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Feast Kimho lp, artistic director of IMAP (Intercultural Music and Arts Project), has put together an event

combining cooking, film and live music which will culminate in a performance at street food market The Eating Place just off Edinburgh's Princes Street. To accompany a film celebrating the preparation and cooking of dim sum (Chinese for ‘touch the heart’) Kimho is collaborating on a live soundtrack with up-and- coming experimental musicians. Visit www.feast.surfacepressure.net for more information.

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:tqmu fawn: 4.: “Imuflmnu ‘,.r‘_ Ir vm‘. :1) «3w» inn-w“ 4.: “Evan‘s-Iv; .munnmmflv‘ d, '1‘ W III“ p .- H. m.






(/1 i- ’5 3-3:, 27,? THE LIST 27