:2: John Renbourne, John Goldie, Stevie Lawrence and Ian Forbes \H‘.“ llt' \ulk'. < l)lllltl.l\ \llt't'l. M: £035 " Wer l’t-ntanz'lc\ ling-t pickiu L‘tiilaihl llk'.lllllllt“ llnx hill It'lllltllllL' oll lllL' \o\\ \tt't’kcntl ol \ingt-i \ongmnt-h
I Fall Victim, The Poison Ivy, Screaming Blue Murder .mtl Stereo Oblivion Haul). 'tll‘\l.ill\l. 3m) (‘lujl- sum-L ovu no" out») xpm L5 \lc'lal
2:: Lucky Luke lllt‘ lit'llt'. “l” (ilL'dl \VLNIL'IH RHJtl. W133)” \plll l lt'k' Singlt- ltlllllkll
I Maelstrom, Three Days Born, Genetik Blueprint .lllll LSD Halli}. gnu ( ‘lttlt- \nt-t-i. oxm no" own 5pm Ur ('clln pro}: nit-tal lioru lllL' llt'iltlllllt'l\ ot llll\ int-ta] hill
I Russian Circles \ict-‘n‘Slt-ax}. -13| Sauclnchall \tiu't. ‘iill‘lllll
X illpin Lo lll\ll'lllllk‘lll.ll pout-t lilo lioni (‘hicajgo
I The Beat Poets lil.l\l\lll.ll\. Vi lic'll Silt't'l. 552 “ll-l ‘lltlll l'lL't' (ilaxyou \ \urlin \a\ inxtrutnt-ntal arm I Tony Shoebox, Futuro and Kings Die Kings l lili \Hlk' ( 'atc. 5” (ill Kin): Slit-cl. 55i loih ‘lpui Mt'lotln~ inth pop nith let-napa- lancluh and ltllcuiltl lllllllL‘llt'k'5. plu\ \llltlt‘lll guitarx and urgent \lltllll\t‘\ lioin l‘ututo
I Found lztlinhurgh Sculpture \Vorkxhop. 35 ll;t\\lllitlll\;llL'. 55| Ill)”. Ilain 5pin. l'lt‘k‘. Sec 'I'hu 33. I Razorlight, Editors and The Dykeenies Mcadoxxhank Sportx ('cntrc. I W |.ontlon Road. (ml 5 ‘5 l. ~lpin. £33.50. .-\\pn'ant rock'n'roll \larx l'rotn l.ont|iniuin to paratlt' lllt'll ‘gcniux' l'or our tlt'lcciauon in! u/ / (III (In I-rnrut'.
I The Sounds 'l'hc liquid Room. W Victoria ~\‘trccl. 225 350-1. "pm. (Ill. 5“ L'tll\ll llltllL' tlllllll. ’tll‘l H/ /' Hll I/Ic‘ I-rmut:
I Blue Sabbath Black Fiji, Muscletusk, Playground Meltdown and Usurper Hour} '\ ('t‘llar Bar. 8 loa .\lorri\on Strt‘ct. 325' 9“”. 7.30pm. £5. 'l'hc |a\l ol lhrcc noix} nightx tlcxignctl to counteract the licxtnal. l't‘aturing lrcc rock all the na) lroin l’m'lx.
I Krank Solo, El Guapo antl Landslide Hanncrinan'x. \itltlr} Slrccl. 55o 3254. ‘)pm. [4. llcayx rock
Paisley I The TWO Rivers Rock Festival Vai‘ioux \t'nucx. 'l‘iincx \ar_\. l’riu‘x
\ar}. Soc Thu 23.
I Hayseed Dixie and Neck .'\l$(‘. 53” Silllt‘lllt‘llilll SII'L‘CI. 5‘33 3352. 7.30pm. £13.50. ()xcr l4x \lttm. Blucgraxx cm crx ol' thc hartl rockin' \Ulllltl\ ol' :\(‘/l)(‘. \ltilot'ltt‘atl. (‘lttcc‘lt and other rock IIIUIl\lt'I'\ plux a hantll'ul ol~ originah crccping into thc wt. You ktto\\ the drill h} now
I The Sounds and Dragonette ()ran .\lot'. '73! 7’35 (ircat \thcrn Road. 557 (Col). ":30an Sec Sun 2h l'or 'l'hc Sotintlx.
I Acoustic Jam Nucc‘ii'Slt-az}. -t_‘l Sauchichall Strcct. 353 0000. Spin, lircc‘. \Vcckl} \hou (aw lor local \onguritcrx pcrlornnng original inatcrial.
I Vinyl Fret: and Some Boy Bo\. 451 Sauchichall Strccl. 552 543 l. .\'pin. l'il'L'L‘. l.tk‘;ll aclx
I Kid Apathy, Speaketh But Not Nateth and Ex-Wives liar Bloc. l l" Bath Strcct. 5‘4 (illho. 0pm. l’rcc. ldlpll‘tllflill‘lk‘. lL‘lil'llClLl \Ulllltl\.
I The Vivians, Kobai .llltl Symbolics Capitol. 408 Sauchichall Street. 33! ltl-ll). 0pm. £5 «Ur. l-‘nc— piccc litlinhurgh glam punk troupe 'l‘hc \'i\ ianx \\ ith \upport troni clcctro rockcrx Kobai.
