To coincide with the publication of I’m a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski: The Ultimate Guide to the Coen Brothers' Classic Film, the Lebowski Fest rolls into town this fortnight. Highlights include bowling parties and screenings of the film. There is even a
rumour that the dude himself, Jeff Bridges will be in town. The List has some tickets for these events to give away. Email promotions©list.co.uk with your details to win one. Visit www.1ebowskifest.com and www.ticketweb.co.uk for more information. I I1 1/111111 I ()1/(111'1/I1/1.'1/I< I (II/111011;!) 1‘; (211/!) I ()1). I(II!1I)11/(}II (111 I . (-1 11111}.
Knocked Up (Subtitled) 1 151
1'1'11\' M1111: .2 15. Sui 1k 101" 5.00. S1111 (\- \\'1'11: S. 10
Rush Hour 3 1 12.\1
1'11 \\1'11: 530.
The Simpsons Movie 1i’(;1
Hull}: 445(11111Sui1. 045 ((1111
Mon \\'1'111. S45 ((1111 l'l'l1\ 1111-1 The Simpsons Movie (Subtitled) 1l’( (1 link 1111- S 45
Sui 4.15.
.\l(1111\ “1‘11: 045. Tiansfonners112.r\1 4.511. 7.50.
Odeon Wester Halles
\Vt'xixnli' l’lu/u. 120Wt'\11'1' llullw Rnuil. \M‘xlt‘i'll;111('\.0S7l 22 44 007. l'i'i. M1111. \\1'111\ 11111. :\111111\: [(11125 111'11111‘ 2111111. (‘11111' 1.4 50 l'ulllll} 1111111: £4.20 (1111110110111 ip1'11|1|c1. Sui. Sun 1k Bunk ll111111;1}x '\1111|i\. 1.0.(‘111111 £4.50. l‘umil} 11111-1: L420 (minimum .1 pt‘iipli‘i. llui'gum l)u_\ 1111" [4.20.111 \t‘uh.
111111181 MY 7.31
The Boume Ultimatum 1 12..\1 2.00, 3.011. 4.30, 5.30. 7.15. 8.15.
Bratz: The Movie 11*(11 5.511.
Evan Almighty1i’(i1 3.30. 8.20. Hairspray1i’(i1 .\'.10.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenIX112.-\1 2.011. 5.1111. 8.00. Rush Hour3112.-\1 4.00. (1.15. 3.30. The Simpsons Movie mm 3.00. ~5:11. 7.45.
Surf’s Up11’(11 3.15. (1.011.
Tiansfonnersii2.-\1 4.50. 7.50.
1 H11)» Y 34' lllURSDAY 30
The Boume Ultimatum 1 12..\1
0.111}: 2.00 :00. 43111, 5.30. 7.15. 8.15.
:\l\11 Sui 1\ Sim: 1230.
Bratz: The Movie (1’( ‘11
Hull}: 5.20. 5.40.
.-\l\0 Sui 1k Sim: 1.00.
Evan Almighty 11’(‘11
l)uil_\: 1.15. (1.10.
Evan Almighty (Parent 8. Baby Screening) (l’(‘11
inc: 11.15um.
Fracture (Senior Screening) 1 (51 luv: 1 1.15um.
Hairspray 1 1’(‘. 1
Dull}: 1S.l0.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ( 12.-\1
Dull}: 2.00. 5.00 & 8.1X111111i\\'c1l& 'l‘hui.
Sui: 1 1.1011111.
Knocked Up 1 151
l);11|_\: 2.10. 5.20. Sill. No Reservations 11’( ‘11 \\'1'111\ 11111: 5.50. S20. Rush Hour 3 1 12.-\1 Hull}: 3.30. S30. ShrektheThirdil'1
Sul 1& Sun: 11111111.
The Simpsons Movie 1i’(‘.1 l)uil}: Hill. .550. 7.45. .1\l\11 Sui 1\ Sun: 12. i0. Surf’s Up 11’(‘11
Hull}: ‘15. (100.
