111111/111111 11/ lI11l. liar/1111' l1! «11.11111. il11/. H11I/111/ $111111 III ( [mm 1 I: l<ptn1 .1111l /. 1/1/111/1I11' /'/11\!11 /I11111'11/1/1 Ili‘illl l'111l11l\\£till1illill‘lllll [11111111111111 ( 111/1 :11 11/ 11!, I'.1/III/Hll:f/l Warhol in Film: Day 2411 1 1\.111on\1 \\.'11l1ol\ [111/1111 1l11.11n1. .1 \1l1-nl cn'hl hotn [1.11‘.111111\1'\\ \otlt. ‘klt'L‘ll\1l[lp(i\llL‘ R1ii|1ll1l \.tllit'lll.\ llfli'i 1'\pl11\1111111lc11l1|lll and \11111111. / 1/1/111/111: /'/11\!11 /111 11111/1/1 1lll “1.11111. llic ‘1 |\'\\ x 111 “H cclcli ltlcntl\ 111 \11/11 I 11111 //11 [1/1 11111//1In1'x 11/ 1111/1 ll111/I11/ 1 I 1 5.11111 .1111l llic 111ml lilnnc t'llllllivc' oi thc .1111\t l1c11111- hc1l11'1l 111,1111/1 “111/111/ 1/111/1 111(l111111 1lptni l’att 111 \\.11h11l Iii l‘illii [11/11/11113/1 ( 1!//1'.f1 (I! .l/l, l1/llllilllg’ll Warhol in Film: Day 2511 1 1\.1111111\1ln\11ccn I .111- \\.11hol\ /111.'1111 11I11/ /1lI11' [1’121111111'1/ \11/11Hillaln1. 1/11 ll111/111/1 l3 511111111 .1111l [1/1111 /11/1 12 111111111 \tccn 3 \xtll l11' \llli\\lll_L’ lll1l‘1 ll11I/111/ .1 [)111I1II11'I11111'1 [1/111 1 lilatn 1. lollouctl l1} .lonax Nickax' that} liliih .l1111I'1/I’I1'\1'I1!11II1111111.1111/1 ll11I/111/ 11111111. \xhtch \hou\ .\lcl11a\;.'1\1n;: \\.11h11| 1hcl1/111('11/11111 Intlcpcntlcnl l'ilili .-\\\.111l. .1111l I'II1'Ii1/\/lI/H 111111 [11111111 IIUIH 11211111111 Part 111 \Vathol 1n l'illii [2111/1/111111/1 ("11/l1'131' 11/.1lII. l.1/lll/’lll‘."/l Warhol in Film: Day 26 11:1 t\’.111ou\1.\'c1ccn | \hou \ \\at‘hol\ 8/11/1 1! l.11111.1111l I'.11111i l‘pmi \lcanulnlc 1n \tit‘t'li .3)1111\‘illlt'itlcli.\11/'1I\I1II [/11 [1/1 11111/ [111111 11/ .-lI11/\ ll111/111/1Illillanli. .11111/\ ll111'l111/ \I111/1'1I11‘l1/11111l.‘ 14111111 and [.1/1/1'1/1IIL’ l’l111/11 /I11'llI11/’/1 1lpmi_ Part 111 \Vathol 1n l'lllli [11/111/111111/1(bl/1111' 11/ .iII. [11/1/1/II1Ig/1 Warhol in Film: Day 2711-.1 1\'ar1ou\1 lhc mop toppctl at‘ttxt oi lllgtllllldcllllctl c1111l \llu\\\11ll /11\/1II .ll1'111l'1 .111 1 ll). Miami. llic \cnxual l/1lll'1 111 1 l2. illpmi. ilic lll‘\llltll\l 1locumcnlar} I/I1' [1/1- 11111111111111 ( "1111111 13pm) and IX couplcx locking: hp\ 111 A111 1 Villptni. Sct‘ccn I \\lll\ll1)\\ .l/1111/111 111111111111111111111111111 ll11I‘l111/ .1 H111 1111111111111 I'll/Ii 1 l l.35atnian1l [/11' 11111-1111/.\'.11111n1.1111111 Part 111 \Vat'hol 1n l'lllll. /'.1/IIl/illlg'/I ( '11/l1'u1' 111.111. [21/111/111I'u/1. Warhol in Film: Day 2811.1 1\'.11‘111u\1 Sct'ccn l \l111\\\ [:1111l1);11ni.1n1l.\'/1'1/1 1llami. \\lillt‘ \ctccn 2 \ho\\\ I. 1/1/111/1113 I’l111111 lllt'l 1111/1/1' 1 lll.,“(l.liiii. 811/11 111111" [/11 [111111111 I11I11'1 11/;1111l\ ll11I‘l111l1 ll l5alni and lhc linal lilmtc glnnpxc 111' thc at'ttxt hclolc hc 1hc1l tn .-lIt1l\ ll'11rl111l .ll111l1' 111 ('11111111ll11n). l’art ol Warhol m l'thn [Li/Ill/llll'tj/l (bl/1111 11/.1lr1. [1'11111/1111'111'1. Warhol in Film: Day 2911-.11\'111-11111\1 'I‘otla} \ci’ccli I \11ll lw gtx 1-11 o\c1'1o [2111/1111 1 Illaml. “htlc 3’11/11'1'11111‘: I111 [.111 111111 [11111 1111.111111 11111111111I11..111111111..-111111 1111111111 .ll111/1 111 (7111111 1l2.l5pmi and I 1/1/111/111u l’/11\111 [1111-1111/111‘ 1 lpmi appcar on \t'l‘t‘t‘ll I. Part 111 \Vat'hol 1n l‘tlm, I;1l1I1/111I‘_u/1 ('111/1'141' 111.111. lii/lli/llllt'li Warhol in Film: Day 30 11111 1Var11111x1 'l‘o1la} Ill \ct‘ccn l }1111 can catch I11\/11r .ll1'111l'yiu1lllaillaml.lhcxclhual[/1111'1111 1 l2._‘~11pmi. lltc ahxut‘thxl tlocumcntar} [111' [111' 111.11111111111 (1111111 13111111 and ii coupltw locking hpx 1n K111 13311111111. Scrccn 2 mil \ho\\ :1/1111/111 111111111111 1 Illami. .-lI11l\ “111/111! .vl I’Ut'llliicllliifl him 1 | I :5111111 and H11 ll11I‘l111/ \111111I1 14111111, l’ai'l ol\\'.1t‘ho| In l‘tlnl [21111111111141 ("111/1'1'1'11/1-11'1. [11/111/1I1Igh Warhol in Film: Day 31 11:1 1\'.11*111u\1 \Vat‘hol\ cplc [2111/1111 1 Mann lakcx \cl‘ccn l 1111' thc 1l.1_\. \xhtlc xct'ccn 3 ol'lcrx I; 11111111111: [7111111 [1111111111111111311111111.Mun-111111: /‘/11' 1111' 111111 [111111 111 .‘lll1/\ ll11I‘/111/1l|.|5;1m1 anti-111111 11111111111 Vll111/1' 111 (7111111 1 lme, Part 111' \Varhol iii l-tlm. [-11111111111-1‘1/1 (111/1141 11! .1111. [21/111/1111‘1‘111 Warhol in Film: Day 32 11-11 1\'ar1ou~1 in \crccn | 1111‘ \Varhol\ 1111:1111 111111111111 R1'c111111'1/1 $1111 ()1 1 l lam1 \uth thc ca\ c couplc rclocatcd to thc cit). .UH 11111-11111 1 l251ipmi. a portrait of lll\ mothcr. and “Inn ./1I/’1_‘..:lll‘llil. gl \ilt‘iil \ l\11\li til out man'\ picasurc at the mouth of an otlkxct'ccn l1“ Ci‘. ‘l‘hct'c'x tll\o anothcr chancc to WT 1-111111/111 ll'11r/111/11 1 lllami. Sidilhld“ .\lucha\ 211111 clocuntcntar} about thc :1ni\l\ roots. Ric Burnx' 2111111 t'1lm.-1111I\ 1111111111 :1 [)111‘111111'111111'1 [71/111 1 l 1135;11111 and 'I‘lt1' 11111-11111 .\'11111111 1-ipmi. Part oi~

