Festival B



AL KENNEDY Dramatic career shifts don't come more eye- opening than the transition from author to stand-up comic. But that's the move AL Kennedy made over a year ago and she has gone on to prove to be just as adept in her new job. For this event, she will talk about how being a writer is actually the funniest thing in the world.

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The intense pressures of modern living are high on the agenda in Lionel Shriver‘s books. Here she kicks back and takes on our Q&A

5 words to describe your latest book, The Post-Birthday World? 4 authors who you think should be more famous than they are now?

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3 books that had the most profound effect on you before you became a writer? 2 things that you love about book festivals?

1 thing you’d change about the publishing world?

=2: Tony Harrison lhe poet ‘.-.rhn:se 198‘. work 'V' sparked a for'ent oi tahloul ant {)Llrlrit!lthiEtt‘,‘ outrage over its Channel .1 adaptation arrives; to fliS’lUHf) the power of poetry ihom Yorke if; a hrg fan. 23‘ Aug}. 1' 7.3!?(2/77, 57 "5:55;.

=11 Ian McEwan ()ne of the nation's: favourite writers Is the hot tip to scoop hrs second Booker ltl'lff) later this year wrth On Che::r/ Beach. He was 8- 1 last trrne I popped Into the Jookres. 8-? Aug. 7 1.30am, F] (For,

=3: John Pilger lhe man who txas been a jOtlfllr’lllfSlIC thorn in the 8M0 to those in power and wrth influence has eontrnuerl on his; way by slaughtering Americans; for adopting a rather bao' attitude towards their Latin neighbours. See prevrew, page (‘32.). 2’4 Aug. (iiiOp/n, 578 IFS).

=2: Ann Patchett This I A horn, lennessee-hred writer won the Orange prize for lie/ Canto and she’s) hack wrth Hun, which features: a Boston family at odds and was described by Andrew O'Hagan a; being like a literary rnrx of Sr; / eet Under and The Sowarms, High praise indeed. See {Hf/HON. page 63. 26 Aug, 3‘. 30pm. 57' (2’;er

=1: Craig Davidson This young Canadian senhe won bundles of EifL’jir’Jill‘. for his debut short story coileetren. Rust and Bone. and the {)Ialldllf; have been no less forthcoming for his first novel. fire fighter. See prereew. page '32. 26 Aug, 7.30pm, {.5 (E3).

:2: William Gibson The granddaoo; of the cyberspace era rs hack wrth Spook Country .vh'ch explores espromge, the media one the devastating sooal etteets of teChnology. See prevren. page 64. 27Aug, 7pm, {[8 .436}.

All events take place in Charlotte Square, unless otherwise indicated. The box office number is 0845 373 5888 and the website is www.edbookfest.co.uk