.-\1x11 Sui 1k Sim: 1.00. Transformers 1 HM Hull}: 7.50.
Vue Edinburgh Ocean
()1‘1‘un '11'1‘mmul. ()1‘1‘un l)1‘1\c. 1.01111. 0S7 12 240 240. :\111111: {(1.5011x'l111‘1‘ 511mt5.451.('lnl11(under 151: £4.25 (lwlui‘c 5pm [4101. S1111lcni/( )Al’: £4.50 (111'1111'1‘5pm (4.151. 15.111111} iit‘kci: £17.1N1111t‘101'c5pm £10401. K111x (1011: £1.50 (1111c ut't‘nmpun} mg uiliili gHL'S ll'L‘t‘l. l.uii' \t‘l'L‘L'llllifJS lullL‘l' 10.510301): [5.45 ([4151. ’l‘iic: ull llk'lKL‘lS {411111111}.
ll-lllliSDAY 19:1
The Boume Ultimatum 1 12.0 2.1111. 2.30. 3.1111. 5.00. 5.30. (1.00. 3.00. 8.30. (1.00.
BratzzThe Movie11’(11 2.2(1. 4.511. Evan Almighty11’(;1 2.40. 5.20. 7.511. Hairspray11’(‘11 (1.311. (1.111.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHJ-M 1.30. 4.55. 7.40.
License toWed112A1 1.211. 3.50. (1.20. 8.511.
Rush Hour31i2.\1 1.111. 3.411. (1.10. 3.411.
Shrek theThird11'1 7.211.
The Simpsons Movie 11’( ‘11 1.50. 4.10. 5.50. 3.111.
Surf’s Up11’(‘.1 2.511. 5.10. 7.30. Tiansfonners112.-\1 1.40, 4.40. x20.
FRIDAY 234— 1 HURSDAY £521
The Boume Ultimatum 1 12.-\1 11.111}: 1.30. 2.30. 3.00. 4.30. (1,00. 7.30. S30. 0.00.
.-\1\11 Sui 1\ Sun: 11.00.1111. 1101111. .-\l\11 luic l5r1 tk Sui: 10.30. Bratz: The Movie 1i’(11
Dull}: 2.10. 4.25. (1.50.
Also Sui & Sun: 1 1.40um.
Die Hard 4.0 1 151
Dull): 0.20.
Evan Almighty 11’( 11
liuil}. 110. 540, S10,
.»\l\11 Sui 1k S1111: 10.20.1111. 12 40. Alw lulu 1'11 1\ Sui: 11.00. Hairspray 11’( 11
Hull}: 1.20. (130.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 12:\1
l)uIl_\: 1.25. 4.55. 7.40.
,v\1\11 Sui 1\' Sun: 10.20.1111. The Illusionist (Senior Screening) 11’( 11 \Vt‘il‘ 11.10.1111.
Knocked Up ( I51
Hull}: 2.00. 500, S00.
.»\|\11 Sui 1k Sun: 1 1.1011111. :\l\(11uicl:ri1& Sui: 1050 License to Wed 1 12.\1
11.111}; 4.111. 11.10.
No Reservations (1’( 11
Wed 1k 11111: 8.20.
Overthe Hedge (11
Hull): 10.00um.
Rush Hour 3 1 12..\1
l)uil}: 1.10. 5.40. (1.10. (S 40. x\l\(11;ilt‘ l'i'i 1\' Suit 11.110. Shrek theThird (1’1
Sui 1& Sun: 11.20um.
The Simpsons Movie 11’( 11 Hull}: 1.50. 4.00. (1.20. S50. .-\l\11 Sui & Sun: 11.101111]. Surf’s Up (l’(i1
Hull}: 2.50. 5.10.
:\l\() Sui 1k Sun: 10.10um. 12.20. x\l\(1 M11111k 'l‘uc: 7.30. Tiansfonners 1 12m
1)uil_\: 1.40. 4.40. S20.