\\.1tl111l1nl1ln1 [1111;11:11. 1: 1. .1.1 1" [HUM/1:11:11

Warhol in Film: Day 3311 1\.1:;.1111 \clk’t'll l \1111‘.\\ \\.11h1-l \ \.'11;11llan1111n11 [1171-1 l‘pnn \lcanuhtlctn1111'1'11211111 \1lllx1llkll \51l'1111f111 I131 [1'1 1.1:1.‘ [111.1 1 11:11. ll1.11'.1111'1l1l “1.11111. 11:11: ll1.11':11. “111/1 11' ( 1:11;“ 1|: l‘t‘nw anti I 1V,” 1' [‘1'11‘11'11 /I:1 111111251 1lptnl l’.11111l\\atl111l 111 ltltn [1111111111.]?! ( 111'1'1 g1 11' \I.' /.::I:".11_1. Warhol in Film: Day 3411 11\.1:1.111\1 l111l.1_\ 1n utccn l :~|‘Ut1lll \cc /..-1.'111 l/111'1/\ l\\1lll “1.111111//1.1I1;1:1l: “11‘1111 [111 [1’1 111I1111I:1.'1;(1113111131‘1111an1l l; tottplcx Inc 11111:; htk 111 A111 1 “1111111 \lk’Jll'J-llllt' \ciccli 3 \l111ux 115111 linwm.

