Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Thursday 6
Nuala Gardner \\;iici\ioiit-\. l" lilélt‘llt'ittl Shopping ('cntic. Kiri}:\ Incli Road. Rt'tllt‘cu. 335 t) i 33 3pm l'tcc Nuala (iaidnci \ig'nx copicx ol hci ncxx hook. :\ l’llt'llt/llkl' l/lI1I\. thc titic \toi_\ ol hov. a ho) dclcatcd .tllll\lll \iitli thc hclp ol lll\ pct tittltlt'll ictiic\ci. tranxloiiiiin}: thc ll\t'\ ol lll\ cntiic taiiiih
Wide White Page Scoiiixli l’ix'll} l.ihrai'_\. 5 (‘ricliton'x ('onc. (‘anoncatta 557 3370. l'ntil 23 Scp Mon l'll
llain (ipiu. Sat noon -lptn l'tcc \ nc\\ c\hihition ol \xhitc out hcaut) iccoidcd in photograph atid papci lot'ni\. cicatcd h} hook artixt Rachcl Ila/cll and Ill\pllt'tl h} Antarctica
Rebus 20 \Vtitci‘x' .\lll\t‘lllll. lad} Stank ('loxc. l.;t\\lllll:tlkt'l. 53‘) ~l‘ltllv llntil 2‘) Scp. Mon Sat lllaiii 5pm. I't‘cc, A \pccial c\liihition marking: tlic Illtli antincrxai} ol tlic piihlicatioii ol Ann/x nml ( 'mm'x. laii Rankin'x lil\l llth‘t‘lttl Rchux inptcry
Ross Clark, Y’all is Fantasy Island and Alan Bissett chr) '\ (‘cllai‘ Bar. 8 loa Morrixon Strcct. 335' ‘l 3‘) 3. "’pni Ulk'. ()ttlt’k} tlt'ttlhllt'n atid \\ cud l'olktronica plus rcadingx lroin ;\|an Bixxcll.
Saturday 8
Write-Tron for All 'l'ron 'l'hcatic. ()3 'l't'ongatc. 553-1207, lll.3(laiii l3. 3llpin. UH (UH). ('rcatn c \H‘lllll}: \\ot‘k\ltop\ lot' adultx run h) Stcphcn Barnc» Booking: t‘xwlllittl.
Alan Brazil Watcrxtonc'x I53 I57 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘llll5. l23llpin. lircc. 'I‘hix Scottixh limthallcr. littl'\t‘l'itt‘lll;_‘ ptiiidit and radio prcxcntcr \\ ill hc \ignin; copicx ol~ hix hcxlxcllct'. Hot/i litll'l't'h front Ii’rugi'l.‘ .Ui' Bin on (In .Viun/rln'x.
* Ian Rankin liaxtuood l’ark 'l'hcatrc. liaxmood l’ark. Roukcn (ilcn Road. (iil'lnock. 577 4070‘ 7.30pm. U» 1H). Ian Rankin dixcusxcx hix ncu hook. Ifiit Mimi; and \ignx copicx altcmardx. Scc prc\ ic“. pagc Io.
Monday 10
Creative Writing Class littl'tlt'h Books. “8 Buchanan Strcct. 222 770i). 0pm. £0.50 iL'3tl tor \i\ \t‘\\iott\l.
‘l)i,\co\ cr thc \Vi'itcr \Vithin' at thix \cricx ol~ \\ot‘k.\ltop\. Booking t‘\\t‘llll;ll on 0700‘) 8337 l 3 or cinail prixinatictu \ irginnct.
Gary Suthefland Bordcrx Bookx. "8 Buchanan Strcct. 223 770i). 7pm. l-‘i'cc ttickctcdl. (Ear) Suthci‘land talk\ about lt|\ hook. Hunting (iroimilx. \ihich lolloxu itl\ qucst to \ixit all 42 loothall groundx in Scotland in onc xcason.
Seeing Spells Achieving litlrtlt‘l\ Books. Fort Kinnaird Rctail Park. (6“ 40-“. Illam. lircc. .-\ D} slc\ia .'\.\.\tl'l;lllt\ll m cm in conjunction with National l)_\'.\|c\ia chk promoting thc ncix hook. Swing SIM/IA .Ilt‘lin'i'ing.
The School of Poets Scottish l’octr)
Librar}. 5 (‘richton\ (‘lo\c. (‘anongaltx
28 THE LIST 6—30 Sop L‘tle
5 3.5"“ 5‘ 3llpiii \nnual \tll‘\cll[‘lli'll IlliL5~ \loiitlilx uoikdiop lkpc pt x'lt_\ \L'\\litll aiming to k‘'t‘ and dc\clot‘ \iiituij: \klil\ lit'L'lllllt'h and iiioic c\pcriciitcd \Kl'llt‘h arc ctiuall} ".ickoiiic
Wednesday 1 2
Storytelling Cate: High Jinx and Thrills \tottixli \toi_\tc|lin-.' (critic.