Vue Edinburgh Omni
()mm. (ii'ccnxidc l’luu'. 11110 1111c 0137 1 2 240 240. :\111111\: U150 (L545 .\l11n l'Tl 111'1'1111- 5pm1. Sillilclilx/():\l’i £4.50 (£4.15 .\l11n 1"r1 belon- 5pm1. ('lnlilrcn: £4.251t4.10.\l(1n 1’1‘1 11c111i'c5pm1. l‘umil} iickci: {17112104051011 1"“ lwlnrc5(11111.(i11|1l(‘lu\\11cl.c1\former 18x 0111}: {8.0511705 .\l11n l~11hc10rc 5pm1.
Atonement1151 3.00.
The Boume Ultimatum 1 12.-\1 2.111. 3.20. 5.011. (1.011. 3.00. (100.
The Bourne Ultimatum (Gold Class) 112.-\1 2.10. 5.00. 3.00.
Bratz: The Movie 11’(i1 3.00. EaglevsSharquold Class)1151 1.50. 4.10. (1.20. 3.40.
Evan Almighty1i’(;1 3.10. 5.30. 7.50. Hairspray1P(;1 5.20. 11.10.
Harry Potter and the Orderofthe Phoenl)K112.-\1 1.40. 4.40. 7.40.
Rush Hour3112.\1 1.45. 400 (1 111. 3.211
The Simpsons Movie11’(;1 3 111 5 511. ‘115.
Surf’s Up11’(;1 2.10 .115. 700
Ti'ansformers112.»\1 2 30. x50 Waitress (Gold Class)112.1\1 2.20. 4 50.
11111)/\Y 1’11 1111111131JAY 7111
The Bourne Ultimatum 1 12.1\1 1111111. 2.00. 3.00 5 0(1_ (1.00. x 00, 0.110.
.»\l\11 Sui Mon 11 20.1111111111S11111. I2 20 .'\|\111uicl'r11k Sul 1050 Bratz: The Movie (l’(i1
l)ui|_\: 1.10. (100.
.»\l\11Sul .\l(111i 12.411.
Die Hard 4.01151
1.;111' l'l'l 1k Sui: 11.20
Eagle vs Shani (Gold Class) 1 151 Hull): 2.25.
Evan Almighty 11’( 11
Hull}: 1.20. 150. 020
:\1x11 Sui Mun: 11.05um Hairspray1i’(;1
Hull}: 3.40.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenlx1l2.-\1
Hull}: 1.40. 4.50. 3.20. Knocked Up (151
Hull}: 2.30. 5.30. 330. :\1\11Sui M1111: 11 illuin. :\1\11luic 1n 1% Suli 1150 Knocked Up (Gold Class) ( 151 Hull}: 5.10. 8.30.
Ho Reservations (1’(11
Wul 1’1; 11111: 5.40. >115.
Rush Hour 3 1121\1
0.111): 2.20. 4.40. 7.00. 11.15. Seraphlm Falls (Gold Class) ( 151 Hull}: 2.35. 5.05. X05.
Shrek the Third (1'1
Sui Mon: (101111.
The Simpsons Movie (1’( i1 l)uil}: 1.10. 4.00. (11011101111111. 8.50.
:‘xleui Mon: 11 10:00 ,-\l\(1luic l"r1& Sui: ll 10 Sugarhouse (Gold Class) 1i-.1 Dull}: 4.30. (1.50. 9.10.
Surf’s Up (1’01
1);:11}: 2.50 ((1111 Sum
AlsoSul M1111: 12.50.
Surf’s Up (Subtitled) 11301
Sun: 250.
Transformers 1 12.911
Dull}: 5.10 mm 'luc1. >110. Transformers (Subtitled) 1 12A1 'i‘uc: 5.10.
Waitress (Gold Class)(12A1 Dull}: 2.45.
2': A x; a 9:1, 291.? rue L131 35