\ /)11111n111:1111. /11'1111l".11111. 11-ll11'.\1'1l l1} .lotlm \1L'k11\.lll1ll'\ llliil\ 111.111.1‘ /’I1\1111'111'111111'11 lrr1f\ “111111111{111111111111 [11111111/11/11111111/111111111'111m11311111111 l’.tll1il\\1tillllllllllllll [1/1I1/1.1I;_'I': 1 .'1 111 ill. [1/111/1111g/I

Wheel of Time 111 0.. llc'I/111g.(it'1111.111}. 31111115lnnn l)oct11ncntat} .1l1out.1 ll111l1llilxl 11111.11 11111111111111}: [\caccalhl111lct.1ncc hc|1l l1} llic |)al.11 l.atna In 311“: lhc Ithn 1111 lllllt’\ illlt'l\lt'\\\ \\Illl thc Nah: I .1111.1 11\ \\ 1-” as i'llll;1l\ c.1pttn‘c1l on lthn 1111 llic l'nxt tnnc. continuing: lch/og'x lumanhny lhcntcx ot 1llkllltill\ |1illl'liL'}\ .1111l hcauttlnl pcstntm


[1.111 oi “cl/o}: \c.1\on I1/III/1111111. l'.1/1II/111I1;/1

The Wicker Man 1 151 0.... 1Rol1111lla|1l_\.l'l\'. l0“ l1 l11l\\.111l \\'oo1l\1attl. litttt l'.l\l.llltl. [)111111' ( alt-11111. lnyml l’Ill.(‘hI|\t11phc1 l cc llilnnn \ tic-\oull} cchhatcpohccman1\\ootl\\.111l1 iii‘l'l\1'\ at a tcmotc Scotttxh l\l.llltl to tincxtigalc a \choolynl lll\1lpllk'1ll.lllkt' .1111l hccolncx1n\ol\c1l 111 local pagan i'llll.ll\ ,\ llammct cla\\1c. \\llll \11Ilicc\111‘lltcl} \cal} and cloltc Inolncnlx Part 111 Stitntncl Hl lii'lll\li l‘lllll 1\1’/1‘1[1'1/l'1'/1’1l\1.

The Wild Blue Yonder1l-.1 .0. 1\\'c1'nc1' “ct/113:. l'K/l'S/l-tanchicrman).3111151litad l)otn'11. l)onal1l \thhamx. l'.llt'll liakct. l't‘anklm('l1ang_' |)1a/ Xlnnn .1\n.1hcn 1|)outil‘1 \L'1‘\L‘\ ax on \ct’ccn lial'ialol' ol illl\ \c1 11 lantax}. [1111\11l1ng an cmluttctctl and 1111111 1mm} account ol lnx \pcclcx' yournc) 111 l'.;li'lli. \xhct‘c lhcn' grand plan\ 1111‘ cxtahltxlnng a 111-“ cu lll\;tlltili ha\ c 11111111lc1'c1l. llcr/og makcx \lll\\l.llill.ll ll\t' oi lountl 11111tagc. lllll\ll’;tllll:_' lil\ Ii;ii‘1'.tll\L‘ \\1lli rcct1111c\tuah\c1latchnc matct'tal, Part of “ct/of: \caxon. Il/Ill/IHHH'. [21/111/111I‘q/11

Wild Hogs 1 12.11. 1\\'11lt licclxct'. 1‘3. 31)1171'l11n.\|lcn. .lohn 'l‘t‘a\o|la. \iat‘tm l..’1\\1'cncc. \thham ll Mac}. ‘Nmtn. l‘tilli nntl1llc agctl tncn 1.1\|lcn_ 'l't'axolla. l,a\\1'cncc. .\lac_\1 indulgc a lllltl lilc c‘i'l\i\ h} taking thcn 'hogx' 11notorc) clc~1 on a 11111 to lhc l’actl'tc coaxt onl) to hccomc cntan;_'|c1l

\\ ith a Incan 11111-115111; 11] a comic adwniurc \\ 11h not .1 1c“ \liiill.li'lllL‘\ 1o ('11\ .\'/11k1 I'\. (111111111111. (11111141111.