~13 ~15 High \ticct‘ 55o “51" ‘piii L3 Storflcllct \llcllat'i l'\t'lllll\ ilitxh .iii c\cnin;3 ol \litllt'\. llltl\lc and wit); \xlicic _\ou can \t'llllll‘tllt' oi \ll hit k and |ll\l cnio} tlic k.tlll\
Thursday 13
Elaine Marney lilltlt't'ltill l iliiai} and lcainiiij: ('cnttc. .‘3 I .llltllt'\\k \‘ticct, 551 llll" Ipiii l icc l laiiic \lalllt‘} \Hii icad lioiii lici ncu hook. Iii/in: .l( on. .i daiklx coiiiic \\ll_\tlllllllll that t‘\.lllllllt'\ lilt‘ t'ttll\t't]llt‘ll\'t‘\ loi ill\ laiiiih \kllt‘ll .t _\Hllll_‘.' iiian l\ iiitiidcicd
David Shrigley littltlt‘h Hook\_ its Buchanan Sticcl. 3.7.7 " 'lltl lipiii I icc ('artoonixl I).i\id \hiiplc}, kiiouii loi ill\ tlt'ltlt'lltilh ol thc lllctlll\t‘tlllt‘ tlic unaxailing: and tlic hi/aiic. \lt'lh \‘tll‘l\'\ ol htx tic\\ hook. \nlx lltllt \i 1 III )I’ll/ lie (I >i< James Kelman \liiclit-ll l li‘l.tl_\. Sill \orth Strcct. .‘.\" I‘l‘I‘l "pin licc itickctcdi. Scotlandk oiil_\ Bookci l’ii/c \Hllllt'l \\lil talk to \l.iii |.i_\|oi .ihotit thc lt'l\\llt‘ ol ll|\ I‘Ml L'l.t\\lc Ill!
HUN l'lll/Ht [HI l/l/lt \
=l< David Peace \\tlltl l’om-i Bookxliop. ~l 3 \\t‘\l Nlt‘ttlvtll Sllt't‘l. (\(i: "l l: fil‘lll, l'tcc_ (iiatita\ Bc\t ol lilllhll \otiiij: Non-IN l).i\id l’cacc icadx tioiii ill\ iic\\ hook. IoAiu )nn /¢'m. a clinic no\cl \ct ;I}T;tlll\l tltc hackdtop ol poxl \xat .lapati
Creative Writing Class littltlt‘H Bookx. ‘lX Buchanan Sticct. 223 “"‘titl. (ipiii. Ui5ll i t; it) lot \I\ “Naomi, .m- .\lon lll.
Thesday 18
Peter Stamm: In Strange Gardens (iocthc lnxtitut. 3l’ai'k ('ucux. 333 3555. 7pm. l‘rcc. Sm“ author l’ctct Stainni rcadx lroiii lll\ nc\\ collcction ol ~|iort \tot‘tc\. In l‘l't'lllt/(H (iii/tin. 'l'iaiixlationx in liiiglixh “Iii hc rcad |\_\ Ron Biitlin. \Kllll an introduction h} lx’cgi (‘laiic
Wednesday 1 9
Garth Nix \VatctxtoiicK. IZH l’iinccx Strcct. 330 3000. ~lpllt. l‘t'cc. 'l'hc cclcht'atcd childicn'x author chat\ to lanx and \ignx copicx ol ill\ tic“ hook. Slim/t 'x (Ill/Illll‘t'll.
Thursday 20
Julie Davidson \\atci\ionc\. l‘l .4\rg_'.\lc Strcct. 3-18 .thJ opni. Book launch loi' .lulic l)a\ idxon'x llllllltH'th look at Scoh \lctcolHK‘\. \. ulx Hr Kin Martin Bell and Tam Dalyell \\.itci\tonc\. l53 l5" Sauchichall Slim-t. 3320105, (i..3llpiii. LC. Bcll and |)a|_\c|| tll\\t‘cl llk‘ i;t\l lt‘tl )t‘ah til lal‘otll goxcrnincnt \\llll Bcll .tl\t\ \igning c'tll‘lk‘\ ol htx tic“ hook. Hit lint/1 l/ntt .Vit Ax M'u Iii/ninth Hunt /1 or III“!
Yann Martel Bonch Bookx *lh Buchanan SII'L'L‘I. :33 -—(Nl_ l'l’k’L'v \lat'lt‘l \ignx copic\ ol tlic nc\\. illtixti‘atcd \t'l\lttll ol~ lll\ Bimkcitmnning no\ cl. Iii/i or [’1
Bridge Readings: Angus Peter Campbell 'l‘hc ;\ll:.‘ll\llllL‘ ('hurch. 4] 43 (icorgc IV Bridgc. («is 3(ll‘). "pin. l-rcc ttickctcdi. .-\n:_'u~ l’ctcr ('aiiiphcll rcadx in Scotx and (iaclic and trout lll\ lll\[ tto\ cl \xrittcn in linglixh. Iniixi/vlt Nani/x Booking; L‘\\
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