt‘llllt'lxi \llt‘k'l. 01m: 1349.1” 7 3llpm LlfrrLl5i (illll.tll\l \lht'it I w l\ ioinul h} (icri) Hogan l_L'tlll.tl i. l’r'tt' \\ ingticlrl «piano». Brian IIHtI}_'\Hll ll\.l\\l and I’clci Halon irlrrrmxi lot .in writing ot rwkalull}rtountu rock
Thursday 13
I Albert Lee 8. Hogan‘s Heroes 'l he l'L'll'_\. .'\nrlcr\ton ()uax. I IIL' llroomir-lau. oirilis 3(rll0S5 "pin it % so xt-t- “at I: I Frank Turner, Jonah Matranga and Joshua English the (lithouw. l5 l'ruon Str‘ct‘t. 24S (Willi) "pm Sm" \le I3 I The Backbeat Beatles l’.i\ thou 'llicatrt'. l2l Rt'llllk'ltl Stit'r't. 332 lS-lh
7. 30pm. £lh. ()llk‘ ol Illt' moxt popular Iit'llllt'S trrhutt‘ act\ on the load.
I Nikitta ()t‘an .\Iol. 7 3| 7 35 (iIL‘JI \M‘xtcrn Road. 357 (r3llil. 7 30pm £7. .\ lrlr Iur linahxt p|a.\\ Inc hcloic \hc l\ \llpt'ISL'tlL'lI h} tlux _\c.u\ hunch.
I David Bowie Tribute Night \Izit‘Sirr‘lt'}\ Muxit‘ liar. 43 .lamait'a Stru'l. 248 S5SI. .S'prn. l'iu' Ilk‘} "rc all IIIL' ragt- IIIL'SL' ll;t}\.
I Fighting with Wire, ThinkzFire, This Tall to Ride and All my Logic llal‘ll}. 3N) (lulu Slt'L‘L'l. (IS7l) 907 099‘).
3A.. 0131 226
5 Susan 51 Euinourgn
\pm in \It rotk trom llcr'r} \ lighting \\ 101 “no torturing; m mcrnhcrx ot Jclplanc l anilin;
I The Lynsey Dolan Band and CoPilot Effect Boy 4 3| Sauthrchall Stir-ct. 332 543] Spm I'IL'L' Illucx and |.t// tinge-ll \oul trom I llll
I Martin John Henry, Afterchristmas, Evan Crichton .llltl Tall Ships \lono. l3 King'x ('our't. King; Stru't. 553 2400 Spur lrcc \Ihlt‘l Irainp Rctorth launth thcu \t'kl‘IIlI lt'lt'axt'. UN [/24 Burn ll Ir.r.L .i Ullllplldlltlll ot unsigned Stottrxh .it‘lx intluthng; IIIL' tour pl.i}iiig_‘ It'llllell
I Ross Clark, Davie Lawson .tlltl Emily Scott Hrcl. 39 43 .\\ltloll I .lilt'. 342 49ho Spin l‘rcc \t’oumt' \rrigcr \Hllf2\\l'llt'l IIIxt'IlL'tI to a quirk} Scottixli IlllfJIll I‘ll-x pr'rloimx .rt thrx (hit to I’Ia} ltllell
I The Troubadours, The Bodesapha and The Primary School Ilar'll} rupxtarrxi. 2h0 ( ‘|_\tlr‘ Stir-ct. 0S7“ 9070999 Spin £5 Jangl} rctro llltllt' liom Incrpudlran hand the 'lrouharlourx I Dive Dive, Min Atlantic .tlttl The Parkers KllljJ Iiit'\ \\ah \Vah lhrt. 272;: St Vint'cnt Str‘ct'l. 33l 5279, S. 30pm £5 Ihc hcadhncrx arc ()\IHI(I punkr'ix
I Baby Bones and The Kinghats
I 3th Nott' ('all‘. 50 o0 King: Strt'r‘t. 553 M38. 9pm. Boonxhalongg L‘It't'lIU punk hcat t‘oinho ltt‘iltlllltt‘.
I James Hara, Teapot Jacuzzi and Crawford Smith I.lllt'll Will). I I ll) l’ollokshaux Road. (>49 0007. 9pm, l-ircc. .'\t'Ull\I|t' lineup.
I Yellow Bentines lik‘itllSt't'llt‘. l 3(i.5 :\r‘3_'_\|c Stiu‘t. 357 4 340. 9pm. l'r‘cc. Sm- Iuc I l
I Annie Christian, Little Doses and Cryoverbillionaires (‘aharct Vollau‘c. 3h 33 Blair Strcct. 320 (il7o. 7pm. £5. 'I‘hc Scottixh Illtllt‘ t_\pr'\ rcturn lrorn i‘ctir‘crncnt.
I Astronaut lianncrrnari'x. Nidrlr‘} Stiu't. 55h 3254. 9pm. £4. Rock.
I The Deloreans, Val Verde, Pesky Kings and Amber Souls \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 () South Bridge 557 5| l4. 9pm. I'liu‘. Rock.