The Wizard of Oz 11 '1 0.000 1\'1clor l’lcnnng. l'S. 1‘1‘1‘11.l111l} (i.ul.1n1l. l-t‘ank \iot‘gan. Ra} liolgct. licrt lain. Jack llalc}. \lat'gat'cl llannlton. 'l‘oto 1112mm. .\ll\cl;tl‘lc l)11111th} l'lill\ .'1\\a_\ li'Ulii homc hut 1x \111111\\lil\l\c1lliplnloa magical lantl “llL'lL' hct .11l\cnttnc\ lcach hct that happmcxx 1x to hc 111111111 111 th oun hack '\;111l.('|.1\\1c\tt111 1111lcc1l. 11M chocklttl 111 gt‘cal \ongx. charactctnation and tnctnm‘ahl} gathh ticxtgn I’cthapx marginall} lcsx cn|o_\ahlc lot thc cut'mntlgconl} clcmcnt 1111illll:_‘ lot lhc \\‘Ic‘kc1l\\11choi'ihc\\c\1 though ll/lil/IUHH. [11/11/11113/1

Year of the Dog 11:111.. A1111-

Whtlc. l8. 31111"1.\lo|l_\ \l1.111111111.l atna l)c1'n. lx’cgma King. ‘me Scc 1c\1c\\. pagc 33. (11'111'1111'1‘1/11111 1mm III .\'/ 111';

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Glasgow _

l<11\.1nchtch.1il \ltccl.'ll il 1‘: -1"1N| lil'llkll]t'\ ill lg: “Ml” l’ll\L.\ \1ll\

Camcorder Cuerillas: Mayan Voices 1 1


Cinevvorld Parkhead

lliclHlch,l’.1ll\l11'.11l.1l\"l 211113111111 \1l11h‘5 "H1Ul1c1otc *ptn \lon lhn ('hll1l L«11L‘"11.\lon lhn1 \ttnlcnt L-i 111511.\111n 111111 11.\1’l 111111 1-1 l';11llll_\ llclxk‘l Llli \ll llc kt'h l‘t'llllk' [1111111 Ll; all


The Boume Ultimatum 1 1: \1 111 111.1111,

111). 1.15 11211. x“

BratzzThe Movie11’ti1 11 «1.1111. 1411. 11.111, 11511

Evan Almighty 11’111 111111.1111. ~11111. hi5.

Hairsprayn’tn 1115111111. 1311. 111111.

11,111 11111.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix113.\1 1111,5111. License to Wed 1 HM 5.311, Rush Hour 31 13,1\1 1111111111. 1.111. 1111111, 5,111

The Simpsons Movie 11’111 I 1111111111. 3111 .1111. 11,111. Nil),

Surf’s Up 1l’(i1 | 1511;1111. l 111. l ‘11. .1511,

hanslonners1ll.\1 111111.


1 HID/W 1‘11 11111151111131; The Boume Ultimatum 1 12.1\1 l)aI|_\. I11.-11);1m. I ll). 111*. (11211. 3.55.

Bratz: The Movie 11’( 11

Hall}: 1|.511am. 3.211. 11.111. (1.511. 0.11). Evan Almighty 1111 11

Hall): (1, l1). Hairspray 1 1’( ;1 Hail}: 11151111111. 1not \Vctl 1k 'l'hu1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 mm

l)aIl_\: 3.311.

Knocked Up 1 151

111111}: 131111. V1111. 5,511. x 511 Meet the Robinsons 111

Sat: 111111111111.

Mr Bean’s Holiday 11’( 11

Sat: lllllllanl.

No Reservations 11’111 \\t‘1l1\llilli ‘Hlll,

Open Season 11:1 11

Sat' lllllllam.

Rush Hour 3 HM

Hail}. l l.l11.1m_ l 311. 1 511. .\ 311

The Simpsons Movie 11’111 11.111}; 13111. 3.111. -1 311. 11.111 5.111. Spider-Man 3 1 t:.\1

Sat: |l.31)am.

Surf’s Up 1P1}.

l);1ll_\‘ noon1not 31111. 3.111). 4, I11

Clnevvorld Hentrevv Street

" chlrcu Stt'cct. 111111 and ('(‘ hooking: (‘1th lell 3111111 ,-\1ltlli {(1.411 ('lnl1l,’\1udcnt\ c'1iiic‘c\\11111\1 {4.411. 141111111 ttckct {1‘181111 ’l'hu: 1.1511111, liat'l} hnd tall tickclx hclotc lpm1: L4. l'nhmtlul (‘.1t'1l' till ‘1‘) pct month.