I The Cowgate Cartoon llic‘ Ia/x lial. l ('hauiht'tx \trt't'l, SIN-12"“ ~1ptn L; \t't' lllll :;
I Dinosaur Jr Hit 1 itputl lx’ootn. "c \lcliill.t\llt't'l. 23 11h *0 lht' lk'llllll ol lhc \tnctnan
uitln' grungy ;_'otlht'atl\. lctl h} \ll'llk'l tllltlt' \l.l\\l\ iii: t'/' I 4": 7’4." I’I’IJ I The Teenagers, Wild Beasts and Dan Deacon ( alum-i \ollaltt'.
W in Hiatt \Itu'l. 23H (ili'h "pin
Ltlx Intln' papkctl \Kllll \tllllli‘\t'l\l.ll l}llt\ trout thin" lontlon l‘.l\'\'\l l).tll\l.lll\ I’m! of l or: flu Irma
I Frigits and Exit Evangeline lit-tn} \ ('cllai Hat. \ loa \louimn \ttct't._‘31\‘li‘l‘ 5pm Llht l’unk lioni llL‘lalltl
I The Industry Ensemble .llltl Mister Manana ltaiint-unan‘x. \itltli} Slit-cl. 550 ‘354 “pm L1 llltllt‘ lik'k
Tuesday 28
I The Magic Carpet Cabaret
'I that U\ na. ~12 ()taggo l..lllL'. ‘5“ 453-1 Spin. L2. .lun \lt'Mn'i [‘lt‘\t'lll\ a lllj._'lll ol \ongnritt'rx and hand»
I Plain White T’s, Takota .llltl All Time Low King: 'lut'x \\'ah \\ah llul. 3"_‘a St \‘int'cnt Slit-cl. III 5:“). Spin, 8( )l ,l) ()l "l ()\t‘l l-lx \hou. .\orth (‘arolina punk [Nip\lt‘l\ non making; iapitl lllltliltl\ to lllL' l'K charlx.
I Laura Healy lit-anxccnc. W -l_‘ \\'ootl|antl\ Road. ‘53 “Mill. ‘Ipin. l'rccl Scc ll! 11.
I The Mesmer Club lit-tummy. It) Sku‘nng Slit-ct. Shanlantlx. M: MM). ‘lptn l'rcc. l’\_\ cht'tlclic l'olk lroni tttc‘llthcrx ol lhc‘ (ilaygou (ioxpcl (lion and 'l‘hc (ioltlcnhour.
I Mistake us for Friends 1 51h Nou- (MC. 50 (ill King; Slrt'cl. 55i loih’, ‘lpin. .-\|htun launch lor llll\ tnclotln' punk band lroin Hamilton.
I Open Mic (ilaxgou l'niwrxit} l'nion. 33 l'niwrxit} .'\\Cllllt'. ‘3‘) Sol)". ‘lpin. l'rcc. 'l'ht‘} 'II pro\ ltlL' thc gcar. )titi pro\ itlc lhc talcnl. .-\n open mic night l’or atnonc. including: lllll\lL‘lillI\ or conic-diam. cwr} 'l'ucxtla} night. l'rcc tlrink lor all pcrlorint-ix.
I Void Avoidance Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 (illhh. Upin. l'rcc. I’art) \Ulllltl\.
I Eagles of Death Metal lllL‘ l.lqllltl Room. ‘k Victoria Strccl. 235 2504 7pm. U750. ()uccnx ol thc Stonc .‘\g_'c'-al'lilialul \lca/) rock‘n'rollcrx liaglc‘x ol Death .\lcta|. l’url u/ I’ on I/u' l’l'lllk’i'.
I Jack Penate (‘alwai'ct \‘oltairc.
3o 38 Blair Strccl. Ill) M70 7pm. {U50 South l.ontlon \itigt'r-xongurilcr \xho rcaniniatc'x lhc glithlx ol Drakc and Buckle} inot htcrall} thought to much talkulahout cll'ccl. tlmpitc a rcwnt run in \\ ith the Sub (‘lulx I’url of 'I‘on I/Ii’ l‘rmut:
I Jacob Flunch, North Atlantic Oscillation and Indafusion llcnr}\ (‘cllar Bar. 3 loa Morrixon Slim-t. 335' UN} Spin. L4. .‘\|t.rock.
Wednesday 29
I The Naturals and Easily Influenced Rockcrx. 1-1 Midland Strccl. Ill 0-3!», "pm. L5 lnthc rock lrotn Huntlu' hcatllincix.
I Acoustic Open Stage 'l'hc Hall Bar. loll \Vootllantlx Road. 1.53 ‘N‘lh. Spin l‘rcc. \M'ckl} unplugng \L'\\li\n. I lsosceles and Neil Sturgeon ('otticr‘x V3 9.5 ll}ntllantl Strcct. 35" .5835. SPIN. l-rcc. lhc l'ran/ l‘crtlinantl- tlm‘l'tfi L‘tl lulu‘L‘lLN and (ittltlc‘nlitllll‘ tronunan \cil Sturgeon pla} tlnx \ixaniclotlica night.
I The Jack Knives and Gas Giant \laggic .\la_\ \. .50 'l‘rongatc. \lcrchant ('1t_\.54.\' l35ll. 8pm. £5. lllLllL‘ and c‘\pcriincnla| \Ulllltl\ at Square (io?
5 3501 put
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2': L 39:, 27,7 THE LIST 41