I Spies in The Wires ('ahau'cl Voltairc. 3o 33 Blair Strcct. 220 (rl7n. llpin 3am. £4 (£3). l’unk lunk gollcctnc ()Bli arc the hw act tlux month mill 1).! \ct\ l'r‘orn thc \cncrahlc Moguai and ItIIL‘\\lItI.
I Air Traffic 'I'hc (iai‘agc. 490 Sauchichall Street. 333 ll20. 7pm. I’iano- lcd indic rock quar'tct l’roru liout'm'lltotlth. I 603 Hits Hurricane Ro}al ('ont‘cr‘t Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 H000. 7.30pm. £l(i.50 £lh’. IIL‘l‘lllitlh llt'l’lllllx. Brian l’oolc and Iilcctr'n. and IltL‘ Ix} League indulgc in some (it)\ noxtalgia \xith an cwning ol ltlll\lL';tl rncrnor‘ic»
I Daniel O’Donnell Sli(‘(': (lute Auditorium. l-‘innicxton Qua}. 0370 040 4000. 7.30pm. £25.50 £29.50. Darin} ho} Comm to perform lllIS troni ltlx I‘M) astonishing!) \ticccxxltil rock'n'roll alhunix. 'l‘cll )our gran to gct hcr Ilt‘lkL'IS last.
I Foy Vance Brcl. 39 43 Ashton l.anc. 342 49nd 7.30pm. £5. Allurnatixc. licat'tlblt \ongx trorn a tilSIIllL‘Il\L'. \oultul \oicc.
iii The Go! Team .-\B(‘. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3332. 7.30pm. £14. Sonic Youth mccl thc Jackson 5 DIUS all points in hcmccn pop up during thc Mcrcur) .\ill\lC l’ri/c—nominatcd (iol 'l‘carn‘x \ct. Scc prm ic“. page 58.
I The Fortunate Sons The Buttcrll} & IIIL' I’lg. I55 Bath Street. 33l 77l I. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc Hi 7.
I The Contradictions, The Passengers and Pharmacy Ihc Archm. 253 fag} lc Strcct. 0870 240 7523. 3pm. £6. .»\|t rock triple hill.
I The Foxes and Atomic Garden Bart‘l} iupxtairxi. 260 (‘hdc Strcct. 02-470 9070999. .S'pm. £5. I.i\c mUsic.
1 Great onstage ad libs part one llawley onstage in l rlrnhrirgii last year. provrng why his dry between-song hanter is often almost worth the DIICG oi admission: ‘I wrote a song for me Wile. because I'm soft as a bag of tits'.
2 He is the Sheflield music industry Kind of. Starting out as a member of the (:ity's l ongpigs during the 00s, Hawley j()lll(?(l Pull) in trrne for This is Hardcore, worked wrth Jarvis again in his illlated electro-goth protect Relaxed Muscle. and names all his albums after Shellield landmarks.
3 He is the music Industry Just about. OK, not really, but Hawley's sessron guitar has appeared on releases by Hank Man/in, Gwen Stetanr, All Saints (‘Under the Brrdge' as rt happens). and on Ba] 1 uhrmann's Homer) r Juliet soundtrack, among many Others. He even tried out for Morrissey's band.
4 For a Mercury nominee, he’s got credibility As do many other contenders for the prize, although Hawley‘s Cole 's Corner was a more uniquely indwrdual, and British. nominee than most. the new album Lady '8 Bridge is srrrrilarly memorable.
5 Great onstage ad libs part two Hawley. at the above mentioned gig, responding to a punter why dared to use the word ‘Country‘: ‘Then luck off to the bar. And get me one while you‘re there'. (David Pollock)
Queen's Ha/l, Edinburgh, Fri 74 Sep; City Ha/ls, Glasgow, Sun 76 89;).
I The Hussys King: 'l’iir\ \Vah \Vali Hut. 272a St Vincent Strut-t. 22l 5279 «Spin. £(i. Scc lit 7.
I The Bible Code Sundays and The Wake Bar'll}. Zrio (lulu Sim-r. 0870 907 0999. Spin. £(i. ('clt rot‘la'rx lrorn London.
I The Godfearing Atheists anrl Southpaw Nicc‘n'Slca/y 42l Sauchichall Strut-r. m (won. 3 illplll ('ountr} hootcnann}
I Starsky Bcanxccnc. i3 43 “tintilittttlx Road. 353 9300. 9pm I'R'L' Scc 'I'hu (i.
I Yellow Bentines Ilcattxg‘CllL'. l9 Skining Slrcct. Shaulandx. (H2 3090. 9pm. I'IL'L’. SL‘C Inc I I.
I Baldego and Ben Sturrock Iron 'I'hcatrc. (i3 'I‘rongatc. 552 4267. 9 illprn. £3. A little bit lunk. a little hit rock. and a rcccnt XI‘M Artist ot the Week. Baldego launches his sccond album. I’rr'r'lrrrrrrrl.