1311. 11111 11311. 111111

(1 ill).

The Boume Ultimatum 1 12.\1 111111111111. illitlam. 11.3“;1111. lZSU. 2.1111. 2.311. 3411. 51111 5,311. 11411, 5.1111. 3,311. 11411.


Bratz: The Movie 111. 1111111111. 11:11am. 111131111. 111111-111

Chaltdelndla-‘13\1 1111111111. *111

Copying Beethoven 1 1: \1 1.‘ 111. ‘11111. <1l11. \ ‘111 Eagle vs Shark 1<1 11 311.1111. 1 111.

-i1111.11111 11111 EvanAlmighty11‘1‘11 111 111.1111. l 111. 2:11.111i11v\.111

Hairsprayi’tw 1111111111, .‘11111

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix11.‘\1 111111.1111. 1"11. M1111 \_T11 TheHoaxwm 1:11 LicensetoWed11.‘\1 1.1111111111M11 Mafigo|d1|’('.. _‘ {11 \.111 Hushllour3113\1 noon .‘ ‘11. £311.11111. .\1111_11111 Sherrybaby1l<111|11 ShrelttheThird1l1 ll l1l.11n I‘ll The Simpsons Movie 111 11 11 111.1111. 11111. j|11_ €111. 1111_\.111.‘1111. \ _‘11‘ 11:11

Slil‘l'S Up1l’1i1 llllliant. l W. (1%”

Transformers 1 .‘ \1 1i11.x_‘11_\<11 Waitress11_‘\1 1111.


.l _‘11_

111111. 111_‘11_1m. | 111

(1 Hi

The Boume Ultimatum l.‘ \1

I).11|\ llllillatn. lllillatn ll Want. [35111311113111 1.111. R1111. R111 111111. 51111. 5111. 11111

\l\1ll1llk' l’111\ .\.tl l l H“. ll “l Bratz: The Movie 1 1:111

I).11l_\ lllilianr ll “1.1111, I ;11. 111111 (1.111

Eagle vs Shark 1 N in I111“ 3211 Evan Almighty 1 1’1 11 l).11l_\’ Ill 111.1111. | Hairspray 11’( 11 Hall} ll 311.1111. 3 311111111 \11111. < 311 111111 M11111. 1\ l1)

.v\l\o|.1lcl‘111\ \411 ll 3”

Hairspray (Subtitled) 11’( 11

Sun. 3311

~\loil. 5311

Harry Potter and the Order at the Phoenix 1 l:.\1

ii. iii). hill)

l)at|_\: 111.111am. 1511. *HHN Nl111not lllL‘l,

Heyy Baby112.1\1

ll! 1\ Sat. lli Halli. 1311. -i {11. “2111. “151).

51111 11111 ll.*ll.1m. .7 ‘11. 5 l1). 5‘51)

The Hoax 1 I51 |.atc in 1\ 8.11

1 lhi l‘111\ Sal ll 1111.1111. l I”. II”. 11311. S 311‘ " 311. 51111, 111111. Hi1)

Sun llili lliitiam. Ill”. 3111. i311. 5311. 11311. 11-111. 11111

Lady Chatterley 1 1M

Hall} 13 ill. -1 {H. 5-H

License to Wed 1 12.\1

liatl} (1111111111 lnc1\ lhn1. 3 511. Mein Eilt Din Laut Kay Aagonga 1 13m H.111} 1311. .1511 .\ :11

No Reservations 11'111 \Vc1l1\ 'I hit. H I”.

Rush Hour 3 1 13.1\1

l)atl\ ll.1111.1m. 1311 H11. 3 .151 11.2111

.1\l\11l;tlcl'i'11\ 51.11 i I Hi Seraphim FaIIS1 IS.

hail} 41111. 1145. 11,111 ShrelttheThlrd11'1

Hail}: ll.lliatn.

The Simpsons Movie 11:01 l).11l.\1 ll Want. l1I11_ 1.115. H11. 1& 31111111111 'l111-1. .-\l\11l'i‘1 1K Sal: Sugarhouse 1 1:1 Dali}: 4.111). (1.15. 8.411.




.1\l\11l;11c‘l"r11k; Sal: llllll.

Surf’s Up 11’111

Hall}. ll lliam. l4”. 4.1111. Tianstonners 1 12m

Hail}: Hilliam. l ‘11. 4,511. 3.211 .-\l\olatcl'r11&; Sat: H1411 Waitress 1 12m

Latc in 1& Sat: Iii-11),

The Wicker Man 1 151 Tue: 5.31). 7.41). 9.411.

2'; 31,11, 7 THE LIST 31